001B6B84 Lorry Wrecked at Altamout THE WEST VAVi NEWS Qr. 3I. 1-:. Kuipfrl Physician and Surgeon EI.ECTRICAL and Viol.ET RAY TREAThl Ei(TS Ambleside Block. Cor. 14th and h[arine Oflice Phone West 166 Residence Phone West 88R Delicious Home-Made Candy Dnndarave Candy Shop Marine Orlvc. just Wczt of 25ih Announcement t H. P. Christie, formerly of G[acgoiv, Scoiianii, wishes to announce the opening of The Glasgow Bakery 2444 Mariue Drive Dundarave Nczi io Tcoughuro a Bzrrovz We hope to share in the patronage of the district. BREAD, TEA BREAD and CAKES. the same as in other provinces, except there will probably be no provincial lists available for use as a basis for the work of the registrars. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clay and small daughter, Miss Phyllis Clay of Vancouver, have taken a cottage at West Vancouver for the summer months. Miss F. McLeary, 12th and Waterfront, and her sister, Miss N. MCLeary of New York, are on a week's visit to Seattle. Voters'ist to Be Revised Law Requires Complete Revision In answer to an enquiry as to the voters'ists which will be used fnr the general election, the chief electoral oificer states: "The procedure for prepara- tion of lists will be exactly the same as that followed at the general election last year. The Dominion Elections Act dnes nnt provide for the use of former Dominion lists except at by- elections, ivhen these are held within two years after a prior Dominion election in the same electnral district. Takes Three Months "Indeed, no other rule could be adopted. since to prepare the necessary copies of all lists, which would be required at a general election would take nearly three months. This di[fi- culty ivas referred to in my re- port to the House of Commons last January." It is understood the procedure in aH provinces except Prince Edivard Island. Saskatchewan and ihfanitoba ivin be that pro- vincial lists will be employed as a basis for preparation of those to be used at the Dominion elec- tion. In rural polling divisions, names being struck out and added by rural registrars as cir- cumstances require. City Voters Register In urban polling divisions all names on provincial lists will be transferred to the Dominion lists, and in addition the urban registrars will add the names of those voters Wbo apply person- ally for registration or on whose behalf application is made by a relative or employer when the voter is ill or away from home. Preliminary lists thus pre- pared by urban registrars will be corrected by revising officers, who will be either local judges or substitute revising oificers they nominate. In Prince Ed- ward Island, Saskatchewan and hIanitoba the procedure will be On Tuesday, a lorry of the Rapid Transfer Company man- ned by a driver and two men was wrecked at the corner of 27th and ih[arine. The Inrry, which vras conveying Reeve Mor- gan's piano from Colonel Sav- ory 8 bouse on Ottawa Street to the Reeve's new home, got out nf control while cnming dcnzli 27th and finally turned over on its side in the ditch after cross- ing hlarine. The twn front wheels were smashed and the sides crushed. The piano also was badly damaged. iNone of the three men. nne of whom jumped o[I at ih[atbers, ivas burt. The West Van. Auto Service towed the lorry back to the city. Elks to Entertain Children at Fair Next Wednesday. 4th August, is the Children's Flag and Field day at the Vancouver Fair Ground which is sponsored by the Elks. Arrangements have been made to take the West Van- couver children by hfunicipal bus over the Second iNarrovcs bridge. All children under 15 years of age are invited to come along. The bus leaves 25th and 'Marine and 14th and Marine at 10 a. m. next Wednesday morning. A call will be made at North Van- couver in order to tag the child- ren before taking them to the fair grounds. This is an outing organized and handled by the Elks and parents can be sure that every care will be taken to make it a happy day for the youngsters. Conservative Camp The West Van. Primaries will be held at Ambleside Hall on 2nd of August. The Nomination Convention is to take place on 3rd August. A number of names are said to be coming up before the convention. Mr. George Black is prominent- ly mentioned as the candidate Ijkehr to receive the nomination. CHILDREN'S CORNERTHE EVOLUTION FOR BEGINNERS will nose around, aod if it is only a hedgehog hc Ands, hc will try to kill it. Same other animals that you know, would uot do this. Bui the dog wcz once a hunter. Sometimes, even c sheepdog, who hzz been used for pears perhaps, to herd sheep or cattle, will kill a sheep; irot because hc Iz hungry, but just because of a wizb to kill, to hunt, which is left in hiz nature. Have you ever noticed how your dog turns round ccd round before it lies down 7 This is a habit of the woif and the wild dog. They have Co tramp down the grass to make it com- foctcbic enough for a bcd, but your dog does irot need to do this, because the Rooc or the cug is smooth cnougiz Sometimes, you will hear your dog howL This is another woif-habit. A woif will cot bark; it will howl until another wolf, perhaps miles way, answers it. Sometimes the old, old habit of bowling into the night, Is remembered by your dog. comes white when the prairie is cov- ered with zuow. The rabbit is not seen zo czziip then. Plants learn to struggle and fight with others. It is just as though nature gave cii living creatures as much protection as possible, and provided them with cii sorts of weapons, znd then, herself, zct back cod watched tbc struggle. For aii things have to struggle for light or zir or Cond, for room to grow, for comfort, and for tbc young. It woold take uz a very long time io learn how plants and cnimziz aud people hove changed during the mil- lions of years that have passed in the life of ouc czrcb, how come forms of life have died cut, zod how new ones have z tarte& Lct uz couzidcr just s fcw living creatures. We will start with one we ail know. Have pou noticed that the grown- ups are always talking about cvoiu- tion, these dayzt So much zc. that z little boy asked hiz father what it meant. The father told him that cvo- iuiiou meant that mcn used to be monkeys. And cbc little boy smiled and didn't believe it, but be wcz too polite to zcy zo. Tbc dirtioimcy caid nothing about monkeys. It said that evolution meant an unfoidisg, or dcvdoping or grow- ing. Aud of coarse, cvcrytihing hzz to unfold or develop or grow, even the tiny things that Aozt in the zir, even the stars which are bigger than the earth, csd bigger than the zuu. The zzmc with children: Acct they ccc zo tiny that so one ccn zcc THEM without c microscope, bui they keep on gmrwtng until they become mcn znd women. And children are not always the same. Jozt zz the Aowcrz znd tcccz, insects sod animals on the earth to- day are dufcccut from those of thous- ~ndz of years cgo--before books were written--zo people are dHfcrcnt from what they used io be. Everything changes. In ~ fcw tbcmzcndz of years everything will be diferent cgzis per- haps. Of course, zii those changes come ziowiy zsd gradually, zo that wc hardly noiicc them. Wc do uot zcc the hoar-hand of tbc dock move, but tiicc creeps along. Wby do SH ihczc cbcnscc take piocc I Socauzc change I~ necessary. Nziucc changes plants cod animals cod Pmiptc bcczuzc conditions are ci- wzyz changing. The rabbit's fuc be- THE DOG Do you tuow that there ccc nearly two hundred diferent kinds of dogs 7 Tcy to guess why 7 The dcg wcz not always as hc iz today, ihough wo know that long, long zgo, when mcn did not wriic, but drew pictures iirztcad, there were dogs. Tbc dog, however, is a wolf that hcz been changed--c civilized wolf. Your pcc dog is quite a dnfcrcot animal from the woif who rocroz the forczi with the pact, ravenously hungry nearly a[ways, ready to do- @our mzn or beast. But your dog hcz some of the wolf in him still. Watch him when you take him fcr o walt in the country. Even though you mzy have just given him hiz dinner, hc I hope you won't be afraid of yooc dog because I zcy hc iz dczccodcd from the woif. People zcc not ofcziu of each other because they are dc- ~ccndcd from .But I shall leave that for another time. And now I wonder if you can guess why zii wolves haven't bccu chzngcrj to dogs. If you want to cczd one of the bast dog ztoricz in io the world, gci Jccb London' book called "White Pong." You wiii iit~ it very much. July Sotb, 1926, The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Ltd. (Socccccccc ic 'fho Pccnic Cocci Import a Ezsoct Co'3) Foot of Isih Siccct ai Water frmit Residencer Wczt 62R2Ornco I'hoco West 64 We carry 8 Full and Complete Line of Lumber. Agents for COALNONT COLLIERIES Large stock of Lump and Nut Coal always on band. We Want Your Business M. WILLI A MS CUSTOM TAILOR 16th and Marine, Ambleside Phone IVest 20 [formerly at 415 Granville St., City) CLEANIiNG and CITY DYEING and PRESSING PRICES REPAI RS Buy a LOT for a home; a HOIIIE means a Iot. TROUG HTON A 13A R ROW Real Estate & Insurance Phone WEST 83. HERE SINCE lczlO Dundarave NOT I C E North L West Van Stages EXTRA SERVICE--Leave North Vam 8.40 a.m., 7.40, 8.40, 10.40, 12.40 p.m., 6.40, 6.40. Leave Ccuifciid--7.10 a.m., 8.10, 0.10, IL10, 1.10 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, Leave North Vancouver 1.40 p.m. SVNDAYS--Twenty Minute Service commcncbrg from North Van- couver at 11.40 z.m. aud Cypccza Park at 12.10 p. m. Up till 8 p.m. Corner 22nd Avenue zsd Marino Drive Phone West 88 MARINE GROGERY (J. A[[icos, Prop.) GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM TOBACCO REFRESHMENT PARLOR IN CONNECTION We deliver. Phone your orders. ESTATE L. H. BEAMISH INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING PURPOSES AMSLESIDE WHARF West 17 FORTUNE CUF INN DAILY TRIPS TO IVbytecli[fe, West Van- couver and Way Points AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront West End Cartage le Transfer Co. North Shore BakeryWest 163 -- Phones -- Scy. 2023 A. J. Ilaxzicsis, Prep. Marino Orivc zi 22nd Furniture bioviog, Baggage, cic. Estimates Free Head Office: 434 Hobson SL, Vancouver, B. C. Bread, Cakes, Pastry Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE PHONE WEST 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT, ETC o 1 ~ A ~ City Prices Regular Service GET COOL AND KEEP COOL Enjoy all the comforts that Ice can give you. Your foodstuffsalways fresh, and always a nice cool drink available. R I D L E Y Phone West 456 Phone West 4 D. MORGAN, J P. REAL ESTATE acrj INSVRANCE BROKER Twcniy-rifih osd IHzcinc Dr. Ambleside Tea Rooms Perry Wbzcf WEST VANCOUVER Camp ond Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. jc I blr. «c D'fcd t is vkitlug Mr for 3 fcw 4syu k Ed Bkck fc[ufuc4 last SU'p at 8 bc[[, sud fcl Bsy ". ~ I[f3. Blscl I are eujoyjug theirthe fizhiug g psrk 384 urill hc U I kuhtilthechddAug ~ ~ c b[j33 Rouuld sud Mis M', I ',[ «,[[Ic hsvc fetU Ij to their homes after mu 'heir aunt, )[f3. J. T. Watt, , sud I[f3. A of "ihe Hollies," 20th St who are spending the summr Buccsuccf Bzy were week vizi[ofs in West Vahcouve tho guests of b[f. sud Ruuge of West Bay. ~ ~ ~ a f Mrs. Clement Holden, wh& '4CU visiting her mother, M C. Muhkley, 15th uud Afgyk ) ', the past two months, left ~ )ictofm last Sunday. R there xhe will be the guest oj mother aud father-ih-luw, I aud b[fa D. B. Holden, "BI'ord Place," View Royal. ~ ~ ~ Evefjtt Davis sud Mf. '[srgcsou have gone on an I Iilobllc trip to TfuR by wx Seattle, Portland ahd Spok Mr. Mafgesou with hjx fx I have been spending their vtiou in West Vancouver,; Msfgczou uud children wiR I [ return until the ehd of AUII [I b[C.Davisexpectstofmdup, »cut position at TCUB, ~ ~ Mfs Wm. Smith aud Elcuhof, of Ala ihg zbonjy oUt, are I moo[bc' O'ud, 3 tiffs ju Qriuh ml™g I vucutiou Umrpc«4 other Mf uud Mrx who huvo ' Dfummi I wcckz at Jq'ht the pmt sud o[h«[~L hi«o Ruj to[skcuw ~ have tu[UI a up foxjdouco 3[ rrSun ve, ltu lr[f, xud b[ "The Hx»'" Collih N +[jouinyq, q"udjhgtl olde, who ~'J Gtou .Mf.aud) Iu Tr'I ho huvo b out, Aur' nui h&ire holidayo fctu&&» Tax[ Imd~[bjc huu Ih+" I W"'"& Pago ouu4 0 0[ckd gsgcmeht [,4 fjuh, el uuhoui cu[ d,u I 00 b[shsgy';gh 8 b[imcb[ 0 t O SStheif [cschcr ~cuff vjzjicd, Cofs[sh ~ 3 . herc ~ o[ b[rs ~ Huhcft ly 0[ „dsfsv "„,ou A ';„,wc ks loft to 4 fy Bsy ~ blsfju' to bj', Smith [ Wh)'ic '[y fof I",0 I tho ci Io uirl move 43 io Irx [he 4 vof 3 bu[ [lite" gsiu iu Vsucou , zpfjllg ~ + DUU )[rs, b[iB '[Ibb'" jf gucs[hsdssu b[f Ho T bb uud,' Mfs 3AUU[fsljs.Syducy'3rd bliss Mou'out the Hsyw+ holidsyiug st j[ teu dsys " turned home blmrd hso fct stt 25th SI moi h& fc[umcd [fom 3 ih Idaho Swift