001B6B7C July 23rd. 1926 PERSOLVA I.S hfr. Leigh Hayden of Neiv Westminster is camping at 19th and Waterfront. ~ 0 ~ hfrs. A. Chisholm Jr., 16th and Marine. gave a birthday party on Afonday for her daugh- ter. Alma. ~ 4 ~ Mr. and hire. Gloag and fam- ily of Vancouver have taken a summer cottage ckme to 23rd and hfarine. ~ ~ 4 Mr. J. Allison, hfarine Groc- ery, paid a short visit to Victoria this week. ~ ~ ~ hire. Logan. 13th and hlarine, who has been enjoying a ten-day trip to Alaska, is expected home today. ~ ~ 0 The Rev. F. LV. Hardy of Royal Oak was a visitor to West Vancouver this iveek, and while here purchased 0 lot on Duchess Avenue near 12th Street. hir. Hardv has other property in- terests in this district. ~ e 4 Mrs. Leonard R. Bl ilier of Orillia is visiting her mother, hfrs. BfcBain, 29th and Water- front. e ~ ~ Mr. C. N. Barton has bought 2ib acres of land adjacent to 15th and Duchess. It is under- stood he intends establishing a Chinchilla rabbit ranch on the property. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and hfrs. E. A. LViltshire recently spent a very pleasant day with Rev. J. P. and Mrs. Dingle at St. Helen's Rectory, South Westminster. They also went over St. Helen's Church, which is a beautiful building of granite with very fine stained glass windows. 3lr. and hire. TViltshire took Rev. J. P. and hfrs. Dingle and their guests, Rev. H. Henderson and Mrs. Dunham of Calgary, for a motor trip to Crescent Beach and 1Vhite Rock. ~ 4 4 Miss Beatrice Smith and hfiss Beth Gwilliam have returned to their homes in Vancouver after spending a'n extended vacation at Camp "Bestyette," sfarine Drive. hire. Harriett Carter has re- turned to West Vancouver and will spend the balance of the summer with hfrs. Smith and Mrs. Tyerman, Marine Drive. e 4 e Miss Jamieson of "The Bunga- low" has returned from the hos- pital and is progressing favor- ably after her operation. ~ ~ 4 Captain Vince is oif duty at present on his annual vacation. Captain Smith has returned from his holidays snd resumed duty. ~ ~ e Last Friday evening a number of the members of St. Mark's Choir, Kituilano, visited hir. and Mr&L W. L Berry,'arine and 21st, and spent 0 very enjoyable evening. The party included Bfr. Geo. Bullen (organist) and Mrs. Bullen, Bir. and Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Brereton, Mrs. Eckroyd, BIrs. Green, hira. Nichol, hfr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick and hfr. Gilbert. ~ ~ ~ sfr. Fred Tite, who is building a new store next to Kevi!I'0 Fur- niture Store on Marine Drive, expects to open there on August 15th. e ~ 4 The property of Mr. Day, on 16th and Marine, which extends to the Waterfront, has been bought and is to be turned into a subdivision. ~ ~ 0 Miss Ola BIcLean, 18th and Waterfront, who has been in hospital with ear trouble, has much improved and is expected home shortly. West Vancouver Shares in Rum Profits West Vancouver will receive immediately from the Provincial Government the sum of $4,402, being its share of the provincial liqu w proflts fnr the six months endii.g Blarch 31 last. The total sum to be disbursed to all muni- cipalities tngether is $496,302, of which 6257,122 will be paid to Greater Vancouver. The distri- bution is based upon school population. Eight weeks from nnw ive will hear from the "I told you so" brigade. THF. LVEST VAN NEWS Good Fishing at West Vancouver Salmon are beginning to make their appearance in the waters around IVest Vancouver. and it is said that only s spell nf wet weather is required to bring them in larger numbers. A number have been caught al- ready, an&i anglers have lately had cnnsiderable success in land- ing cod and sea bass. One skate weighing 40 pounds is reported to have been caught from Am- bleside Dock. Military Whist Drive at Horseshoe Bay CRICKET H. Bough hiukcu Hie Third Crbiu&p Wcu& Vancouver C. C. ru. Lynn Vei- iep C. C., played 4& Lynn Valley, Su&- U&duy, July 1&. Lynn Valley Inningg- Cu&gong c Hut&op h M. Emu&ton Court .. 21 Nu&ge ihw h Huime............ 43 Dixon h G. Emc«on Court ...... 21 Tate h Du&wig . .. ..... . .... . ... 9 Hardy c B&u&on b M. Eme«onCourt....----.. 6 SicLegun h Huimc........ 1 Lane run eut .............. 17 Hump&on c Bruiem h G. W. Hoyle 12 Yeu&giey c G. Emu&&on Court h Burwiu „.............. 9 W&ench c Bbrwiu h G. Erne&&unCourt... 0 Huydcn nu& out . 0 Fx&tag .. .. .... . I3 Tp&SI „,...... 151 Bowling-- Runs Wk&4. E, W. Baker ... 35 0 R. Huiiuc......... 13 M. Erne&ton Court 44 C. Burwiu ..... 16 2 G. W. Hoyle........ 22 1 G. Emcr&un Court ... 3 2 West Vancouver Innibgm- H. Booth 0 Huyden b Nurse.. 116 E. W. Baker h Hampton 4 0 W. Hoyle h Humutun P. C. Chupmun h Hampton .. 4 F. Hut&op h Hampton ...... 0 C. Burwig c Hampton b Surge . 9 G. Emet&on Court b Hump&un .. 9 bi. Emcr&on Court h Nurse.. 3 R. Huimc h Hampton ...... 11 H. l&L Btu&un not ou&...... 1 G. W. Hoyle did nut hu&.... --... 0 Ex&tug.. 11 Total for nine wicketg ..... 163 Bowiing- Runs Wk&0. hi&Lugun ...... 44 0 Hampton .. 49 6No&44........ 54 3 Next game, Weut Vancouver vu. North Vancouver, 4& Bowlers&4 Park, Saturday, Juip 24th, at 2:SO p.m. On Snturdsy the Women'0 Auxiliary of the Horseshoe Bay Bonting nnd Ynchting Club held a very successful military whist drive and dnnce at the club- rooms, klnrseshoe Bay. The prizes &vere won by Mrs. E. U. Biggar, hfrs. BI. Lawrence, hlr. S. G. Moore, Mr. H. J. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark and Mr. aml BIrs. Gorby. On Sunday the Royal Life- saving Society of Vancouver gave a lifesaving demonstration on the same lines as that given a few weeks ago at English Bay. The demonstration started at 3:30 p.m. at the clubhouse float and was followed by a first aid lecture in the clubhouse, given by experts. Building Activities in Greater Vancouver The building permits for the year 1926 in Greater Vancouver have been, this year, already ex- ceeded. with only a little more than half of 1926 gone, and present indications point to this year as the greatest on record in this respect. Up to now the value of the permits taken out for 1926 amounts to $ 18,324,238 as against 616,859,871 for the whole of the year 1925, and there is evei~ reason to suppose that the present rate of building will be maintained for the months that remain of this year. These figures do not include amounts expended on sewers, waterworks, streets, sidewalks and other local improvements. A great deal of this kind of ivork has been snd is being done in all parts of Greater Vancou- ver, this applying particularly to )Vest Vancouver. Seven weeks next Tuesday is Election Day. ,I I I HoME urn& Good Housekeeping says: &oastcr is indispensable in any I A L home. Lite other elcciricsi &able appliances, it will save steps for the housekeeper snd will sdd greatly &o the attractiveness of hcr breakfast table. Sce our new &one&era, on display 4& any of our brsncbcL VVe have them at various p&4cca Buffmi Cgiznms BizcfsrcBsnwzrCu xi»0 Bring them to us for @utch and Satisfactory Finishing. In To- day, Out Tomorrow at 6 o'lock. The Dundarafje Pharmacy u II. eec n. or»ms& Ut' . I bet»relet ~ 3 doors East of Dundu&uru P.O. Phone Iree1 808 llrcst Vancouver PhrfrppnFCy o. m. rml h tl*mmul, arp. pertmrele&e New Amhieeide Building Phone Weal 37 OENTIST Pbene Sef. 2864!er Afpo&ntaenl Dr. W. J. Curry 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Dr. Curry gives personal attention to his patients. hloderate prices. 2.I years'racticnl exper. corp. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th Phones: West SS - Sey. 6217 Will Go through to WHYTECLIFF ns soon as road is open. Reasonable Rates on all clnsses of freight and Household Goods. I64 A!Bgegder St., Vnncenver Ferguson's Motor Transfer t446 !f!Sr!ac Drive, Dnndernve JULY PHOTO EVERYBODY KNOWS Anon& Out THE Eggy W. CARLF.Y Marine Drive between 21st und 22nd West Vancouver Ree Phone Wee& 71Y HOUSEPAINTING KALSOAHNING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given Phone Wcsi 84 For Sand, Gravel Trvck Work Ete. H P. Tearoe l 640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread Cakes Pastries, Shortbread and Nttt Loaves Daily Eixhi, Stere'eliable Service hgu triebiirh&4 my &cpu&Scion for quick, rn&lufucluty ger&ice. ED. BLACKS TRANSFER PHONE WEST 68 Iiully Dciivety &u e&d fixm City vre cbu supply any queu&iiy of Dry Fit Wood. HAVE OVR DELIVERY AIAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 5'/i Years C. J. OVERINCSTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladles of the District I have hsd &he teicphuug installed PHONE WEST 135 uud mate an sppoinimubt. 14th and Marine Best Wood on North Shore Inside Fir Get our Special Price Now for Your Winter Supply Coal, Building Materials, Sand, Gravel, Etc. Marine Transfer DIjNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phuue Wee& 5 FRESH MEAT AND FISH We Deflect (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed I ACII IC GRI0AT I'.AGiTIIIRN RY. wzzx-nAT wzsvsou»n Tteler Iterr Net&4 Veeteurrt Iet ~ U Imle&e Ie Wbt&reunt ~.00, &.00, 0.40, ~,I ~, llrt& ~.m., lzx, S.rx, Llx, lrtx, 4.&S, L&S. ~ .Sg eec ig.xu p.te. ELSTSOUNn Ttelee Irerr Wbtlrtue fer ~ U Prle&r Ie Nrttb Veurrurm~.gg, Lgg, ~,00, Ig gg ~ &m IS.~ 4. \.Sm 0.04, l.gg, ~ .Sg. ~ .Sg, 'I.~ 4. ~ .14 eed Il.eg. SU»nATS WESTSGUNn Treler leere North Vrecee rt ee Suucetr eec nrwdete &rt eu peleie Ie Wbt&erum ~ I 4»0 ~.m., eed mre ~ 0 mmu&m past curb hour ee&U ~ ~ 0 p.m EASTSOUNn Ttrlee I ~ ~ Wbtmeus for ~U pulele le North Veeeeertt e& '40 mlee&ee pu& «eb beet &tete ~ .44 ~.et. Ie ~ .g ~ p m. prt fur&bet Irfertueuue pbeet Ner&b 404 er Set»cut gggl, pmeruget nepg., ~ gg Gtue&U&r Stre &, Veereurtr. S. O. ""'inrs Studio ""-'11 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. PHOTOS THAT PLEASE Iggg' (pu) iui ihc sum&0 Igg~ GN 100&4 gb ihcis 'fcgsig G g 4«x »4«hmi'un d &04:, Siggl~ui &kl &1&0 I S,mme Lcr Thiid 6&0& 44 Du&usda «6&0& ikr '6440ia gbgw ~ I Lefts""' FNIN& fx L&71004& M& g&mi. Mibu& . Figgig Wg& Sbgw'gffgre B.i, 3&4& fo g&M&hu& @I 74r, f~fi»ii4,»'igg hm& I 7&hug» Migg Ugm, 8 '„N I Mig88&k C M M&M& 60 66, hm&MILIS'ikhlc ILL 63 ri mm 3&4& MiJTI 8 I, fbf ~404 geggd 3»& MI'&LSmsiug& Bdt SL . Usm best M M» g Tng 88 6&L M Ng& M&I Mhg Rn& 0 'h&mmfxg&Nfbe, 84. Mi» I '«f.fis&14, 64. M B Triiuum fxg& I Mi» I, 7m&»m Inx , g 9 M» fi&gii I M Femg 004 Allen Wgneg 044 S&lw»4; 8.1 IL 6. Colonel 004 M&g. Trigi Miss niche& &44 Dgwgpgri M&L McVcgi 444 Du&444 J. 7&hug» gml M&A&ihgi 54. St&404 Reggd MI 404 M&L Lcf&gux I F0&00 404 Allen, fbg, 63 Mmg pg&174 404 Shaw proctor 004 Burigmi, &-6, 3. Miss B. Tristram 404 I best Colonel 004 Ii&b Trii 7.6. Stmi Finals idigg Pgikfu gmi Shgw 004 M». Ltf&gux, 8-3, fly. M&u'4 Degbicg--S&mi.l Burigml ~Id McA&ibu& 1 dale gud I, Davenport, 8-2 8-2. Lmgtg Degbicg--Fuxi I MiN Wgiigg 004 Mhg pm 31&4. Tristram 004 Mhg J. 4.8, Li, Ln M&L Frtgg ggd igi» Rn M&L Fetiict 004 M». Ld& S-B, 84. S&mi Figgig Mug Wgngg md Mhi pm M&L pemu SM MUI R&nh'0 Sgiuuigr, Jgir Sf the Mix&4 Deubl» mg b SSL DU Imfi gf &3& B aIL 044 fkg fmLedi»'iggim at 8 04 Sugdgr Jri p. m. &6& M&u'4 SM I,,' the &014 i » Dgu 4 g&0 gi 3 Zm ~ &L Men&Bi 044 u 37 MB, Runes ,~ Men&Bi 0"U~ pg&3 M Du&04 'lu Df hbiii« I Bigk Ti4& Jufr73 m S.m. p,Jgir 31 ~ ie'13 6Juir 13 374 ie I '44 7136 .66 443 8 Juir 33 ~ 363 Juir 3 784 2 6 ~ 3,1& 6 3,88 wp gf hg denver i Izgf"'IBW "," izp ."y Snab 0'clue