001B6B7C July 23rd, 1926. THE WEST VAN NEWS West Vancouver Tennis Club In the tournament of the West Van- couver Tennis Club the following re- sults were obtained over the week- endi Men's Singles--Second Round Lay)and beat Simmons, 6-2, 7-5. Third Roond Davenport beat Durand, 11-9, 6-S. Shaw beat Grisdaie, 6-2, 10-8. Forster beat Lefeaux, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4. McAithur beat Lay)and, 6-0, 6-2. Semi-Finals Davenport beat Shaw, 6-1, 3-6, 6-2, 6-1. McArthuc beat Forster, 4-6, 6-4, G-2, 7-5. Ladies'ingles--First Round hfiss B. Tristram beat Mrs. Tris- tram, 6-0, 6-0. Mrs. McNeiii beat Mrs. Curtis, 4-6, 6-0, 6-0. Miss Ritchie beat Mrs. Lefeaux, 2-6, 6-1, 6-3. hfiss J. Tristram beat Mrs. Proctor, 6-2, 6-1. Second Round Mis. Simmonds beat Mrs. Forster, 6-3, 6-2. Miss B. Tristram beat Mrs. Foran, 6-0, 6-0. Miss Ritchie beat Mrs. McNeiii, G-4, 0-6, 6-4. hfiss J. Tristram beat hfiss Parkyn, 6-2, 1-6, 6-4. Semi-Finals Miss B. Tristram beat Mes. Sim- monds, 6-2, 6-1. Miss J. Tristram beat Miss Ritchie, 6-1, 2-6, 6-4. hfixed Doubles--'First Round Mrs. Foesn and Allen beat Miss Walton and Seiwood; 6-2, 6-4. Colonel and Mrs. Tristram beat hfiss Archer and Davenport, G-3,'6-2. Mrs. McNeiii and Durand beat Miss J. Tristram and McArthur, 3-6, V-5, G-4. Second Round Mr. and Mrs. Lefeaux beat Mrs. Foran and Allen, 6-3, 6-3. Miss Parkyn and Shaw beat Mrs. Proctor snd Borisnd, 7-5, 3-6, 6-4. Miss B. Tristram and B. Burton beat Colonel and Mrs. Tristram, 6-4, 7-5. Semi-Finals Miss Parkyn and Shaw beat Mr. snd Mrs. Lefeaux, 6-2, 10-8. hfen's Doubles--Semi-Finals Borland and McArthur beat Gris- dale and L. Davenport, 6-2, 5-7, 6-3, 6-2. Ladies'oubles--First Round Miss Walton and Miss Parkyn beat Mrs. Tristram and Miss J. Tristram, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. 1(frs. Foran and Miss Ritchie beat Mrs. Forster and Mrs. Lefeaux, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4. Semi-Finals Miss Walton and Miss Parkyn best Mrs. Fores and Miss Ritchie, 6-2, 6-2. On Saturday, July 24, the finals in the Mixed Doubles will be played at 2:30 p.m., the finals of the Men's Sin- gles at 4 p.m. and the finals of the'adies'inglesat 6 p. m. On Sunday, July 25, the flnais in the hfen's and Ladies'oubles will take place at 3 Jt.m. and 5 p.m. Mixed Doubles Mrs. McNeiii and Durand beat Mi. and Mrs. Forster, 7-5, 13-11. Mrs. McNeiii and Dutand beet Miss B. Tristram and B. Burton, 4-6, 7-5, 9-7. Mrs. McNeiii and Duiand will meet Miss Paekyn and Shaw in the finals. W. B. A. FersoIIal On Wednesday afternoon, July 28th, Mrs. Laura 'dwards, Commander, West Vancouver Women's Benefit Association, will be hostess at a Garden Party and Musicale at her home, 21st and Bellevue. She will be assi ted by several of the ladies of the Review, No. 24, and many novelties and attractive features are being promised in the way of entertainment. The Garden Party will be opened at 3 o'lock; the Musicale will begin at 7. It is expected that there will be a large turn- out, not only of members of the order, but as many friends as possible. At'this time of beau- tiful summer weather, with gar- den surroundings at their very best, no better enjoyment could be had. Fortune telling, candy booth, tea, as well as music and folk dancing. There will be a small charge for admission. Viola Dana in Icy Plunge for Movie These movie stars surely do have a tough time of it every now and then. Take the case of petite Viola Dana. She traveled 2,000 miles to British Columbia that she might fall in the icy waters of Seymour Gorge and be rescued by Victor McLaglen. And then the sun played a mean trick on her just as she fell off the barge, and she had to do it all over again. All this for a few thrills and some heart interest in Frank Lloyd's big feature production of Rex Beach's Winds of Chance," which First National will show at the Hollyburn Theatre tonight and tomorrow. Annual Inspection of No. 6 Ferry The annual inspection of No. 6 Ferry by the Department of Marine and Fisheries will take place at the beginning of next week. Candidates and prospective candidates are brushing up their vocabularies. Mr. Sutton of Dundarave has closed his real estate office and has joined the sales force of the West Vancouver Investment Co., 18th and Mgrlne. a o o Mrs. Forsythe ls now occupy- ing the Lynn cottage on Belle- vue. Mr. and Mrs. Cutler have rented the Lynn house, formerly owned by Mr. N. Williamson, on Bellevue, for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Westman, Van- couver, Mrs. Fitzpatrick and family of Penticton and Mrs. A. Glen Brodie of Calgary are guests at the "Clachan." e Mr. and Mrs. Donald McRae, Nelson and Fifteenth, have had recently an addition to their family. The new arrival, a fine baby boy, was born at the North Vancouver Hospital. e Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and family of Broadway West, have taken a cottage at West Bay for the summer months. o Mrs. Wells Crawford and fam- ily, who have been spending some time at Selma Park, have returned to their home in West Vancouver. Miss Donna Murray and Miss B. Murray are spending the summer months at their sum- mer home, West Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Chas E. Garrett, Balfour Avenue, are spending the summer months at their home at Cypress Park. Miss M. Pineo of West Van- couver is spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pineo, 512 St. George Street. Captain Jenkins has rented Mrs. Southern's house on Argyle between 20th and 21st. e'issGwen Gillis, who for the past two years has been a mem- ber of the high school teaching staff at West Vancouver, has been appointed to the high school at Oak Bay, Victoria. Mrs. J. Spouse left for Vic- toria at the beginning of the month to take charge of the Basketry Class at the Provincial Summer School for Teachers. Corporation of the District of West Vancouver Of Interest to Bathers High Tide 192G-- a.m. July 2$ .... 2.27 July 24 .... 3.14 July 25 .... 4.04 July 26 .... 4.58 July 27 ...... 6.58 July 2$ ...... 7.04 July 29... 8.14 Low High Low Tide Tide Tide a.m. p.m. p.m. 10.13 5.$4 10.38 10.56 6.16 11.S2 11.39 G.57 0.24 7.37 12.22 1.15 8.16 1.06 2.07 6.54 1.51 8.00 9.$ 1 2.38 West Vancouver is the nurs- ery of politicians. If you don' believe us just travel on the 8 o'lock, 8:16 or 9 o'lock morn- ing ferry and listen to the "In my OpiniOnsio WATER NOTICE A Serious Shortage of Water for Domestic Purposes Exists. Sprink- ling is therefore permitted from 8 to 9 p.m. and at No Other Time Until further Notice. The authorities rely on the economical use of the Water by ail residents while the present ex- treme drought continues. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL. JULY 12, 1($ 26 We SPecialize in HOMES AND HOMESITES In Beautiful West Vancouver Cleared Building Lots from.....................................$275.00 Waterfront Lots from....................................................$1100.00 Homes from ................................................51200.00 to 510,000.00 BLACKWELL 85 OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and FIRE INSURANCE Marine Drive at Ambleside Phone: West 643 WOMEN'5 BENEFIT ASSOCIATION GARDEN PARTY and MUSICALE at the home of the Commander Mrs. Laura Edwards, 21st and Bellevue, Next WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON (July 28th) Garden Party opened 3 p. m. Musicale at 7 p.m. Fortune Telling, Candy Booth, Tea, Folk Dancing and Music. BRING YOUR FRIENDS. SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between West Bay and Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything you need for Camp or House Gas 3'i Oil Station. We Deliver A. CHISHOLM BXKKR CAKES and PASTRY See our display in Greenwood's Window Plain and Chocolate Layer Cakes 25C tf REER W OO O'S GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Nabob CofFee, 1 lb. can 63c Shelled Walnuts, halves per lb...................... 35c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs............. 51.25 Empress Orange Marma- lade, 4 lb. cans...... 49c Kerr Jelly Glasses, "Squat," per doz.. 60c Dishco Sliced Pineapple per can ........... 15c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ........ 55c SPECIAL Home-Made Pork Pica 5 Cents Cakes and Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at I o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER OVERHEARD! D'you blame a woman for discussing her domestic a(fairs? Not likely; oMabieo said Mrs. M.....," I'm just about aii in after a big washing and between one thing and another going kind of upside down I do believe I'l be in pocket in the end to fix up with that Burracd Laundry." And hfabie (excuse my famt)mitty) said,--"I really don't think it pays any woman to attempt doing aii her wash- ing at home." And believe me hfabie spoke the "truth., the whole truth and nothing but the truth." We'ii send for your parcel Mrs. M. and return everything lust lovely, sweet, clean and healthful and you'l be perfectly delighted. I know you wi)L The 88rrerd LRGRd)T Pot People Who Are Portico%% TGIRD STREET es4 ST. DRVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310 IL IL BALLAR9 Nfr OH SHUCKS! You can't beat "Shields'" stufF. The best of every- thing and smiling service. Right at the Ferry Landing Free Concerts C. R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Automobile Club Members You bare an Olficial Garage and Towing Service in this District. PHONE West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Free Towing to bfembeis. D. D. ROBERTSON 14th St. Back of Hoiiybucn Hall Cabinet bfaher aad Upholsterer Furniture made to order. REAL ESTATE IiVSURANCE LOANS Geo. GOIIrlay Est. 1911. Phone West 2 LI STINKS WANTED Savory & Duval Real Estate and Insurance 1429 Marine Drive (near 14th St.) Phone West 114 Marina Drive, (between 21 and 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 E. PALMER Stonemasont0 Bri chlaper Fireplaces a Specialty Capilsno P.O. Ph. Nocth811RT .=ssex Coac.x $1,195.oo NO MORE TO PAY. FULLY EQUIPPED. BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER Front and rear bumpers, motor meter, rear vision mirror, automatic windshield wiper, stop signal, gas gauge, built-in radiator shutters. SEE THE ESSEX BEFORE YOU BUY