001B6B58 June 18th, 1926 THE WEST VAN NEWS NEW SPECIES OF FISH Musical Recital by Pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilson 't.Stephen's Church Scene of Pretty Wedding The wedding took place last Friday evening in St. Stephen'6 Church, West Vancouver, of Miss Winifred Spouse, daughter of the late Lieut. John Spouse and Mrs. Spouse, of West Van- couver, to Mr. Adam Taylor, sony of Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor of Vancouver. The Rev. A. Hard- ing, Priest officiating. The ser- vice was fully choral. The bride given in marriage by Mr. T. W. Hall of Victoria, wore a two-piece gown of white georgette, her white veil being draped high with a coronet of orange blossoms. Her shower bouquet was of Ophelia roses and lily of the valley, and she also wore a pearl necklace, and gold and pearl insignia ring, gifts'of the groom. Her only attendant Miss Dorothy Partington wore turquoise blue tafFeta in boufFant style, with touches of yellow, her hat being of similar tones, and her shower bouquet of yel- low iris and lily of the valley. She wore a silver and blue mar- quise ring, the gift of the groom. Mr. F. A. Spouse, brother of the bride, attended the groom, and ushers were Mrs. Lionel Davenport and Mr. W. Dobson. During the signing of the regis- ter, Miss Jessie Adam sang "God Touched the Rose." A reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, and later Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left for a inotor trip to California, the bride travelling in a jade green crepe de chene frock with beige coat and hat. Th bride's giti to the groom was a club bag, and the groom's gifts to the best Inan was a grey suede belt and hiiver clasp, and to the ushers gold cuff links. On their returvi ivir. and Mrs. Taylor will resiu: in West Vancouver. Floral dec- orations and bride's bouquets were sent by the bride'6 request to Shaughnessy Military Hoax i- tal. Re-Naming Caves, In- lets, Etc. A vei~ interesting meeting was held at the home of Captain Kettle, Caulfeild, last week, with the object of making recom- dations for the re-naming of coves and inlets as requested by the Government Department. The Reeve, David Morgan, was present with Messrs Caulfeild, Hay, Batchelor, Kettle, Lawson, Harte and Ollason. The following recommenda- tions were decided upon:-- Skunk Cove to be changed to Caulfeild Cove, Sandy Bay to Pilot Bay, Steep Bluff to Indian Bluff, Fisherman's Cove to Shelter Bay Eagle Harbour, no change rec- ommended. Garrow Bay, no change recom- mended. Copper Point to be changed to Kettle Point. Bird Island to be changed to Gull Island. White Point to be changed to Whyte Point. A New Point to be named Batch- elor Point. Another Point to be named Er- win Point. A new Bay to be named Larsen Bay. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rutledge have now moved into their bung- alow on Marine Drive, West Bay. Mr. Rutledge is an old timer in Vancouver, having made it his home at different times ever since 1886. He is also one of the Yukon pioneers of 1897, and mined on "Gold Run Creek" for nine years, owning seven claims 'on that Creek, including the fam- ous No. 13 Claim. Mr. Rutledge is at the present time heavily interested in the Wainwright (Alberta) oil field. A peculiar specimen of the finny tribe was caught oiF Am- bleside wharf Sunday by a boy, who was fishing for rock cod. Shaped like an eel and with the mouth of a trout, rather flat, and with the dorsal fins of a sole, this queer fish is about ten inch- es long and about an inch and a half through at its widest part. The piano recital given by pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilson in Dundarave Hall on Thursday evening, June 10th, delighted an appreciative audience. The numbers were varied in c)iaracter, and all showed good finger work, clean pedalling and artistic treatment. The selections for two pianos -- Morning Mood (Greig) by Miss Clara Wilson and the Ser- enade (Loew) by Miss Hilda and Mrs. Wilson showed good en- semble playing. The Mozart Concerto was enthusiastically received. Miss Sue Procter showed taste in her rendition of Godard's Sec- ond Mazurka. Miss Josie Ley- land displayed good touch and technic in the Butterfly by La- vallee. Much charm was ex- pressed by Miss Margaret Gillett in the Rivulet by Bainton and Olsen's Butterflies. Miss Jean Hood gave evidence of interpre- tative ability in Beethoven's adagio from the Pathetique Son- ata, and Jensen's Murmuring Zephyrs. The Brahm's Hungar- ian Dance was played with char- acter by Miss Clara Wilson. Liszt's Liebestraum was art- istically played by Miss Freda Herrin and an ovation was ac- corded her delightful perform- ance of the Moonlight Sonata. Stratton's Bakery To Move Next Monday Next Monday, 22nd June, Stratton's Bakery will be moved into their new building just west of the old store. The new bake- shop will be modern in every re- spect. The new brick oven which is installed will double the cap- acity for production, whilst the new store is one of the most at- tractive in the district. The Stratton Bakery was operated in West Vancouver for over five years and the proprietors are showing their confidence in the district by erecting this build- ing and thus putting themselves in the position to cope with the steady growth of their bus!Ness. Inspection of the new bakesl!np is invited. What the Bri(Ige May Look Like A large painting of the pro- posed bridge over the Lions'ate, or what the artist pictures it will be, is now being shown in the office window of C. Gray, 445 West Fender, Vancouver, and is attracting much attention. The artist is Mr. W. Carley of Marine Drive, West Vancouver. The picture shows a great sus- pen'sion bridge spanning the wat- ers between Stanley Park and West Vancouver. While it is necessarily imagin- ative it does not follow that it merely represents a bridge of dreams. For all the latest signs point to it being soon a bridge in reality. Dentist Phone Sop. 2854 lor Appointniont Dr. W. J. Curry 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Dr. Curry gives personal attention to his patients. Moderate prices. 2D years'ractical exper- ience.Councillors K. A. Ray and J. T. Watt have been appointed rep- resentatives of the Council on the LIONS'ATE Bridge com- mission. Reeve Morgan will be an ex-officio member. MOVING STORAGE Ferguson's Motor Transfer Co. The Council has decided that roads which have a grade of less than 6 per cent. would be hard surfaced with ashphalt. Those with a steeper grade would be surfaced with crushed rock and asphalt penetration. The latter method, it is thought, will elim- inate skidding of auto traffic in wet weather. Daily Freight Service to West Vancouver 2448 Piarino Drive, Dundarave Phone Wast 8$ ls4 Alexander St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 6211 Coloney Savory has moved in- to the house formerly occupied by Reeve Morgan which he pur- chased recently. W. CARLEY Phone West 84 For Marine Drive between 21st snd 22nd West Vancouver Ros. Phone West 71Y HOUSEPAINTING KALSOMINING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given Sand, Gravel, Truck Work Etc. H. P. Tearoe l6'l0 Hnyvvood Avc. West Vancouver Cl E~A R KD These are positively the Cheapest Lots in Westr.ore Vancouver. BET)VEEN 21st and 22nd STREETS, WEST VANCOUVER These are offered at low prices in order to close balance of estate. or see any WEST VAN. REAL ESTATE AGENT Phone R. C. PROCTER Seymour 3470 MAGAZINES We are carrying a full line now The Dundarafje Pharmacy U. N. aad B. Oammiu. Bec. Pharmaciata 2 doors East of Dundsrsvo P.O. Phone West 606 SPECIAL 4 tin Malt I pscksgc Hops I oa Gclstlnc All for 900 Bottle caps „58 pcf dos West Uarfcouver PharmaCy G.N. aud B. Dammni. Bett. pbavmaciata New Amblcsldo Building Phone West 37 EVERYBODY KNOWS The King'tudio 311 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. PHOTOS THAT LEASE WEST VAN SUPPLY E. H. !!IINIONS, Prop. 14th and Marine Phone West 105 FLOUR AND FEED BUILDING SUPPLIES LUMBER "'SASH AND DOOR 'a COAL AND WOOD Espfcss Dolly Trips to Vancouver STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Shortbread and Nut Loaves Daily HAVE OUR DELIVERY MAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 5 I/I Years C. J. OVERIN(ITON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have hsd the tclophono installed PHONE iVEST 135 snd make an sppolnimonk 14th and Marine DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone West 5 FRESH MEAT AND FISH We Deliver Eight tears'eliable service hss established my reputation for quick, satisfactory service. ED. BLACK'S TRANSFER PMONE WEST 68 Daily Delivery to snd from City, XVc can supply sny qusntttv of Dry Fir \rood. WEST VAN. ELECTRIC (J. IL Pnfcfson) Phone West 108 All Kinds of Electr!0 Work House Wiring Ranges snd Fixfuvcs Estimates Given. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th Telephone: Scy. 5102 West 19L H. E. M. BRADSHAW Barrister snd Soli«liov 28 Commcrce Bldg. 201h af 6$ 0 Hastings Sf. W. Avgylo Sf. Vsncouvor West Vancouver PriCIVIC GREAT EASTERN WEEK-DAY WESTBOUND Tvaiaa Ivava North Vauvau vv fvv ati paiuta ta Whvtvvnltt--0,00, 8.00. 0.00, I 48 11.48 ~.m.. 1.48, 8.48. 8.48. 4.48. 8AI. II88. 8.8 aad 10.88 p.m. EASTSOUND Tvaiaa leave Whvtvvnif for an paiuta tu North Vaavauvvv~,do, 8.$0. 0,80 II.Id, I.dd, 8,88, 4.88. 8.$ 8, 0.8$ . I.dd, 0.10 aad 11.08, SUNDAYS--WESTBOUND Tvaiaa leave Nuvth Vancouver on Suadavv aud Haudava fvv an puiata Ia 8$hvtavuu ~t dud a.m., aad then $ 0 mlautva past vavb hoar uutu 0,80 p,m. EASTBOUND Tralav leave Wbvtvvnlf for ~ II paiata tu North Vancouver at m taiaataa patt hour Crom 0.88 a.m. Ia 0.'fd p.m. For fuvthvr iafavmatiua phone Novtb $ 00 av Svvmauv mdl. pavavasvv Dept.. 088 Ovaavnlv Stvv t. Vaa«uuvvv, n. C. CYPRESS ESTATES This property has Just been placed on the market and 16 ONE OF THE FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS of West Vancouver. The lots are all large and Water, Light and Telephones are available. Arrangements will be made to finance homes on a small cash payment and monthly terms. We will be pleased to show you over the property at any time. Richards, Akroyd & Gall (Established 1885) 325 Horner Street, Vancouver Phones: Sey. 23 and 24