001B6B60 Classified Ads. WEST VANCOUVER THE IVEST VAN NEWS St. Stephen'8 Church I OU CAN HUY CHEAI'ER GOODS June 25th. 1926. Iggg Jilsd 2 Show geakjj R P. CLARK R CO., LTD. EXCEi.LENT Residential Boiidiag Lots between 23rd aud 24th aud Jaf- farson aud Kinga Fully Maarad aud ready for garden. Extra Largo Area, 70xZM. Ideal for home bmid- iug. If sold this wack ~ price af $550 oa memo wit i bo scccp&sd OR we will build you a home Io your owu plans aud financially as- sist you. SEE I'S foc Boiidiag Loia, Homos. st sii pricsa WATERFRONTAGE aad Business Pzupclty R I'. CLARK R CO„LTD. 62$ Hasiiags SI. W„Scy. 746341 7464 Rcsidcat Reproach&aura, C. J. Archer 'Wast 651L TAXI--E A. Rath(a is starting a Taxi service at an early data Phone WEST 1$9R ROOM TV) RENT -- hiaciac Dcica Close Io Ferry. Home pciriicgas. Suit one or coupia Phone Wast 22L WB HAVE a Permanent Tenant foc a s&41ctly iuadacll buligaiow with 2 or 3 bedrooms, dining room and jiv- ing room. Risckwcii a Osborne, Ambiasidc Phone '&Vast 643. BYRNELL R MAY Office right at the Ferry Landing. Phoae Ivcst 11$. bb E HAVE Exciasiec Saic of one of the best corners on Marine Drive wfih store bringing a revenue of $50 a month. Special price for a short time. CLOSE-IN, Ctcaccd Lots, for $275.00 an easy iarma ATTRACTIVE Four-Roomed bunga- low, commanding a ruaguificcut vicwmwruac 12th aud Duchess, $2100 on good terms. Exdusiva Agents LOST--Mora rimmed spectacles be- tween Duudaeuva and North Van- couver. Finder please Phone &Vast 467L1. British Israel Assa. Hold Meetiag Tuesday evening, June 22nd, the Rev. IV. Pascoe Goard, F.R. G.S., spoke at Dundarave Hall on "God's Kingdom on Earth-- Where Is It?" The hall was filled to capacity. He held his hearers entranced with his most vivid and splendid- ly thought out exposition of the Holy Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, in its bearing on the subject in hand. The Rev. A. M. O'Donneu of the Union Church ably occupied the chair and made some apprec- iative remarks. The Rev. Mark Jukes of St. George's Church, Vancouver, read the lesson. The meeting was held under the auspices of the British-Israel World Federation of London, England. In au probability the Rev. Mr. Goard will be heard in a series of lectures in the city in the near future. The West Vancouver organiz- ation will hold their regular meetings the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in Dundarave Hall. Complaints have been receiv- ed that it has been the custom for some weeks for horseback riders to use the path leading through Altamont Park between 29th and 30th Streets. The path is narrow, and the presence of horsemen on it is dangerous to pedestrians. The practice should be stopped at once before any ac- cidents occur. HARROh&j BROS. & WILLIAb(SOhf fuueral 6(rertors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Dundarave Hnll. Marine Dr. Duadspavo Suaday Scca&co ~ I 11.$0 a.m. Subjact, June 27&h "CHRiSTIAN SCIENCE" Sunday School ai 10.00 a m. Tcabimouy Massing every bvud. udaalsy ab 6.16 r.m. riStiaII Society United Church The Summer Vacation Bible School &vill begin next Monday morning at 9.30 and all children are asked to enroll on the open- ing day. Teachers have been se- cured for all the clarmues and it is hoped that the school will be bet- ter than ever. The School is open to all children irrespective of denomination. Its purpose is to inform the children of the con- tents of the Bible, the ivhole Bible and nothing but the Bible, and the devotional music of the Christian Life. A special meeting of the b(is- sion Circle was held last Tues- day, when Mrs. George Badwin gave a report of the recent Con- ference of the tyoman'6 Mission- ary Society of the United Church of Canada. The Juvenile Sunday School Baseball team of the United Church were to play the Prince of Wales team for the Juvenile Championship of Greater Van- couver, but the latter unfortun- ately defaulted the game. This makes the Juvenile team of West Vancouver the Champions. A cup will be presented to the team at an early date, which will be the first baseball cup won by a tyest Vancouver team. The names of the boys who have played on the team are as fol- lows: Catcher--Albert Masterman Pitcher--Gordon Ashe First Base--Jack IVatt and Gordon b(cCullough Second Base--Max Lennox Short Stop--Stanley Bouchier Third Base--Gordon Master- man Right Field--Ian Hamilton Centre Field--Clayton Stew- art and T. Neifl Left Field--Walter Tearoe and Robert Fiddes. The Junior Baseball team of the United Church have won their section of the League and expect to play o(f for the Cham- pionship of the sections next week. They will receive medals and if they win the play-o(fs a Cup. bfrs. Jack Bruce will sing at the United Church next Sunday morning. Fishing Competition at Whytecliff Trinity 4 (June 27th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Young People's Bible Clasib 11.15 a. m.--h(orning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The preacher on Sunday morn- ing &vill be the Ven. Archdeacon Heathcote. The Caulfeild ser- vice at the home of iblr. and Mrs. R. h(. ih(acdonald &vill be taken by the rector at 11.16 a. m. On Sunday evening the hh mns o( the Rev. H. F. Lyte, author of "Abide Iyith ble," &vill be sung and the sermon will be upon tne Qi teaching of this most popular of Christian hymns. The fiower service held Inst Sunday for the children of the Sunday School made a deep im- pression upon all who were pres- ent. As the o(ferings of floivors were brought forward by each child they were laid on the Iioly Table and around it until the ivhole central space of the sanct- uary was filled. The rector spoke to the children on the gardens of the Bible and the garden of the l'.cart and urged that the lat- ter be kept free from weeds und filled with flowers and fruit for ti e Master's use. The Sunday School orchestra assisted the choir in the music of the ser- vice, and Tom Turner sang "Con- sider the Lilies." Robert Blox- ham read the lesson and other boys acted as sidesmen. Fol- lowing the service the flowers were taken to the sick in VVest Vancouver, to the North Van- couver Hospital and to the Mem- orial Arch. uy BETTER QUA than SEEDS'ell whether lt be Groceries - Hardware Paints - Oils The Store you can rely upon. SEEDS Ci TCOCERY IVE DELIVER We close at I p. m. every Thursdny. bfarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 28 iQ&Qi THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE and The take the Family along. Best Shows at popular prices. The Famous Poiica Dog RiN-TiN-T&N his is&as& faaturo BELOW TIIE LINE To-Night and Tomorrow Next h(ondny and Wednesday 0"Sally of the Sawdust" CORINNE GRIFFITH in "Classified" Thursday only Dominion Day The Thea&ra wiii be open asch h&ONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FR&DAY sud SATURDAY Evenings 30o sud 15o his&&ossa 20o aud iuc Twa Shows i aud S ~ a m. saauedapa aad nasdax ~ iQi PEARCE'S DRYGOODS Having made successful arrangements with one of the large Financial Comp- anies am pleased to say am now in a position to consid- er applications for loans from prospective home builders, in small or large amounts. The highest marks of the Trail Rangers for the seasoh will be held next Monday night '(n the Parish Hall. Supplementing the stories of "Mission Heroes of Africa," Mr. Barton will speak to the boys on the land of Livingstone. Badge work for the summer will be outlined, there will be music and games and the proceedings will end with a "bun feed." New Ambicsids Block Children's Coveralls from 85c up Girls'iking Suits.... 51.98 Window Shades made io order Esiimsics Free. Get that house under way NOW. House and Lot for sale. L. H. BEAMISH West Vsucbuvef Igvc&lmeut Cu. 16&h sud 51sriac Drive Phone: West 102 Notary Listings Public Wanted The receipt last week of 510 from an anonymous donor, to the funds of the Church is grate- fully acknowledged. REAL ESTATE AMBLE5&DE WHARF West 17 bIr. E. A. Laron of Abbotsford has purchased Mr. Atkin's butcher business at Ambleside. Mr. Laron's family will follow him from Abbotsford as soon as they have closed up his old busi- ness there. A. OLIVER wavxapaonv seewwa lbu ied &as 5( ~ . JOINER &6 CABINET MAKER Furniture, stc., repaired, Saws, Lawn Mowcrs, Axes, cic., sharp- cscd. Atkins Old Store I'IANO FOR SALE 525 down 510 0 month --5250 Phone West 2 Marine Drive West Van lVews 1 ubhshcd Eecry Fmday Circulating throughout tba District & f &Vast Vancouver -- Ambicsids, Holly- burn. Wcstou, Duudarsvc, Csuifcilf, Why&deli&ra, Cypress Park, ctc. On Sunday Inst the B. C. Ang- lers Club held their annual deep sea fishing contest. About fift members of the club and their friends took part. The fishing was good and a number of large catches were made. Those win- ning prizes were: I, Mr. Chas. bIarsland, 40 lbs.; 2, Mr. IVhat- mough, 18 lbs.; 3rd, bfr. Douglas 8 lbs.; Mrs. J. D. Hatch won the first prize for Indies with 5 lbs. Bus'.sess aad Editorial Officse 1361 hisrisc Drive Between 13th and 14th Streets Phone West 19L .'biaii Address: P. O. Box 101, Hoiiybucs, B. C. ADVERT181NG RATES: 50 cents pcr single column inch pac week for space Iwo inches or occp. One inch card 60 cents. Fist rate. - HOMES- Houses Costracicd for. Garages aad iicmodciiiag. Brick aud Ccmcsi Work Staining asd Pais&jag. Es&imsics Gircs R. Kinloch 212.'1 hlsr&so Dries (bstwcsu 21st aud 23rd) lfollybura Barber Shop 51AiiiNE DRIVE asd 151k Ops. th West Vaa. burns r Ca G. RA1)LAND, 1'ropricioc Iias had over twanty-jiva years'xperienceiu the barber busi- ness. Is able io givo quick aud sf- &icicnt scca&co. Ladies. Gentlemen and Children A CAUTIOUS hfan insures his house. A PRUDENT h(an registers his Deed A WISE hfan who wants to Buy or Sell his property consults HARRY P. BRITTON REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone Seymour 4538 601-602 Credit Foncier Bldg., 850 Hastings St., W., Vancouver FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property IIOUSES TO REiNT, FIRFi INSUICANCE, ETC. see 17th Street JOHN LAWSON Phone bVest 55 Ambleside Meat Market E. A. Laron wishes to announce the opening of a first- class Meat Store in the building formerly occupied by Mr. Atkins. YOUR CUSTOM IS APPRECIATED FRESH, CURED, and COOKED hiEATS, BACON BUTTER, EGGS, ETC. PHONE: WEST 161 We Deliver ,„„0( H In "„hgae 6PI worth, "bddg the 1 jggd h light(ul Wjjjzog)(;M (led" wdr& Cjsfs W, jjdgeg mizde 4616 mc oj ihe "Sstgf& Rjichm 0" the vem" (ujly d '"d ggl& gcwerd an P.ppie bf'dgl god sgd useful g'g t of honor gu& jg„(ted gg&0 ~ Ilcj ~wzgg, Ei 'gh, Frc&js H& ji ttie Hsm" Cgzog, , j Chiltog Udjs Brcsley, isufctts er, Hszel Green, I Ethel 1(illsrd, hlr Edwards, 1(rz. ( Clarke hnd it(rz. 'oger Brid to Tr( The Cgggcil hi Roger bridge clg! account of jtg»~ pairs will be ms& 50 that it msy j gain to the trav( soon as possible. This brings to fact that the co blanue Dnve bnd to be desired. It sctly calle&l ugzsf& main road to tou time there is 6 (1 tiou is ri(e among ver residents as t bridge will be wi not. With that land trumc must Road, agd Kejth lv suitable at pre! trs(SC Igch $$ jt curry if agyth&01 the pzezcut main little money Ipcut now might prove I ment for the (utu Corresp(jj Duu&j Ju, Editor 0( HE iyEST yd Dear Sir: Ih I ~ ydu willma e6 dug Publish the I tiou paper, I Mzh 1 Rourd o(tb Cnt fiudiug (uuj,ouse would like t in an, hud uut @to&uk Ihmarial p 0 done bold cpu& Irkiua meri MINI dun, I uuderzjduare ezpc ud the money ufiug quit Ambjezjd the dui (or a (ew b u&hk& js guiug 1", Iujh&n(I a rRve,j; &P llty rezideut + Park 6 , Iudud cuje vizit& lay u(tc 6 cancer(erguuu( uuaider ass web r the t I 0th ill 0&lr tu co&0 Ir ju W Iirs'(~Iuzby uu&e&M gzau uzjcuj ~