001B6B43 June 4th, 1926 IChildren'8 Playgrounfb and 0arks The fund for this worthy ob- ject has been considerably at!g- Imented since the successful 'whist drive on May 19th, and the committee, sincerely thanking the donors feel justified in is- ."suing a financial statement. Whist Drive .......$ 90.50 Cash Donations .... 129.75 4 On Deposit ........ 212.17 Expenses .......... 8.08 Donations of equipment, 1 'lock up kiddies sand pit, 1 lock up kiddies swing. The arrange- ment with the Municipal Coun- cil was to find $200 for Park improvement, with the small F balance on hand it will be neces- '. sary to raise more money for Sports equipment. An entertain- -inent will be given in the near 'uture with this object in view, 'uto which it is hoped generous )support will be received. Dona- tions will 'be received anJ all information given liy the chair- i'inan of committee, Mr. R. Fid- tdes, Gordon and 14th, phone ibVest 51L. t'f :, Correspondence May 31st, 1926. I )The Editor West Vancouver :.h News, 5 if: ', .'i It was with a feeling of regret eat the writer read in a recantj sue of your paper that a Bald I"eaded Eagle had been shoe at ilpundarave, as it was undoul&t- edly a fine specimen, seeing that ,the size is given as 5 feet 8 in- ohds. li It seems strange that anyone should be anxious to make such 4 deed public and one cannot but syippathise with anyone who lies little admiration for the beau- tiful. ti The bird has been killed, and that is the end of it, ~but did my friend consider that at this sea- son of the year this bird may have 'had a nest of young depen- dent upon it, and was at the time collecting provisions ol fish qpon which to feed its young. , It was only last week that my hoys called my attention to a pair of these beautiful birds sparing over the garden, they are birds to 'be admired by both young and old, and are c;nite liarmless. I It is hoped that this note will aerVe as a reminder that not all sour readers consider such an nct as sportsmanlike and I can- not help but think that had a ajttle further thought been given, tthis bird might still be enjoying the delights of West Vancou- iec r. Our municipality 'has been the retreat of a very large number of birds that make their homes tvith us each summer, and I am cure it is the wish of all who de- light in beautiful surroundings supplied so abundantly by Na- iprc, of which birds form such nn important part, that every "ossible means will be advanced fbr t'heir protection. Yours truly, a B. R. Harrison. illow Dene," Duhdarave. I+ Mrs. Lacey, of West Vancou- t'cr, has gone on a trip to Eng- land. I W. CA.RLEY rdsrino Drive between 21st ond 22nd West Vancouver Roo. Pbomo Woat 7IY HOUSEPAINTING KALSObIINING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given Personals ihlr. E. A. Riddell is havin t a residence to cost $10,000 built at Cypress Park. J. B. Whithurn is the architect and A: hiitchell the contractor. idrs. J. Lang, of Edmonton, is on a visit to her son, Dr. J. W. Lang, Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ajcllo have moved lrom McNichol ave- nue. to 20th Street and Ingle- wood, Hollyburn. Captain Dixon Hopcraft and family of Seattle have been spending the week-end at Caul- feild. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wood, of Vancouver, spent the week- end at Caulfield. A tennis dance under the aus- pices of the West Vancouver Tennis Club will be held at the Hollyb'urn Pavilion on Friday, June 11. The young potato crop of Mr. B. Wright on Belleville avenue, Hollyburn, is now in fine condi- tion, being weeks earlier than usual. The end of June is about the usual time. His fruit is also in excellent condition, apparently not injured to any extent by he rainy weather during May. Mrs. Munkley, ol Victoria, has leased a house on 15th Si,rect and Waterfront. Mrs. Faulkner, of Vancouver, is building a house on 26th and i Bellevue, Dundarave, to cost be- tween $7,000 and $8,000. Messrs. Blackwell & Osborne have opened up business on hfar- ine Drive, Ambleside, as real estate, loan and insurance agents. Both gentlemen a'e formerly of Chilliwack. Mrs. H. C. Osborne, of Black- well & Osborne, has purchased land on Inglewood Avenue, Hol- lyburn, and intends buildiug a residence there at an early date. Mr. Hugh hlay has entered into partnership with Mr. G. C. Byrnell, the well known local real estate and financial agent. The firm will in future be known as Byrnell & May. Mr. May has been in the real estate and in- surance business for nearly 20 years. Mr. May is an expert insurance man, having been for several years manager of the in- surance department of the Gen- eral Administration Society at Edmonton, Alta. A party of ladies connected with 'Phe Domestic Economy Teachers paid a visit to Dunda- rave this week. 'A military whist drive was held by tlie Women:s Benelit Association at the Clachan Inn, Dundarave, on Monday evening. Mr. J. Sheasgreen has moved into his cottage on 23rd and Bel- levue, Dundarave, for the sum- mer. WEST VAN. NEWS Man Working Nile- Driver Killed at Caulfeilds Alexander Allan, aged 41, was killed through an accident which occurred on Monday, May 31. The man was working on the pile driver at Caulfcild at about 2 o'lock when he fell fron the platlorm, a distance of fifty feet. The victim was at once con- veyed by ambulance to North Vancouver Hospital but lapsed into unconsciousness and died about 6 p.m. Dr. F. Stainsby accompanied the unfortunate man to the hospital and attended him until his death. The late hfr. Allan resided in Boundary Rd., Vancouver. Mrs. Kelly of the same address is a sister, and it is believed he has six 'brothers living. It is under- stood 'his mothe'r is also living in some other part of the Prorince. Deep Sea Fishing Com- petition at Whyte- diff The annual deep sea fishing competition of the B. C. Anglers will be held at Garrow's Bay (P.G.E.), southwest of Horse- shoe Bay, W'hytecliffe, on Sun- day, June 20. There will be several prizes offered for competition of which further particulars will bc pub- lished later. Mr. J. J. Dutton has solri his property between Marine and the Waterfront to Dr. Rutledge. Captain F. F. Lovegrove has rented the house of Miss xt.fc- Ewen at 1263 Duchess. Mrs. Dewar left on Sunday for a four months'rip to points in Ontario. Commencing soon as Marino Drive is completed to W'iiyteoiiir Ferguson's Motor Transfer'o.'ill make Daily Trips as far as Why tee 1 i tl and Way Points. Giving residents reason- able rates on all classes of freight. 2446 ifarine Drive, Dnndarave Phone Wast 88 154 Ajezander St., Vanconver Phone Seymour 62I7 KIN& 8c CO. 111 Esplanade West North Vancouver Phones: North 981 & 767L West 67R AUCTIONEERS, BAILIFFS, DEBTS COLLECTED Investigations made Satisfaction Guaranteed NOTICE North II West Vaff Stages Will operate a 20 minute service on Sundays from 12 noon to 8.20 p. m., Commencing Sunday, May 30tht Extra Service on Week Days, commencing Monday, 3yfay 31st. Leave North Van. 640 a. m., 7.40; 8.40; 10.40; 1240 p.m. Leave Cypress Park 7.10 a. m., 8.10; 9.10; 11 10; 1.10 p.m. Confectionery Soft Drinks, ice Crea'm ST.Tiolicnv ud FIII5 aiiaTEon FISI58786 The DundaralJe - Pharmacy o. IL aad A. Oemmlll. Rex. puatmaetem 8 doors East of Dundarave P.O. Phone West 606 FBLK SHAKE ico Cream - - Scoops Ouo Rich Idiik - Ounces Five Fiovot - - - qs Mix electrically, 'ervo This makes o wboiosome delici- ous drink. Price Ip cents. West Vancouver Pharmacy G. 54. aad n. Gem mill. Rex, paarmaeieta New Ambiooido Buibbng Phone West 37 LOOK! Kverybodyt WEST VANCOUVER HAS A BRAITD NEW Candy Store Yoo Sir, right at the oi4 West Vancouver Pharmacy--14tb St. aonly the Best of Everything" Dr. W. J. Curry DEÃflST 301 Dommion Building Vancouver Phone Sef. 2354 for Ajlyojatmont ICE CREAM CANDY TOBACCO so Clean ond Handy to the Ferry C. R. SHIELDS Dr. Curry gives persona) attention to hie patients Ail work guaranteed. Moderate prices. 20 years practical exper- ience. WEST VAN SUPPLY E. H. MINIONS, Prop. 14th and Marine Phone West 105 FLOUR AND FEED BUILDING SUPPLIES LUrdBER SASH AND DOOR COAL AND WOOD Exiirbss Daily Trips to Vaaooavor Eight years'eliable 'service bas ostabiixbed my reputation for quick, satisfactory service. ED. BLACK'S TRANSFER PHONE WEST 68 Daily Delivery to and from City. We can supply any quantity oi Dry Fir Wood. STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE Support Local Industry and Help the District Grow Fresh Bread, Cakes, Paotrieo, Shortbread and Nut - Loaves Daily WEST -VAN ELECTRIC (J. H. Paterson) Phone Wes't 108 Ail Kmds of Eloetne Work Bouse Wiring Ranges and Fixtureb Estimates Given. DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone West 5 FRESH STEAT AND FISH Wo Deliver HAVE OUR DELIVERY rdAN CALL Phone West 27 Established 5 yz Years C. J. OVERINGYON BARBER For the convenience or tbe ladies or the District I have bod the teiepboao installed PHONE WEST 135 and make an oppointmont. 14th and Marine Telephone: Soy. 6702 West 19L H. E. M. BRADSHAW Barrister and Solicitor 24 Commerce Btd. 20th tn 640 Hastings St. W. Argyle St. Vancouver West Vancouver West Van Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor Next to Robert's bleat biarket Seeelel Leaeit ead alaaee dee aeeeltfeet ea4 Sheet Otdeea tI befit'dk'I':zan'PKl'Itl &Y. WEEK-DA Y--WESTBOUND Trains ioive North Vancouver for ail points to Wbytoclitr:~.pp, T,pp, 8.00, 9.42, 11.42 o.m., 1.42, 2.42, 8.4,4.42. 6.4E 6.42, 8.22, ond IP~ p.m. EASTBOUND Trains leave Wbytoontr for on points to North Vancouver:~,60, 7.60, 8.60, 10.$6, o.m.; IS.S6, 2.$6, $.86, 4.$6, 6.S6, 6.$S, 7.96, 9.15 ond ILOS SUNDAYS--WESTBOUND Trains leave North Vancouver on Sundays aud Holidays for an points to Wbytecltr ot 8.40 a. m., and then $0 minutes past each hour until 8.$0 p.m. EASTBOUND Trains leave Wbytocltr for ail points io North Vancouver at 25 minutes psst each hour from 9.eS a.m. to 9.26 p.m. For further information Phone North 900 or Seymour 9SSI, Passen- ger Dept., 5$8 Gronvino Street, Vancouver. B. C, EVERYBODY KNOWS The King Studio tJI11 Hastings Street West Established 1902 V. V. VINSON, Pro'p. PHOTOS THAT PLEASE