001B6B3C IVEST VAN. NEXVS We are just near to you as your Telephone Phone: WEST 3 FOR ME AT Fresh and Cured Meats Bu((er. Eggs and Bacon Honest Weight: Pn&mpt Sen ice: and the Highest Quality You can absolutely rely upon the things vou buy from this store. WE DELIVER Jefferies'EAT Market hlarine Drive near 17th Street Phone West 3 Pbuue West a D. hIORGAN, J.P. REAL ESTATE aud LNSVRAxtCE BROKER Twas(y-fifth and Marine Dn Ambleeide Tea Rooms Ferry irha&f WEST VANICOUVER Camp aud Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, eic. Close In Lots on Inglewood Avenue You can't eo wrong in buying West Vancouver Property at Present Pc(cpa Buying here Ia an investment--uoi a apccula- iiou. We Offer Large Lots 82 K 230 on paved road Good View and Excellent Location-- (Bui(diag Restrictions). $G00 on Iong terms Remember these are three times the aixe of the ordinary ss-fi. lots. MAlkE YOUR CHOICE EARLY GEO. HAY 315 Cordova St„W„ Vancouver pi'4th St. 3& hfarine IVeet Vancouver The ..:ssex Six Coac1 ESSEX OWNERS report that it meets ideally their requirements for hfotoring -- Comfort, Economy, Reliability, Smoothness, and Remarkable Ease of Control. Essex is the car of today. Its low price makes it real automobile value. BURRARD MOTOR CAR CO. Phone North 1370 111 East 1st Street NORTH VANCOUVER .S;) CA4S 1925 Chevrolet Sedan.......... $950.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring........ 5675.00 1925 Chevrolet Turing...............$675.00 19O25 Ford Touring ........ $400.00 1923 Star Touring .......................$450.00 Ford Touring ......$150.00 Maxwell Touring $150.00 hfembers of the Retail Merchants'ureau. See us first for a USED CAR NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CH EVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE ONLY OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to hlembers We are open until 12 Phf. week days and 11 P.hf„Sundays. ELECTRIC SHOE RKFAIR SHOF SOLID Coh(FORT I That's what you'l say when you put your old shoes on after we hare repaired them. XVE L'SE GOODYEAR iVLNG FOOT HEELS FRED TITE Foot Specialist iNext (o West Van. Garage, Ambleside Race(viue Aeaucy Kav(H FuruituraStore, Duudarava. Daily deliveries I'E R SON A LS Mre. Steivart hfoore sails for the Orient by Empress of Asia on Thursday. During the week ahe was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Isobel hfackay. Mre. ihlcGoivan spent a holiday at Qualicum Beach, the favorite resort on Vancouver Island. Two men were having a half serious and half humorous argu- ment about the First Narrows bridge. One msn wishing to dis- miss the subject remarked. aIVell I never cr&ms a bridge until I come to it." "That's au very well," said the other man, "but you can't cross a bridge even when you come to it if it isn' there." IVhfch beautiful bull completely fioored his friend and ended the argument. Mr. James Thompson. the well known transfer man, has left on a visit to Scotland, his old time home. Mrs. Salter has returned from her holidav spent last week at Qualicum Beach. On Monday she met with a slight accident ivhich is confining her indoors for a few days. Mr F. B. Sparrow has rented ihliss Murray's cottaee on Law- son Ave. and '25th St., for the summer. IVhjie blasting was being done on 26th Street a large rock fell through the roof of the hfieses Frame's new house on Marine Drive and 26th, causing some damage but no one fortunately being hurt. Mr. Cochrane's house on 24th end Heywood Avenue, Dundar- ave. has been sold to Mr. Meraw of Sovereign, Sask. He is ex- pected to make his home in Dun- darave. Ed. Black was present by in- vitation at the banouet given to the May Queen Monday night af- ter the May Queen festivities at North Vancouver. Miss Clara IVIleon will present some advanced pupils in Recital at Dunderave Hall on Thursday, June 10th, at 8.15 p. m. It hes been raining all dey, more or less. but the West Ven NEIVS man had, nevertheless, to hustle and gather the news. Ceil- ing upon a lady who is interest- ed in social events, he asked, "have you had a shower lately?" "Oh yes, we had a bad shower this morning," she replied. "But I don't mean that kind," he said. "I heard that--" She laughed, "as if I didn't know!" Of course it's "what every woman knows," but there are many men who don't know what a shower really Is. hIrs. C. H. Ray is leaving next Sunday night via C. N. Railway, for a three months visit to her old home in Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fires end hIiss Ambleside, were West Van visitors last week, being guests of Mrs. Roy Falconer, Marine Drive. Master Geo. Falconer re- turned with them to their home in Bellingham. IVaeh., and it is hoped his health will faenefit by the change. The Hollyburn Theatre is now open. Pictures will be shown each Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. There being two shows each night at 7 p. m. and 9 p. m. On Saturdays the mat- inee starts at 2 o'lock. "Rom- ola" with Lillian and Dorothy Gish is being shown for the bal- ance of this week. The admis- sion for evenings le 30 cents and 15 cents, for the matinee 20 cents and 10 cents. The build- ing can be rented for meetings, etc., on Wednesdays and Thurs- days. On Sunday and ihlonday 26,327 persons and 7,141 automobiles cr&umed the Second iNarraws Bridge according to a report is- sued by bridge ofilciakru ihlon- day's traffic came close to equal- lina'he record of April 26th last and the total iveck-end traffic was the heaviest thus far handl- ed by the bridge. On Sunday 2,997 automobiles, 10,340 per- sons. 19 motorcycles, 73 trucks and 18 stages crossed the bridge while on hlonday 4,144 automo- biles, 16.987 persons, 113 trucks 39 motorcyclcs and 18 stages used the bridge, making a total of 7.141 automobiles. 26,327 per- sons. 186 trucks, 58 motorcycles and 36 stakes for the week-end. P G. E. Officisfs estimate that approximately 3,000 passengers vere carried on their line on 5'londay. Spring Flower Show The spring flower show, which wss so successful Inst year, will be hei&i again in the fforitcultur- el building. bv t'e North Van- couver Horticultural Society and Farmers'nstitute, Saturday, June 19. The big vegetable. flower an&i live stock show which hee been a regular event on the North Shore for a number of years will be held this fell as usual. The spring show is primarily for members and friends of the qocieti hnt the public is invited. It will b free both for entries and adlnfssion: awards will consist of price cards.,yudges Battenebv and Granville Marriott, of South Van& ouver, will make the a- wards. Arrangements for the show have been completed by the dir- ectors, under President Colin F. Jackson, and schedules and entry forms may now be obtained from J. IV. Holland. secretary, or at the office of Alex. Smith &k Co. A reader who admired the lines on IVest Vancouver by Miss Louie Murray in last week's issue I as been inspired to indite the following verse as a sort of chor- us: "Go IVest, young man, go IVest" But if you want the best plan, To make a happy home nest, Take up your lot in West Van, IVest Van, IVest Van. Th» S(ore of Good Behaviour We Mind Our "& t:l'ive us nn Enrly Call lo Avoid Disappoln(ment SATURDAY SPECIALS No. I STEER BEEF-- Boiling Beef. pcr lb 7c Plate Corned Beef, lb. 7c Shoulder Steak, ib 12yac Pot Roast from per lb 10c Oven Roast, from.... 15c Country Sausage meat per lb................... 10c Beef aml Tomato Sausnge per lb. 15c. 2 lbs for 2;ic Beef Dripping ................ 10c NEIV ZEALAND LAMB Shoulders .................... 25c Ribs .......................... 25c Legs ........................... 35c Loins .................... 35c "Glendale" Creamery But- ter, per lb................. 45c 3 lbs. 51.25 "Alberta Special" per lb 42c 8 lbs. for ................ 51.20 Sliced Bacon, per lb....... 45c Robert' Better Meats 14th and Marine PHONE WEST 106 IVE DELIVER hlorning and Afternoon NORMAND'S G14OCElCY 14th and hfarine We Deliver PHONE WEST G5 HoiNEST WEIGHT PRO6(PT SER'VICE HIGHEST &IVALITY GROCERIES FRUIT VEGETABLES CONFECTIONEI(Y, Eic. PHONE YOUR ORDER--WE DELIVER SERVICE LONSDALE Moa. Tuel. Wcd. Next Wxak A Vivid and I'iery Love Story of Modern Spain by an All S(ar Cast "TORRENT" Beautiful Co&One in this Biff Production «"" "THE ENCHANTED HILL" "'" ";" West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine Phone West 115 We can supply your every want Iu Building Materials. Our pr(cea aud quality will stand comparieou. Wa invite your enquiry aud shall be glad (o kiva a e&tura on your ca- quiremeaia, whether large or smalL fi~ SIX Vol I IONS WII «B-""'ird Cou I' alla(bc& fiaaucia c pic& (bc Lip@ (kmugb Dug ld c&uiqcp( will p, Irant ai di&alc fp& building &ucd gave lira( been « appca&i iba( lcP p cpgjpcc&lug flm (bc gpvc&umcat at D a acbcmc (P build I"c b'b, cpmpauy &cfc«c& cppauuc(jou Plans before ties interested or bad c"c ICC(. Wbdc pp dciaila pf I ljsbcd, it is pad&ra(opd I bndge cuiucly ulib Pni auppo&(cd by a schedule o Rccvc Me&gap stated placed before Wc&t Van&& Cox apr bad the mua&cil ma((c& pf the proposed bri The D. P. Rpbipaoa I firm pl engineers aad bau various parts pl the world ucc(cd with or interested u wcck that there bad been . tc&, That there was ap ide, cerned aad that it wai puli val by the go&&&pm&pi that fully iulcudcd lp place the Shores mummpaldica fp& I hfaypr Taylo& sia(cd ( ai(ipp bas ap(biag (o dp a r«apcciiag which bc baa b, hfayo& Taylor also cx Proceedings at O(m'ua apflbc o(bc& fl&ula whcb bay&(hv bridge. The firm wj(k bc states, j(a plan full municipalities cpu&&&pad ulj a y authorities are app&oacbri PACIFIC STA( THROUGI. THIS LETT Gc&k of lbc B Dear gjr "'al Cour lyc herebY apassenger mp(,& bpp y for I laic& iiu [0& cc fo& ax bua, a llccaac fu& a a((acb bcrxal faica b rc(p rivi&, (&ici anil weap II(b 5 youl(a g&cc (p m kmaki Wc uudtheir cxiili (aud (bat,'( take ca mg l&a« 'ta&c oi I~I poi(a(jpi( ia fu (&arel Council I nbcr aude be a&ager, Prohibit +d ( pp " ra boa„ uu Li ou& a(a c 0 pol cidaic I gca alps iug ,'I 4'aw ou& . "&(bc& may wi(l, ' is I uo( b . i ijcca Iiou . at aay (i pdmg ~lb&ra M I or ack f&olp Iu (a Ijf III c p& I au,c M (bc ap . dul, a„ ou& I In( of (b ri I&culpa C C& Top&a PAC