001B6B60 Ikh i June 25th, 1926 THE WEST VAN NEWS the Pacific Coast, and 8 host of, other talented entertainers. I consider a stand similar to the one at English Bay would not cost much and payment of our local talent would not cost 8 for- tune. Now a remark was heard- 1st Lady--"What is that Mem- orial for?" 2nd Lady--"Oh, that's the new Cemetery." So let us do something to beautify the park and be a pride and pleasure to our residents and visitors. Hsping to hear some more suggestions on this subject. I remain Yours truly, JOHN NYLAND West Van. Pupils Display Sewing and Woodwork Shower to Miss Effie Wenworth In honor of Miss Effie Wen- worth, whose approaching mar- riage has been the inspiration for many delightful social gather- ings recently, Mrs. O'Donnell, i&iiss Helen Ritchie and Miss Clara Wilson were joint hostess- es at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Miss Helen Ritchie on Saturday afternoon, 19th June. Refreshments were served on the verandah, which was taste- fully decorated with blue corn- flowers and golden California poppies. The bridal gown of a large kewpie standing on a corner table concealed the many pretty and useful gifts presented to the guest of honor. The invited guests were: The hIisses Jean McLaren, Gertie Lawson, Ethel McDowel, Alice Ash, Nettie Harmon, Helen Stev- enson, Freda Herrin, Eleanor Chilton, Uilla MacLean, Ida Brealey, Lauretta Bell, Ida Port- er, Hazel Green, Vivian Jackman Ethel Nillard, hfrs. Pollard, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Collinson, AIrs. Clarke and Nrs. Denton. Last Friday afternoon and evening the people of West Van- couver were given an opportun- ity to see what had been done during the year by the girls and boys at sewing and woodwork. Over three hundred parents and friends visited the school dur- ing the day and all were more than sui7lrised at the splendid work being done in these depart- ments. The sewing was displayed in the lunch-room and the adjoin- ing room of the Pauline Johnson School and work showing the first simple stitches and finish- ed garments of all kinds were on view. The woodwork was dis- played in the manual training room showing everything from a plant stick to a double deck tea wagon. The time has come when these departments of practical educa- tion must be considered more and more, and it is to be hoped that West Vancouver will realize that and educate the present day boy and girl thoroughly in this work. Weddings EGGINS --RHODES On Saturday morning, June 19, at the United Church Manse, the marriage took place of Mr. Leonard Charles Eggins of Mon- treal, and Alice, daughter of Nr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rhodes, Am- bleside, West Vancouver. The bride was given away by her father and the witnesses were Mrs. Clara Calflwell, and Mr. Charles Low. After a brief honeymoon to the Coast cities, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Eggins will make their home at Montreal, where Mr. Eggins holds an important position. Roger Bridge Closed to Traffic Major A. L. W. Saunders and Mrs. Saunders are shortly leav- ing West Vancouver to take up residence in Kerrisdale. They have been connected with a num- ber of organisations here and will be much missed. PARISH--BRADLEY A quiet wedding took place at the United Church, West Van- couver, on Saturday afternoon, when Mr. Ralph Edwin Parish was united in marriage to Miss Constance Louise Bradley, Mar- ine Drive, Ambleside. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. Joseph Arthur Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. George Vertigan of, Portland acted as witnesses. After the ceremony at the Church, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, and later Mr. and Mrs. Parish left for a motor tour in Wash- ington and Oregon. On their re- urn they will take up their resi- dence at Larson Road, North 'ancouver. The Council have ordered the Roger bridge closed to traffic on account of its being unsafe. Re- pairs will be made immediately so that it may be available a- gain to the travelling public as soon as possible. This brings to our mind the fact that the condition of the Marine Drive bridge leaves much to be desired. It cannot be ex- actly called unsafe, but it is our main road to town and every time there is a freshet specula- tion is rife among West Vancou- ver residents as to whether the bridge will be washed away or & not. With that gone all over- land traffic must go by Keith Road, and Keith Road is hard- ly suitable at present for heavy traffic such as it would have to carry if anything happened to the present main highway. A little money spent on Keith Road now might prove a sound invest- ment for the future. Dentist Phone Sep. 2384 for Appointment Dr. W. J. Curry 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Dr. Curry gives personal attention to his patients. Moderate prices. 25 years'ractical exper- ellcc'. Child Struck By Motor Car WEST VAN. DAILY FREIGHT SERVICE TO AND FROM VANCOUVER Stanley James, aged 6, was struck by an automobile at the corner of Argyle and 21st Street, on Wedne'sday evening, 23rd June, and was rushed to the North Vancouver Hospital, suf- fering from cuts on his head and knee and possible chest injuries. The auto, alleged to have been driven by Reginald Hamilton, 2139 Argyle Street, was said to be proceeding slowly and the little boy dashed under it from the road side. His father resid- es at Bellevue and 21st Streets. Correspondence Dundarave P.O., June 23rd, 1926. Ferguson's Motor Transfer Editor of THE WEST VAN NEWS: Dear Sir: I hope you will allow me to make 8 suggestion or two, and publish the same in your newsy paper. I wish to criticise our Park Board of the Council. I am not finding fault in anyway, but, I would like to ask why something has not been done to put the Memorial Park in a condition to hold concerts during the sum- mer? I understand the Parks Board are expending quite a sum of money on the dump heap at Ambleside, to make a ball park for a few enthusiasts. Which is going to be more beneficial for this Municipality, a ball park or a recreation park, where we, the residents and visitors can come «nd enjoy a concert during Sun- day afternoon? Consider the talented musici- ans we have in our Municipality. Not fanother in IVestern Canada to compare with it- McIntyre (}uartette, Mrs. Knight-Hodges Trio, Nrs. Stainsby, Mrs. Hodgson, Uup own Musical Society, best on 2448 Pfsriae Drive, Duadarave Phone West 88 134 Alexander St., Vancouver Phnnn Seymour 6217 W. CARLEY Phone West 84 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H. P. Tearoe l 640 Haywood Ave. llfsyius Drive between 21st sud 22nd 1Vest Vancouver Rns. Phnnn Wast 71Y HOUSEPAINTING KALSOhiINING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given west vsnccuvcr Phone R C. PROCTER Seymour 3470 GI E'A.RED These are positivelv the Cheapest Lots in WestI OTS Vancouver. BETWEEN 21st and 22nd STREETS, WEST VANCOUVER These are offered at low prices in order to close balance of estate.01'ee any IVEST VAN. REAL ESTATE AGENT CYPRESS ESTATES This property has just been placed on the market, and is ONE OF THE FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS of West Vancouver. The lots are all large and Water, Light and Telephones are available. Arrangements will be made to finance homes on a small cash payment and monthly terms. We will be pleased to show you over the property at any time. Richards, Akroyd & Gall (Established 1685) 325 Homer Street, Vancouver Phones: Sey. 23 and 24 EVERYBODY KNOWS The King Studio 811 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. PHOTOS THAT PLEASE WEST VAN SUPPLY E. H. llIINIONS, Prop. 14th and Marine Phone West 105 FLOUR AND FEED BUILDING SUPPLIES LUMBRR SASH AND DOOR COAL AND WOOD Express Daily Trips to Vancouver STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily HAVE OUR DELIVERY DIAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 5 PshYears C. J. OVERINCTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have bsd the tslspbosc installed PHONE iVEST 135 sud make an appointment. 14 th and lliarine Sighs vesys'eliable scrvics bss established mv reputation for quick, astisfsciory service. ED. BLACK'S TRANSFER PHONE WEST 68 Dsily Delivery to sud fycm Ciiy Wc can supply suy qu suiityou Dpi Fir TVcod WEST VAN. ELECTRIC (J. H. Paterson) Phone West 108 All Kinds of Electric Work House Wiring Ranges sad Fixtures Estimates Given. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th DIjivlDARAVE MEAT ikIARKET Phone IVcsf 5 FRESH MEAT AND FISH Ws Deliver Telephone: Sey. 5702 West ISL H. E. M. BRADSHAW Barrister ssd Solicitor 20 Commerce Bldg. 20th dk 640 Hastings SR. W. Argyle SR. Vancouver West Vancouver PckCIFIC 0 R143rYT Fi ASTEtugb WEEK-DAY WESTBOUND Tvnlnc Icnvc Nevis Vnnccuvcv tcc nil pclntc tn Wbytcvlisc--0.00, 7,00, $.00, O,IS, 11.4$ ~.m.. 1.4$ , SAS, $ .4S. EIS, $ .4$ . 0.4$ . O.SS nnd IO.RS pin. EASTBOUND Tvnlnc leave Whytcclllf for nil pclntc tn North Vnnccuvcv~.as, 7.$0, $ ,$ 0. 10 Sd n,m. Ia.aa. R.da. S.SS, I.aa. S.da. S.aa. 7.aa. O.m nnd 11.0a. SUNDAYS--WESTBOUND Tvnlnc leave Ncvlh Vcnccuvcv cn Sundnyc nnd Bullseye fcv nu yclntn tn Wbytcculf nl S.IO ~.mv nnd thea $0 inlnutvn Paar CnCb hOur unW $ .$ 0 P.m. EASTBOUND Tvnlnc leave Whytccliit fcc nil pclnic tn North Vnnccuccv at Sd mlnutcc pncl each hour fvcm O,sd ~.m. Ic Odd p.m. Fcv fuvthvv lnfcvmnucu phone Nevis Sss cc Scymcuv Omi. pncccnscc Dcpb. dda Ovnnvlllc Sivccl, Vnnccuvcy, B. C. FILMS We wish to announce an improved service for developing and printing your Snapshots. They are returned at 5 p. m. the day after you leave them. The Dundarave H'est Vartcouver Pharmacy . Pharmacy II. bt.nnd B. Ocmmlll. Bce. Fbnrmnnlcts 0 ld d B. O. Oad B. Ocmmill. Bce. pbcvmcclcts 3 doors East of Dundsrsvc P.O. New Amtdcsidc Building Phone West 606 Phone West 37