001B6B67 July 2nd, 1926. Personal Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davidson and family have taken up their residence in their summer home at Caulfeilds. They will remain there until September. t t t Mrs. Ed. Black and family have gone to Selma Park (Se- chelt) for the summer. t ~ t Mrs. Thomas Johnston, 14th and Waterfront, is being visited by her daughter-in-law, who re- sides in Pasadena, California. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen and family, 15th and Duchess, are leaving shortly on an extended tour through the States to De- troit. ~ t Mr. and Mrs. Alee Menzies have moved into their new home on 20th and Esquimalt. Mr. Thompson of Thompson Elliott, Ltd., Vancouver, has pur- chased property on 20th Street, near the corner of 20th and Ful- ton. Contractor Poore is erecting a large houseat the corner of 15th and Gordon. A number of sea trout have lately been caught in the vicinity of the Government Dock at the foot of 17th Street. Reynolds Bros. are building a bungalow on,Esquimalj. near 22nd. t Mr. Alee Creelman is prepar- ing to erect a bungalow near 23rd and Kings. A bungalow is being built by Itir. Vyvyan at 17th and Fulton. Contractor Knowles is erect- ing a bungalow for Mrs. Emily Wilson at corner of Hope and Tstlow Streets. Miss Edna Hicks of Powell iver, is visiting Mrs. Arthur R. Wright, Watet&ront and 19th, for a few days. t t Major and Mrs. Saunders left here on Saturday last for Kerris- dale, where they will in future reside. t t Mr. Hugh Christie intends op- ening a bakery on Marine Drive in the store formerly occupied by the 'Kevill Furniture Store in Dundarave. Three small salmon were caught early Sunday morning by sn angler at Dundarave. Mrs. Williams has rented Mrs. Hill's cottage, corner of 24th and Marine. t Mr. Durant has taken Mr. Le- feaux's cottage on Mather and 23rd. Presentation On Monday afternoon, June 21st, the teachers of the West Vancouver Public Schools were entertained to a social hour by Mrs. Brealey, the wife of the Principal, the time being spent in music and games. The chief vent was the presentation of a et of silver vegetable dishes to Sties Effie IVenmonth on the oc- casion of her marriage and as a token of esteem by all members of the staff. Miss Hazel Brealey the youngest daughter of the principal, made the presentation. Mr. Brealey on behalt of the teachers made a few appropriate remarks assuring Miss Wen- moth of the heartiest wishes of all for her future happiness and welfare, with regrets that she was severing her connection with the staff snd pupils of the West Vancouver schools. THE WEST VAN NEWS Grade SB -- Gordon Grafton, George Archer, Peggy Hind- marsh. Grade 7 -- Stanley Boshier, Ione 51cDonald, Allin Duncan. Grade 6, 1st term -- Joan Cur- tis, Priscilla Schurnle, Ian Ham- ilton. Grade 6, 2nd term -- Jack IVatt, Betty Holdsworth, Tom Turner. Grade 5, 1st term -- Douglas Forrester, Gordon Armstrong, Isabelle Black. Grade 5, 2nd term -- Jose- phine Leyland, Reith Holdsworth Mary Cripps. Grade 4, 1st term -- Joan Jef- fries, Joan Gourlay, Enid Cle- ments. Grade 4, 2nd term -- Eleanor Eager, John Waddingham, Mar- jorie Vernon, Lillian Morton. Grade 8, 1st term -- Barbara McIntyre, Douglas Pollard, Ted- dy Sheffield. Grade 3, 2nd term -- Frank FIodgson, James Murray, Alice Lauder. Grade 2, 1st term -- Jack Mc- Leod, Jean MCKenzie, Eunice Turvey. Grade 2, 2nd term -- Marjorie Rivers, Jimmie Bloxham, Lenore Beattie. Grade 1, 1st term -- Joan Sheffield, Joan Eccleston, How- ard Meraw. Grade I, 2nd term -- David Bloxham, Gwen Haley, Walter Parker. West Vancouver Public Schools The following are the leaders in their respective classes of the West Vancouver Public Schools: DUN 13ARAVE SCHOOL Grade I, 1st term -- Brenda Wicking, Norms Halliday,'oan Mathews. Grade 1, 2nd term -- Evelyn McGowan, Jim Turner, John Davey. Grade II., 1st term -- Bonnibel Barbour, Douglas Lysett, Thom- as Robson. Grade III., 1st term -- Mary Currie, Paul Mathews, Rietta Watson, Geo. Turner. Grade III., 2nd term -- Robert Ward and Margaret Cunie, Ed- ward Elpstrom, Bobbie Robson. Grade IV, 1st term -- Grace McMillan, Madeline Eccleston, Donald McMillan. Grade IV., 2nd term -- Jean Currie, Jack Scott, Takawi Oka- dos. HOLLYBURN SCHOOL Grade 7 -- Edward Rush, Al- lan Dickinson. William Nesbitt. Grade 6, 1st term --" Bonits Armstrong, Marguerite Edwards Clayton Stewart. Grand 6, 2nd term -- Margar- et Gillett, Barbara Hadwin, Grace Gibbons. Grade 5, 1st term -- Walter Tearoe, Doris Cullin, Betty Youngson. Grade 5, 2nd tetTn -- James Brown, Barbara Allwork, Alan Vaughan. Grade 4, 1st term -- Pearl Robertson, Gladys Cox, Helen Ritz. Grade 4, 2nd term -- Mary Edington, Jane Hahn, Ian Elgar, Marjorie Paton. Grade 8, 1st term -- Virginia Gamage, Norma Malpass, Leslie Willington. Grade 3, 2nd term -- Jean Ad- ams, John Hatper, Walter Pear- son. Grade 2, 1st term -- Peter Hawkins, Jean Hill, Elizabeth Morris, Verne Taylor. Grade 2, 2nd term -- James Mason, Bernice Babcock, Gordon Gibson. Grade I, 1st term -- Corraine Wheelwright, Elaine Kissick, Charlotte McDougall. Grade I, 2nd tenn -- Agnes Gray, Helen Harrison, Alan Frsacr. Prof. Morgan to Start Singing Classes in 'estVan. Professor J. M. Morgan, who is so well known as the leader of the West Vancouver Musical So- ciety, which attained such great honor at the recent B. C. Festi- val, is now forming classes in West Vancouver for summer teaching--voice production and singing. That West Vancouver is to have this opportunity of obtaining the services of such a noted teacher is a matter for con- gratulation and it is expected that his time during these sum- mer months will be fully occu- pied. West Vancouver L.O.L. 2990 The next regular meeting will be held in Dundarave Hall on Tuesday, 6th July, at 8 p. m. The Royal Arch PutTIle Degree will be put on. Mrs. Grieves and family of Bellevue and 21st 2nd Mrs. Lon- don and family, 17th and Mar- ine, are spending a tow months'olidayat Selma Park. PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL Grade 8A--Kathleen Edwards, Gordon McVean, Dorothy Payne. Choice Vieiv Lots I Facing South on HAYWOOD AVENUE, 16th to 18th Streets. Beautiful location and afl cleared ready to build on. From $550 up, according to location and size. See. JOHN LAWSON Offlce foot of 17th Street. Phone West 55 REGARDING FIRE INSURANCE We wish to announce that we have been appointed ageuts of the undermentioned Fire Insurance Companies The Law Union St Rock Insurance Co. Ltd. OF LONDON, EIICLAND sad The Caledonian Insurance Co., of Scotland. The fact that we report directly to the branch offices of these companies guaroutees you the best service, quick adjustments and lowest rates. BLACKWELL &, OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Ambleside, West Vancouver Phone: West 643 QEEEppfpppig SHERMAN STORE and Post Office GROCERY al arise Drive, between West Bayaad Cypress Park WEST 16 GENERAL SUPPLIES Saturday Specials Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. can 63c Shelled Walnuts, halves per lb...................... 35c Quaker Sweet Corn, 2 cans .............. 25c Butter, finest Alberta 8 lbs ...................... $ 1.25 Nabob Pure Greengsge Jam, 4 lb. tins.......... 59c Sterling Catsup, large bottles .................... 24c Great West Coffee 1 lb cans .................... 59c Dishco Sliced Pineapple per can ................... 15c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ................ 55c Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. 55c Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at 1 o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Orders WE DELIVER =IVGNV3S= On the Ambleside Wharf the Best of Confectionery, where the crowd go to en- joy themselves. Free Concerts C. R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY Everything you need for Camp or House Gas kt Oil Station. We Deliver Does a Woman Work Hard Enough? The positive drudgery and mon- otony of a house-wife's duties is a subject that never occupies a front page space in any news- paper. A woman may do floor scrubbing dish washing, bed making, dust- ing, tidying, cooking, nursing and add to it all a big day's washing and no one thinks she's done any- thing at all wonderful. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." Why not therefore give s worthy woman more leis- ure to rock a cradle? One big burden anyway can be taken from the shoulders of a, noble mother by sending all her heavy washing to the Burrsrd Laundry; they'l take care of it and return it sweet, clean, whole- some and healthful for an amaz- ingly modest figure. The North Shore girls who conduct opera- . tions at the Laundry take a great pride in their work and people speak highly of them. The Eurrard Laundry "For people who are particular." 3rd ST., EAST aad ST. DAVID'S North Vancouver, B. C. Phone North 1310 H. H. Ballacd - hlgv. West Van Auto Service See Us About Your New Cac DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Agents for CHEVROLET SALES SERVICE D. D. ROBERTSON Iktb St. Back of Hollyburu Hall Cvkisvi Maker ttd Upkolttvvvv Furniture made to order. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Geo. Gourlay Est. 1911. Phone West 2 LISTINC S WANTED Savory & Duval Real Estate and Insurance 1429 Marine Drive (near 14th St.) Phone West 114 Mawse Dave (between 21 asd 22) NEILL'S STORE HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 690 E. PALMER Sionemason dc Bricklayer Fireplaces s Specialty Capllsuo P.O. Ph. North 811R2 Hollyburn Pavilion 17th and Marine Drive DAN (iING EVERY XVEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 8.80 to II.SO p.m. Nick'8 Olympian 7-Piece Orchestra JUST ISSUED ABSOLUTELY UP-TO-DATE NEW WALL IPIAP Covering the Whole District of WEST VANCOUVER Includes all registered Sub-divisions. Send your orders to The IVEST VAN. NEIVS510