001B6B58 A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculattnff in the District of West Vnncouver--Ambleside, Holi@burn, Weston, Dundarar e Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Cypress Park, Etc. Vol. 1 SIX PAGES WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 18th, 1926 No. 11 MORE ILLUMINATION WANTED Electric light is one of the cheapest commodities in which any city, town, or village can invest. It is one utility whose value cannot always be measured by cost per kilowatt hour. We want it as cheaply as we can get it, but--we want it. West Vancouver particularly feels the need of more light, not only for making the place more attractive, more alive and up- to-date, but for the safety of our citizens. Marine Drive particularly needs more illumination. This is the main artery of our district. It is the centre of all con- veyances, and all our means of transportation focus upon it. Our main business places are found on Marine Drive, and, whether driving or walking, all our citizens and visitors fre- quent it. It is a much used road, but it is not a safe road to traverse. Unless some improvement is soon made there will one day be a serious accident. Should we wait for this to hap- pen before seeking improvement, or would it not be as well to take time by the forelock. The attention of the NEWS has frequently been drawn to this condition. It has been pointed out that even the sidewalks are unsafe, and that unless one walks very, very carefully one is apt to take a false step and fall headlong into some hole or gutter. The cement walk now being laid will minimise this to a great extent„but there are still sections, as for instance, the north side of Marine Drive, between 13th and 15th Streets, which are constant dangers to pedestrians after dark. We are informed that it would cost approximately $40 per year for each extra light standard installed (75 cents per week). This may seen costly, but it would be cheap both for advertising and for safety. There should be four times as many lights on this road if we are to traverse it with any de- gree of ease and freedom from possible accident. The council has done, and is doing much to ihake West Vshr- couver a residential centre par excellence. They have done good work on road building, and are at present considering water development, perhaps a sewerage system can reasonably be expected to be provided for; but light seems to have been somewhat disregarded. We are suffering from growing pains and we realize that our local government has much work to do, and that many re- quests are made to them for the expenditure of municipal funds, but we believe that no more popular improvement could be made than the installation of more and better lights for our streets and roads. "WATCH WEST VAN. GROW" BUILDING PERMITS for past five months of 1926 as compared with same period 1925 1926 1925 Vancouver ........................................ $5,574,350 $3,421,237 Point Grey ........................................ 2,610,600 2,601,900 South Vancouver ................................ 642,920 478,780 Burnaby ................;............................. 510,720 1,561,475 New Westminster .............................. 261,010 160,320 iVEST VANCOUVER ....................... 199,673 64,543 North Vancouver City ........................ 160,500 76,500 for month of May 1926 as compared with May 1925 1926 1925 Vancouver ....................................... $1,531,205 $ 795,980 Point Grey ......................................... 545,550 551,100 South Vancouver ............................ 164,000 163,790 Burnaby .....,................................... 111,295 1,327,055 New Westminster .......,....................„.. 34,4SO 83,645 WEST VANCOUVER ......................... 31,682 13,418 North Vancouver City .................... 21,400 16,200 It will be seen from the given table that West Vancouver in- creased its building permits for the five months ending May, from 865,543 in 1925 to $ 199,673 during the current year. The total has therefore, been more than trebled, a greater Q-"& proportionate increase than shown by any other municipality. The average value of the permit has also ben consider- ably enhanced, having been $ 1610 during the present year com- pared with 8694 during the corresponding five months of last year. This substantial increase in the average value of permits in West Vancouver is due of course to the minimum building regulations introduced this year by the Municipality with the object of improving the dimensions and appearance of the hous- es and stores constructed. Figure out the percentage of Increase as shown in the above table and you will see that percentage of increase is greater by far in West Vancouver than in any of the other places nam- ed. "1VATCH 1VEST VANCOUVER GROIV." Child Looses Fingers at Cannery. Meeting to Discuss SCHOOL SPORTS Amalgamation The semi-finals and finals of the West Vancouver Public Schools Baseball League were played this week and all games were well contested being won by the one goal margin. In the semi-finals Grade SB of Pauline Johnson defeated Grade SA; while the Hollyburn team made up of boys from Grades 6 and 7 were successful over Grade 7 of Pauline Johnson School. In the finals Grade SB defeated Hol- lyburn by 4 runs to 8, thus an- nexing the first baseball pennant in West Vancouver. As it is difficult to get out- side school teams to come here, Vancouver and North Vancouver having their own leagues, these games have proved of much in- terest to the West Van. pupils and great enthusiasm and keen competiion have been taken throughout. Minoru Morimoto, a Japanese child, had the fingers of his right hand crushed by a roller at the Great Northern Cannery Thurs- day evening. He was attended by Dr. F. Stainsby, who ordered his removal to North Vancouver General Hospitak where two fingers were amputated. quested certain information from the municipal departments on that date. The committee is composed of the chairman, Reeve David Mor- gan and Councillor J. T. Watt of West Vancouver, Alderman Jack Joutet and B. E. Townsley of North Vancouver City and Coun- cillor David Loughnan of North Vancouver District. Horseshoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club W. H. Gorby was re-elected president at the annual meeting of the Horseshoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club, which was held in the new clubhouse, on Saturday, June 12th. Other of- ficers re-elected are: R. C. Hodg- son, vice-president; J. B. Furniss secretary-treasurer;- John For- syth, auditor. D. Y. Gorrie, Ed. Lofting, Frank Miles and C. H. Jones comprise the directorate of the club. A satisfactory fi- nancia statement was presented by Secretary Furniss. At the conclusion of the meeting re- freshments were served by the ladies and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded them for their valuable aid. The women will hold their annual meeting next Saturday evening, when the onus of catering will fall on the male members of the club. Whyteciiff Rate p ayers Meet Council Hollyburn High School Grade examinations begin Fri- day 18th June. Matriculation examinations begin Monday, 21st June. On Saturday, 12th June, at 7.30 p.m., the Ratepayers's- sociation was revived with an enthusiastic and representative meeting held at Mr. Rogers'oat house. The object of the meet- ing was to obtain information regarding the new road. Reeve Morgan and Councillors Davies, Watt and Leyland were present and gave the latest information with respect to the road. Mr. Carson was elected to the chair, and Mr. Lambert as secretary. In reply to Mr. Lambert, the Reeve infoizned the meeting that he did not know when the road would be completed, but that s further sum of $10,000 was wanted and he did not know where it was to come from. Mr. Carson raised the question about a missing one thousand cubic yards of rock and was told that it had disappeared owing to the wet weather in April, the inference being that the rock was soluble in water, or that no foundation had been put in first. A hearty vote of thanks was given the Reeve and Councillors for their trouble, and it is hoped to have more frequent "get to- gethers" in future. ~ Hollyburn Public Sehoolis ™ The regular examinations started 16th June. The Ent- rance examinations start 23rd of June. Visit the Floral Show Tomorrow Tomorrow, Saturday, the third Annual Floral Festival is to be held by the West Vancouver Hor- ticultural Association, and Am- bleside Hall will be well worth ' visit by all our citizens. The Horticultural Association can always be relied upon to make a successful showing and this year they seem to have ex- celled themselves. There is noth- ing makes a district more attrac- tive and agreeable to the eye than a profusion of flowers; and as West Vancouver is rapidly be- coming known as the Garden of B. C., we should show our ap- preciation of the work done by the Horticultural Association by making a point of visiting this annual exhibition sometime be- tween 8 and 10 p. m. tomorrow. The judging of gardens in the Municipality will be taking place today. Mr. J. M. Larnie, 18th and Gordon, carried off the hon- ors last year in this section. Incipient Hooliganism The Police Comnussioners re- port that teen boys and girls are forming a bad habit of hanging round the street corners and the water front until late hours. Cases of incipient hooliganism have occurred and some ofFend- ers have already appeared before the police magisrate. The Commissioners do not wish to have to proceed to fur- ther extremities, but they do, earnestly ask parents generally to see to it that their children are kept off the streets after nightfalL Another matter to which the Commissioners would like to draw the attention of parents is the increasing prevalence of smoking among the young. They are satisfied that sometimes young people have even been able to purchase cigarettes. This side of the question is, of course, the duty of the Commissioners to attend to, and they are giving their best attention to the mat- ter. At the same time they would greatly appreciate any as- sistance parents can give them in the suppression of the practice of smoking among young child- ren. Council Entertains the Musical Society, Reeve David Morgan and Coun- cillors were hosts to the mem- bers of the Musical Society last night. The reception being held in the Masonic Hall. The full re- port of the "auspicious" oceas- sion was too late for this week' issue. It will appear in THE NEWS next week. Cauldfield Water With a view to improving the water'upply of the district of Caulfeild the Council have de- cided to have installed a tem- porary 2-inch main. This should be a material help to the resi- dents. The hours for sprinkling gar- dens in the Caulfeild area dur- ing the summer will be from 7 a. m. to 9 a. m. and 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. These hours agree with the restrictions enforced in other sections of the municipality. West Vancouver Municipal col- lections for the month of May showed an increase of more than 100 per cent. over receipts for May, 1925. St. Anthony Social Club are having a dance at the Hollyburn Pavilion next Wednesday, June 23rd. There will be an orchestra of six pieces. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baldwin will be at home to their friends at the "Clachan" tomorrow, Satur- day at 7.30 p. m. Next Monday has been set by Chairman J. M. Bryan, M.L.A., for the first meeting of the joint committee to bring in recom- mendations for amalgamating ~ ~ public utilities on the North Shore. The committee has re-