001B6B6E July 9, 1926. Fersonal Mr. Jack Allen is building a house on 20th Street. ~ ~ Mrs. W. J. Chipman and child- ren of Prince George, are visit- ing Mrs. Chipman's father, Mr. John Lawson. a a Mr. and Mrs. Sam May of Ev- erett, Wash., were visitors to West Vancouver over the holi- day, being guests of their sister and brother, Mrs. J. Clarke and Mr. Hugh May (19th and Esqui- malt). a a Mrs. C, B. Greenwood, with her newly born son, arrived home this week. Mother and babe are doing exceedingly well. ~ a The following are guests at the "Clachan": Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McGill, and their son Donald, Vancouver; Mr. Dowdell, Se- attle; Mrs. J. H. Claydon, and family, Vancouver; the Misses Tean and Isobel Orr, Vancouver; Mr. George Eeal, Vancouver; and Mr. R. Whittaker, West Vancou- ver'. The annual tournament of the West Vancouver Tennis Club is scheduled to take place on Satur- day 17th July. A large number of entries have been received and it is expected that competition will be quite keen in the various events. Mrs. Faulkner, 23rd and Mar- ine, is very seriously ill at her home. All her friends will wish her a speedy recovery. Dr. and Mrs. Laing are being visited by the doctor's sister, Miss Laing, of Camrose, Alta.; and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Omond and family. The party travelled by auto from the prairie town, taking about six days for the journey, and coming via Spo- kane and Seattle and over the Snoqualmie Pass. They expect to remain at the coast for a couple of a Several West Vancouver peo- ple are patients at the North Vancouver Hospital. Amongst these are Mr. McCandlish, one of the district'6 old timers; Els- worth McMillan, who is being treated for blood poisoning, Mrs. Gardiner, 18th and Haywood; and Mrs. Lemon. All are mak- ing good progress. Stanley James, whose home is at Argyle and Bellevue and who was hurt in an auto accident two weel e ago, has now returned home. a Mr. Ralph W. Mason has bought a residence near the cor- ner of 23rd and Marine, and is hah ing it remodelled. ~ a e Mr. James A. Baxter is build- ing a 86,000 residence at 23rd snd Kings. Mr. Price of West Bay, with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Vancouver, has been promoted to a higher position in that bank at Ocean Falls. He le(t on Monday night to assunie lfls duties at the latter place. a Masters H. Woolstone and O. Downey are on a holiday at Potlatch Creek. Mr. Webb Kinser spent the week end at his home on Marine Drive and returned to Olympia, Wash., on Monday. a The many friends of Mrs. Hanrey, 22nd and Marine, who has been very sick, will be glad to hear she is improving. ~ a Mrs. Phelan and Mrs. Duncan, North Vancouver, gave a swim- ming party followed by a dance and supper at the Fortune Cup Inn yesterday. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Creelman is building a house between 23rd and 24th on King. THE WEST VAN NEWS Memorial Park Fund New Bank Buildingweek is asThe tide table for the follows: 1926 High Low a. m. a. m. July 9....... 3.37 11.12 10.......... 4.16 0.09 High Low p. m. a. m. 6.49 7.23 11.48 p. m. 7.66 12.23 8.28 12.69 9.01 1.34 9.34 2.09 10.06 2.45 The work on Councillor Watt'6 new building at the corner of 17th and Marine Drive is going on apace and it is now possible to get an idea of what it will be like when completed. It is be- ing constructed of brick tile stucco throughout. All of the ground floor will be occupied by the Royal Bank, while upstairs provisions is being made for of- fices for a doctor and a dentist. The bank is putting in a re-in- forced concrete steel vault, the re-inforcing consisting of steel rails, and safety deposit boxes are to be installed. The fixtures and desks, it is understood, are being shipped from the prairies. 11.......... 4.57 0.66 12.......... 6.41 1.42 13.......... 6.28 2.26 14.......... 7.19 3.09 15... 8.17 3.63 Subscriptions to the Memorial Park Fund, sponsored by Coun- cillor Ray, are growing apace. The total sum now collected or promised is 5622.550. The fol- lowing additions have to be add- ed to the 5305.00 already ack- nowledged: T. A. Spencer 3100; Woodwards Store 550.00; C. Downing 850.00; Reeve Morgan 825.00; Councillor Leyland 325; William Blair 825.00; Wool- worth's Store 525.00; R. C. Proc- tor 510.00; A. D. Gunn 37.50. A committee has been formed to work in conjunction with Mr. Ray, to develop plans and make further arrangements for the carrying out of this project. This committee, comprised of the following, will meet in the early future: Reeve Morgan, Council- lor Leyland, Ex-Reeve George Hay, J. Larnie, George Payne, W. McQuaker, Robert Cripps and the convener Councillor Ray. Cricket H. Booth Makes Another Century. iVFST VANCOUVER C.C. vs COLTS C.C. at Boulevard Park, July 1st. 'IVesi Vancouver Innings H. Booth, b. Huflah ...................... 107 E. IV. Baker, b. Huilah ............ 36 G. Emeriou-Court, b. Huiiah........ 1 M. Emerton-Court, b V. Lester.. I F. Harrop, b Huiiah ................, 11 E. W. Parker, Lb.w., Dean ...... 4 P. C. Chapman, b. Huifah ....... 12 F. Cooper, b. Huilah................ 0 R. Hulme, b Huiiah ........................ I R. H. Bruiou, c Lestert b. Hullah 0 F. Kastuer, uot out ...................... 1 Extras ........... '....................... 6 Total.................. ! 30 Bowling Runs Wickets H. Huiiah ...................... 60 8 V. Laster .................. 73 1 iV. Totft ...........,.....,. 35 0 J. Deaue ........................ 16 1 Colts Innings: J. Deaue, e hf. E. Court, b. Parker 12 V. Lester, c Booth, b. Parker...... 12 P. Gee. b Parker ....................... 0 A. hf. Lester, b Baker .................. 0 W. Tofft, run oui ......................... 4 C. hiartfn, b Baker ................. 2 H. Huliah, b Parker .................... I V. Mercer, c M. E. Court, b Parker 17 C. Haworih, b Parker .................... 3 J. Holt, uot out ............................. 2 P. Cowan, b hI. Emeriou-Court.... 4 Extra .......................................... 9 Total.................... 66 Bowling: Runs Wickets E. W. Parker .................. 22 6 E. W. Baker,................... 37 2 M. Emertou-Court .......... 0 1 Next Game--West Vancouver C. C. vs. Colts C.C., Saturday, July 10th, Boulevard Park, North Vancouver, 2.30 p.m. Madame Burlin has returned to West Vancouver and has tak- en the Aleander house on Marine Drive. Mrs. C. H. Stearns of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Stevenson, Bellevue Ave., for the summer. "Makes Yours Last Tuesday the committee representing the different North Shore Councils, met as an artial- gamated council to discuss and recommend possible methods of amalgamating the public utilities The recommendation made at this meeting was that the dif- ferent police forces be combined. It must be remembered by the people of West Vancouver that the findings of this committee are only recommendations, and that they are made for the in- formation of the councils and the taxpayers of the different muni- cipalities. It does not necessar- ily mean that their suggestions are to be acted upon. A Happy Home By letting us take care of your WASH WORRIES We are equipped to do it Right The Burrard Lauudry Par People IVha Are Particalar North Vancouver Phone North 1810 D. D. ROBERTSON 14th Su Back of Hoiiyburu Hall Cabinet sfaher aad Uphaleterer QREENWOOO(I GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 63c Shelled Walnuts, halves per lb............... 35c Quaker Sweet Corn, 2 cans ....... . 25c Butter, finest Alberta 8 lbs................. 51.25 Empress Orange Marma- lade, 4 lb. cans....... 49c Kerr Jelly Glasses, "Squat," per doz. 60c Great West CofFee 1 lb cans ............. 59c Dishco Sliced Pineapple per can........ 15c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ........... 550 Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. 55c Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER OH SHUCKS I You can't beat "Shields'" stuff. The best of every- thing and smiling service. Right at the Ferry Landing Free Concerts C. R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY West Van Passengers The number of passengers carried by the ferries in Jure, 1926, was 66,168, an increase of 779 over those carried for the same month last year. It should be noted that ail the municipal busses meeting the regular boats now go through to IVest Bay. and Post Office Marine Drive, between Ivest Bay aud Cypress Park GENERAL SUPPLIES Agents for Star Laundry Everything you need for Camp or House Gas di OII Station. We Deliver We Specialize in HOMES AND HOMESITES In Beautiful West Vancouver WE HAVE FOR SALK CLEARED BUILDING LOTS FROM $ 278 WATERFRONT LOTS FROM $ 1100 BLAGKWELL A OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and FIRE INSURANCE Marine Drive at Ambleside Phone: West 643 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Geo. Gourlay Est. 1911. Phone West 2 See Us About Your New Car DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Agents for CHEVROLET SALES SERVICE Marine Drive, (between 21 and 22) NEILL'S GROCERY HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 E. PALMER Stonemoson& Bttckloper Fireplaces a Specialty Capiisoo P.O. Ph. NotihsilR2 LI STINGS WANTED Savory 8E Duval Real Estate and Insurance 1429 Marine Drive (near 14th St.) Phone West 114 BOOTH A LEYLAND Essex Coach ......................................... Hudson Coach ...................................... Hudson Brougham .................. Hudson, 7 Passenger ..................,..... USED CAR 1924 Chevrolet Truck ......................... 1925 Ford Touring .....,........................ 1925 Star Sports Touring........,.....,... 1924 Chevrolet Roadster.................... Ford Coupe .......................................... Ford Touring ........................................ Maxwell Touring .......................,........ Ford Touring ........................................ Ford, 1 Ton Truck .............................. ... 31,195 1,745 2,2tJ5 2,490 .. 3575.00 400.00 750.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 150.00 125.00 276.00 We handle Insurance only, and specialize in all branches. As Agents for large British aud Canadian Companies, we are able to give the best of service aud prompt settlements. FIRE --- AUTOMOBILE --- LIFE 805 Yorkshire Bldg. Phone Seymour 377S Choice View Lots Facmg South on HAY% OOD AVENUE, 16th to ISth Streets. Beautiful location and all cleared ready to build From 5550 up, according to location and size. See. BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER JOHN LAWSON Phone 1Vest 55Oflice foot of 17th Street. Amalgamated Council HAPPINESS