001B6B67 THE IVFBT VAN NEIVS Buy Your Meats from JEFFRIES Next to Hollpburn Theatre CiuaHty is not sacrificed for price. You geb what you want without waste of time-- and you can depend Upon it being the best. Your first order will bring vou back again. Phone West 3. bve Deliver. Fresh and Cured hfeats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Lard. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAI SHOP WE DO SHOE REPAIRLVG for Others WHY NOT FOR YOU IVhile you wait or same day as brought in FRED TITE Foot Specialist iNext to West Van. Garage, Ambleside Receiving Agency Kovia FwvnitutoStove, Dundhvhwm Daily doiivovios Close In Lots on Inglewood Avenue Yoo csm't go wrong in buying West Vaecouvor Property at Pvooont Prices. Buying here is an investment--not a specula- tion. We Offer Large Lots 82 x 230 on paved road Good View and Excellent Lochti on--(Buuding Restrictions). $600 on long terms Remember these are three tim oo the sixo of the ordinary 60-fh Iota. MAKE YOUR CHOICE EARLY GEO. HAY 14th St. 8: hfarine bvest Vancouver 315 Cordova St„W Vancouver or Essex Coach $1195." No more to pay. Fully Equipped Front and Rear Bumpers, Motor hieter, Rear Vision Mirror Automatic Windshield Wiper, Stop Signal, Gas Gauge, Built in Radiator Shuttera Ask for a demonstration. BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER Used Car Sale 1925 Ford Touring, New Paint Ford Roadster 1922 Ford Truck 1925 Star Sports Touring........ 1924 Chevrolet One-Ton Truck 1924 Chevrolet Roadster Ford Coupe D '45 Buick Touring ALL CARS GUARANTEED 3400.00 150.00 275.00 750.00 676.00 500.00 350.00 350.00 Cash or Terms See us for Used Cars NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street bvest, Phone North 1166 iNorth Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE ONLY OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE OV THE iVORTH SHORE Free Towing to hiembera We are open until 12 P.M. week days and 11 P.hf„Sundays. West Van to be Dry Next Tuesday In another column will be found Ihe oolcial notice of a probable interruption in Ihe wnier service next Tues- day. This is one of these peculiar conditions where neceKwary repairs and alter- ations cnuse the public an inconvenience which can. not well be avoided. You are advised to store sufllcient water on hionday for your needs nil day Tues- day. Correspondence To the Editor of bVEST VAN. NEIVS: Dear Sir:-- In reply to letter over the sig- nature of hir. Nyland in your paper of last week, I would es- teem it a favor if you would publish the following: I consider the suggestions con- tained very good, and any fair criticism of the Parks Board is ivelcomed. In regard to the substantial sum the Board is expending on the so-called by him "Dump Heap" at Ambleside, the Parks Board after careful consideration of the request of the Ratepayers Association, to have part of Am- bleside Park laid out in a man- ner suitable for sports, etc., de- cided that the sum of money left in the estimates would be used there to the best advantage to the community as a whole; for the following reasons: First, and very important, to encourage our youth in many sports and recre- ation, rather than allowing them to hang round the street corners and fences as they are prone to do today. The Parks estimates for 1926 was only 31000 and for this sum of money to be spent in the sev- eral parks; no permanent work would have been possible and the money spent would have been lost. Also soveral good citizens and true have shown their support to the project by contributing the sum of 3200 towards the work, without which it would have been impossible to proceed. I beg to assure Mr. Nyland and your readers, that the Memorial Park development scheme is not being overlooked. as already the sum of 5500 has been promised me by several friends for the purpose of providing children' recreation equipment similar to that erected by the Gyros Club in Vancouver. In the course of a few days an oflicial committee will be selected to deal with the project, and in conclusion, I beg to say that every citizen is in- vited to co-operste towards mak- ing this park what it was intend- ed to be. Yours respectfully, K A. RAY, Chairman of Parks Committee Channel View, Keith Road, Editor IVEST VAN NEIVS: Dear Sir:-- I notice in your last edition a letter from a Dundarave cor- respondent criticizing our Park Board on granting and finding funds for a playground, which is greatly needed at this end of our fair municipality. I reiterate your correspond- ent's wish to beautify our Mem- orial Park but as a returned soldier I hope hogs will be kept out of it where I am afraid they would disturb our comrades we left in France. Let the Memorial Park be a place to beautify and a resting place for pedestrians, not for revelry. And by all means Iet the East End children have their play- ground. I remain, yours truly, BLAIR BABCOCK A Child' Disappointment (An episode of Dominion Day 1925) iVature resplendent, as In Eden willed, A crowd with joyous content- ment filled, A spay kling sea, an azure sky. And hearts as buoyant ns the birds on high, Mountains in morning's radiance dressed. Idyllic state, charmed suburb of the bvest. But a cloud swept over the face of the sun IVhen July the First hnd barely begun, For a child with expectation flll- ed Saw the pageant for her, with its bright hopes killed, For although admitted at the gate, She reached the ferry a moment late. In panic she danced when order- ed to jump, But her fathev, he sprang with heart all a-thump, And his panic he showed as he shouted "Go home," Oh joy, you had vanished as wave-tossed foam. With a cry of dismay and a shriek as of pain, She shot up the gangway and homeward again. Fair creation was blurred for some who remained, And I wot that the father's heart it was pained. Dear child if life-long memory should hide Disappointment so keen, illumine it with pride For obedience so perfect, so pain- ful beside. God bless you and keep you whatever betide. --Anna Harrison, Dundarave. Mrs. Toddun of North Lons- dale entertained in honor of hIrs. Marie Bruce on bvednesday last. Several out of town friends were present. July 2nd, 102B Roberts'etter Meats 14th nnd Marine Vest f(l6 "PHONE FOR FOOD" Fresh Meats Corned Beef and Pork Home Cooked Delicatessen In Creof Vuriery Bacon Hams and Sausages Fresh Fruits and Vegetables , Delivery Leaves TWICE DAILY 11 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. HONEST WEIGHT PROSIPT SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY GROCERIES FRUIT, VEGETABLES CONFECTIOiVERY, Eto. PHONE YOUR ORDER---WE DELIVER West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE LQNsDP I E m EMPIRE Conway Tearle IN "THE SPORTING LOVER" A Drama msr shi~ I ~ Ihre'nsaleo Tloaeote laths Oroareoi Horse Sess ~ sst fao ~ION.. TUCK. WEO.. O ~ ~ ~ Vih LEWIS STONE aTNE DESEIIT HEALED Olive Borden bv Tho Errata' N r ~ I EmsuoaalSist,ia p 'YELLOW L FINGERS" u oe wrlohr' Noe I ~ I Aorealete I le Iho Sooth Sees TNUIL, ~ SL. SAT. O ~ O ~ Ivih G aavmoND osirnvm I ~ "WET I'AINW'OR1ll ANDTS GROCERY 14th and Marine We Deliver e PHONE WEST 65 r 'o', ip I S g 'i rriiid 'ly hisil I 1,00~~c I 1 "WHyTECLI WH( The opcuiug of,I the Brive Exteusio I ui lou to u the sublm suticiim ' b Pubiicit b eu given the ~ lb. „ss suticips e e " ted that i msr would sce tb uxd Hence it is over t e r 'ut Io~st Iljssppulutmeu that tbe completion bss Iefiuitely pesty'. To bsu build s yosd su t let it remain in tbst I s very expensive busiucs, o I posse which West Vsu csu ill afford. Apart froI it is s great iucuuveuieu The completion of tbi was promised for slmmr months sgo, sud people bought property sud have bviug sud busmess sr ments expecting the road fiuisbed on time. Mo much valuable pubbcity sr trvct beuegt from the exi Lions'ate Bridg Plans Sobmi Boudero Present Svhvso of hp Roohh Plans Iov the high.levol bridg posed Iov Llooo'III, Ixh oh I ovo sYstem of oppvomhixg ovOVvh Hoity Port, were Iobmiuoh I Vooeoovev Porto Bmwi, ymtwi A IL Compbog, Major Bvgb Moioh ood bioiov Cyvg Erhbmh 0 'ioghresenting the brihgo huM'ghvP. Robiuvoo ooh OLBnuvb Colombio gmmhi IR P. Cloth oohCo Mx Clort oxploiovh bn Povoio ot the Robihm 'oB expoou'mm xolghboib uuu oo Ibo Prolen, oxh Rovoo, eogiomomv, vobmivhuIog'omi14t,h ' ~lod bridgoo o4 h moos Iyy, moiv 'ort Nmvi Sutoooi xyxvoihlbo mombvio dovlovori Ih,t I Porto B miofoiwould bo Hv + mmidvsP~i~ ouvo ~" mmd tbo ven the pII whoavolouog Io Ib Ihioo 6 a . I hivvh as Iho Ronb Sh Voovoov ypo oi bnug . poi'Iivo oiof Ih go dmlial opiolevtbyvh " ~ oppi iumovuuo I oihmiu, now o ool p ts, Ioo IRIIII I mmoover 6mo hg Qoovo I'IIIoeot oI Right h ombivu h, & Bvhhh. from I obtain I Ro um uhviln ~ yoov.IR™ og molt,n 'hheot I o horn'Io im