001B6B43 Mr. Larnie's Beautiful Landscape Garden 'pen to Public Sunday I hff. J. Ef. Larnie, of 18th and Cwirdoq, Hoflyburn, has i gar- den so beauti(ufly situated and laid,out that he hac bern re- quested many times by memi bers of the West Van Horticul- tural Society to open it fof pub- lic inspecflon. In response to this request, Mr. Larme has kindly consented to open his garden to the pub- lic for inspection on Sunday, next, June 6, between the hours of 2: p.m. and 6 p.m., and it is hoped that roany interested io horticulture wflt take adc«ntage o( the offer. Mr. Lamia's landscape garden is oi&e of tbe finest in West VanCouver, extending around his residence. The garden is most tastefully laid out, and at the present there is a great profu- sion o( the loveliest flowers o( every variety, most of thenr in bloom. There is 3 specialty brilliant display of about 50 varieties o1 roses. Nearly every kind of garden flower is represented, while there are various speci- mens of Alpine, mountain and rock plants in the lovper or sunk- en portion of. the grounds. Mr. Larnie has won the gold medal twice for the best garden presented by the West Van- couver Horticultural Society. I PERSONALS Little Jack Norman Leggatt, of 25th and tVaterfront, cele- brated (&is first birthday re- cently, and while he dicl not quite understand what afl the fuss ««s about, tbe young host looked very happy. Seated in his high chair, in, the garden, he "knifgd" bIR first, birtlidair cake (assisted by his daddy). much to the deligh't of his small friends at the table nearby. Efany gro«m-ups also caflcd and a very pleasant afternoon wa- spent by alL lVe «dsh iiaby Jack many happy returns of the day, and feel sure that ac a "native son" like his worthy daddy, we shall hear ccf him in da&« to rome. Nrm IVRMI» and Mrs. Giflett poured lea ann Mrs. Efo««rd Lrggatt acyisted the hostesc. I Mr. Ilngh S. RoberLcon,one Of thc adjudicators at the B. C. Musical Frctival. held this week is &vali knoivn to «(any tVcst Vancouver residents. 'Thc many (rirmls n( the hlisscs Frame, of 16th and Efarine, Dun- daravr, will be glad to hear that l they are much improcced in health a(tcr ~ their recent tr&dng cxperiencc. h(rs. Gcorgo Clarke, of 29th street, lr(t on Thursday last fora trip to the old country, CardUf, South Wales,'vcifl be h'cr head- quarters. A large part& of frirmls sur- prised Mrs. D. Dewar, 22nd an&i Efarine, on Wednesday evening, «&hcn cards, inusic and dancing «xrc participated in, and a very eajoyable cvcning was spent, which was concluded by ivishing Efrs. Dewar bon voyage an&i by singing "She's a jolly good (el- low." West Vancouver Scottish Society ~ Mr. 'ahd hfrs. IV: Mr/naker of 11th and it(arine will enter- tain members,of the'est Van- couver Scottish Society to a Berry Tea and Efusicale at their home oII Saturday, Junc 26, from 2.30'o 6 p.m. t; 4 c ', -Further particulars wiU be an- nounced later. -- The second Jinni&at Picnic of the lvest Vancou&'cr Society will be held on July I in co-opera- tion with the North Vancouver Society. The members and (riends will journey to "Belcarra" by t!Ie "Scenic," leaving North Vancou- ver Ferry Wharf, times being announced later. A long list of sports is heing arranged, and a good time is ass&&red. For in(ormation phoi.e I&Ye)t 89L'n wishing God-speed to Elias Giflbn and isfrs. kIendry, of Dundarave, vvho are leaving txn a fdur-month's 'tour of Europe, the, ladies of the West Van Scottish Society recently pre- sented the'm with. hooks o('fic- tion as slight tokens of remem- brance. )VEST VAN. V&EWS Women's Benefit Association A most enjoyable Military whist drive ives held on Elonilay evening at thc Clarhan, Dunda- rave, by the o((icerc an&1 mmn- b&rs o( the West Van. tVoman's Benefit Association, Review No. 24. and their (riends. I'rixes werc «mn as fnflnws: Firsts, Elr. and hlrrc F. King, Eire. Kcvil'nd Elise Cliffor&L Boobys. Mr . and Elrs. Gar- land and Mr. and Efrs. 13oivman. Quite a large company wore Prese&It and dainty refreshments \vcI'c scI'v&0. Commander Mrs. Laura Ed- wards prcsentcd the prizes to the ivinncrs and E(rc. Sara Ro- mans made a most ef(icicnt con- vener for this event. )Vest Van Review iVo. 24 hold their regular meetings at the Clachan every second and fourth itfnnday in each month at S p. ill. Efembers are reminded o( the Efemoriai Service nf iVorth Van Review No. 4 that will be held in the K. of P. hall, North Van, on Sunday afternoon, Juno 6th, at 2.30 as many of the IVest Van members as possible are re- quested to attend this important aml interesting occasion. BASEBALL A meeting of the West Van- couver Baseball Club was held Tuesday evening at Siiieldcs store on 14th. Eir. C. R. Shields presided and there was a large attendance of members and baseball fans. Arrangements were macle for future games with other North Shore clubs, and it is hoped that a good fixture list will be ar- ranged. A collection was made for the purchase of necessary baseball goods. There will be practice to- morrow, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m.i at Invin Park. Efr. Hugh islay, with his sis- ter, Eire. J. Clarke', haye taken the ~ house on Esquimalt, near 19th. fomnerly occupied by ihfr. andi Efrs. ikfoney. THE CHILDREN'S CORNER DRESSMAKING June 4th, 19?6 Hollyburn Pavilion lych nn4 Ptnrlnn Drive DA.N ("IN'Cr EVERY tVI:DNESDAY AND SATURDAY 6 30 in Il.30 p m. Nick's Olympian 3-Piece Orchestra M. WILLIA MS CUSTOM TAILOR 16th and Marine, Amblcside Phono West 20 (formerly at 446 Granvifle St., City) CLEANING attd CITY DYEING and PRESSING PRICES REPAIRS Phone VVext. 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Ete. H. P. Tearoe l 640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver The Beauty Shop JI illJILEhlDE & hinrine Drive, next West Vsn. Lumber Cn. htnrcriNng 75c Haircutting. Children 25c. Ladles 35e. FIRST CLASS WORK SATISPAcTION GMARAI&TEEOS Corner 22nd Avenue and Marina Drive Phone West 36 Snaps Made Snappy A NORTH SHORE PRODUCTION TAKE YOUR FILMS TO OUR WEST VANCOU- VER AGENTS Ambleside Ten Rooms (Right at the Wharf) Lynn Bros., Honyburn P. O. Store Robinson Grocery Store (Marine Drive, near 24th) We Collect snd Deliver Daily. Professional care taken of your Films and Prints. J. Wardlaw 153'2 Lnnsdsie Phone North 406 FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront North Shore Bakery A.a hcXENZIC, Pray. Marine Drive at 22nd Bread, Cakes, Pastry DAILY TRiPS TO IVhytecliffe, West Van- couver and Way Points West End Cartage 8 Transfer Co. West 263 -- Phones -- Sey. 2023 Furniture Moving, Baggage, rtc. Estimates Free Head Oflice: 434 Rnbsnn St., Vancouver, B.C. MARINLi GROGERY (J. Allison, Prop.) GROCERIES CONf ECTIONERY iCE CREAM TOBACCO REFRESHMENT PARLOR IN CONNECT(ON We deliver. Phone your orders. Rh I.,lg" tgjlins'ss&f 4sy TFPP . g o( llc&ti I(Oisin) s ssd Grcig . It ibe Eiiiy gilcos. „Od &fsxsr ( $42&41f~trr'siicf I Le&xi(cc. "'cylsss Rirslcti Gslllinm Usga&et Thc silk Its&I&&El 'nssis ~ ikoccs. )Iorr icnies, (AJsgio)i 'iood. I p"&' b &sadeLocw, br ip;(sos 2nd sm f(II&(s Wilsns llssgxriss & E&shllli ra IV(lsosI, Clira b,„I&Arias i,iixi, I(&i&ill. kcitp slid &leis&I „do is Dc, Lsrg clio 1& phkryt&xl A( I W&] E, I (Moosgght) "" 'm+3 Iawiog Ospl 0 pimiiiios of the Rce'ouncil 2 Tag fl y 'oI next 52&a&day for the I e( tkc AMP"latm" Hi&h the xb vc chapter i„gitiisppnrL The iadie are doing their part Io mal a is«cu 2nd they Ssk f& practical assistance o( the cid sq Ircsiytdrs Mais lor this very worthy cas! Ill&in&4 O&ICC &ncn&444 2& an NEILL'S STORE HOME BAKING TOSJPCO, CONFEGTIONE ICE CREAM PHONE WEST SSO REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOAN'eo. GOIIrla; Ect iiii. Pkcm Tfc I'l'e busy afl this morning;I'e a woman in to sew- She's really my big sister, but , we just pretend, you know. My, dollies'hings arc afl tom ; out: I really must prepare Some nice ncw clothes for all of them--they'e nothing !it to With three big girls to seiv (or, and the little twins as well, My family keeps me busy, as any one could telL I Efebitabel, 'kh! eldest, ahvays 1 looks her best in pink; . In This piece of flowered cotton crepe is just the thing, I I think It's big enough to make a bonnet to, to match thr frock- Let's make a real sun-bonnet, i and the dress a little smock. Na ironing is needed; it «dfl wash and,dry so fast I shall not have to make ber more as long as that will ~ last. The hat she had last autumn will do again this year; Priscifla's, too, still looks quite good; I'm glad, f& r hats are dear, Priscifla, «ho is sitting next to Peter on the chair, With big blue eyes and such a lot of golden curly hair, itfust have this pretty pale bloc silk for going out to tea; Then we must find her some- thing cise--for every - day, you see. think a hafland overaU with stitching all in blue Would suit her nicely, and w'ould I be most serviceable too. koiv Katy says she wants a dress of purple trimmed I « ith gold, Just like the queens she's hc rd I of in the fairy Isles o( okL (I want to please ber if I can, bnt ; that sounds rather hot; IBesides, a pirce of purpl» stuff I really haven't got. Ahl herr's some lilac crepe-de- ghine--what would she say to that? IVith yellow ribbon for a sash, and round ber big a&raw hat. And Peter really must have ~nr, he's got no hat at afl. I can't make clothes for dolly 'boys, at least not when they'e small; Their trousers and their coats are much too difficult I fear, So he must wear the same as he's been weariug afl. thc I I year. Heep got a nice brown jersey I suit, and Doris has one too; They'e twins, so must bc dres- sed to mately, I know what we'l do-- I.ets make some "crawlers" for them both, to kccp the jrr- I seys clean; I think that I could manage the&a; we'l use this speckly ,'reen. I'd like to get them hats alike, but that would cost a lnt; ~I'l count my pennies afteywards and see how much I'e got. There's lots of sewing anyway, and that must first be done; So let us get to work at once. llurrahl It is such fun. --Nora Arncitt. ICE Patronize the Local Firm. City Prices and Good Regular Service. We carry stock. Phone us any time in case of Sickness, Parties, etc. v 14IDLF Y Phone West 70L1'mbleslde Tea Rooms Perry Whxrf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Pirn'.c Supplies, Tobaccos, etr. Phone Wast 4 t D. MORGAN. J P. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE BROKER Twenty-Rfih and Marina Dr. Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE PHONE WEST 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT, ETC. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF POTI'ING PLANTS N07 n( ; . y haVe O„'xtpinios in th osr differtt&T O( h»c of relig(oo g ec oi i&&I Ot 2 Ik k seiiesi tk" Mime are 'I Ot ha&I c~y 4 hcr wt r Uirride 2" O print +siog b 4& I . ting Iisnl k, are all 2 t on S 'mi pro p„VSRG& I M t&24~ cost Mfttkm aciliiits ' isg f, cad «rml ',ik Pet Olm. qprt Ui +'st Wain cktfy