001B6B7C THE WFqT VAIV IIEWS map dratving. Gordon McVean tpnlt first place in the interme- diate boys. and Stanley Foreman secnnd. Rupert Harrisnn and James Waddingham in the jun- ior boys and Florence Edwards and Gertrude Thompson in the junior girls. The teachers were: Primary--hlrs. Bennett and hliss Ola hfcLean and Jean hic- Laren, assistants. Junior (girls): bliss Freda Herrin; (bnys) hfiss Eleanor Chiltnn. Intermediate: (girls) hirs. Herrin; (bnys) A. 51. O'Dpnnell. Senior: 51rs. Tate. Singing: hIiss Eleanor Chil- ton. Organist: Mrs. Johnston and hfiss Herrin. On Friday, the closing day of the sessions, a picnic lvas held to )Vest Bay, cars being pro- vided by Messrs. George Hay, Charles Hay and IV. C. Thomp- son. The Rev. S. H. Smith will preach in the United Church next Sunday evening. The regular monthly meet- ings of the Mission Circle and Woman's Association will be suspended until September. Classified Ads. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society A KiNDE)ZGARTEN will bc apcacd on September 7 at Daudacava. Fuc information apply cu aud aCtcr Aug. mth tc Miss C. L Chappcu, 2487 Kings Avu„Duudaravc, C'. WADt)iNGHAM, Bandmaster, Teacher Clarinet, Saxaphouc, Ccc- uct, Trombone, aud Elementary Violin. Phoae lrcat i uzi Dundarave Haik hlarine Dr. Duudacava Saaday Service at St.hp a.ut. Sub)act, July 25th, "TRUTH" Suaday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony hicctiug every Wcd- ucaday at s.i6 p.m. LOST--A Dart Brawn Pipe at Fire on Beach, cavt of wharf, or nu road last Sunday. July isth. Reward. Leave at Ambicaida Tca Rooms. BANDS. ORCHESTRAS Supyucd Cac an functions. Thc best in Vancou- ver. Apply: C. Waddingham, Phone Wcvt ioiL FOR SAt.E--42 imyiag Bcua, ucw movable chickca house aud new full roll 6 Ct. netting. Tbc iot $26 be- rnie July sptrh sutton, 29th and Marine Drive. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. 10.15 a.m.--Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.--Church sen ice. Prayer hfeeting every IVed nesday evening.FOR SALE --Beds aad Cata, Boggled ~ud Sewing htachinca, greatly vd duccd. Refrigerator $6.00; New Leaf Tables 6%50 aud $4.00, Dress- ers from $0.00i "Florence" aud"Pcr- Ccctiuu" Oil Ccokcca. 2 and 3 light, Phoae West 36, Kcviii Furniture Stave, Ambicaida. St. Stephen'8 Church Trinity 8 and St. James'ay (Julv 25th). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11.15 a.m.--Mnrning Prayer. 7.16 p.m.--Evensong. There are still several tickets available for the picnic tomor- row (Saturday) to Hood Point. Those attending may board Ferry Nn. 5 at 1.30 p.m. at the city tvharf or embark at Amble- side at 2 p.m. The service on Sunday, at Cdtu)fei)d, tvi)l be held at 11.15 a.m. at the home of Mrs. David- son, and will be taken by Mr. A. W. LeHuquet. LOST--On July 20th, Terrier Payyica. buir markings. Please notify 46 East Bcacth R. P. CLARK a Co LTD. S'NAPS FOR LOCAL RESiDENTS St. Anthony's Church CarnivalHOLLl BURN GARDFVS. V. aad S.of Marine Drive at 16th Sz. Very convenient td the Ferry, Stores, Post Oiricc, Theatre, Waterfront, ctc. These attractive building iuzs are favoured with rich, deep soil aud are Cuuy cleared. N iud of these lots baca beau aoid lust vcccatiy ta A)Scrim)Sating purchasers, aud acv eral attractive modern bungalows are under coutcact for erection. Waterfront, Marina Drive aud Resi- dential sites are available. Plans ~ud Prices with ail local agents or from The ladies of St. Anthony' Church announce a Grand Car- nival and Lawn Social tn be held at Hnlbvburn Pavilion (fnpt of 17th Street) next Tuesday. Ived- nesday and Thursday, July 27, 28 and 29. There will be amuse- ments tp please everybody, young and old, and a pleasant time is promised all patrons. Refreshments will be served. On another page will be found an advertisement of this affair an&i if you clip that ad and pre- sent it ynu will receive a free number in a drawing for a Brownie camera. United Church R P. CLARK a Co.. LTD. 823 Hastings St. W. Scy. 7483, 7484 An interesting service was held last Sunday morning in the United Church when the closing exercises of the Vacation Bible School was held. ~ The pupils of the school took the place of the choir and led in the praise, sing- ing the hymns which they had learned during the school ses- sions. Each class recited one portion of memory work. The attendance this year has been very good, the daily average being about 60 and the enrol- ment 74. Prizes were given for Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, What 654L WEST VANCOUVER L. O. L. At the regular meeting of the lodge on Tuesday night 8 visit was received from King Edward Lodge of Vancouver, also from the R. W. Grand Master of Brit- ish Columbia, Brother A. E. Harrpn. There was a good turn- out of members and 8 very pleasant evening was spent. lvc Spcriaiicc in West Vancouver. List with ux if ycu want Zp sell BYiLVELL a MAY Ovscc at the Ferry Landing Phoae lrcdt ii3 LARGE LOTS Ciaac tc htariac Drive Cur $275 each; on easy terms. ONE OF THE BEST BUSiNESS Cor- ners on Marine Drive with buiid- iugx; showing good revenue. $6000 ou caxy terms hiODEILV COTTAGE of Four Rooms near the Ferries; $2+00 with $400 down. WE ARE INSI.RA'iCE cxpcrta Lct ux attend zo your insurance wants. BYRNELL a MAY OCCicc right at the Ferry Laadiug. Phone West i 43. Owl) Your Own Home IVe have worked out a plan whereby ynu can finance your new home on very easy payments. Don't Continue to Pay Rent POLICE COURT NEWS When ynu can pwn your own home with monthly pay- ments as lpw as $9.50 per $ 1,000 of cost. George Sister and James An- drews were each fined $5 and Cornelius Newhoven was fined $2.50, all for infractions of the hfntor Act. Twn cases under the Liquor Act were adjourned until the next sitting of the court. Build from Your Own Plans ,Or if you wish, we will submit plans for your approval without extra cost. For further information call or write J. R. SlQMORE (Cypress Park)THE West Van Nees OZ'USINESSRESERVE BOND CO., LTD. or hVESTERN E5IPIRE LIFE ASSURAiNCE CO. 404 Dominion Bldg„626 Pender Street W„vancouver PHONES: SEY. 4326, WEST 79R2 Pubndhcd Every Friday Circuiatiug throughput the District cC West Vancouver -- Ambicaidc, Hctty- bulu, Wcazou, Dumiacavc, Caulfcltd, Whytacidrc, Cypress Part, ctc. CL HODGSON aad P. F. LOVEGROVE Publishers Buaiacaa aud Editorial Office: 1361 hiariad Drive Phone Wcut rSL Rail Address l P.O. Bax 1st, Hasybara, K C. ADVERT)SLVG RATES ON APPLCCATCON $ 1.00 a pear by maiL Ncwaataudd 6c pcr cppy. GUARANTEED CORDS $9.95 ll TUBES $2.00 West Vancouver Garage PHONE VVEST 130 Reduced Prices" d TUBEs July 26th. 19'26. "SATISFACTION" is a part of every sale we make. If the gnlxts ypu buy fail ynu in any way, we'e here to make good. lVaturally we'e mighty careful tn see that ynu get things that are pretty sure to be right. SEED'S ( ROCET&Y PIIONI'. iVI:ST 28 HARDWARE -- I'AINTS -- BUI).DEBS'UP)'I.IES We close at I p, m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleside. Phono Ivest 28 t".E DEI.IVER il SHt Si FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES AT SO THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE O To-Night nndTomorl'ow I"IVinds of Cl&ance" By REX BEACH With Annn Q. Nilsson, Ben I.yon and Viola Dana OS JOHN hicconhiiCK Prchcuia COLI EEN MOORE NeXt MOnday In Hcr Grcatcxt comedy Achicvcmcut IRENE and Wednesday „„„„„„„...„.,„.,„. „,„,.„.....,„ Triumph. lvith LLOYD iiUGHES, George K. Arthur and Char)id Murray. The 1'bchtre wiu be open exch hiONDA Y, WEDNESDAY, 1"R)DA1'ud SATURDAY Evrulugh 30c aud ihc hfalihecd 20c aud ipc TVO ShOWS 7 thd 0 'l P.la. Shlaldhlt hhd Houdlxc SHS L. H. BEAMISH Real Estate Insurance Loans AMSLESIDE WHARF West 17 New Classes for Summer Teach- iag in ')vest Vancouver uow being formed J. M. MORGAN West Vancouver Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Leave message at "NEWS" OC- lice or Phone West ipL PEARCE'S DRYGOODS New Ambiccidc Block BOYS'INE SHIRTS $ 1.45 EACH. BOYS'VAISTS, $ 1.10 and $ 1.25 EACH. lviadow Shaded hindc io Order. Estimated Free. Listings Wanted of LOTS arid Large and Small HOUSES West Vail. Investment Company isib and hiariac Drive Phoae West )CP, Day or Night Atkins Old Store Marine Drive Ambleside Meat Market Poultry - Beef - Lamb - Pork - Veal BaCOn and Hama, alSO Cooked Meata "m"-nvh Plcadtct EGGS-- Fresh from the Ranch PHONE: WEST 161 HARRON BROS & WILLIAM SON Ifunrral Dirrrtor B North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Stree) Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 We Deliver Hollyb)jrji Barber Shop SIAIZINE DRCVE aud 45th. OVC. Iht Wtvt Vth. Lhahtv C ~ G. RADLAND, 1'ccpcicidc Had had over twenty-Avd years'xperienceIn the barbar bud)- peda, Is able tp give quick aud cr- Acicni derv)ca. Ladies. Gentlemen and Children FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE IVSUIIANCE, ETC JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone hvest 55 YOU CAN"I'O iVRONG I IISJRE t'II OP~I /II'& rhf )dc)i I ss)ps Th)s b)0 cpstp' Drive est 5 B ri„s DC "~ted)4 )ghf't«lijlsh the eu lesjgc I Dsvld gtdcuo mp g'b)pu» 'dewsll stst crete si c The «" fb)sriue D puth side o St~Is, is 1th tp gi sud the ssv I psvdd s™dr the zuctt js g'pvc)pps'uuiczpi throughcu + spt) uuut the ul reeve d«guslfpcpfi h mes pf 8 Ius sre )wj g~t sg pi))vs PP)utcd PU I wczp isj]surfscd tk dist Pus P ven miles t b)sripe Drive 4th the seven spd the 'fesuticipstcs pc)us wiSh given)she '"'«URNIPpg The rpsd prpgcsm h u th g ut was desigusd vjcul pf PPcsnlg SP psiity, sud he ezp»s inipu that it would k pf sttrutjug jsrge "" new settlers tp West V whi)e the blsriue Drive 'ouldopen uP the «5 of the municipality. ws)k along Msriue Dri'lained.would he » width through the husj lips, sud four feet rril residential qusrtera Bush Fires Threatened The Sre brigade wss at 3 o'lock Sunday i io ext)uguish 8 hush-jj broke put at the edg beach near Atuh)cs)Ch The blaze wss quickly no damage being done I her of summer camps j cinity. Itrcsllpws v about it. ss great)I "Of cppnnv zny fusil 8 ' ssi I have tp hutwhsthu hsve brest) 4 Rh p) ) leaves it Pd the hskt would vrig whtdp on the whpevcr w I giveiug) Is tcrrih)y t)t hut I to cprdp 3&"ss«ful for ltnf sud P+ pieces 0 "« th )R hp er SCS) hsppcpcd Ppur tj e Pjhce. dos) «)tw j pw" I will tsk "«zupzzp»rpur hi cr upxtd " 'ssjt) bb say thpugh, neighbor. anyone g 'sverlev I, I,", spzue gp into the ei h,„me'must h 'sn ve never, vp cpu )p Stccd "d 'I thezu tate ss th' lps) "sf Pul)cd I .5"d lppk, wihdpw 0 little ) '4)II. 0 cct ur)e, he '"me usu 'uite dpue)t ughty httl s )ie h)d h. 9 )I puld ~k ghcd w the „uprt tk