001B6B76 July 16th, 1926 Councillor Rae Objects THE WEST VAN NEWS PERSONALS On account of the dry weather no burning permits will be is- sued. Sprinkling is now only permitted from 8 to 9 p.m. on account of a serious shortage of water for domestic purposes. A notice in reference to the sprink- ling is printed in this issue. 0 0 Mrs. Cutler has rented the Lynn house on Bellevue Ave., Dundarave. 0 0 0 Mrs. Field is building a bunga- low on Mathera Ave., near Twenty-sixth. Mr. Bradley is the contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson are occupying one of their cot- tages on Haywood Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Satta of Swift Current have been visiting Mr. Fred Tite, Marine Drive. AIrs. John Spouse of West Vancouver is visiting in Vic- toria, a guest at the Strathcona Hotel. 'f Mrs. J. R. Sigmore, West Van- couver, opened her suummer home on Wednesday for a basket picnic given by members of the Inasmuch Circle of King' Daughters. A buffet luncheon ~ was served from a yellow linen covered table, prettily centred with California poppies. Before returning to the city, tea was . served, the hostess being as- sisted by Mrs. F. W. Smith and Mrs. J. A. Gillespie. 0 Mrs. Edward Cook, Douglas Lodge, has taken a summer resi- dence at Altamont, to remain until September. Two of her daughters, Mrs. D'Arcy Rowe of Pasadena and Mrs. Ross Fraser of Detroit, are at present her guests. Salmon are beginning to make their appearance around West Vancouver. Several have been caught off the piers at Holly- burn and Dundarave. At Holly- burn on Sunday last Mr. B. Kim- mins, 68 Seventeenth Ave. W., Vancouver, made the first catch there of a salmon weighing 17 pounds 5 ounces, using a No. 6 diamond silver spoon. A large number of cod have also been caught. July 14, 1926. The Editor, West Vsn News: Dear Sire--I sm sending you here- with 8 copy of the letter I gave to the Reeve snd Councii regarding my stand on the Town Plxnmng Bylaw. rbis communication shows my objdd- tionx fsiriy clearly. I claim that if West Vxncduver is ,. to meke the progress expected as an independent municipality then it is the duty of the Council to encourage sxd assist in the development of buxi- ness property snd business activities. Yours truly, K. A. RAY. Successful Lawn Social I The lawn and home of Mr. Bnd Mrs. F. Xl Hodgson, at the foot of Twenty-third Street, proved an ideal setting for the rasp- berry social held last Thursday night under the auspices of St. Stephen's Choir, and as the re- sult of the large attendance a satisfactory sum was realized toward the piano fund. The verandah and lawn were prettily decorated with colored lights and lanterns and flags and the , verandah was utilized as a stage for the musical numbers, which included vocal solos, a violin duet and two well rendered glees by the choir, and items by Miss Beatrice Hodgson and Mas- ter Rex Rhodes. Several of Mrs. Hodgson's adult pupils from North Vancouver very 'indly came over to take part l in the program and Mrs. Hodg- son, herself, contributed a much appreciated concluding number, which was heartily encored. To the Reeve snd Council: I beg to object to the Town Plan- ning Bylaw for the following reasons: First--It eliminates sii industry from the business xone, when there is need for clean cut minor industries. if such srd allowed under the present bylaw, they are restricted to sell their products in the store window only. This is contrary to the progress of any buxinddx or of any community. I xm agreeable to bxr any industry n bleb creetex smoke nuisance, fitd Bxxardx, unsightly buildings or dix- tutbsncdx in the said zone. This is easily coped with by inserting 8 clause ni the bylaw saying that sny industry deemed to be 8 nuixxncd by the Coun- cil shall not be allowed in Zone 2. The rextriction of Bot allowing 8 man to build 8 dwelling in this xone, if he hsx xuiricicnt land space, is un- just xnd Bot business wisdom, while he is siiov ed to live in quarters at- tschnd to the store. Second--I object to the elimination of double family bou 08 in the muni- cipsbty, believing that xueb houses will not be 8 detriment to the com- munity, if the building inspector be instructed not to pxxx the plans unless properly designed. Tblrd--The 'establishment of a building line 20 feet from the property i.ne w.thout the following amend- ment: "That dud Tpasrd be given to the slresdy established line. For instance, Brown, Stewart snd Jsckxon bevd al- ready built their homes in certain blocks and they are 35 feet more or less from the property line. The new building should be governed sccotd- n giy. Fourth--The sir Spxcd of 24 fete between two buildings, where mch happen to own Sufficient land to per- mit same, is far too much for an xree comprixina 12,000 square feet, where two buildings could be allowed 8 mini- mum of 10 feet, which would be xuf- fieidnt. Fifth--That the bylaw should be amended to read "by 8 majority vote of the Councir'nstead of four-fifths majority, because the changes in 8 Towins municipality iikx ours come West Van Win'ug-of-War Cup At the L. O. L. sports at New Westminster on Saturday after- noon the team of the local lodge won the tug-of-war and chal- lenge cups, defeating the North Vancouver team, who have beaten all-comers for four years. The winning team was composed of Mr. D. McMTavish, captain; Mr. W. Davidson, Mr. J. Walls, Mr. W. Carley, Mr. Eugene Tite, Mr. James Ferguson and Mr. James Miles. At the dance in the evening, Mr. Eugene Tite was presented with a four-piece silver tea ser'v- ice, he having held the winning number among the tickets sold for the dance. Mr. Christie of the city is shortly opening a baked goods store in Dundarave and will specialize in Scottish pastry. Police Court News Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hanna of Vancouver are now occupying their summer home at West Vancouver. Their daughter, Miss Leila Hanna of Toronto University, is spending a vaca- tion with them. Mr. E. P. Coe, who is trom- bone soloist in the Parks'and, will be playing next week in the Capitol orchestra. At the West Vancouver Police Court three cases were tried for infractions of the Motor Act. F. A. Healey, Vancouver, was fined 55, as were also A. E. Ver- non of North Vancouver and Richard Lee of Vancouver. Four other cases under the same act will come up for hearing at the next sitting of the court. very rapidly xnd the first method would be more practical to deal with the Situation Snd for adopting the lncommendxtionx mxhp by the Town Planning Commission from time to time. Sixth--I fail to 800 justice in pfe- i entina owners altering, repairing snd maintaining certain types of buildings already existing in this municipality which are not to the $0- quircments of this bylaw. A minimum xum of expenditure should always be piiowed on this particular building pccprding to itx value. This pxttieu- ist clause in the bylaw refers td every xone in the municipxnty. Yours very truly, K. A. RAY. Burglars in Drug Store i'm'f The Home on Today I.,mj CANADIAN homes use more elec-~ tficity than the homes of any other country. Electric service brings comfort, con- venience, safely, labor-saving, increased leisure and added beauty to the Can- adian home in a measure undreamed of by the women of older countries. To Town Planning By-Law FLY Tox for Flies anIl Mosquitoes 50c and 75c 'The Dundaraue Pharmacy G. bx nnd B. Gcmmlu. Bcx. pbnrmcrlclc 3 doors Esxt of Duxdarsvd P.O. Phone West 606 West Vapfcou2fer PharmaCy G. N, nnd B. Gcmmin. Keir. pbnrmnclcm New Amblcxide Banding Phone West 37 DENTIST Phoae Sey. 2364 lor Appointment Dr. W. J. Curry 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Dr. Curry gives personal attention to his patients. Moderate prices. 25 years'ractical exper- ence. West Vail Electric J. s. pnlcrcnn Phono wcci 100 All Klndc of Elcrirlc Work Honte Wrrinm Kcnxcc nnd Piclnrcc Bcilmnicc Glrcn Phones West 85 - Sey. 621? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 Tuesday, Thafoday aad Saturday Ferguson'8 Motor Transfer 2446 Mariae Drive, Dandarave 164 Alexander St., Vaacouver EVERYBODY KNOWS xk Ux Aboul. Ou THE Easy JULY PHOTO ""'in&Studio "' W. CARLEY Marine Drive between 21St xnd 22nd West Vancouver Rnn. Phone West 7IY HOUSEPAINTING KALSOMINING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given Phone VVest 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 660 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver STRATT ON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE . Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily HAVE OUR DELIVERY MAN CALL '; Phone West 27 Established 51/$ Years C. J. OVERINCTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have bnd the telpPboxp inStalled PHONE WEST 135 anfi make an appnintmcnt. 14th and Marine Eight years reliable xnrvicd bxx eslxbiipbed mr teputxtivu fpr quick, dxtidfxcfotr dprviee. ED. BLACK'S TRANSFER PHONE WEST 68 Daily Delivery to xnd ftxm City We can supply xby qnxotityof Dry Fir Wood. Mrs. Ross Home Bakery 2435 liaiixd Dmd, Dddodfdfd Special for Saturday Fruit Pies - Cakes Parker House Rolls Afternoon Teas Served West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone Went 5 FRESH MEAT AND FISH Wp Drifter TelePhone: Spy. 5702 West 19L H. E. M. BRADSHAW Barrister 886 Solicitor 24 Commerce Bldg. 20th fk 640 Hastings St. W. Argyle St. Vancouver West Vancouver 811 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. PHOTOS THAT PLEASE Some time during Monday night the Dundarave Pharmacy was broken into. The thieves efi'ected their entrance through a small window on the east side of the store, and stole a quantity of cigarettes and candy and a small sum in cash. The matter is in the hands of the police, who are reported to be in possession of an important clue. No longer looked upon as B luxury, electric service is being made to per- form those household tasks formerly done by back-breaking toil. That is one reason behind the tremen- dous growth of the electrical industry from nothing in 1882 to an investment ay.of nearly seven bIBIon dollars tod Bamdn Cdtonsis ntxcnnfndsmrCa NBAD ol'ylcB VANCOUVXI4, B.C PACT PIC 0 REAT E&rXSTERX IhY. WEEK-DAY WESTBOUND Trnlnc leave North Vnncnnvcr fcr nil pnlnlc tn Wbylcclle~.dd, 0.00, 0.00. Omd.Il.l'I n.m.. 1.48, xux, d.ld, 4.4$ , d.lx, K48. 8.$ $ nnd 10.$ $ p.m. BASTSOUND Tcclnc leave Wbylccllif &ct nil pclnic lc North Vcnccnvct~.dd, f.dd. S,dd, 10.$ 0 ~.m. 1$ .88. $.$ 8. $ .88. Udd, 0.$ 0. 8.$ 8. I.dd. p.m nnd 11.00. SUNDAY~WESTBOUND Trnlnc lcnvc North Vancouver on Sundays nnd ncudnyc fcc nu pclnlc ln Wbylcclle ~I 8AO ~.m., nnd then $ 0 mlnnicc past each bnnr nniu 8.$0 pm. EASTBOUND Tcnlnc leave Whyiccliif for ~ II pclnic ln North Vnnccnvct at $ 8 mlnnlcc pccc ecch bout hicm 0.$ d ~ .m, ic 0.$ 8 p.m. For fnrihcr infcrmnunn Phone North $ 00 or Scymnnt 0001, PncccnXcr Dcph. ddd Grnnvillc Stre I, Vnncnnvcr, B. O.