001B6B58 Buy Your Meats from JEFFRIES Next to Hollyburn Theatre ELECTRIC SHOE REFAI SHOF I LOVE TO DAiVCE BUT OH I MY FEET] Get your shoes fixed up while you wait or the same day as brought in. FRED TITE Foot Specialist Next to West Yan. Garage, Ambleside Receiving Agency KevBI FurnituvcStorc, Dundarave. Daily deliveries Close In Lots on Inglewood Avenue Yoa can'I go wrong in baytng west Vancouver Property at Present Prices. Buying hera Is an investment--not a spccuia- tlolL We Offer Large Lots 82 x 230 on paved road Good View &md Expo]tent Locati on-- (Betiding Restrictions). S600 on long terms Remember these are three times the stxe of the ordinary uo-fc. Iota AIAKE YOUR CHOICE EARLY GKO. HWY 315 Cordova St„W„ Vancouver ar 14th St. gt blarine IVest Vancouver NEW HUDSON AND ESSEX PRICES Essex Coach .....$1195.00 Hudson Coach .. $ 1745.00 Hudson Brougham $2295.00 BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street iVORTH VANCOUVER Used Car Sale 1925 Fonl Touring, New Paint ....... 1924 Ford Touring, New Tires 1922 Ford Truck 1922 Ford Roadster, Good Tires 1918 Ford Touring .... 1925 Star Sports Touring.... 1923 Star Touring 1924 Chevrolet Onion Truck 1924 Chevrolet Roadster. 5400.00 375.00 275.00 250.00 150.00 750.00 450.00 575.00 500.00 ALL CARS GUARAiNTEED Cash or Terms See us for Used Cars NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, I'hone North 1186 North Vancouver I'hone North 1350 THE ONLY OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE OV THE . NORTH SHORE Free Towing to Members We are open until 12 P SI. week days and 11 P.SI„Sundays. Quality is not sacrificed for price. You get what you want without waste of time--and vou can depend upon it being the best. Your Rrst order will bring you back again. Phone West 3. We Deliver. Fresh and Cured Meats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Lard. THE IVEST VAN NEIVS Persona ls Bfrs. Jacob Hutchinson will en- tertain the members of the ]Iius- ical Society at her home, 24th and Nelson, next Thursday ev- ening. ~ ~ ~ Mr. H. A. Scott has bought the house of Mr. J. R. Allen at 15th and Duchess. ~ ~ Mr. Dewar is having a garage built on his property near 22nd and biarine Drive. ~ ~ ~ hir. George Pineo who is build- ing a four-room bungalow on Clyde Street near the corner of 13th, expects to occupy it at the end of June. ~ ~ ~ Two apartments are being built above Mr. J. S. Hall's store at 25th and Bellevue. ~ v ~ Good cod fishing can now be obtained off Dundarave pier. Large fish of this kind have been caught there during the past week. ~ & ~ Excavating has started for the neiv Royal Bank building at the corner of 17th and Marine. ~ ~ ~ Iih. Evans of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Portland, has bought a lot on Esplanade Avenue. v v v Reeve Morgan expects to move into his new house just west of 31st on the IVaterfrant in a couple of weeks. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Kenneth has rented the house of bfr. IV. Mioard at h1ath- er and 24th. v v ~ Mr. Kenneth is building a large house for Mrs. Falconer at 26th and Waterfront. ~ ~ Mr. A. R. M. Wright, 19th and Waterfront, has been appointed to a position with the Capilano Timber Co. v v ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cripps are leaving next Monday night for an extended visit to their old home at Acton West, Ontario. En route they will visit Seattle, Chicago, and several points in the Southern States. Mr. Cripps who is a builder and contractor, is well known to the older resi- dents of West Vancouver, hav- ing resided here for some years. Mr. and Mrs. Cripps have rented their house to Dr. Knipfel and do not anticipate returning be- fore November. v v "Rest Inn," the summer home of Mrs. Harron at Hoffyburn,. was the scene of a picnic held by the Ladies Aid of Grace United Church, recently. A business meeting followed in the after- noon, at which plans for a gard- en party to be held at the home of Mrs. T. A. Elsom, were dis- cussed. ~ v v Mr. and bIrs. S. N. Purdy of IVest Vancouver, who have been on a vacation, spent motoring to Southern California, have re- turned home. ~ v v Mrs. C. J. Chapman of Sidney, B. C., is at present visiting her sister, blrs. C. T. Partington, 16th and Duchess. ~ v v The Flannel Dance held by the West Van. Tennis Club last Fri- day was a very enjoyable event. Another will be held on the first Wednesday in July. v ~ v The Kevin Furniture Store is offering special bargains in Fur- niture and Household Fittings, having decided to close their Dundarave Store and make the Ambieside Store their centre of business. D. D. ROBERTSON ltth St. Bach ol Hullybuta Hall Ccphv& Sfvsvv and Iippob&virv Yucoltura made to order. June 18th. 1926. BASEBAI.I, CLUIL The Club is progressing favor- ably and a numixr of promising players are being developed. Practises are being held nightly and a match between the Seniors and Juniors took place Thurs- day night. At a meeting on Sat- urday evening, C. R. Shields was elected team niannger, and Roy Barry. captain. E&l Knipfcl, son of Doctor Knipfel, who is a seni- or amateur player, has joined the team. Dances are being hei&I alternate Wednesdays at the Ilol- lyburn Pavilion In aid of Club funds. ~@st 06 In Hot Weather when you would rather not go shop- ping, let us serve you by phone, aml delivery. New Subdivision Mr. S. S. Pnde associated vt. th John Lawson, has just put on the market a new sub-divislou, located on Ilaywood Avenue, be- tween 1Gth and 18th Streets. This property is au cleared and the lots vary in size from 6G feat frontage up. There are eight lots in au. View lots in IVest Vancouver are finding a ready market. It will not be long before ao the choice ones are taken up, if the inquiries now being made is aiiy criterion of future building ex- pectations. Roberts'etter Neats luaiiiy land p Delicatessen In variety Pickles. Fggs. Vegetables and Fresh Fruit Daily. '"' F.„ 'ST 10 14th and Marine Glendale Creamery But- ter, per lb................ 45c 3 lbs for 51.25 Alberta Special .;.......... 42c 3 lbs. 31.20 Boiling Beef, our special per lb ........................ 7c Pot Roast, per Ib 10c and 12c Sausage Meat per lb.... 10c Fresh Beef Dripping per ib .......................... 10c Atlas of West Van An atlas has been issued of West Vancouver prepared entire- ly from plans in the Land Reg- istry Offic, showing district. lots subdivisions, all sizes of lots and an buildings thereon drawn to a uniform scale of 200 feet to the inch. The atlas contains 14 plates each 30x19 inches, com- prising the whole district from Whytecliff to the Capilano and h;s been prepared on the same system as Goads'tlas of the citie of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver by two local residents Messrs. L. bI. Clement and R. Ford, who were for a number of years on the field and office staff of Chas. E. Goad, civil eng- ineering company of London, England, Montreal, Toronto and IV]un]peg. The first issue has already been subscribed for by real estate firms in the city. This is the first publication of an up- to-date map that has been issued of the IVest Vancouver Munici- pality. We carry the following var- iety of COOKED MEA'TS Roast Veal Baked Ham Roast Pork Corned Beef, 40c per lb. Boiled Ham Jellied Veal (home made) 40c per lb. Head Cheese, 15c each WE DELIVER Morning and Afternoon Phone West 106 NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th and Marine We Deliver PHONE WEST 65 RON EST iv RIG HT PROM]'T SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY GROCERIES FRUIT VEGETABLES CONFECTIONEItY, Etc. PHONE YOUR ORDER---WE DELIVER II'QNSDALE.*"'MPIRE NOW PLAYING COLLEEN MOORE IN "ELLA CINDERS" Matinee Saturday 2.30 III NOW PLAYING ADOLPHE MENJOU IN THE GRAND DUCHESS ANO THE WAITER Matinee Saturday 2. 30 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LI 4 IT ED 15th and Marine Phone West 115 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE ro SI council pater Mos«~'" Ci'rcir/i ] I M'bc Il Hsg ibc upi& Mssouic " r Profs sud their I were the 3I Motgsu, wctu scil. Tbcrc pmscut tbo Bcv. Fstbct A. b 8 v,h.bk0'Douu very Il]cp sUPP cslcrg for by the Du sou CbsPIcr of tbo pmscut at the iuv Bpcvc blorg» I sc 'bcrpfolloi enjoyable pcogrsmmc sud spccchmskiug gsu in cougrstulstiug csl Society ou tbck 'orcedio the clcvstiut of music oo the com'id the other spcskc'scDouskl, Couucilk Lcylsud, Bsy sud IVU] E]gm of the School B Songs were rcudcrc Bruce britb s violin o Mrs. Knigbt.Hodgc, Addy, bir, sud birs. c iJobu Evans sud s viol bfiss Brcslcy, UB of w received cutbusissticsl audience. ht tbe 8 quest the blusicsl Sp& the two festival numb were mucb sppraiste The Bpv. A. M. then proposed tbc Ips evening that to the MI cipty. Professor Mu Mr. Haydn Youug ccp] Professor ]bsukcd Ibt for the very p]mmut they hsd given ibe Sw himsc]f, cofcnvd m tb extended io b]m prot blciutym nd ib geuccs"I, but rem]udgecut that the ob]cctmpifi, ss to d t iu p ffKtiou on] . I icl iug,tbpwiuuiugof }, Iy su iucidnml that oil memb mstteud ue would i tbp mum P&tiscs tbr in bis mp]y ~ ydei p scsspx that Pm mst4l on Mc]oiym hd Mpcgsu I fess]otal m, tpvcu tb sil pt . +sod tiuImtbou ip w]p outofii st t should b, Aud tbst tbc that tb "mtly ocg,'usicis d cull., 'y cou] biusb wb i]bout I]itic corno they did so, PIUPctly 'bppl cb'I o ps, s]+ «]dent,~bib'6 Ihp sbie]„pest sp 'he0- c over I""s sud Co o tbe Ieguis„ Oust, icos]lg Jui "tiul ~Stet'ugu y tbp u the bol July "btks "pgu]u uohi. II]l m P Pu mpmb