001B6B84 July 30th, 1926 PERSONALS F Miss M. MahafFy, at one time a teacher in the High School, visited here recently as the guest 4'4 of Mrs. Cornish. a ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Evans and family of 25th Street and Lawson Ave., Dundarave, have left to spend two weeks'acation at Boundary Bay. a Mr. Wm. Smith of 28th and'arine Drive, Altamont, has sold his cottage to Mr. Fred Wilson of WhyteclifF. Mr. Smith will ~ move to the city for the winter, but intends to locate in West sta Vancouver again in the early [ spring. I s Mr. and Mrs. Millard, Dundar- ave, had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Tabb and Mr. Howard of ~ Sydney, Australia.aMiss Mouveau of 23rd and Heywood, who spent the past ten days holidaying at Bowen Island, has returned home. o Mrs. J. N. Leggatt, 25th Street , has returned from a month's stay in Idaho. Mr. Eric Davis of Swift Cur- I l rent, is visiting Mr.- Fred Tite for a few days. Ed Black returned last Sunday from'a fishing trip at Porpoise lh~d- I Bay, near Sechelt, and reports' 't the fishing good. Mrs. Black and family are enjoying their visit at Selma Park and will not be back until the end of August. Miss Ronald and Miss McWal- .I ter, of Seattle, have returned . «! to their homes after visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. T. Watt. a a Mr. Bnd Mrs. A. H. Prentice of "the Hollies," 20th Street, who are spending the summer at Buccaneer Bay, were week-end visitors in West Vancouver as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Runge of West Bay. t I Mrs. Clement Holden, who has een visiting her mother, Mrs. I. C. Munkley, 15th and Argyle, for the past two months, left for Victoria last Sunday. While ~ there she will be the guest of her mother and father-in-law, Dr.'nd Mrs. D. B. Holden, "Beres- ford Place," View Royal. Everitt Davis and Mr. Karl Margeson have gone on an auto- mobile trip to Trail by way of 'eattle, Portland and Spokane. ! Mr. Margeson with his family have been spending their vaca- tion in West Vancouver. Mrs. sl . 'I Margeson and children will notw; 'lt return until the end of August. ~ p.-,- Ilr Mr. Davis expects to find a perm- fn1 anent position at Trail. s Mrs. Wm. Smith and daughter l, Eleanor, of Altamont, are leav- I f ing shortly to spend a two'onths'acation visiting rela- I l tives in Winnipeg and other cit- ies. a t Mr. and Mrs. J. Drummond, who have spent the past two weeks at Jasper, Prince Rupert 2nd other towns, have returned to take up residence at "Saltaire" Dundarave. ~ s s Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collinson«I ~ t ~ ~ ~I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~of "The Haven," Nelson Ave., undarave, have returned to heir home after spending their acation in Victoria. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Grout, Amble- side, who have been holidaying Pg in Victoria, have returned home.a E. A. Rathje has started a Taxi business in West Vancou- ver, his office being at Shield'8 Store, near the Ferry Landing. ,l His advt. will be found on an-other page. ~ s ~ The engagement is announced of Gladys Marian, eldest daugh- THE WEST VAN NEWS ter of Mr. and Mrs. R .Ford of "Hollydene," West Vancouver, to Mr. George Fraser Beattie of Romayne Road, Lynn Valley. The wedding will take place the latter part of August. Miss Dorothy McKay of Eighth Avenue West, spent a short vacation at Cypress Park recently as the guest of Miss Ruth Jones. ot ~ Permission has been granted the I. O. D. E. to tag on the Ferries tomorrow, Saturday, in aid of the Tubercular Veterans'ssociation. Mr. Osborne has bought Mr. Macfie's house at the corner of 13th and Fulton. Mr. Blackwell made the deal. a Doctor and Mrs. Stainsby have returned from their holiday at Harrison Lake. Mr. H. E. Downey, of Gull Lake, is building a house on Ful- ton, between 21st and 22nd. Mr. Charles Dodds, 258 17th Ave., West, Vancouver, on Sun- day last caught off Hollyburn Pier, a salmon weighing 21 lbs. 6 oz. This is the biggest salmon caught this year in West Van- couver. s o s Mr. Sager has taken the store next to Stratton's Bakery and is opening a watchmaking business there. Mrs. Tarrant of Vancouver, has rented the Hopkins cottage on 24th and Bellevue. o Mr. Boyd and Mr. H. P. Armi- tage, are each building a house on the John Alexander property at 25th and Waterfront, which they recently purchased. a A Suprise Party called on Mrs. M. Johnstone, 14th and Bellevue, last Monday evening, the 19th inst, on the occasion of her son Norman's birthday. A most en- joyable evening was spent in music and dancing by all. Mrs. T. Johnstone and Mrs. K. Camp- bell poured tea and was assisted by Mrs. Barry and Mrs. F. King. Norman was the recipient of some very useful gifts. Successful Cruise in Aid of Play- ground Fund Under the auspices of the Ambleside Childrens Playground and Parks Committee, a cruise on board the M. S. No. 6 on Thursday evening, 22nd inst., was well patronised by residents .and visitors, 152 taking advant- age of the facilities to view the north-west coast line of the mun- icipality. Many of those present, al- though resident for 8 consider- able time, were making a first close acquaintance with the rug- ged beauty and massed effects of rock and fir around Point At- kinson. The large red roofed pavilion at Rock Cliff stands out well surrounded by green second growth. Garrow Bay was noted then'aptain Smith by special request, sailed into Horseshoe Bay. Quite a stir was caused by the presence of such a large craft. amongst the peaceful and untir- ing trollers, with a final toot, the course was again north west i passing what was once a well- known land mark, the Old Quar- tz, now but a faint blurr on the landscape. Clays Landing at the furthermost boundary of the municipality could just be dis- tinguished through the haze. Skirting the shore line to almost Decks Landing, then swinging round in a wide circle a return was made by way of the West side of Boyer Island to English Bay, arriving home at 10.55, when Manager Edwards put in some good work with an extra bus. If there was anything to mar the enjoyment of the cruise it was the absence of the moon (for which no one could be held re- sponsible). The committee beg to thank Miss F. Hertdn for her untiring services at the piano and Mr. F. Tite with his violin. They furnished a hearty lead with the community singing, which was much enjoyed and not less spirited, the national anthem on running alongside the wharf. The funds for the playgrounds will be considerably augmented and immediately on completion of the grading work, still in the hands of the local contractors, a start will be made with the er- Visitors from Scotland Last week, Mrs. T. Purcell- Hardman was renewing old friendships when the Mjsses MIICKfrdy of Glasgow, came on a visit. They thought the North Shore one beauty spot and en- joyed the motor trips to places of interest. They are taking a circular tour from New York to San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Banff, Win- nipeg, etc. Miss MacKirdy is principal of the Glasgow and West of Scotland College of Do- mestic Science. While on her trip she has visit- ed training schools for teachers in New York, Boston, Philadel- phia, San Francisco, Portland and our Dept. of Education at Victoria. She will also visit the Training Colleges in Winnipeg and Guelph, also at Toronto. Mrs. Purcell-Hardman was a former student under Miss Mac- Kirdy, graduating from that Col- lege the same year as Miss Mac- Kirdy's sister, Miss Janet, who is now one of the mistresses in the Housewifery Dept. of the college. P A CIF IC STAGES VANCOUVER - NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER - WHVTECLIFF tvastbaaad Zliatballtld Lv. 7.00 s.m. Vancouver Ar.8.05 V.25 North Vancouver V.40 V.36 Amblcsidc 7.30 7.37 Hollyburn 7.28 VA3 Dundsravs 7.22 7.46 West Bsy 7.20 V.47 Sherman 7.18 7.49 Cypress Park 7.16 V.50 Csulfcsd 7.16 Ar. 8.05 WhytccIHI Lv. 7.00 s.m. Coaches leave Vancouver sod Whytc- cHII thence every hour snd a half un- tU midnight (twelvo trips s dsy) passing intermediate points on both routes at intervals of an hour sod a half computed from above table. Thus 4th westbound Auto Coaches leaves Vancouver 11.30 s.m., passing Cypress Pork at 12.19 p.m. Phone Scy. 4000 H.C. MOTOR lR3eespo~yy'eymour ond Ounsmult We Will BUILD YOU A HOUSE to your own design YOU MAY PAY FOR IT BY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. BLACKWELL & OSBORNE REAL ESTATE aad FIRE INSURANCE Marine Drive at Ambleside Phone: West 643 ection of sports equipments. Plans and specifications have been obtained from the larger playgrounds centres in the City and tenders for fabrication and erection will be called for locally The balance to the credit of the committee is as follows: Balance on hand when last published ............ $212.17 Profit from cruise to North Arm ............... 62.25 Profit from cruise to Howe Sound ................ 36.75 Sumlry donations .......... 4.00 Bal. on hand at Royal Bank ........................ $315.17 A. CHISHOLM BAI&ER CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood's Window Old Country Almond Fingers 8t Macaroons 30C Dozen People Tell Their Friends It's far better than snythtng we can ssy about ourselves to have people call snd ssy,--they'e been recom-- mended by s frisoth And lots of them ssy, "we do like having our work done on the North Shore." We are in real earnest snd will spare no pains to please everybody. The greatest care is taken with every parcel sn- trusted to us. Rmg up for psrttculsrs of our vsn- oos Laundry "Services." You'e sure to like dealing with the aBurrsrtLa The Burrard Laundry Par People itoia Are Particular THIRD SIREEI aad ST DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North l3IO S. fi. Nhtififff)jtfff W. DENNISTON Phone West 49L CARPENTER AND BUILDER Repairs sod Altcrstfoos tVIoaow Frames Made to Order. ti REENWO(i 3 S GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 63c Shelled Wafnuts, halves per lb........ Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs ..... 3125 Empress Orange Marma- lade, 4 lb. cans........ 490 Kerr Jelly Glasses, Squat." per doz..... 60c Dishco Sliced Pineapple Per can ....,... 15c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag .. ----.- 55c SPECIAL Home-Made Pork Pica 5 Cents Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily iVe close at I o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER OH SHUCKS! You can't beat "Shields'" stufF. The best of every- thing and smiling service. Right at the Ferry Landing Free Concerts C. R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Autom obile Club Members You have an Olzcisl Garage sod Towfog Service in this District,. West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Free Towing to Mcmbcrs. D. D. ROBERTSON 14th St,. Back of Holiyburo Hall Cakiaat Naker aatf Upkalatarar Futoitors made to order. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Geo. Gourlay Est. 1911. Phone West 2 SHERMAN STORE and Post Office bisrfoc Drive, between West Bsy sod Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything yoo need for Camp or Bouse Gss IR Oil Station. We Deliver Marina Drlva, (batwasn 21 sod 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 E. PAL MER Stoncmason& Bncklayer Fireplaces a Specialty Cspiisoo P.O. Ph. NorthsilR, BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER THE New Essex Coach hss arrived aml is now on display nt our shotvroom. The several New Features on this model make it the most attractive car ever offered the automobile buying public. Call and see it, or Phone North 1870 aud tve will gladly give you a demonstration. @III'I'al cl Motol'ell Co. 111 First Street East North Vancouver KSSItiXI-IU DSOÃ