001B6B7C Marine Drive To Open Soon States Reeve Extension to Whyteclijf To Be Completed This Month. Marine Drive extension to Whytecliif is expected to be open for traffic by the end of the month, Reeve David Morgan stated Monday afternoon. The concrete sidewalk on the south side of Marine Drive from 11th to 31st Streets, is complet- ed, he said, and the seven miles of paved streets that are being constructed under the $65,000 bylaw, are expected to be finish- ed in about two months. Speed Up Development Development i 9 g e n e ra I throughout the municipality, the reeve declared, and many new homes of a fine type of structure are being built. Last year, he pointed out, six miles of hard surface roads were laid in vari- ous parts of the district, and with the seven miles this year, and the Mftrine Drive extension, he anticipates that a great im- petus will be given to home build- ing. Heavy Road Program The road program being car- ried out, was designed with the view of opening up the munici- pality, and he expressed the op- inion that it would be the means of attracting large numbers of new settlers to West Vancouver while the Marine Drive extension would open up the western part of the municipality. The side- walk along Marine Drive he ex- plained, would be six feet in width through the business sec- tion, and four feet wide in the residential quarters. Bush Fires Threatened Camps The fire brigade was called out at 3 o'lock Sunday afternoon to extinguish a bush-fire which broke out at the edge of the beach near Ambleside whatC. The blaze was quickly put out, no damage being done to a num- ber of summer camps in the vi- cinity. 198 Returning Officers Have Been Named OTTAWA, July 19. -- --One hundred and ninety-eight re- turning officers out of a total of 245 have been appointed. The rest will be appointed shortly. B. C. appointments are: Cariboo--E. F. Woodward, Kam- loops. Comox-Alberni -- Fred Field, Courtenay. Fraser Valley -- S. S. Cawley, Chilliwack. Kootenay East -- B. G. Hamil- ton, Invermere. Kootenay West -- W. H. Hous- ton, Nelson. Nanaimo -- E. F. Miller, Dun- can. New Westminster -- R. A. Brad- en, New Westminster. Skeena -- J. Flewin, Fort Simp- son. Vancouver, Burrard--Wm. Man- son, Vancouver. Vancouver, Centre -- W. E. Has- kins, Vancouver. Vancouver North -- A. E. Crick- may, 234 E. 15th, St., North Vancouver. Vancouver South -- A. N. Smith Vancouver. Victoria -- J. L. Clay, Victoria. Yale -- H. H. Boyle, Penticton. Scottish League Enjoys Outing at West Vancouver I Mrs. A. E. McArthur enter- tained members of Scottish Daughters'eague at her sum- mer home, West Vancouver, on Thursday the 15th inst., when she served luncheon, with the tables decorated with sweet peas and roses. Later, afternoon tea was serv- ed and the hostess was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. R. S. Mc- Call. A past president of the league, Mrs. D. Menzies of Kam- loops, was the guest of honor. Those present were Mrs. A. H. McRobbie, Mrs. G. P. Wagner, Mrs. E. Crawford, Mrs. J. Fear- son, Mrs. A. McTear, Mrs. J. Mc- Pherson, Mrs. W. N. Runcie, Mrs. A. Clark, Miss Dunlop, Mrs. E. Cameron, Mrs. I. E. Hutton, Miss Pearl Wagner, Miss May McRob- bie, Miss Muriel Cameron and Mr. Page McCalh THE WEST VAN NEWS Br. 3l. E. KnIIIfel Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside'Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Office Phone West 166 Residence Phone West 88R Delicious Home-Made Candy Dnndarave Candy Shop Marine Drive. just West of 25th God Careth For All (By Gladys Tolley, West Vancouver) I saw a robin bright and gay, Perched on a bough the other day; It was singing so cheerfully, As if from cares it was entirely free. The robin flit away e'r long, But as I listened to its song, It seemed to cheer me up that day And soon my troubles fled away. The birds have had their young to feed, Like us, they have their cares indeed, But yet they simply trust alway That God will give them food each day. So let us learn to simply trust; Our Father watches over us, And He will lead us by His Hand Until we reach the Better Land. Dr. and Mrs. Stainsby and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson are on a week's visit to Harrison Lake. Dr. Lang is taking Dr. Stainsby's practice during the latter's absence. e Mr. E. G. Steiner, who pur- chased Mrs. Bywater's house at Inglewood and 13th, through Messrs. Blackwell and Dsborne, moved in last week. July 26th, 1926. The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Ltd. (Successors te The Paci8e Coast Import fh Expert Ce'y) Foot of 18th Street at Waterfront Office Phone West 64 Residencer West 92R2 We carry a Full and Complete Line of Lumber. Agents for COALMONT COLLIERIES Large stock of Lump and Nut Coal always on hand. NOTICE North 8 West Van Stages EXTRA SERVICE--Leave North Van. 6.40 a.m., 7.40, 8.40, 10.40, 12.40 p.m.y 6 40' 40. Leave Caulfeild--7.10 a.m., 8.10, 9.10, 11.10, 1.10 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, Leave North Vancouver 1.40 p.m. SUNDAYS--Twenty Minute Service commencing from North Van- couver at 11.40 a.m. and Cypress Park at 12.10 p. m. up till 8 p.m. Corner 22nd Avenue and Marine Drive Phone West 96 MARINE GROCERY (J. Allieen, Prop.) GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM TOBACCO REFRESHMENT PARLOR IN CONNECTION We deliver. Phone your orders Buy a LOT for a home; a HOME means a lot. "'TROUGHTON 6r BARROW Real Estate & Insurance Dundarave Phone WEST 83. HERE SINCE 19rcr WEST VAN. GARAGE THE RELIABLE REPAIR SHOP GAS Phone West 130 QIL We Want Your Business M. WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR 16th and Marine, Ambleside Phone West 20 (formerly at 445 Granville St., City), CLEANING and CITY DYEING and PRESSING PRICES REPAIRS THE CHILDREN'S CORNER DAILY TRIPS TO WhytecliiFe, West Van- couver and Way Points West End Cartage 8 Transfer Co. FORTUNE CUl'NN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront It really was very strange, and Mrs. Brown was greatly put out about it. "Of course," she said, "it is my fault. But what am I to do? I have to be out all day, and Laurie is at school. We must have bread, and the baker always leaves it on the window-sill. I would willingly give some to whoever wants it, but I think it is terribly wasteful for someone to come and pull pieces out of the loaf and scatter the crumbs all over the place. Four times this has happened. What am I to do about it?" "I will take your bread for you tomorrow," said Mrs. Jones, her next door neighbor. "I must say, though, I have never noticed anyone go into the garden; yet someone must have come, for I have never seen a loaf in such a state as this." And the two of them stood and looked at the loaf pulled to little pieces on the window-sill. Laurie, too, looked at it, and he was quite, qmte sure that some naughty little dog had &lone it. He told his mother so, but Mrs. Brown laughed and said no dog could make such a mess ps all that. For the next few days Mr)r. Jones took the loaves for Mrs. Brown, and when she and Laurie came back at night they had nice crisp bread to eat. But Mrs. Jones was going a- way into the country and her house would be closed, so the baker had to leave the loaves on the window-sill again. The first evening when Mrs. Brown and Laurie arrived home they found the bread untouched, but the next night--. You should have seen what a terrible state the garden was in! There was bread strewn everywhere. Mrs. Brown had to go to the baker's before they could have any tea. "Please send it wrapped up to- morrow," said Mrs. Brown. And so he did. But even that was no use. The paper was tom into little pieces and scattered all o er the garden. Noir Laurie had an idea. The next day was a holiday, and Mrs. Brown did not like the idea of leaving him in the house a- lone while she went to work; but Laurie assured her he didn' mind one little bit. He would be as good as good could be. Mrs. Brown knew she could trust him, so away she went, leav- ing his dinner ready for him. Laurie now meant to put his plan into action. He found a nice book and sat himself down ou the window-seat. By and by the baker came and left the loaf. Laurie did not take it into the house; he let it stay on the win- dow-sill while he put down his book and watched. He watched for some time, and presently a sparrow alighted on the paper bag and tore a tiny slit in it! Then some more sparrows came and began pecking at the bag. Soon the paper was all ojF and the sparrows were enjoying themselves. Up came some blackbirds, and what a jolly feed they had! The sparrows came again with their friends, and tits and wagtails picked up what tit-bits they could find. By the time Mrs. Brown came home the loaf was all pulled to pieces and the paper scattered all over the garden. So the culprits were found, though Laurie said that if he had not seen all the birds pecking he would never have believed it. Now the bread is put in a tin; but Laurie sees that the birds have plenty of crumbs; yuu may be sure of that. A LITTLE GARDEN MYSTERY West 163 -- Phones -- Sey. 2023 Furniture Moving, Baggage, ete. Estimates Free Head Office: 434 Rebeon St., Vancouver, B. C. North Shore Bakery A.J.rtcXSNZIE, rrvu. Marine Drive at 22nd Bread, Cakes, Pastry Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE PHONE iVEST 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT, ETC. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF POTTING PLANTS City Prices Regular Service Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, ete. Phoae West 4 D. MORGAN, J.P. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE BROKER Twenty-fifth and hfarine Dr. GET COOL AND KEEP COOL Enjoy all the comforts that Ice can give you. Your foodstufFs ahvays fresh, and ahvays a nice cool drink available. R I D L E g Phone West 456