West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Jul 1926, p. 5

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001B6B76 July 16th, 1926 Personals A Flannel Dance will be held at Dundarave Hall on Saturday evening, July 17th, under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter I. 0. D. E. Edna Hey- wood orchestra will be in at- tendance. a a Mr. and Mrs. Whilton, Nine- teenth and Bellevue, have a new baby girl, born at St. Paul'6 Hos- pital. Both mother and baby are doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Somer- ville and small daughter, Irene, of Vancouver, have gone to tvhytecliff, where they have taken a cottage for the summer months. a a a Mrs. A. Simpson of Grand- view is a visitor to West Van- couver. She is occupying Mr. Byrnell's cottage on the Water- front near Fourteenth, and in- tends remaining for the sum- mer. ' Mrs. S. Fox of Vancouver, who is a summer resident of West Vancouver, has purchased property on the Waterfront near Twelfth Street, which she has now rented. o Dr. Knipfel, Marine Drive, gave a musical evening at his house on Fridav evening. Miss Grace I&nipfel presided at the piano and Mr. Fred Tite gave some violin solos. Among those present Ivere Mr. Chas. Milne of Swift Current, Mr. E. Tite, Miss Armstrong and the Misses Paul- tne aud Faye McKiddy of Auburn, Wash. o Mrs. O. '. Rutledge and daughter, Peggy, of Los An- geles, are visiting Mrs. Rut- ledge's sister, Mrs. F. S. Jones, at Whytecliif. Mr. Bowes, of Switzer Bros., Ltd., Vancouver, has purchased the bungalow now under con- struction by Reynolds Bros. on Esquimalt Avenue, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets, and expects to move in early in August. 1 o Mr. Beeson's bungalow, on the corner of Duchess Avenue and Twelfth Street, has been sold by Byrnell tk May to Mrs. Lewis of Vancouver, who intends to oc- cupy the place until fall and then rent. Mrs. W. H. Browne of Van- couver has rented Mrs. Pear- son's cottage on the Waterfront near the Ferry Landing. Mr. and Mrs. L. Swindell of Kingsway, Royal Oak, has rent- ed Mr. Byrnell's cottage on Marine Drive, between Thir- teenth and Fourteenth streets. Mr. Swindell is well known as one of the pioneer grocers ol Vancouver. ~ a t y Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Colvin of Calgary, with their family, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodgson. ~ a t Mrs. George Baldwin left yes- terday for White Rock, where she is going to spend two weeks. ~ ~ The Rev. A. E. Cooke, Mrs. Cooke angl children arrived last Tuesday by motor from their home in Casper, Wyoming, and are the guests of their parents, Mr. Snd Mrs. Ed Cooke, "Innis- fail," Marine Drive, for a few days prior to leaving for their summer house at Balcarra Park, for their vacation. While here Revt Cooke will occupy the pul- pit of Wesley Church, Vancou- ver, for two months. ~ ~ ~ The Vancouver Natural His- tory Society will leave North Vancouver next Sunday on the 9:30 a.m. train and will take the Twenty-second Street trail. Out- siders are invited to join the party. THE WEST VAN NEWS West Vancouver Tennis Club There was a largo number of en- tries for the annual tournament of the Ivcst Vancouver Tennis Club, which started on Saturday last. The follow- iug is the Iiot aud the results of Saturday's play: Men's Singles--First Round Durand vs. Jack Burton. Second Round Duraud va. Sciwood. Davenport vo. Jagray. Dorchcotcr vs. Shaw. Griodaic va. Tristram. Wilson vn. Lcfcaux. Fora(or vs. Allen. Borland vo. hicArthur. Shnmonds vs. Lcyiaud. Ladies'ingle- First Round Miss B. Tristram vo. hfrs. Tristram. Mrs. Maotcrmau vo. Mra. Forau. Mrs. Curtis vs. Mrs. McNciii. Miss Ritchia vs. Mro. Lcfcaux. Miss Walton vo. Miss Parkyu. Mrs. Proctor vo. Miss J. Tristram. Second Round Mro. Simmonds vo. Mra. Forotcr. Mixed Doubles--First Round Miss Walton aud Sciwood va. Mro. Foran aud Allen. Mro. Proctor aud Borland va. Mra. Curtis and Grindaic. Miss Parkyu aud Shavr vn. Mr. and hi ra. Simmouds. Miss Archer aud Davenport va. Col. oud Mra. Tristram. Miss B. Tristram aud B. Burton vo. bfro. Forrcstcr and McArthur. Mr. aud Mro. Jaffray vo. Mr. aud hfrs. Forotcr. Mrn. McNciii aud Durand vo. Miss J. Tristram aud Wilson. Men's Doubles--First Round Shaw aud Tristram vo. Griodaic auf Davenport. Borland and McArthur vs. Allen and Foran. Dorchester aud Sciwood vo. Sim- moudo and Lcfcaux. G. Davenport aud Jaffray vo. For- oItr aud Durand. Ladies'oubles--First Round hfrs. Curtis aud Mro. Jaffray vxo hfro. DfcNciii and Mro. Simmoudo. hfios Walton and Miss Parkyu vo. Mro. Tristram and Miss J. Tristram. Mro. Foran aud Miss Ritchic vs. Mrn. Forsfcr and Mra. Lcfcaux. SATURDAY'S PLAY Men's Singles--First Round Duraud beat Jack Burton, 6-2, 9-7. Second Round Durand beat Sciwood, 6-3, 6-2. Davenport beat Jaffray, 6-3, 6-0, Dorchester beet Shaw, 6-2, 6-4. Griodaic beat Tristram, 7-5, 6-4. Lcfcaux beat Wilson, 6-4, 6-1. Forotcr beat Allen, 6-2, 4-6, 6-1. McArthur beat Borland, 10-8, 6-4. Ladies'ingles Itfrs. Forau beat Mrs. Mantcrmau, 6-0, 6-6. hfioo Parkyu beat Miss Walton, 6-3, 6-3. Mixed Doabica'ra. Proctor aud Borland beat Mrs. Curtis and Griodaic, 7-6, 6-2. Miss Parkyu aud Shaw beat hfr. and Mro. Simmonds, 6 lt 9 7. Mrs. Forrcotar aud McArthur scratched their match with Mise B. Tristram aud B. Burton. Men's Doubles Grisdaic aud Davenport beat Shaw and Tristram, 6-4, 6-4. Borland aud McArthur beat Allen and Foran, 7-6, 6-2. Dorchester aud Soiwood beat Sim- mondo aud Lcfcaux, 6-4, 6-4. G. Davenport aud Jaffray beat For- ster aad Durau, 7-6, 6-3. C;RICK ET WEST VANCOUVER VS. COLTS Boulevard Park, North Vancouver, Saturday, July 10th Colts Innings- J. Dean, at Booth b Baker.............. '20 V. Looter bowled Parker .............. 4 A. M. Laster bowled Chapman...... 19 W. Toft ruu out ............................ 4 R. Gcc bowled Huimc...................... I P. Cowau bowled Baker.................. 9 H. Huiiah hit wicket b Chapman.. 6 C. Martin c Chapman b Huimc.... 2 E. Grout bowled Huimc.............. 0 R. Peel uot out....................... 6 C. Haworth bowled Baker......... 2 Extras ................................ 9 Total ......................... ..... ... ..... 82 Bowling-- Runs Wkfo. E. W. Parker.......... 21 I E. W. Baker.:.............. 28 3 C. Barwis ............. 8 0 R. Huimo.............. 6 3 P. C. Chapman.......... 10 2 West Vancouver Innings- E. W. Baker bowled Huiiah.......... 0 C. Barwio c Dean b To(It.............. 29 F. Harrop Ibw Huilah................ 0 P. C. Chapman bowled Huiiah...... 6 H. Booth bowled Tofft.................... 20 E. W. Parker c V. Looter b Toft 0 F. G. Vyvyau bowled Huliah....., .. I F. Kastucr bowled Tofft................ 3 R. Huimc not out........................... 5 S. C. Nichoiio bowled To(f1............ 7 G. Hoyle bowled V. Looter............ I Extras ................... .. ........ .. 2 Total ................... ......................... 73 Bowling-- Runs Wkts. H. Huiiah ...................... 36 4 V. I .cot r ... .......... ....... I 0 I W. Toft ...................... 25 5 Next game, Saturday July, 17th, Boulevard Park, 2t30 p.m., West Van- couver C. C. vs. Lynn Valley C. C. The West Vancouver Invest- ment Company inform us that Mr. George Shaw, druggist, late of Prince Rupert, B. C., is very faVorably impressed with the opportunities West Vancouver offers for investment. They also report having sold several lots within the past few days. Corporation of the District of West Vancouver WATER NOTICE A Serious Shortage of Water for Domestic Purposes Exists. Sprink- ling is therefore permitted from 8 to 9 p.m. and at No Other Time Until further N otice. The authorities rely on the economical use of the Water by all residents while the present ex- treme drough continues. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL. JULY 12. 1926 I V» SP»e(ul(=e ln HOMES AND HOMESITES ln Beautiful West Vancouver Cleared Building Lots from...............................................$275.00 Waterfront Lots from....................................................$ 1100.00 Homes from ................................................$ 1200.00 to $ 10,000.00 BLACKWELL 86 OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and FIRE INSURANCE Marine Drive at Ambleside Phone: West 643 Swimming Party On Tuesday night Mrs. Con- way, Nineteenth and Water- front, gave a swimming party in honor of the Misses McCleery of New York. A large bonfire was lighted on the beach and re- freshments were served to the assembled guests. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Leop- ard, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholl, the Misses McCleery, Miss Neil, Miss Templeton, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Willoughby. SHERMAN STORE and Post Office Marine Drive, between West Bay aud Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything you need for Camp or House Gaa & Oil Statioa. We Deliver tIREERWOOn S GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 63c Shelled Walnuts, halves per lb....... 35c Quaker Sweet Corn, 2 cans ....................... 25c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs ...$1.25 Empress Orange Marma- lade, 4 lb. cans........... 49c Kerr Jelly Glasses, "Squat," per doz....... 60c Dishco Sliced Pineapple per can ........ 15c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ................ 55c A. CHISHOLM HAI&E~H. Scc t ur display in "onxxN- WOODS" wirdow oi ccialioiug in CAKES and PASTRY Daily Delivery. Lots of Women Yco, lots of women actually think it' an expensive operation, sending their washing to a Laundry, but those who have carefully studied the question are quite candid and admit that the saving of labour, time, materials, in- convenience aud the general nuisance of a waoh-day at home is well worth the modest charges of a good Laun- dry. People speak like this about the aBurrardo aud praise the work we do. Wc know this by the number of people who tell ua they'e been rccom- mendeL Just aok us to tell you about our various "Services." The Burrard Laundry For People Iyko Are Paatiaalar T3IDD STDSKT tok ST. DATIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1318 IL IL BAILARD, Nfr. Cakes affd Pastry Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We cloee at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phona Your Orders WE DELIVER OH SHUCKS l You can't beat "Shields'" stufF. The best of every- thing and smiling service. Right at the Ferry Landing Free Concerts C. R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Automobile Club Members You have an O(5cial Garage aud Towing Service in this District PHONE West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Free Towing Io bfembcrs. D. D. ROBERTSON 14th St Back o( Hoiitbucu Hail Cabinet Maker aod Upko(atatat Furniture made Io order. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Geo. Gourlay Eot. 1911. Phone West 2 LISTINC S WANTED Savory & Duval Real Estate and Insurance 1429 Marine Drive (near 14th St.) Phone West 114 Marine Drive, fbctwcon 21 and 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 E. PALMER S(onemoaontft Bnchloyee I'ireplaces a Specialty Capiiouo P.O. Ph. NorthSIIRS BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER . ~SSBX COBC..l $1,195.oo NO lIIORE TO PAY. FULLY EQUIPPED. Front and rear bumpers, motor meter, rear vision mirror, automatic windshield wiper, stop signal, gas gauge, built-in radiator shutters. SEE THE ESSEX BEFORE YOU BUY