West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Jul 1926, p. 2

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001B6B76 THE tVFBT VAN NEWS July IGth, 10"G. 6th (96 '66 , Julv .&1 Classified Ads. A KINDERGARTEN will be opened on September 7 at Dundacave. For information apply on and after Aug. 30th to Miss C. I Chsppe'll, 2487 Kings Ava„Dundacave. FOR SALE--Old Country wa(nu& col)ed-top desk; good condition. $ '76 or reasonable oker. Phone %as& 49)L Bntish Israel Association of 4Vest Vancouver WERT VANCOUVER Christian Science Society MEETINGS- Srld ~ lid 4th Thursdays of each month at Dundacave Hall a& 8.16 p.m. Dundarave Haik illarine Dr. Dundarave Sunday Seovjce a& 11.30 a.m. Subject. July 18th "LIFE" Ssnday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Sleeting every Wed- nesday at 8.16 p.m. Literature at bliss b(caa(n's- "The Lj«le Shop," b(arine Drivm LARGE VIEW LOTS ia Duadscsvo, $ 125 to $300. Phone Sutton, West t(2 or SSRL L)ST Straw Ha& (striped b(ue baud) on Marine Drive, between lith snd '25th streets. last Sunday. Finder phono West 469. CHOICE Alu.DING LOTS, $375 &o $ 1200. Phone Sutton, prest 112 or West SSIUL SUO(b(ER COTTAGB, furnished. new ly ha(it; close to &Voter(cont. $ 1350 terms. Phone Sutton, '&Vest 112 or SSR2. WATERFRONT LOTS, $ 1200 and $ )fioo, at Altamon&. Phone Sutton, West 112 or SSRS. may'4 Class (Jjm Chapman, Bob Lemon, Robin Body); 2 b(r. Smith'4 Class (Tom Timbre)). 'teddy Beard, Dick Tjmbreu and Hsco)d Stevens); 3. blc. Priest's Class (b(et Chapman, Rex Rhodes, Arthur Edwards and George Turner). Boys'road Jump, under 13: I, blot aha)man (I) feet 8 inches); 2, Rcx Rhodes; 3, Teddy Beard. Broad Jump. open: I, Eunice Davis (12 feet Srir inches)) 2, blet Chap- man; 3, Jjm Chapman. Boys'igh Jump: I, Rob)n Body (S feet I) inches); 2. Mct Chaprpan; 3, Rex Rhodes. High Jump, open) I, Ada A)bjn (3 feet )1 inches); 2, Jjm Chapman; 8, Phyllis Johnson. The parents were much Impressed w)&h the equipment of Caper)cy Play. ground, snd obtained s good Idea ol rvhat it is hoped ivil) be instsl)ed iu Amb'.eside Park. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 7 (July lgth). SS a.m.-- Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong. The services this Sunday and for the t&vo Sundays following will be taken by the Rev. H. hL Henderson, rector of St. Barna- bas'hurch, Calgary. hir. Hen- derson is well kno&vn to the parishioners of St. Stephen's as this is the fifth year that he has come to the coast and has oifi- ciated locally. Mrs. Ernest Davis is organist of the church during July in the absence of iur. Grout. The choir &vill hold their an- nual outing on Saturday after- noon, July 24th, to Hood Point via Ferry iVo. 5. Members of the congregation and their friends may purchase tickets from ihlr. Mason, choir secretary or other members of the choir. In the absence of the Rector, all enquiries with regard to the Church Camp should be made of hir. J. H. Smith, phone lVest 659L. R. P. CLARK ik CO„LTD. SNAPS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS HOLLYBL'RN GARDENS, rN. aad S. of Marine Drive at 16th S&. Very convenient &o the Ferry, Stores, Post Ojyico, Theatre, Waterfront, etc. These attractive building lots are favoured with rich, deep soil and are fully cleacerL Nine of these lots have been sohl jupe ceccnuy &o discs)m)na&jng purchasers, and sev- eral attractive modeva bangalows are audec contract for ecec&joa. Waterfront, b(arine Drive and Resi- dential sites are available. Plans and Prices wj&h all local agents or from United Church The closing exercises of the Vacation Bible School will be held in the United Church next Sunday morning at 11:15, wl..en the pupils will give a demonstra- tion of work learned during the sessions. All friends are in- vited to be present. The Rev. S. H. Smith, minis- ter of Knox United Church, will preach in the United Church on Sunday evening. R. P. CLARK a CO„LTD. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. %est 651L St. Stephen's Sunday School Sports We Spec]elise in Was& Vancouver. List with us if you want to sell BYRNELL a SIAY ONce at &he Ferry Lauding Phone '&vest 113 2.37 ACRES on Inglewood Avenue, $ 1600 on terms. SO)IE of the fines& view lots in West Vancouver, five minutes'alk from the Ferries, for $400 each. NEW, bIODERN BUNGALOW, on high, commanding lot, for sale on easy terms. Owner will accept an au&omobj)e or a motor boat as first (mymenL WE ARE INSURANCE experts. Let us attend to your insurance wants. BYILVELL a MAY Office right at the Ferry Landing Phone %est 113. Last Sunday evening the local Orange Lodge held a special church parade to the United Church. Assembling at Amble- side, they marched to the Ceno- (aph, where they laid a wreath in memory of those who laid down their lives. Many friends from the city also attended the service. Over &wo hundred children snd fifty adults journeyed, on Wednesday, to Second Beach, Stan]ey Park and &borough)& enjoyed the annual picn c of 8&. Stephen's Sunday School The trip over wss made via Ferry aud stree& csr and soon the children were scattered through the well equjnped playground and sports fie)d. Follow- ing a bountiful meal, made ready by many willing workers, an excel)en& sports program was held and entered into with zest by old and young a) ke, the children's balloon race sud the jumping events for the bigger boys and girls proving of special in- &erest. The long afternoon left plenty o& t.me for ba&b.ng, and the supper menu was supplemented with ice cream snd watermelon. After view- ing part of &be life saving exhibj&:on, a very tired and happy crowd em- barked at the pier at English Bsy and coded the day wj&h a moonlight trip home to Amblesida. The sports program was as follows: Girls'ace. under 7: I, Brenda Wjckjng; 2, b(argaret Dickinson; 3, Isabel Hodgson. Boys, under 7: I, Alvin Fio(d; 2, Brian Jones; 3, David Bloxhsm. Boys, 9 snd under) I, Harry Phil- lips; 2, Teddy Els&rom; 6, Haddo barton. Girls, 9 and under: 1, Doris b(ar- ∈ 2, Betty Gouclay; 3, Peggy Barker. Boys, 12 and under: I, Teddy Beard; 2, Met Chapman; 3, Tom Tim- bre)(. Girls. 12 and under: I, Phy))js Johnson; 2, Nancy Csmpbsl); 3, Eileen Body. Boys. 14 and onderi I, Jss. Chap- man; 2, Teddy Beard; 3, bio& Chap- man. Girls, 13 and over: I, Marie Smelt; 2, Betty Ssscd; 3. b(ol)y Edwards.Girls'eanut Race: I, Ada A)bjn; 2, Margaret Ssker; 3, Phyllis John- 4on. Boys, 16 and over: I, Edgar Grout; 2, Kenneth Garland; 8, Terence Crick- lllsy Girls'-legged race: I, b(eris Smelt and b(oily Edwards; 2, Constance Page and Doris Rivers; 3, Ka&hlssn Hampson and Frances Brydon-Jack. 'IVheelbacvow race: I, Mavis Smelt are) Grace b(cM]]isa; 2, Teddy Ssard snd Tom Tjmbcea; 3, George Turner snd Jimmy B)oxham. Psren& Teacher race: I, Mcs. Har- rison; 2, Mrs. Sherman and Miss Smith; 3. blvd Clack. Girls'lass Rc)ay: I, b(cs. Cotton's class (Marie Smelt, Ada Alb)n, Nolly Edwocds ond Be«')r Board)) 2, Miss Archer' Class (PhyBi~ Johusonx Con- nie Page, Dori~ Rivers and Lxiuujce Devi~ ); 3, Mcm Kendrick' Chum ((mua Rivers. Kath)ecn Hsmpsoa and Frances Bcydou-Jack). Bays'lass Roiayi I, bic. Ccjck- The United Church Sunday School will hold their annual picnic to lVhytecliii'ext Wed- nesday, July 21. A special train will leave Ambleside about noon and all parents and friends are invited to come. Children be- longing to the Sunday School will be carried free. Other chil- dren will pay 25e and adults will secure tickets at special rate. BUSH FIRE AT WEST BAY On Wednesday night 8 bush- fire broke out on the beach at West Bay as the result of some unknown campers'arelessness in lighting 8 fire there. For a time the situation was serious as the fire began to creep up- hilL Eventuajjy the local fire brigade and the Forestry offi- cials with their pumps put it out after 8 hard fight of two hours. The Summer Bible School will hold 8 picnic to West Bay on Friday afternoon. Lunch will be served in Church Hall, after which autos will convey the chil- dren to the Bay. Moonlight Cruise In answer to numerous re- quests, the committee for the Ambles(do Children's Parks and Playgrounds have arranged for a cruise in English Bay and Howe Sound by the hIS. No. 6, leaving the Ferry lVharf, Am- ) leside, at 7:20 p.m. prompt on I hursday, July 22nd. SIuxic, community singing, dancing on 8 specially prepared portion of the deck. The licensed carrying capacity is limited to 200 r.nd can not be exceeded. An early application should be made for tickets, 60c, to hfr. R. Fiddes, West 51L, Mr. G. Elgar, IVest 652R, or Mr. Wm. hic(junker, 1Vest 69L. The proceeds are to be applied to equipping the Am- bleside Children's Park. THE West Van News Published Erecy Friday H. HODGSON aad F. P. LOVEGROVE Pab]jshecs Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Phoae %so& 19L Mod) Addre P.O. Boz 101, Hoaybaca, S. C. ADVERTIS(NG RATES ON APPLICATION $ 1.00 a year by maiL Newss&snds 6c pec copy A. OLIVER W areal'DON ~ Soi ~ lapser ra)Or ~ JOINER a CABINEF b(AKER Furniture, s&c., repaired, Saws, Lawn Mowecs, Axes, stc„sharp- ened. Circ)do&)ng &hrrmghout the District of West Vancouver -- Amblsskle. Hol)y- buca, Was&on, Dundarave, Caolfeild, Why&odd(4, Cypress Pack, etm Qt II IQI Enjoy 8 pleasant evening at ID iQ THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE COOL AND CoilIFORTABI.E Q Monte Blue and Ruth Miller "HOGAN'S ALLEY" Q To-Night and Tomorrow DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Next Monday 44( Wednesday 9Pfi "Q" The Son of Zorra 'pho Thea&re w)l) be open each MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FR)DAY and SATURDAY Evsojogs 30c snd )So Mai)nr co "Cr, sud Ioo Too 'ioovo 7 44 I 4 4 o.m. ovmrosoo 444 llou lsv» QI u IQI H )Q L. H. BEAMISH Real Estate Insurance Loans AMSLES)DE WHARF West 17 PEARCE'S DRYGOODS New Ambles)de Block LADIL'S VESTS Frorri Soc. esch. LADIES BLOOMERS )"rrrm 444. Po)r, Wmdorr Shades b(ade to Order Estimates Free. New Classes for Summer Teach- ing in West Vancouver uow being formed J. M. MORGAN , West Vancouver Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Leave message at "NEWS" Of- lice or Phone West 19L Listings Wanted of LOTS and Large and Small HOUSES West Vafi. Investment Company 13&h snd blarjne Drive Phone &Veo& )0", Iisy oc Night Atkins Old Store Marine Drive Ambleside Meat Market Poultry - Beet - Lamb - Pork - Veal Bacon and Hams also Cooked Meats ""4""o"'GGS -- Fresh from the Ranch PHONE: WEST 161 HARRON BROS. 8( WILLIAMSON (funeral Orirertor s Nor(h Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 164 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 We Deliver lollybura Barber Shop b(ARINE DRIVE aad 15th. OOO. rs ~ Weel V o. Loorsrc C ~ G. RADLAND, Proprietor Hss had over twenty-live years'xper)enceIn ths barber busi- ness. Is able &o give quick and sf- ficien& service. I.adies, Gentlemen and Children FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO REVT, I'IRE INSUICAiVCE, ETC i)I.'0 17th Street JOHN LAWSON Phone Wcsf SS "I Never Catch Up With My Housework" Try telephoning this store for your Groceries. It saves time. Ordering by telephone helps you catch up and helps us to keep up with our growing business--growing because we sell relial&le and best quality foods nt lowest possible prices. SELD'S Gl&OCI"RY PHONE iVEST 28 HARD)YARE -- PAINTS BUII,I)ERS'UI'I'I.IES We close at I p. m. every Thursday. hiarine Dr)oe, Ambleside. Phone IVest 28 WE DEI.IVER JO)f r p ijc'Wmt "s . ,.(b ~ &off C oix)) im „, osd ')sop otssd os d 4&]os 4" j po (sjr)f jr ucot I I c)sjsl ™ ~ cop ms)o ao y;ps)j&f &4 IIIS mpsjrl ) bdopord'4 Cops&6 " m a&bo do I ao r]oro)oy 'o(&b' 4 pro]st M boouus DODO 0 Dm &rslf is)or&7 ~ Yllp M Cowl&i('fo tho Sr &4 oljm«' brg &o &hc (oj)ord i)jog 87)se for &OO 4 O)mllpp&rs Fjro& mso, e))re]Dim m,',r,mthe ]m'por clips n t m peed for d) eri sm]or I( opc»m Sr]cia( by]o" ., a«&om m &bc( mo mo& 'rmjscu 'Ibis u 'Os o(ssf mi ~py boo]son 4 ~bjsm sjp )4 ilsi Oh]eh cicsm omjub&jfosmosis', mjd iop turbopcos js &)4 osi yco6 o(ri ej&b)7]rond pi the by]4e mf'40 deem bo ~ soiromo 4,( ohs)l sot bo ~ o" rco&dcpoD of Do msp &o boj)4 4 dwelling i g ho bos iojfjcjos& land r juo& 444 so& bsommo m ec )4 snoeoi &o )jro m 'sckcd&o &ho o&ora Sccopd-I objm& to +r of dosb)c (pm]If bop oo ) cipslity, )o)icvipu U & will so& be s do&i]mrs& mupi&7, if the building instructed sot &o pass the properly dooiuput Third-The Or(s))i)ho buj)Cipg boo 70 feet from ).Ds u,&boo& the fo)]oui ment: "Tbs& doo )r(srd be ] already established line. I Brown, Stewart ood Jsc) ready bojn their bomm b)oclpl sild &tof oro M [ less from the pro)On) ]in bui)dipg ohoold be for&i p,gly. Fourth--The ojr rporc between &oo boj)4]s(o, hsp)ca &o ous a&)fir]co& mjt same, is fsr &m morb comPHo)sg )F,eee oqmro tuo bail(iso roo]4 M our msm of 10 (roi, vlir) v, ijcjopt, Fi(&b-Ths& i)o ) h amended &4 rr44 () 4 IOof the Comdjv jmh 4 m4]odty, )rwsom &) grow)rig mmM)ufib ] bory rsp]4)r 444 ao IuoD]db moro) d'c i]&so&isa i ocommoo44&bm ~F)44ojs 4 b time, 3 Colsldmim Sb™] fail &4osu„, , 'm l knotills]4ujm boj]4m u mns]ltz 4)im4 mDD)d ) clirbl)4)i&7 ohxl qpjromosu ( Oir Il( ~om 4( b b))sv, ojjoeod ~m o)ooj,on &]rb Omon640 h j Do uul) 14rc)porn) 4)oo 1 uliu ja & ))4lr ioj m snob Oskj)4]j& '7 tro) gliu5 iii Q ae (i)nni((ht ue e durin ee h oh "undereve u o)ne]] 9] 'ntren e end 4Sure(( e(ele on)el] eua end te 0 ehe islnth 'inauh", ef theo(eni,~d(eh in ni eiue,