001B6B67 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the District of West Uancouver--Ambleside, Hollyburn, By Mail S1.00 per year.. Caulfei O', WhyteCliff, CypreSS Park, Ete. Weston, Dundarave Newsstands 5c per Copy Vol. 1 SIX PAGES WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 2nd, 1926 No. 13 Mrs. Bruce At Home At the "Clachan" Mrs. Marie Bruce was at home to her friends on Tuesday even- ing last at the "Clachan," when over one hundred guests were present. It was a delightful af- fair with a perfect bevy of splendid musical talent both voc- al and instrumental, the ditfer- ent numbers being interspersed with dances. Mrs. Dr. Stainsby delighted with two solos while Mr. W. L. Vaughan charmed his audience with two very difficult and well rendered piano solos. Mr. Aub- rey Clark kindly responded to a double encore, which was thor- oughly enjoyed. Mr. Thos. Kil- lin was in splendid voice and as usual gave a real treat with two numbers. A splendid three-piece orchestra dispensed the dance music and at midnight a dainty supper was served, during which Miss Madge Farmer attended at the piano. Mrs. J. B. Leyland presented Mrs. Bruce with a beautiful vol- tume from the Parent Teachers'sociation. Mrs. Reeve Morgan also presented Mrs. Bruce with a brooch from some intimate friends. Dancing was afterwards re- sumed, following which ices were served and Mrs. Bruce sang two solos in her usual splendid style. The evening was brought to a close with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "She's a Jolly Good Fellow," with cheers included for Mr. Bruce, who, al- though not present, was not for- gotten. It was a very enjoyable "at home" and will be long re- membered by the friends of Mrs. Bruce. The guests present who includ- ed friends from the city and North Vancouver, were: Mr. and Mrs. Leyfeild, Mr. and Mrs. Bick- nell, Mrs. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Law- son, Miss Lawson, Mrs. Mon- crieff, Mr. and Mrs. Killin, Mr. and Mrs. Hodge, Miss G. Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Ray, Mrs. Dr. Stainsby, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Vaughan, Mr. Davie, Miss Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. McVean, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, Council- lor and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mr. and Mrs. Prentice, Mr. and Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. and Mrs. McQuaker, Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, Miss "g'armer, Mr. and Mrs. Elgar, Mr. .;gubrey Clark, Mr. E. Chapman, . iss Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Edwards, Council- lor and Mrs. Watt, Reeve and Mrs. D. Morgan, Miss Morgan, Mr. Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. Small, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Young, Miss N. Stevenson, Miss J. Stev- enson, Mrs. McClelland, Miss Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Spech- ay, Miss Searle, Mr. and Mrs. Le- feaux, Mr. and Mrs. Masterman and many others. The hostess was ably assisted by Mrs. Knight Hodge. First Six Months of Year Thrice That of Last Year. total of $221,663 compared with S82,898 for the corresponding period of last year. This is an increase of not far short of 300 per cent. Among all the municipalities constituting what is generally known as Greater Vancouver, only the City of North Vancou- ver shows a greater proportion- ate increase. In fact, the whole of the North Shore, comprising the three municipalities of the City of North Vancouver, North Vancouver District and West Vancouver has had a greater rel- a;ive increase in bui'ding activ- itiy than any other of the muni- cipalities of Greater Vancouver and Point Grey, during the per- iods referred to. The table given speaks for it- self:-- Slowly but surely the better times which have been forecast for some years are arriving a- mongst us. Even those who have been the most pessimistic are now willing to admit that. West Vancouver is making rapid pro- gress. Cold facts show that new records are being establish- ed in building and district de- velopment and settlement. A cycle of growth and pros- perity started which should last for many years. Temporary campers may not be here in the same numbers; instead, we are 8 tthig peimar; ent residents. Thus the remarkable progress made in recent onths by West Vancouver is eloquently shown by the building permits issued during the six months ending June 30. These amounted to a Building Activities West Vancouver 'is steadily progressing. On account of the restrictions on camping, there are not so many camps as last year but there is a decided in- crease in permanent residents. R. P. Clark & Co. are strong supporters of the Municipality, both morally and financially, and have great confidence in this municipality as one of the most beautiful and attractive residen- tial situations on the whole of the Pacific Coast. Captain Arch- er, the local representative, ad- vises the following business dur- ing the past week: Four IVater- front lots at Seaholme to Cob Ryder, ex-American Consul Gen- eral, and Dr. McDougal and Dr. Wilson of the city. One acie on north side of Marine Drive at Cypress Park to Mr. E. Moore of Shaughnessy Heights. Miss Bowes of the City pur- chased two corner lots, Ingle- wood and 11th. Mr. H. E. Smith is building a modern home in Hollyburn Gardens. Capt. Haw- thorne has purchased the corner of Marine Drive and 15th, and W. B. Walker the lot in rear, fac- ing the Waterfront. Also four lots at the north end of Holly- burn Gardens have been bought by a local investor who is arrang- ing to erect four modern bunga- lows of attractive design. An- other home is also being erected on the north east corner of 15th and Duchess. Mrs. May Hoyle has purchas- ed a home on Duchess Avenue and will shortly take up residence as soon as improvements have been completed. Six Months 1925 S 4,898,743 3,105,500 557,055 1,784,080 239,755 90,320 82,898 79,887 Six Months 1926 8 7,752,475 3,299,100 751,120 618,275 373,288 340,670 221,663 188,225 Vancouver ................-----. Point Grey ......--.--------- South Vancouver ............- Burnaby ..........---------- New Westminster .....,....... North Vancouver City ..... WEST VANCOUVER . '... North Vancouver District $10,788,2388I3,544,816 Hurt by Auto Mrs. W. R. Shaw, Marine Drive near 14th, and her son, Bruce, were slightly injured on Tuesday last when a car driven by W. Robinson of Portland, col- lided with them. Mrs. Shaw was crossing the street to a safety platform at the corner of Georgia and Granville Streets, when the accident happened. Their injuries fortunately were not serious. The driver of the car was arrested on a charge of driving to the common danger. ~ Pauline Johnson School West Vancouver The following pupils were rec- ommended for High School and will in due time receive their certificates:-- Nicholls, Josephine; Edwards, Kathleen Isobel; McVean, Dun- can Kenneth Gordon; Payne, Dorothy Mabel; Harrison, Vic- toria May; Johnston, Douglas Morley; Thomas, Constance Florence; Blair, Ruth Mary; Dauphinee, John; Homma, Seiji; McGowan, Charles; Allan, Rog- er; Grafton, Gordon Leslie; Reid Billy McKenzie; Barker, Alan James; Parrat, Muriel Blanche; Harrison, Grace Eileen; Watson, Lavilla Jean; Gentleman, Ella Al- lison; Young, Irene; Colpitts, Helen Margaret; Moore, Eunice Gertrude; McMillan, Charles Ma- jor, Downey, Howard James; Archer, George Charles; Hind- marsh, Margaret Mary; Davie, William Scott; Hen in, Joyce Margaret; Ridley, Robert Percy; Irish, Harold Arthur; Colpitts, Frank Inglewood; Cramond, Michael William; Wadsworth, Burton Grant; Bi~done-Jack, Frances; Stephens, Donald Stew- art. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER WARNING re WATER SUPPLY BROTHERS CREEK WORKS Residents are hereby warned that, owing to necessary alter- ations in the pipe line, between Capilano and IVest Vancouver, THE LOCAL WORKS WII.L PROBABLY FAIL TO DELIVER WATER ON TUESDAY NEXT, JULY 6th, DURING THE ENTIRE DAY. Householders and water users are therefore advised to store sufficient water on the previous day to pass this emergency. Signed JA5IES DUNCAN Municipal Engineer. ~I(omerfu ncrease in ','/ui ~ing in ~Vest Vancouver New Postal Arrange- ments Needed The present postal facilities of West Vancouver are quite inade- quate to the needs of the people. It is time our more densely populated parts were given facil- ities of this public utility. The present method of distribution and collection of "mails" is far from satisfactory. The NEWS intends gathering data and facts for presentation to the postal authorities, in an endeavor to obtain revision of the service. Meantime the views and suggestions of our readers will be welcomed. Let's get together and see if we cannot obtain some kind of mail service in keeping vrith the progre s our district is making. Write the "NEWS" and so strengthen the application we think should be made for better postal service. Post Office Established at Sherman A new post office has been op- ened at Sherman. It is located in A. E. Cramonds General Store on Marine Drive, between Cyp- ress Park and West Bay. The new station will be a de- cided acquisition to the district, a great inconvenience having been caused resident of the dis- trict in the receipt and despatch of mails. West Van Scottish Society Entertains Mrs. IV. McQuaker, 11th and Marine Drive, was hostess to the members and friends of the Scot- tish Society last Saturday after- noon. Over fifty guests attend- ed and a most enjoyable time was spent. Dainty refreshments were served, also ice cream and benies. Mrs. Don, Mrs. Ed- wards and Mrs. McVean poured tea. A very pleasing cereinony took place when Mr. McQuaker pre- sented Mrs. John Bruce with a handsome rope of beads and ear- rings to match, this being a part- ing gift from the members of the Scottish Society, of which Mrs. Bruce has been a valuable member and ivhom the Society will miss very much. Mr. Mc- Quaker in making the presenta- tion conveyed to Mrs. Bruce the good wishes of all for her future in the Old Land, and the after- noon closed with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." A Raspberry and Ice Cream Social w ill be held m the garden of Mrs. F. X. Hodgeon on Thurs- day, 8th July, at 7 p. m. This is given under the auspices of St. Stephen's Choir and in aid of the Piano Fund for the Parish Hall. Glees will be sung by the choir and solos by the member. The grounds will be illuminated. Ad- mission 25 cents; children 15 cents.