West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jun 1926, p. 5

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001B6B60 t. b L,II5t i: June 25th, 1926. Personals THE WEST VAN NEWS Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mr. an(l Mrs. George BaldwinMr. B. R. Harrison of Dundar- ave, has been re-elected Presi- dent of the Men's Musical Club of Vancouver. o o Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Edington, 16th and Duchess Street, have recently had an addition to the family. The new arrival, a fine baby girl, was born at the North Vancouver Hospital. Miss Amber Sires, Belingham, and the 5Iisses Pauline and Faye McKiddy of Auburn, Wash., are the guests of Mrs. Faukner. ~ o Last week the members of Ruth Lodge 703, L. O. B. A. ~ gave Mrs. Armstrong a surprise party. An enjoyable evening was spent in music, cards and dancing. The following poem was writ- ten for this occasion given by Mrs Falconer and Miss McDowell. Dainty refreshments and ices were served during the evening and the singing of Auld Lang Syne brought to s close a mem- orable mght. Those present being:-- Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mr. Snd Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, Mr. M. S. Booth, Mrs. J. H. Moncrief, Mrs. J. L. Robertson, Mrs. D. I. McIntyre, Mrs. A. K. MacFarlane, Miss Chrissie Dowal, Mr. and Mrs. W. Draper, Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs. C. D. Edwards, Mrs. E. Hill, Mrs. J. Lawson, Mr. Geo. E. William- son, Mrs. Ashe, Miss M. Black- stock, Mrs. Hood, Mrs. J. Haydn Young, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. T. Garland, Mrs. B. Mercer, Mr. L. Macpherson, Mr. L. G. McClelland, Mr. Charlie Baldwin, Mr. M. McTaggart, Mr. and Mrs. R. Macpherson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Meston, Mr. Geo. Mar- shall, Mr. T. H. Eager, Mr. Bob Gibson, Mr. Edwin Macpherson, Mr. W. S. Davie, Mr. I. D. Dewar, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Mr. John I.awson, Mrs. R. Young, Mrs. B. R..Hanison, Mr. W. R. Hamil- ton, Miss Marjory O'Donnell, Miss Mary O'Donnell, Mrs. F. J. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Elgar, Miss Mabel L. McBain, Mrs. John McLeod, Rev. and Mrs. O'Donnell, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Faulknor, Mrs. J. A. Davis, Mrs. J. Ewart JaiFrey, Miss Marion F. Pollard, Mrs. G. A. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. A. R. Garthorn, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fowler, Mrs. Ethel M. Hoyes, (Moncton, N. B.), Mrs. L. S. Gar- thorne, Mrs. Ida McLean, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gardiner, Mrs. A. R. Garthorn, Miss Stevenson, Miss Nelly Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Brine, Mrs. Hind- worth, Mrs. David Allan, Mrs. A. B. Turnbufl, Mrs. E. J. Mac- Farlane. Miss Gillies, Miss M. H. Smith, Mrs. McGill, Miss Kath- rine, McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Hos- kins, Miss Billie Gardner. By C. W. RITCHIE The muse inspires me to pour forth my lay, Howe'er unworthy to recall the day, When in old Scotland hearts and hands were given In sacred trust till earth shall merge in Heaven. So long the years may seem to look ahead, Yet on swift wings of love these days have sped; And ever as they go the ties bind tighter ',Vith joy increased and all earth's care made lighter. Miss Ella Tabor of the B. C. Telephone stafF, has left for Buc- caneer Bay, on a two weeks'a- cation. Love and good will and fellow- ship abound Where'r your happy influence is found. And friends today would wish you every one Life's choicest blessings many years to come. o'r. William Trythall is clear- ing the ground on the south side of 23rd and Marine, in prepara- tion for building a bungalow. o Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Martin, late of West Vancouver, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alee Gray of Ambleside Beach. o A particularly large and beau- tiful specimen of Dahlia (The White Single) has grown and blossomed in the garden of Mrs. MacNab Thomson, at Esquimalt and 11th. Also a large Cactus Dahlia, full)ctfil+ inches in diam- eter, and in addition a splendid "show" specimen of a large size. At this early season this is very remarkable as showing that West Vancouver gardens are fairly well advanced as to yield of flowers generally. "Having great faith in the fut- ure. of West Vancouver The WEST VANCOUVER INVEST- MENT CO. has erected an office building on the corner of 18th Street and Marine Drive. 5Iessrs. H. Atkins and S. Harri- son, members of the Company, have long been residents in B. C. Mr. S. Harrison is a Notary Pub- lic with a number of years'x- perience in the Real Estate busi- ness in B. C. i Mr. Chas. Milian of Swift Cur- rent, is visiting Mr. F. Tite.: i Mr. Harold H. Appleton has arrived here from Toronto, and is staying with his uncle Mr. M. Williams. Mr. Appleton, who has been taking a course in the designing of ladies'arments in the east, will reside here in fu- ture. Seldom has a happier or more unique gathering been held at "The Clachan" than that which met on Saturday evening to cel- ebrate the 25th Wedding Anni- versary of Mr. Slid Mrs. George Baldwin. The room was gay with flow-ers'nd festoons of mauve and silver, and on a centre table was a handsome three-tiered wedding cake. After the reception of the guests a short service was held (almost identical with that of twenty-five years ago), and at the close the wedding hymn "0 Perfect Love," was very beau- tifully sung by Mrs. Bruce. The Rev. A. M. O'Donnell spoke in his usual apt and genial way. He referred to the pleasant rela- tionship with Mr. Baldwin in the work of the Session; to the years of unselfish service of both to the community, and especially to tne splendid example of an ideal Christian home--a priceless her- itage to hand down to coming generations. Mr. O'Donnell also read the names of many friends and relatives from many distant parts who sent messages of con- gratulations. Not the least interesting part of the evening was the presenta- tion from the congregation of the United Church of a hand- some silver covered dish, a cut- glass bowl, and (for Charlie) a silver pencil. Mr. and Mrs. Bald- win suitably and feelingly replied and several friends of younger days who were present also spoke. Songs were sung by Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. J. Watt and Mrs. McIntyre, and recitations were W. B. A. The regular meeting of West Vancouver Women's Benefit As- sociation (No. 24 Review), will take place on Monday evening. June 28th, at 8 o'lock, at the usual meeting place -- The Cla- chan, Dundarave. A good attendance of the mem- bers is hoped for, to further the plans, etc., of future activities in the way of entertainments to bc enjoyed during the Summer Season, by members of the Re- view and their friends. Mr. George Wood is building a bungalow at 17th and Fulton Streets. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sires were visiting Mrs. Roy Faulkner, 23rd and Marine, over the week-end. o o o Mrs. Norman Leggatt of Whytecflff, accompanied by her son, Jack, has left on a month's holiday for Idaho, where she will visit her parents. o ~ Mr. Mackenzie of Sherman's, has a two months'ld cinnamon bear cub, which he obtained from a trapper while up north. The latter heard the cub crying in the woods and went out and cap- tured it. The mother was not apparently in the vicinity, as he saw nothing of her. o o ~ Doctor and Mrs. C. L. Knipfel entertained a party of friends at their house on Marine Drive, Monday evening. A very pleas- ant evening was spent in music and dancing. Mr. Tite gave sev- eral violin selections. ~ o o Dr. Knipfel is attending the Medical Convention in Victoria. Facing South on HAYWOOD AVENUE, 16th to 18th Streets. Beautiful location and afl cleared ready to build on. From 5550 up, according to location and size. See. JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55Ojflce foot of 17th Street. JUST ISSUED ABSOLUTELY UP-TO-DATE NEW WALL NAP Covering the Whole District of WEST VANCOUVER Includes afl registered Sub-divisions. Send your orders to The WEST VAN. NEWS510 Choice View Lots On Thursday evening the 22nd June, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and her pupils gave a concert-recital in aid of St. Stephen's Church Building Fund. They were as- sisted by Mr. A. V. Vickery, humorist. There was a very good audience, who enjoyed to the full the various numbers. Mrs. Hodgson was in very fine voice, and her three songs, "Bois Epais" (in French), "Blind Girl's Song from La Gioconda" (in Italian) and "Invocation to Life" were much appreciated. During the evening she was the recipient of a basket of flowers. Her pupils and others who gave vocal or instrumental numbers were: Edith White, Jack Wood, Winnie Dorchester, Joan and Betty Gourlay, Florence Gracie, Mary O'Donnell, Betty Holds- worth, Robert Lemon, Ivy Cal- lan, Messrs. Longley and Kellas, Miss Helen Hughes, Dorothy and May Viney, Mn G. S. Jenkins, Mona Sentance, Frank Hodgson, Barbara Ford, Mr. T. P. Mose- ley, Miss Peggy McNeill, Mr. A. V. Vickery, Billy Saunders, Brenda Wicking, Kitty Laughlin, Mrs. L. Gardiner, Annie Lamont, Constance Page, Mesdames Eag- er and Chilton, Mrs. A.MCLaugn- lin and Mr. Anton Phillips. Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. J. Li'. Durbin acted as accompanists. The Rector of St. Stephen's, Rev. A. Harding Priest, was present, and in the course of the evening thanked Mrs. Hodgson arid her pupils for holding i,lie concert in aid of the Buikflng Fund of his church, for which a satisfactory sum had been real- iseih At a tea held at the residence of Mrs. Roy Faulkner, 23rd and Marine, Mrs. Saunders, Secre- tary of the L. 0. B. A., was the recipient of a small token of ap- preciation. Mrs. Saunders is shortly leaving to take up her residence in Kerrisdale. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Geo. Gourlay Eot. 1911. Phone West 2 GROCERY WEST 16 Saturday Specials Shelled Walnuts, halves per lb.............. 35c Quaker Sweet Corn, 2 cans ................. 25c Butter, finest Alberta 3 lbs.......... 51.25 Nabob Pure Greengage Jam, 4 lb. tins.......... 59c Sterling Catsup, large bottles ................ 24c Great West Coffee I lb cans ................... 59c Faultless Shced Pineapple per can ............ 15c Wild Rose Pastry Flour 10 lb. bag ...... 55c Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. 55c Fruit and Fresh Vegetables Daily We close at I o'lock Thursdays Phone Your Ordere WE DELIVER 1VGNV3S On the Ambleside Wharf the Best of Confectionery, where the crowd go to en- joy themselves. Free Concerts C. R. SHIELDS CONFECTIONERY West Van Auto Service Sco Uo About Your New Cot DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Agents for CHEVROLET SALES SERVICE Marine Drive, Ibctwcco 21 and 22) NEILL'8 STORE HOME BAKING TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM PHONE WEST 990 E. PALMER Stonemaaoa st Bricklayer Fireplaces a Specialty Capiiouo P.O. Ph. North 811R2 LISTINC S WANTED Savory & Duval Real Estate and Insurance 1429 Marine Drive (near 14th St.) Phone West 114 DO YOU REALIZE That if you should have the misfortune to moot with an uccidout oud in-jure some person while driving your Automobile YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY A CLAI51 FOR DAMAGES which you moy find hard to meot. Why take this risk when Public Lia- bility Insurance costs oo little.. Wc cou give you a Special Low Price on a very attractive Policy. BL ACK WELL 8h OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Ambleside, IVest Vancouver Phone: West 643 The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Ltd. (Successors to The Pacific Coast Import th Export Co'y) Foot of 19th Street at Waterfront Office Phone Wast 64 Rcoidcucoi Welt svRS IVe carry a Full and Complete Line of Lumber. Agents for COALMONT COLLIERIES Large stock of Lump and Nut Coal ahvays on hand. We Want Your Business Concert Recital at - Hollyburu Theatre tIREENII000'5