001B6B6E Classified Ads. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society FOR SALE CHEAP--Boot Case and Cupboard, also child's sulky. Woum consider exchange for good gram- aphone. Phone 91Y. Dundnrave Hall. Marine DT. Dundarsve Sunday Service at 11.30 a.m. Subject, July 11th "SACRAMENI Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony bieeting every Wed- ntoday at 8.16 p. m. FOR SALE--Child's Cot (Simmonvb wicker sulky (Sidwayi and baby buggy. Phone 'West 48. A KINii)ERGARTEV will be opined on September 7 at Dundarave. For information apply on and after Aug. 20th to bliss C L Chappeu, 2487 Kings Ave.. Dundarava LOST--Between Holiybarn Theaire and 21st Street. the lower part of an ear-ring valued as a keepsake of mother. Finder please notify Phone West 25RI and receive re- ward. OLD Cot NTRY IVOSIAN Wishes daily work in house or store. Ap- ply HELP, C,'o Wmt Van. News. CANOE FOR SALE--With two pad- dies, $ 1S.(XL Phone tvest 689L 4 LOTS ON Fl'LTON, West of 20th Street, only $350 each; terms. IV. Kissick. West 22IL LOT 9. BLK. 6A, D. L Tib -- Au Mearwl, bargain at $450. W. Kis- sidr, West MR 4 Roobi HOUSE on Corner Lot, 100 x120, nice verandah, living roam 12 xlS, two bedrooms, bright kitchen. plastered, close to Ferry, $ 1650, tenne. Must be sold this week. Phone West 22R R. P. CLARK R CO„LTD. SNAPS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS BUILDING LOT--Close to Ferry and Marine Drive. Owner out of town. 'tvill accept $360 for immediate sale. SI btblER ROSIE llV ALTASIOVT- On very large lot in natural park on Marine Drive. Good investment, 31650: terna half cash. TWO FIFTY FOOT LOTS--Conveni- ently located, close in. Crest through property which can be tak- en great advantage of for beauti- fication. $300. Build a good home. We will find the location and finance and build to your own plans. We believe in West Vancouver. WATERFRONT HOSIE IN HOLLY- BURN--Newly built and just being finished. Splendid investment and lovely situation. A bargain at $2760. Terms about quarter cash. or anange to suit purchaser. The best buy on the tvaterfront. R. P. CLARK R Co LTD. 923 Hastings SL W„Sey. 74S3 R 7484 Resident Representatire, C. J. Archer West KilL St. Stephen's Church Trinity 6 (July lith). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School 11.16 0, m.--Ibioruing -Prayer. 7.15 p. m,--Evensong. The service on Sunday morn- ing will be taken by the Rev. C. N. Barton. The service at Caul- feild at 11.16 a. m., will be held at the home of Mrs. Stuart Cam- epon. The Sunday School picnic will be held next IVednesday, July 14th, to Stanley Park. The child- rea are asked to assemble at Am- bleside wharf in time to take the 10 o'lock ferry to the city. The annual outing of the choir will be held on Saturday after- noon. July 24th, to Hood Point, near Bowen Island. The sixth annual ibfemorial Service will take place at the Memorial Arch on Sunday after- noon, August 8th, and the speak- er of the day will be Brig. Gen. H. E. Macdonald of Vancouver. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. 10.15 a. m.--Sunday SchooL 11.00 a. m--Church service. Prayer Meeting every IVednes- day evening. United Church The -United Church Sunday School Picnic will take place on IVedneaday, 21st July, instead of on 22nd July as previously an- nounced. BYRNELL R bIAY OfSce at the Ferry Landing Phone West 113 WE ARE OFFERLVG a Neat Foar- roomed Cottage, quite near the Fer- nes for $ 1200 on good terms. SOUTH OF&IARINE DRIVE in the Aitamont district we have a epee- ially good buy in a large bouse on extensive grounds. Full particu- lars on application. SEVERAL PIECES of Acreage at low prices. Lots from $ 100 up. ADVICE ON INSURA iCE SIAT- ters freely given to clienta tve know the insurance business and are competent to advise. AB lines of insurance written. BYRNELL R SIAY Office right at tbe Ferry Landing. Phone West 113. Itir. Bud Mrs. K. A. Margeson. with their young son aud daugh- ter, have been visiting the form- ex'6 parents, Dr. Bud ibIPS. Mar- geson, 1224 Fourteenth Avenue IVeat, for 8 few days. They will spend July and August at bveat Vancouver. s e e Sfr. Bud Mra. John Stephen and family of Oyama, will occupy Mr. and MFS. J. D. A. Tripp'8 cottage at Caulfeild during their absence in the East, where they recently went accompanied by their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Tripp. bIPB. Rhodes, Marine Drive aud 13th, baa returned to the city. Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS, marked TFNDER FOR bIANUAL TRAIN LVG ROOM" will be received by the Secretary of the West Vancouver School Board, or by the Architect. up to 6 o'cloct P. M. of bionday, July 12th, 19M, for a Frame construction Manual Training Room, Pauline John- son School, West Vancouver, B. C. Plans and spenfications may be ob- tained at the office of Hugh A. Hodg- son. Architect, 198 Hastings St., W., Vancouver, B. C„on or after Toesday, July 6th. Tbe Scbool Board do not bind them- eelves to accept tbe lowest or any tender. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary THE lVest Van Nees Published Every Friday Circulating throughout the District of 'ivest Vancouver -- Ainbleside, Holly- burn, Weston, Dundarave, CauifedJ, 'Wbytecliife, Cypress Park, ete. H. HODGSON and F. F. LOVEGROVE Publishers Business and Editorial Office: 1361 biarine Drive I'bose West 19L Yesterday the No. 6 Ferry wa6 taken for the day to the Van- couver Shipyards. where the hull wsa cleaned aud painted and a new propeller shipped in prepar- ation for the annual inspection by the Department of bfsvine. Her old propeBep tutd become bent as 8 result of coming iutu contact with Boating loge, and it is expected that 8 new propellot'ill result in the engine puuuir g more smoothly. SlaB Addresst P. O. Box 101, Hofiyburn, B. C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPI.ICATION $ 1AN a year by Inaii. Newsstands 6c per copy. THE IVFVT VAN INEIVS Successful Picnic Ilorth and Hest Xanrouver Scot tish spent a most enjoyable 1st of July at "Balrarra" leering North Vanrourer Ferry 'tvharf prompt at 0 a. m. Ths skirl of the pipes being the signal for casting og. The sail up the inlet was most enjoyable and so appetising, that an early lunch was demanded by all. The sports were then started undn tho direction of bir. J. bloir and blr. J. McGowan. Tho children's races were keenly contest- ed and the prises awarded at the con- clusion of each event gave erery sat- isfaction and reflected great credit on the purchasing committee. Old Aunt Sally again proved a fund of amusement as well as a source of prof- it. The catering of auxiliary food snd comforts in the able hands of blrs. Graham and birm bicguaker assisted by a committee of ladies left nothing to be desired, on the return journey, community singing was entered inta with zest by all and tired and happy IVorth Vancouver was reached about 8 p. m. SPORTS AND RACES Children under 6 years--1st D. El- gar; 2nd D. Dennison; 3rd E. Treloar. Girls under 8 years--1st B. Gour- lay; 2nd E. Thomson; 3rd D. Elgar. Boys under 8 years--1st J. Ward- laiv; 2nd D. Dennison; 3rd IV. Ander- son. Girls under 10 years--1st I. Living- stone; 2nd G. Thomson; 3rd I. Thoni- son. Boys under 10 years--1st J. Living- stone; 2nd J. 1Vardisw; 3rd K. Iiioir. Girls under 12 years--1st E. Pat- erson; 2nd P. Wardlawi 3rd 51. Cripps. Boys under 12 yearox-1st T. Torran; 2nd J. Spencer; 3rd A. Reed. Girls under 14 years--1st E. Living- stone; 2nd E. Parkinson; Srd K. Ed- wards. Boys under 14 years--1st L. Tor- ran; 2nd R. Cripps; 3rd G. 51cVean. Young Ladies Race--1st Annie Liv- ingztone; 2nd 51. Edwards; 3rd K. Edwards. Young 51en's Race....lst Blair Ed- ivards; 2nd A. McDougall; Srd J. Cripps. bien's Race--1st btr. Currie; 2nd bir. Stewarl 3-Legged Race--1st biouy and Kat e Edwards; 2nd J. Graham and J. Reed. Ladies Sack Race--1st airs. G. El- gar; 2nd birs. Fulton; 3rd birs. Cripps. Ladies Tug of War--1st West Van- couver. IVsil Driving Contest -- 1st Mrs. Graham; 2nd Mrs. C. Campbell; 3rd Mrs. Mitchell. bien's Boot and Shoe Race--1st Mr. Thomson; 2nd bir. Wardlaw. Shot Put-- 16 lb. shot, 1st Mr. Stew- art, 38 ft. 3 inches; 2nd birs. bic- Dougall, 38 ft. Horse Shoe Pitching--Mr. Currie. bien's Tug of War--North Vsncou- veI'. 6 a Side Football--West Vancouver 4 goals to 2. Evening Cruise The trip up the North Arm of Bur- rard Inlet by the bl S. No. 6, on Wed- nesday evening, inaugurated by the Ambleside Parks and Children's Pisy- grounds Committee, gave pleasure and entertainment to 210 residents and visitors. Leaving the tvest Vancou- ver Ferry Wharf at 7.20 p. m. prompt, a call was made at Vancouver to pick up 20 interested friends. The next point of interest wss the Second Nar- rows Bridge which opened without a hitch; passing Baicarrs daylight was fading fast and the mountains in sil- houet were even more beautiful A good run was made to close on Indian River. On the return journey the search playing on the buildings of Lake Buntzen Power plant brought out the residents who waved their greetings, by this time bir. Childs at the piano and bir. Fred Tits with the violin sided by s goodly number of the West Vancouver Musical Society and several auxiliary instruments and voices were giving ~ fins rendition of the latest community songs snd glass. Ambleside Wharf was reached at 1 iso, bianager Edwards had a bus out in quirk time for those travelling west. The fund for Sports Equip- ment will benefit to a considerable ex- tent, and ~ balance sheet will be ls- ~ued in next week's issue. July 9, 1926. SV4~1~iD'S Gl&OCI 8-Y Belongs to no ('ombinea or Aaaociutiona. Ouv prices riao and fall with the World's markets. Bu't you cau always be sure ofgetting rolinblo goods at 8 fair ppico. The store of Honest Serfjice PHONE iVI'.ST 'p8 1VE DELIVER HARDIVARE -- PAINTS -- BUILDERS'ijl'I'I.IES IVe close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marino Drive. Ambleaido. Phone IVeat 28 Qt Ii IQi Fujoy 0 pleasant evening Bt THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE COOL AND CObIFORTABI.E Richard Barthclmess and To-Night and Dorothy biackaill in Tomovvow "SHORE LEAVE'Q Next Friday Bud Saturday Monte Blue In "HOGAN'S ALLEY" The Theatre will be open each MONDAY, Wl:DNEBDAY, I'itiDAY and SATURDA Y Er«ulnas 30o snd ifo blaiinees 20c anil los Tro Shoes I ssa I I wm. ssisnisr ~ sss uoiiesrs Qi IQi H IQ L. H. BEAMISH Real Estate Insurance Loans AMBILSIOE WHARF West 17 PEARCE'S DRYGOODS New Anibleside Block Oriental Parasols Children's 45c each Ladies 86c 96c fi $ 100 caco 'ivindow Shades Made to Order Estimates Free New Classes for Summer Teach- ing in tvest Vancouver now being formed J. M. MORGAN West Vancouver Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Leave message at "NEWS" Of- lice or Phone IVest 19L West Vancouver lavaitmafit Co. 18th and Marine Drive Phone: West 102 Notary - .Listings Public bVautcd WATXaPROIIT Sllros ma ass ielszl ~ . JOINER R CABINET 61AKER Furniture, etc., repaired, Saws, Lawn Mowers Axes etc. sharp- ened. A. OLIVER Atkins Old Store llfarine Drive Ambleside Meat Market POULTRY " -"Ii'".". "."'"'"'"" FRESH EGGS COOKED AIEATS, Etc. PHONE: bVEST 161 bve Deliver HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON gnneriil Bireftors North Vancouver Paplor0 122 IVeat Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 llollyburiI Barber Shop bIAitINE DRIVE and 15th. OSS. IS ~ West Vss. I rmz I Ca G. RADLAND Proprietor Has had over twenty. five years'xperiencein the barber busi. ness. Is able to give quick and ef- ficient service. Ladies. Gentlemen and Children FOR WATERFRONTAGE aud other property HOUSES TO I(EST, I"IIIE INSURANCE, ETC SI'0 17th Street JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 H Next QOIIiiay I.ewis Stone and Anna Nilsson lu Q and Wednesday Too Much Money ]I ,*I (galas 't Ot'g' I Vaucouvcf tfgucad ya jj Coio Ambieside mt iua 4 uibo",„d iatM 'te addItw ~opacity adviaofy ffoiii tbc T«o let tef ucloai d one 4 . ai ('ommau Otuaou ea of the co that acba as «4 „iibiug tb'iliofWatt d exp(elaucces»u . every I b I muuicipa gfct t MMI allcudauc prcveutcd ~'g by Coml it waa "8 by Comm'vd am g uaauimoi oud ep, aud 4am de Tufa«Comtad Ijo to the uuauim or Laiug aiso received Comfa ,I the m«jug vc waa elected ae i treasurer ou 3 fade Afcbef wbjcb waa ed by Comrade Lycett. 'by I liowmg exÃuti 'cd mittee wiu app 'aiiesArcher, Fegau, Iwcett, Pollag Prie lyright. it waa moved by ( I awsou accoudcd by ( Wfjgbt aud carried tbat 'eetingbe held the I'uesday in September. A motion wat made i ried that the biemoriai under the auspices of tbi iuu Lcgiou be held on 8th August, Comrade Pl iug given charge of all rangements. Comrades Lawaou aud Lycett wl pointed a committee ti him. Comrade Archer mov Comrade Lycett Iocoudo tlou that the West Va Braucb of the G. IV.V. A the Lcglou with a dotal ance sheet showing the, their Suaucex The President aud Soi Treasurer were iustructe terview the Council as cleaning up the ground! the biemoriai Arch aud lettering put on the alothe latter of which a g, cii. 300 bad been made b tb uao of Pmfoaaor The bou fistic, lith acaught 4 o Saturday ue to a def '4 y iuxuta Colia thou wouderi I gbt it waa tb beard wb „"mg be bM home frm," Aunt Iiaud next door vhitiug that l„ aad t,ld U RII tifui c Dix bad a io, yeeu'b"my pie g ' mt ouxo wiug Iolio wu9"4 uucie "'aitiug be atili 4 for tbe 5 bja «&I felts &thmi So ~'(vuucat" Mtb b be cilm,catioua.sum roe mwxt o bliss D«aad h'8 tbo a vs udaaw a Pa ix, I about ~ut old "at ah penuaoa 4 atjcb. ~y, b,i aba rul ""0 blob vt of pots. I grow M aa ti e bmgM m tbh w