001B6B7C NI4'W SUB-DDrIgION Just put on the nrfrrfet Large Splendid View Lots Corner ESOUIMALT AND 11th STREET Price $350 to $550--Good Terms Thry crsn'f layf long! &'ll&tkr your choice rdrly! «I:3. II~r- 315 Cordova St„W„ Vancouver or 14th St > hfarine 33 est Vancouver Hollyburn Pavilion DAN('NG EV ERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 8:30 to 11.30 p.m. Nick's Olympian 7-Piece Orchestra Grand Carnioal Laffjn Social At HOLLYBURN PAVILION Seventeenth Street, West Vancouver Tues., Wed., Thur. - July 27, 28, 29 Auspices Ladies of St. Anthony's Church REFRESHSIENTS AND GOOD TIME FOR AMUSEMENTS EVERYBODY Clip this Ad. and Present It for a Free Number in Drawing for a Brownie Camera Used Car Sale 1925 Ford Touring, new paint, new tires. This car is like new . $400.00 1925 Star Sport Touring, four brand new tires, good paint, performs like a new car .. „........$750.00 Ford Coupe--a real snap..$350.00 1924 Chevrolet Roadster. This car is in splendid condition, $500 Ford Touring. .$200.00 Ford Touring.....$250.00 Ford Touring...$100.00 SEE US FIRST FOR A USED CAR. CASH OR TERMS. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, I'hone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to hfembers We are open antil 12 PAL week days and 11 P hl„sundays. Preparing the Meal is a Pleasure --And eating it, too, these warm summer days if JeiTries'ooked MEATS are used. Summer Sausageth made by ourselves; Hamburg Steak, made while you wait. Hams. Bologna, etc. ALL MEATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured hfeats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Lard. Buy Your Meats from JEFFRIES Next to Hollobtxrn Theatre PHONE IVEST 3 WE DEI.IVER ELECTRIC SHOE REPAI SHOP Will be Removing to NEW STORE. Next to Kevilrs Furniture Store, about 15th August. We will be pleased to meet all old and new customers. THE SASIE SPEEDY SERVICE-- While you wait or same day as brought in FRED TITE Foot Specialist Next to West Van. Garage, Ambleside THE IVEST VAN NEIVS July 26th, 1926 Editor, West Van News: Dear Sir,--I have been great- ly interested in the articles and letters in your paper regarding the Whytecliff road. and it is only but right that the rate- payers should have further in- formation. I am 0 property holder in Whytecliff and am greatly interested in seeing this road finished. The contract, as I understand, was let on a yard- age basis--so much for rock and so much for dirt. If this is the case, the Council naturally went on the figures as supplied by Engineer Swan. But what I would like to know is when did the Council first know that there was n shortage of money and how much of the road was fln- ished up to that date. I am told that ex-Reeve Gisby stated on the public platform that it was the intention of the Council to finish the road to Whytecliff sta- tion first, and then. if there was money left over, the mile and a fraction beyond would be done. Reeve Morgan should come for- ward and give us his reasons why this policy was not carried out. If this policy had been fol- lowed, the road to tvhytecliff would have been open for traffic by this time. I hope the Council for 1926 have not been looking after one man's interests instead of that of this municipality. The public generally are not fully aware of where this road goes and it would be interesting if you would publish a route map and at the same time it might be of special interest to mark the homes that will be served by this road after passing Whyte- cliff station. It seems a pity that the portion past the station was ever considered as the open- ing of the road to the settlement at Whytecliff Bay would have served the purpose for a number of years to come. The other day I was told something about a "moral claim" for $6,000 which the contractor has been, or is going to be, paid in connection with this road, and should Reeve Morgan come forward, let him also give us a clear explanation of why this item is being paid. Would the Council pay this claim if it was their own private business? Let someone call 0 public meeting and get the Council to attend so that we may get the information wanted at first hand. D. L. 430. Build Your Own Home Mr. J. R. Sigmore, who is well known to the people of West Vancouver, has just announced a plan for financing the building of new and modern homes which will be of much interest to residents and prospective residents of this distrcit. Mr. Sigmore has always real- ised the fact that Ivest Vancou- ver is destined to be one of the most popular districts of Greater Vancouver, and his faith in the district has been shown by his extensive interests here. This new method of helping in the construction of perman- ent homes will be of great as- sistance to many who do not find it convenient to cover the entire financing of building operations in one lump sum. If, for instance, the bungalow or house is to cost $2,000, the cost can be covered by monthly payments as low as $19. The advertisement giving fur- ther particulars will be seen on another page of this issue. hfr. Trotman has rented one of the Davenport cottages on Heywood Avenue. ~ ~ o The "smoke room" politicians are now in season. At the meeting of the Bridge Committee hehl nn Thurstlay morning, July 8, a resolution ivas passed that the britlge have a 1,400-foot span, be of the sus- pension type, and have a height of 200 feet clearance above high water. the roadway to be 40 feet vade exclusive of shlcwalks. The resolution was forwarded to the Department of Marine and Fish- eries. The committee also went on record as being opposed to any tunnel. Veterans Interview West Van Council Comrades Colin Turner and F. F. Lovegrove. on behalf of the local branch of the Canatlian Legion, interviewed the Council at their meeting on Wednesday night and requested them to have the grounds around the hIemorial Arch put in shape for the hfemorial Service on August 8th. Their request was granted. They also asked that lettering on the stone of the Memorial Arch signifying that the arch had been built by public sub- scription be undertaken by the Council, who deferred the mat- ter until next meeting. Alleged Firebug Appears in Court NORTH VANCOUVER, July 19. -- Charged with arson and with having stolen goods in his possession, Edward Baker of tvest Vancouver appeared in the District Police Court at 10 a.m. He was remanded until Friday. Baker was arrested in Mc- Minnville, Oregon, several days ago, and was brought back by Chief W. W. Hemmingway and Constable Fred Wilson on Sun- day. Mrs. David Scott of West Van- couver is visiting at Gordon Head, the guest of Miss Ozard. Mrs. Gray, North Vancouver, moved to her house in Shermans for the summer. Better Neats 11th and hiarlne I(est l (I8 WE DELIVER Morning to All I'arts, ll o'lock Afternoon, East of 25th 3 o'lock 1'lt151E STEER BEEF Boiling Beet, lb.......... fc Pot Roast, from, ih..... 10c Ovon Roast, from por ih.. 150 Shoulder Stook, ib.....111' LOCAL SPRING LA518 Shoulders, por ih..........„23c Shoulder Chops, Ih, .......,. 35c LOCAL VEAL Oven Roasts, from ............. 10c Stewing Veal, ih..„...... 134 LOCAL BOILING FoiVL LOCAL ROASTING CHtCKEN. LOCAL FRYING CHICKEN DE1.1CATESSEN Minced Ham, Ih..... 40c Pressed Corned Bccf, ib.. 40c Jcttlc&t Veal, lb.........., ... 40c Veal Loaf, ib............... 25c Wc'acro, ih....................... 25c Bologna, th..................i..... 254 Baked Ham, Boiled Ham. Ayrchirc Bacon, ih........ 35&c Beef Drippings, 3 ihc......... 25c FRESH FRUIT A&VD VEGETABLES Apricots, extra special, crate ....................31.30 Apples, 5 iha....... 25c Tomatoes, lh............„ ls&c Plums, 2 lbs. for.................. 25c Pears, dozen ......................40c Lemons, ttoccn ................ 35c NORMAND S GROCERY 14th and Marine PHONE WEST 65 You can find here a selection that will meet any demands. OUR SERVICE--COURTEOUS, PAINSTAKING, CAREFUL; No effort too great in order to meet your demands. OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH AND UP-TO-DATE. PHONE YOUR ORDER---iVE DELIVER West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMIT E D 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Feature Picture Mon. Tucs. - Wcd. 26 27 - 28 "BEHIND THE FRONT' Good Human Interest Comedy reviewing Th» Sunny Side oF the War. THUR. - FRL - SAT. 29 - 30 - 3I JACKIE COOGAN 'LO CLOTHES A merry cuccccaor to "THE RAG MAN" CORRESPONDENCE Meeting of Bridge Committee n The Whytecliff Road ~onertS r I 4 0 0 ' tlll~rtt oy Ilail 8 ',0l p micr Pbver a ife Travel PI NeW hlr. IVtoiccck, secre~ thc Society, wishes to st mcmkcts that the Sectt bccu invited to attend th onsl Scrnce to be held 0 'riel Park Sunday, 8th i A rehearsal will be held t dav next at the Hollyburr , st 8.00 p. m. for which stteudaucc of members t Bridge May Cost I17,50 If Vancouver aud Nort municipalities insist on measurements tculstivt pros cd by the special Lioi bridge comruittcc, the the structure will apprt $7,600,000 mstcad of Ss,l as planned by the cugl firmrm proposing te ctc bridge, declared Kajot kbstou, cugi 77te committee'3 0s for 0 minimum 3 e entire distance, sudway 40 feet wide, Ila'0stoa declared thatt at thee bridge with 53 cpail Of 12i a 24-feet roadway. ical clearance of 170, Choral Society to Re Tag Day for T. B, V,ti Ou 8 turda culous V t ay next the 04 iix s„t ™tcciatl 4 Ctaua' pcoplcef Va t appeal l utciatiou b "025 Vctcm tlou, with 3 f~cmi or prevjum ~ kmtickm 0 tkc il . iu md of mc iuiou, lu t tcul I from t„g n Wite3„'e Great Wulutia ce iFor'cix ar,» „k~2m tk,~ whe at eutuu4 " from 1 "ow rccci . 0ihe fcdcr I mug pt bercu+rtuuate b ctum, 04 fort govt UP tjt i llu c liuke 04ay Reeve Last 800 8 yteekl sud Couu &m Oliver 0tiller plivcr 004 &,8 ~d te new lvhyt Tk prcmic lccll mas'0 „',mprcsscd w cd tff "jy zcucfr sloi woutlcrfu ' th solid 2nd witroute 0 6 1 mails sugl the foa & ld bc ltcttcr d u that it «0 hsd mfuc several of the 3 cd thus making the foc te traveL Ne dou 0 . ubt Pfcu - vcr will leave I og with the )liuistcr,o W ks fegsrdktg this, 0 possibility of the0 Kuul getting government as, in carrying out these fcc dstloss.