001B6B67 July 2nd, 1926. Horseshoe Bay Yacht Club Women's Aux- iliary. OFFICERS ELECTED Officers for the ensuing year were elected at the annual meet- ing of the Women's Auxiliary of Horseshoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club, held recently at the clubhouse, Whytecliff, with Mrs. R. C. Hodgson in the chair. The officers are: President, Mrs. J. L. Northey L vice-president, Mrs. D. Y. Gorrie; secreta T, Mrs. E. Lofting; treasurer pro tern, Mrs. S. Heasman; executive committee, Mrs. W. Gorby, Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. F. Miles. WEST VAN HIGH SCHOOL PASS LIST From Grade X to Grade XI. On recommendation; in alpha- betic order: l. Armstrong, Margaret 2. Edwards, Molly 3. Garland, Kenneth 4. Hamilton, Reginald 5. Hammond, Isabel 6. Hood, Jean 7. Neville, Blanche 8. Nichells, Dudley 9. Vickerv, Cecily 4. Evelyn Cullin 5. Blair Edwards 6. Ruth Last 7. Jean MacLaren 8. Marie Smelt 9. Helen Stevenson Change in Letter Rate of Postage According to F. E. Harrison, postmas'ar, the general rate of postage Sn letters addressed to offices in Canada, United States and all other places on the North American continent, and British Guiana, will be changed from 3 cents to 2 cents on July 1. The general rate of postage on let- ters addressed to offices in Great Britain and all other places with- in the British Empire (not in- cluding the North American con- tinent and British Guiana) will be changed from 4 cents to 3 cents the same date. A surprise party was given Saturday evening to Mrs. Loch- head at the home of Mrs. Bob. Patterson, 12th and Marine Drive. Music and dancing were l indulged in to a late hour and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fowler of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neill, Mr. Jim Norman, Mrs. W. Kinser, Miss B. Gibson, Mr. T. S. McGregor, Miss D. Maitlandf THE WEST VAN NEWS Musical Society Entertained The Musical Society and friends took full advantage of Mrs. Hutchinson's invitation ex- tended to them last Thursday and a very large number of guests spent a delightful evening in her beautiful garden. Mrs. Knight Hodge's orchestra, the MacIntyre Quartette and various members of the Society supplied the musical items of the entertainment. The Society sang on the verandah the test pieces, which it rendered so suc- cessfully at the recent Musical Festival. During the evening a presen- tation was made by the Society to Mrs. Bruce as a token of tlfe deep regret with which it ssid good-bye to so brilliant a so- prano. A FISH STORY One sometimes hears very funny fish stories, but the fol- lowing is a true one relating to a certain angler at Dundarave. This angler recently lost a trolling spoon while fishing. Two days later he caughta twelve and a half pound cod which had hooked in his mouth the trolling spoon his captor had formerly lost. And now the moral. West Vancouver is such a good place to live in that even a poor fish, and one hooked at that, wont leave it. 3 For SUNBURN and MOSQUITOES Use Gray's Balm. 30c, 50c and S1.00 The Dundaraoe . Pharmacy G. M. and B. Gcmmllh Bcr. Phatmaclcm 3 doors East of Dnndsfsva P.O. Phone West 606 West Vancouver PharmaCy G. M, nnd B. Gcmmnl. Bcs. pnarmnclslo New Amblcslda Building Phone West 37 EVERYBODY KiVOWS The King Studio 811 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. PHOTOS THAT PLEASE CYPRESS ESTATES This property has just been placed on the market, and is ONE OF THE FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS of West Vancouver. The lots are all large and Water, Light and Telephones are available. Arrangements will be made to finance homes on a small cash payment and monthly terms. We will be pleased to show you over the property at any time. Richards, Akroyd 8r, Gall (Established 1885) 325 Homer Street, Vancouver Phones: Sey. 23 and 24 By Examination, in order of merit: 1. Clemente, Margaret 2. McCullough, Aileen 3. Reid, Andrew 4. Hampson, Eileen 5. Jackson, Ruth 6. Malpass, Arnold 7. Mckenzie, Jean 8. Neville, Edmund (condition- al) . Promoted to Grade X On recommendation, in alpha- 'eticorder: 1. Albin, Ada 2. Brine, Eleanor 3. Chilton, Olive. 4. Cornish, James 5. Gray, George 6. Hamilton, Bruce 7. Kendrick, Albert 8. Leckie, Phylse 9. Partington, Lois 10. Traford, Bennie 11. Russell, Hilda The Rev. A. M. O'Donnell was one of the ministers who took part in the "Conventicle" held in Hastings Park on Sunday after- noon under the auspices of the First United Church of Vancou- ver. A large crowd attended. Miss Kathrine Harrison of Caulfeilds, gave a dinner on Sat- urday in honor of Miss Elizabeth Tripp, who is leaving shortly for Toronto. Covers were laid for seventeen. Dentist Phase Sey. 2354 for Appointment Dr. W. J. Curry 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Dr. Curry. gives personal attention to his patients. Moderate prices. 25 years'ractical exper- e nce.P.G.E. Revenue Shows Increase Phones: West 85 - Sey. 6217Figures for the ten months of the present fiscal year of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway show a gain in revenue of slight- ly more than 19 per cent. over the corresponding period last year. The Company will be fac- ed next year with considerable replacement work. An expen- sive piece of work is being un- dertaken at present in making a long cut near Lillooet, which will do away with the necessity of using the most expensive bridge on the system. No im- portant replacement work is planned for this year. By Examination, in order of merit: 1. Bloxham, Robert 2. Burns, Arthur 3. Lennox, Eleanor 4. McClelland, Robert 5. Bayne, Reginald 6. Allen, John 7. Baxter, James 8. Grieve, Alexander 9. Wadsworth, Mahala 10, McNair, Gladys (condition- al) 11. Watson, Murray (condition- al) 12. Summerfield, Jack (condi- tional) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ferguson's Motor Transfer 2446 Pfarine Drive, Dnndarave 154 Alexander St., Vanceaver W. CARLEY Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H. P. Tearoe l 6'l0 Haywood Ave. Marine Drive between 21st snd 22nd West Vancouver Rns Phoae West 7IY HOUSEPAINTING KALSOMI NING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given From 1st Year Comercial to 2nd Year Commercial On recommendation; in alpha- betic order:'. Margaret Baker (condition- al) 2. Sybil Chapman 3. Cullin Francis fQ 4. Phyllis Davies 5. Irene Gracey 6. Helen Nightingale 7. Marion Macmillan By Examination; in order of merit: 1. Jack Normand 2, Dorothy Corbet Completed the Two Years'ommercial(in alphabetical ord- er). l. Armstrong, Earl 2. Vivian, Armstrang 3. Jesse Cripps West Vancouver Phone R. C. PROCTER Seymour 3470 CLKA 8 +D These are positively the Cheapest Lots in WestI-OTS ,Vancouver. BETWEEN 21st and 22nd STREETS, WEST VANCOUVER These are offered at low prices in order to close balance of estate. or see any WEST VAN. REAL ESTATE AGENT WEST VAN SUPPLY E. H. MINIONS, Prop. 14th and Marine Phone West 105 FLOUR AND FEED BUILDING SUPPLIES SASH AND DOOR COAL AND WOOD Express Dally Trips to Vancouver LUhIBER STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily Eight years'ollsblo service has csdablishcd my reputation for quick, salisfsclory service. ED. BLACK'S TRANSFER PHONE WEST 68 Ds lly Delivery to and frcm City Ws can supply any quantity of Dry Flt Wood. HAVE OUR DELIVERY nIAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 5 5/8 Years C. J. OVERINGTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I hsvo had the tclcphoao installed 'HONE WEST 135 and make an sppolnimont. 14th and Marine WEST VAN. ELECTRIC (y. H. Paterson) Phone West 108 All Kinds of Electric Work House Wiring Ranges snd Fixtures Estunatcs Glvon. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone West 5 FRESH MEAT AND FISH We Deliver TelePhone: Scy. 5702 Woad ISI H. E. M. BRADSHAW Barrister and Solfcfdot 28 Commerce Bldg. 20th fk 640 Hastings SR. W. Araylo SR. Vanconvor Wast Vancouver PACIPIC GREAT EASTERN RY. WEEK-DAY WESTBOUND Tralnc leuco North Vanccutcr for an tclntc tc Whylcclllf5--8.00, 'f,oo, 0.00, 0.48, 11.4$ ~.m.. l. ~ S. SXI, E4$ , 4.4$ . das. 8.lS. 0.$$ aad 10. I aam EASTBOUND Ttalnc leave whyltcne for an nclatc tc North vanccutctM.dd, 0.50. 8,50, 10 $ $ am. 11nd, $ .85. R.Sd. 4.$ d, d.$ 5. 0.85. I.dd. Kid and lasd. SUNDAYS--WESTBOUND Tmlnc lca c Nctlh vancoutct on sundnyc and nondayc fct an solatn to whytccne ~ 1 0.40 a.m., and then 80 mlnutcc anat each hour ants 8.$ 0 o.m. EASTBOUND Ttnlnc leave Whylccnlf for an Oclntc lo North Vaaccuvct at $ 5 mlautcc sall tach hour crom 0.15 ~.m. tc o.c5 a.m. For furlhct Infcrmatica phone Notlb 800 or Scymont 0881. pacccasct Dcyt dm Gtaotnlc Sttcct, Vnnccut t. B. 0