001B6B6E Extension Stopped Council HasiNot Enough Funds to Complete Extension Funds for the sxtcnsinn of hlarine Drive to )Vhytecliff hav- ing been practically exhausted. work on the road has been stop- ped by the contractnrs, acting on an order of the hiunicipa) Coun- cil. As it «iH require considerable more money to complete the avork, it is probable that the Provincial Government will be asked to assist, it was announced by Reeve David hiorgan. fnllow- ing a special council meeting. He said: "Vi'e were advised recently that another $ 10,000 would com- plete the road, and ave agreed to go ahead, but when we discover- ed it would be considerably more than this. we decided to stop." The extension is from Caul- feild to Qqia tecaff, a distance of five miles. and although it has been graded right through, it hss yet to be surfaced. It is probable that the govern- ment will be asked to provide half the necessary amount to finish the road, but as Hon. Dr. IV. H. Sutherland. minister of public works, and Patrick Philip deputy minister, are at present in the interior, the question will not be brought up until their re- turn, according to Councillor J. B. Leyland, chairman of the fin- ance committee. The original amount provided byby by-law and by the govern- ment, was $ 103,000. Construc- tion of the road was to have been finished on May 15th. L'ocal Athletes Make Good Showing at Scottish Sports % est Vancouver was well rep- resented in the "wins" at the Scottish Picnic Sports held at Belcarra on Dominion Day. The Ladies won the tug-o'-war. Messrs. Currie and IVoodlaw, the Horseshoe Pitching contest, whilst the majority of the Foot Races was taken by the local men and boys. The team composed of Messrs Dennison, Fulton, Cripps, Edvvards and Robinson of West Vancouver, won the Soc- cer FontbaH game. Mrs. Lafferty Dead At Lethbridge Word has just been received that Nrs. Lafferty, the wife of Doctor Lafferty of Lethbridgo. recently died at the hospital in that city after an illness r&f ariz weeks. The doctor and his wife have spent their holidays for the last three years at the Forture Cup Inn, and have a number of friends in West Vancouver, who will be very sorry to hear of Laifefty's death. The Orange Parade The local Orange Lodge are having a parade tomorrow (Sat- urday), leaving Dundarave Hall at 9.30 a. m. sharp. It will be headed by the Prince Edward L~ land L.O.L. Flute snd Drum band of Vancouver, and will march down the Marine Drive to 14th Street. Those taking part will there board two special busses, which will convey them to North Vancouver, whence they will pro- ceed to New Westminster. In the Royal City they will march in the monster parade at 2 p.m., which, composed of SH the lodges from Victoria, Vancouver, the land, «ill proceed to the grounds of the new Orange Home for Children. Here the afternoon aviH be devoted to spnrL«. The local lndge have entered a team in the tug of war and expect to make a gond showing. In con- nectinn with the celebration the B. C. Electric are running special cars to New Westminster be- tivecn t.ie hours nf 11.30 a. m and 12.30 p. m. West Vancouver Base- ball Club Practises are being held regu- tartv and considerable progress has been made by the players. The present grounds. however, are too small for baseball and a number of balls have been lost as a consequence. It has there- fore been decided not to play any matches until the diamond in irwin Park is ready. At the rate work is progressing at the park, the grounds shnuld be available for the club uhortly. Ed. Black to Supply Coal Ed. Black was the successful tenderer for the supplying of coal to the )Vest Vancouver SchooLa. his tender being accept- ed at the last meeting of the school board. Wedding HUGHES--HERNANDEZ Announced by Royal Academy The Associated Roard of the RoyAl Academy nf ihiusic and the Boa al College of hiusic, has an- nnunced the foHnwing list of West Vancouver successful pup- ils in the exnminations recently held in this prnvince. The ex- aminers were Mr. Egcrton Tid- marsh and hir. Maurice Besley."D" after the name signifies "Distinction," "Il.ht." after the name signifies "Honorable hiien- tion." Subject is piano unless otherwise mentioned. Higher Division -- Doris E. Rehberger. )Vinnio N. Brealey (violin), "Du and Irene Gracey (violin) --ihlrs. F. Knight Hodge. Lower Division -- Johnston Burns, Mrs. J. E. Durbin: Kath- leen G. Hampson -- Nrs. F. Knight-Hodge. Elementary Division -- Mar- garet M. Scott (violin), "D". Hazel I. Brealey, Beatrice J. Short, Julia Iif. Payne, Ethel Joan Jeifries--Nrs. F. Knight- Hodge: Barbara hiae Ford arid Edith C. Page--Mrs. F. X. kIodg- son. Primary Division -- David Spencer, Mrs. J. E. Durbin; Ron- ald G. Irish, Doreen F. II. Child-., Kenneth P. Douet (violin), Nor- sh G. Stronge snd Elizabeth N. Piper--!virs. F. Knight-Hodge; Isabelle R. Bennett, Miss Q. Wright. Rudiments of Music--K. E. McDermott -- Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge. Miss Isobel Josephine Hughes ivas married to ihIr. Vincent Her- nandez on 4th July at St. Anth- ony's Church, the Rev. Father hfacdonald officiating. The bride wss attired in a dress of flat white crepe snd wore a veil with «Testh of orange blossoms.)Fol- lowing a wedding breakfast at the house of the bride's mother, hirs. A. Hughes, 17th and Water- front, the happy couple left for a trip up the coast. and will on their return trip take up their residence in West Vancouver. hhss BIurray of Lethbndge, hIiss Dickerton of Vancouver, hfr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Vancou- ver. Mrs. Hudson and son Jack, of Vancouver, Mr. E. Hawkes of Jasper Park, Mr. Robert Mac- beth of Vancouver, and hfr. Hen- ry Holland of Vancouver, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. Accident at 23rd and Marine On Tuesday morning a lady was walking over the plank crossing over the ditch at thn corner of 23rd and Marine. which is in very bad shape. A plank had become loose, resulting in her being precipitated into the ditch. She was taken over tn tlie office of Doctor Laing nearby, where her injuries were attend- c.l tn. Mr. Armitage of the Armitago Lumber Co., has bought Bio Alexander property on the )Vat- erfront between 25th and 26th and intends to build a resiiicnce there. You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY ~01 I'IdkTI FRENCII CASTILE SOAP Individual Soap 0 for 29c. The Dundarafje Pharmacy ii M. and Il. Otalialla Rn pbataiai lain S doors Fast of Duudotuvo P.O. Phnuo Weal uau Dentist 11"est V~yfcongfrr Pli&rrnf&ycy n. M *nil IL ntmmlll. litt. Phatmat Iaia New Amblonlgo Building I'hone West 37 Phones: West 85 - Sey. 6217 Phoae Sey. 2884 hf Apyaiatmant Dr. W. J. Curry 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Dr. Curry gives personal attention to his patients. hioderate prices. 23 yours'ractical exper. ence. Iueajay, Ihufaday snd Saturday Ferguson's Motor Transfer 2446 Plafiae Drive, Dandafava 184 Alexander St., Vancouver W. CARLEY Marine Drive between 2IIC oud 22nd IVest Vancouver Rao Phone West TIY HOUSEPAINTING KALSOaIINING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given Phone West 86 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Ete. H. P. Tearoe 1660 Hayvvond Ave. West Vancouver STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cmites, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily Eiifhi years'oiiahln service han cnaahilahod my rcpuinaiou [or quick, aaalafncaory Iorvico. ED. BLACK'S TRANSFER PHONE WEST 68 Dally Dciivcty ao nuu fram Clay We can supply nuy qunuaiayof Dty Fir Wood. HAVE OUR DELIVERY MAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 5 I/I Years C. J. OVERINGTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladles of the District I havo hnd aho aolophoso'iupfoacd PHONE WEST 135 oud moko an uppoinimuna. 14th and hfarins DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phono West 5 FRESH MEAT AND FISH We Dciivor WEST VAN. ELECTRIC (J. H. Paioroou) Phone West 108 Aii Kindp o! Electric Work House Wiring Ranges und Fixtures Eoaimaioo Given. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th Telephone: Scy. 6702 West ISL H. E. M. BRADSHAW Barri~Icr Iud Soiiciiof 2l Commorco Bldg. 2oih asip Haaiiugo Sh W. Argyio SL Vnucouvor West Vancouvop PACIk'Jc r.RICAr ICASIICRN RY WEEK DAY WESTSOUND Ttalnt Inta Nntih Vantavttt for au Pala4 ia Watanllu~.po. V.II. ~ .00, ~.II.II.II ~.m., IAI, IAI, EII. I. ~ I, 4.lf. ~ .II, 0.14 and 10.41 p.m. EASTBOUND Ttalaa Intt Whtittlllf for an 0 lain ia Norah Vaataat tW.~ 4, V.II, I, ~ I, mSI ~ oi.II.IE ~ .m. ~ . ~ I. 4.~ I, ~ .44, EII. f.~ I, ~ .I ~ and il.04. SUNDAYS WESTBOUND Ttalaa leave Natib Vantaat ~ aa Suadatt an4 nalblata fot an Palam aa Wbtiaaug~ i ~ .40 ~.m., and than 00 mlouin paar anh haut aaill ~ .40 poa EASTSOUND Ttaiaa leant Wbtiatlllf fat ~S polaia la Natih Vanaatat aa 04 mlnuln paai authhaut liam 0.40 ~.m. la p.m p.ol. For furib t lafatmauaa phono North ~ 40 ot Sttmaat mpl, pattnott Dtpl.,I ~ I Gtaotiua Sitaaa. Vantauttr. S. C. FVERYBODY KNOLVS The King Studio 811 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. PHOTOS THAT PLEASE Julv 0' tll fqoII is bu! ,k AUen 'I )I „MgpthS,'L , J (,'hip SI Mm, )) 5cofge oo(.chlpmso' glg Lawaon ~ John 'la! and Mm fe viIIMf Vaaha + t efe 'ancouve I the Wept mi gueen J Cta dayd bmthef, 'jUIh sni aod H»h )il» ( MI'. malt) ~ 8 C~ngof Mfa C born Ion, hf o'ewiy k Mot horne U's ";ng exceed'm afe gf The fpUpwmgM& and A McCiU an)1 Doufd Vancouver J H Clsyd )if.cmnr t,ker. Wept'Mf R, tyhitmvef., ~ Th annual tournamer, at Vancouver Tennis uled to take place o Schedui o day 17th Ju7, 'ea have been it ia expec will be quite keen in the events. Mfv, Faulkner, 33rd 4 ine, is very aerioualy ii home AU her ffiendav her a speedy fecovefy. ~ ~ Dr. and hlfa, Laing a visited by the doctor', )ILII Laing, of Camnsi snd Mr and Mfa D M and family. The pm'ty I bv auto from the pfatf taking about Iix daya Journey, and coming i bane and Seattle and I Snoquaimie Pass. The! to remain at the cosa COuple Oi Wccha.-- ~ ~ ~ Several West Vancou'ie are patients at thi Vancouver Hospital. these are Mr. McCandl of the diatfict'I old timf worth )icMilan, who i treated for b!pod ppivom Gafdiner, 13th and H, and Mfa. Lemon. AU a ing good pmgreax )amex whose home is a! and Bellevue and who v in an auto accident tw, ago, haa now returned hi "" hlPh W. Mm bought a nsidence nm ner of Fdfd and )I . baaing it femM,UM ae ~ ~ ~ r. James A. Baxter 2 36,000 maidenIeInd Hin& ence ~ ~ the CI 01 West B, nadianBankpf QVancouver to a highef n p bank alp 'oeition Mond, ."uprik. H d ' night b,'tica at the 4thtte p!a M to 8' 0 Down 'pokt hitch Creek a h( + Webb vd wmk ead Funmr ai pnve and I horne o, at hia ) 'Waib I Hmtufned tp 'he Harvey I friend, haa been d and Ma tp hear nuv I Iick w.l ,'maforin Mpfth y I au and M n ancouv, party f,th', " Imtefd, the For Hing tween 33 bi at aih