001B6B4B Presentation to Mrs. Ritchie The Women's Auxi)iary of the United Church had 0 gathering at the summer home of the Pres- ident, Mrs. Ritchie, last Tues- day afternoon. June 8th. There secre about sixty ladies present. The gathering was to honor hire, Ritchie's sixtieth birthday. A prtuientatlon was made by the church ladies of a silver sand- wich tray and a basket of flow- ersb The birthdav cake was made by hlrtb George Baldwin. The presentations were made by Mrs. hlcTaggart. one of the old- est members and Mrs. Daides read the address of felicitation. During the afternoon a very in- teresting talk was given by airs. Waddingham of India. This event proved a particul- arlv happy one and the large gathering spent a very enjoy- able afternoon. Those present were: Mr. and hIrs. Ritchie. Mrs. Davies, ihirs. hfcLaren. hira. Gardner, hira. Lawson, Mrs. tV. C. Thomson, hfrs. Hamilton, Rev. and hire. O'Donne)), Mrs. Archibald. SIrs. Bell, Mra Cripps, Mrs. Brine. Mrs. A. Garthorne, hfrp. L Gar- thorne, Nrs. NOLel)an,hlrs. tVat- son, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lambert, airs. Turnbull. airs. Lang, hfrp. Faulkner, hfrs. Pollard, hite. Baldwin, ihfra. IVilliamson, hlrp. Paterson, hfrs. Blair, ihfrs. Har- vey, Mrs. Sentance, airs. Watt, hlrs. Elger, Mrs. Hoskins, Mrs. Edwards, hire. Eager, hfrs. Dur- bin, hire. McDowell. ihfrs. Booth, hIiss Ritchie, Miss Allen, h(m. Brealey, hfrs. Herrin, Mrs. Blair, Nrs. Grant, hfrs. SIcVean, hiivh Hindmar. k, Mrs. Bayne, Mrn. Fiddes. Mrs. Waddingham, Mrs Duncan, Mrs. Allen, hIrs. hIc- Lean, Mrs. hicTaggart. SIiss H. Ritchie, hfiss McDowell, ihIrs. iVaite and others. New Subdivision at Cypress Cypress Estates is one of the latest West Vancouver subdiv- isions put on the market. The properti is situated in one of Ihe best residential districts of tlie municipalily. ihiarine Drive passes through the property anil it is ideally w'tuated overlooking English Bay. The property is being hand)nil by Richards, Akroyd A Cail nf 825 Homer Street. Vancouver. ivhose advertisement appears on another page. Count Your Blessings By Cladys To)Icy West Vancouver We are all apt to envy those who are rich, And have money and servants galore: Forgetting that those who have great ivealth untold, Oftimes envy those who are poor. The rich folks have trials the same as the poor, For from troubles none can be exempt: So )et us all learn to be happy each day, IVith the blessings our Father has sent. %V. CA R LEY ntaviue Drive between zlst aud 22nd West Vancouver Reo. Phoae West 7IY HOUSEPAINTING KALSO3HNIiVG SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given WFqT VAV. iNEIVS Dr. W. J. Curry DENTIST 301 Dominion Building Vancouver Phoae SOI. 2864 hr Appintmpnt Dr. Curry gives personal attention to his patients. Ail vvnrk guaranteed. Not)crate pris es. "5 i.ears'rncticnl exper. ience. SIOVING STORAGE Ferguson's Motor Transfer Co. Daily Freight Service to West Vancouver 2446 nnrinp Drive, Dnndnrovp Phono West SS IS4 Alexander St., Vaaconvpr Phono seymour 6217 Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H. P. Tearoe 1640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver June 11th. 192G Holi@burn Pavilion lyth eod lpovtao Drive DAN(3IN0 EVERY XVEDNESI)AY AND SATURDAY 0,30 te lt.no p m. Nick'6 Olympian 3-Piece Orchestra M. WILLI A MS CUSTOM TAILOR IGth snd hlarine, Ambleside Phone West 20 (formerly at 446 Granville St., City) CLEANING and CITY DYEING and PRESSING PRICES REPAIRS IVI)l operate a 20 minute service on Sundays from 12 noon to 8.20 p.m., Commencing Sunday, May 80th. Extra Service on Week Days, commencing Monday, May 31st. Leave North Van. 640 a. mu T.40; 8.40; 10.40; 1240 p.m. Leave Cypress Park 7.10 a. mu 8.10; 9.10; 11 10; 1.10 p.m. Corner 22ud Avenue aud Marine Drive Phone West 36 MA.RINE GROCERY (J. Allison, Prop.) GROCEIIIES COiVFECTIONERY ICE CREAM TOBACCO REFRESHMENT PARLOR IN CONNECTION We deliver. Phone your orders. NOT I( E North 8 West Van Stages. 1m'onp -- GE0 ,Dh(SS EDI t(IL A h SE g ISIS DADA" CSA"'. JIIEECLA SDAY, I ~P,)l peprinii )Ir GponH )fppti lith p 6 3 hvenoa hue on ip nt Ifps . Oypctinp. I Spfi pn Dt(ve ~ ~ ~ tip hpp rpl Eplln thp pin Gypdf Cp a ' 6 mppn En? po )Iy GeoyS ties in his "" the Inplewh tp The lots In t he)ng " ,isipn 3+ 6( lhp ch"6'his is pnp mnrhet. ,Biens pn IM, ~ p neigh is )Irg, T.A )Iys S,A. hgdpughtef snd )Vni Est)eon pnventioiI Cpnnci ntlendipf '„athe co . . m Vnnconvhodf a ~ ~ e Epv. E, ipplie Thp I g inc( tha uni in the ")I Geprgp esto of ~ IP' I ip pn route ti S. Cv whore he hns 6 npi hks, Gement Eulda tpya willi her twe c sphinx nn extendp hey mother, nn, aflakI ommer cpttpirp, 15th front, TRAVI. THE CHILDREN'S CORNER Rosepeter sat by the window, feeling very unhappy indeed. Ada Mary, Aunt Kate's maid, busy washing breakfast things and tidying the room, glanced now and then at the quiet little girl and sang slowly, and solemn- ly, and without any proper tune, a verse her own granny used to sing to her when she was small. "There was a little girl, who had a little curl I Right in the middle of her forehead; And when she was good she was very, very good, But when she was bad she was horrid." By the time Ada Mary had sung this six times Rosepeter uanted to cry, only she knew if she were to cry Ada hiary would make haste to sing it a- gain. So she held her eyes wide open and looked out of the win- dow without seeing anything, and wished and wished.and wish- ed that she was not horrid. Rosepeter had been living with Aunt Kate and Ada hfary since just before she was two, because her father was so ill her mother had had to take him to Switzer- land to nurse him better, and it was taking a very long while. And is not her name a funny one'? Before she was born her moth- er and her daddy used often to talk about the dear little baby boy they hoped God would send them some day, and they decid- ed to cal) him Peter, after his father. But somehow there was a mistake, and when the baby came, instead of a boy it was a girl. Her father said she must be named Rose, because roses, pink ones and white ones, when they peeped in at the vcindow and saw the baby, nodded their heads as though they were de- lighted; but her mother said she must have her daddy's name somehow, even though she was not a boy. So they named her Rosepeter, one word, just as it is ssvitten here, and they loved I er as much as they would have loved a boy. Rbsepeter was a pretty little girl, »ith a lot of short brown curls clustering thickly all over her head, and one, very fond of its own way, that persisted in making itself into a ring right in the middle of her forehead. Usually Rosepeter was very good indeed. but sometimes she was bad. She had been bad the morning we are reading about, very bad, quite horrid, indeed. She wanted to put on her white shoes, and when Ada Mary would not let her, insisting that they must be kept clean for afternoon Rosepeter hsd stamped and screamed, throwing her brown 'hoesacross the room and knock- ing over and breaking a water Iug- Whenever Rosepeter behaved like this Ada hfary chanted the verse about the little girl with the curl, and then sent her to Aunt Kate to be punished. Af- ter making sure Rosepeter really had been naughty Aunt Kate asked her what she supposed God thought of such wicked ways, slapped her on both arms, and sent her out of the room. Then Ada Mary always kissed the ring curl, gave Rosepeter a choc- clate biscuit, and said, "There! now you'e had the badness slapped out of you you'e a good little girl, and very nice indeed, sren't you, duckie?" So, of course. Rosepeter thought it wan slapping that made naughty girls good again, and as God seemed to be a long way off she did not mind what He thought; and Aunt Kate's soft, small hands hurting only a little, whenever Rosepeter felt inciined to be bad she did not troub)e to try to be good. But she did not like to remain hor- rid; as soon as the fit of temper iiad passed she wanted to be slap- ped and kissed and then to for- get all about it. This morning, however, Ada hiary could not send Rosepeter to be punished. because Aunt Kate, who was never quite well, was more poorly than usual; in- deed, the doctor had been and had said she must stay in bed and be kept very quiet. So Rosepeter sat still in the window, too unhappy to noticu the flowers in the garden bed» or the pair of blue-tits swinging head downwards on a half co- coa-nut tied to a branch of the lilac tree. Presently she said hopefully, "Can't you smack me, Ada Mary? Just this once? I do want to be good now." "hfe smack you!" said Ada Nary quickly; "not likely! Gooil gracious me, whatever do you think your aunt would say it' laid a fmger on you? You'l have to wait till she's better. There' the bell--I expect it's the nurse." Ads Mary hurried away, leav- ing Rosepeter feeling sadder than ever; it was better to have Ada hiary singing the verse than to be alone. Suddenly a happy thought came. She recollected that once when Bobbie Smith brought the milk his face wss very red and his eyes swollen, and when Ada hiary said, "What's the matter, Bobbie?" he told her his mother had whipped him for wading in the brook with his shoes on. (Continued next week) "The Little Girl Who Was Horrid" ANNOUNCEMENT BLrkCICWEIuL thn OSBOI&XTE wish to announce the Opening of their Oflice in West Vancouver Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Rentals, &C. Any business placed with us will receive promi&t snd personal attention N A RIM F. DRIVE, AM Bi FSIDE (eight uppovIte IVest Vau Lumber (:uy.) Phone tvest 643 DAILY TRIPS TO IVhytec)life, West Van- couver and Way Points West End Cartage 8 Transfer Co. West 163 -- Phones -- Sey. 2023 Furniture imoviog, Baggage, ctc. Estimates Free Head Onicei 43J Rohsou St., Vancouver, B. C. FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront North Shore Bakery a. J. Iliunitzig, prep. Marine Drive at 22nd Bread, Cakes, Pastry I CE Patronize the Local Firm. City Prices and Good Regular Service. We carry stock. Phone us any time In case of Sickness, Parties, etc. RIDLEY Phone West 70L1 Ambleside Tea Rooms Perry Wharf )VEST VANCOUVER Camp sud Plcuic Supplies, Tohaccoe, etc. Phone West 4 D. MORGAN. J.P. REAL ESTATE ~ ad INSURANCE BROKER Tvveoty-nfth aud Merino Dv. Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE I'HONE IVEST 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT, ETC. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF POTTING PLANTS Del. ~Pest Via Ni The new 1 pio newel Eprth Vp ionnd tnp These de I f»y pane most cpm hnad plnl low sip vp Wp On(pi