001B6B3C WEST VAN. NEWS PERSOViALSClassified Ads. M 1 ST SELL--1919 Four Toafiag Csf --Completely orerhauied aud in Are& riess condition. Cash or terms. Phone West 1$0. SNAP -- Bargain for Spot I'aoh- Eigh&-roomed house to be removed tram present &oration, N.W. corner Esquimai& and 16th. Look it over aud submit quick o&yer. Phone West 661L FOB SALE--Alert Cook Stove. 1-hole «i&h gairaniued pipes and caps. Co'man Lamp; Franklin open coal or Wood Heater. J. M. Morgan, Imm Argyle Ave. PROPERTY FOR SAI.E R p. FLARK a co„LTD. G J. ARCHER, Local Representative CLEARED I.OTS on 13th S&. Look &hose orer. Close &o Ferry aud an community eourenieurea Nice siue sox&20. Reasonable Prieea Terms to suiL BL"NCALO'W--6 Rooms, &sfge veran- dah. Funr fuitivated garden. Snap chance at $ 1660 on terms. 31ARINE DRI'VE Business Property --Revenue producing aud sp&ondid&y situated for inres&ment purposes «1&h fine possibnitiea Price $6A00. DOL'BLE CORNER Homesite Iafiug South, &0 minutes from Ferry; &wo lots for $660 on &erma Light clear- ing. Snap Bargain &o quick buyer. R. P. CLARK a CO„ I.TD. '2$ Hastings S& W.. Sev. 7&SO 'neo& 66IL Property Lis&iags '&Vaa&e&L AB Class- es o& Insurance aueadoii &o. wKST VAncouvKA Christian Science Society Dundnrni e llno. ii'larine Dr. DUI&dsrave Sunday Service ~« &..'&0 a.m. Subject, Nuy 30th& "Ancieni nnd hlodern iNe. cromancy. noae ilesmerism and H) pnotlsm. Denounced Sunday Sfhooi ~ & &0.$0 a.m. Tea&i&sony hiee&iug, Fhvt '&Ved. new&ay of each month. A.&i p.m. hlr. and hira Wm. Hamilton of West Vancouver. are spending the week end with Nr. and hlrs. IVm. Simpson of Seattle. ihlr. Allen of Ambleside. has built two new stores in Whyte- cliF, one of which he has opened as a meat market. ihlrs. A.'obinson (Ambleside Beauty Parlor) left last night for a three months trip through southern B. C., travelling over the Kettle Valley line. Nrs. Rob- inson expects to visit several points on the Arrow Lakes be- fore returning to IVest Van. a- bout the 15th of Septen)bcr. hliss Ruth Fcrnstrom leaves at the same time on a visit to her old home in Kettle Valley. Councillor and hirs. Watt and family paid a iveek-end visit to Seattle. SIr. Watt states that ivhile the Washington University has a magnificent location, its brick buildings are not nearly so fine and solid in appearance as those of the U. B. C. at Point Grey. hlr. Watt has a nephew at the Washington University. United Church An Empire Day Service ivss held in the United Church last Sunday evening. Despite the in- clement ireather there was a large congregation. The local Orange Lod«e and the members of the L.O.B,A.. attended in large numbers. Arrangements are progress- ing favorably for the Third Va- cation Bible School to be held in the United Church from Mon- day, June 28 to July 16, inclusive. Sessions will be held each morn- ing (Saturday and Sunday ex- cepted) from 9.30 to 12. The School will be divided into four departments--Senior, Intermed- iate, Junior and Primary. An excellent staff of teachers has been secured and it is hoped that the school will be most success- fuL The school is not denomin- ational but is open to AU child- ren and if a suF&cient number of adults enroll an Adult Class will be also hekl. The aim of the school is to give the pupils a working knowledge of the Bible. Christian friends are asked to give their assistance and pray- ers. The Baseball teams of the Un- ited Church Sunday Schools both wou their games last week. The Junior team defeated St. And- rew's, Vancouver, by the score of 7-5. The Juvenile team play- ing at Irwin Park managed to come out on top of 6 loosely played game by 26-24. hIrs. NcBain of Altamont, who has been bedridden for a long time, is a good deal better. hirs George Hay is beginning to get hcr strength back again and when the summer, which has been lost for the last month, re- turns it is expected to bring back with it good health. Mr, and Nrs. IVm. Grout of Bellevue, Amblcside, had a son and heir born to them this week. Nrs. Grout is a daughter of Mr. J. Yates. IN THE ilATTER OF THE "COil- PANIBS ACT" aud IN THE 3IATTER OF PACIFIC COAST IiiPORT AND EX- PORT CO)IPANY, LIMITED. TAKE NOTICE that PACIFIC COAST IMPORT AND EXPORT COMPANY. Liid&TED, intends &o ap- ply &o the Registrar of Companies for rermLooion to change the name of the Company to HOLLYBURN LUMBER COb&PAN&Y. LIMITED. Dated at Vancouver, British Colum- bia, this 6th day oy niay. A.D. 1926. S.A.G.CURRY, Secretary. ut-21M26 hlr. A. IV. Lunn opened his new restaurant on hlarine Drive near 14th Street this iveek. Be- sides hot meals and short orders. ice creams are served. Nr. Lunn was formerly in business for seven years on Main Street, Van- couver. ihIr. Blanchfield of Duudarave. recently shot a "bald-headed" eagle, measuring 5 feet 8 inches from tip to tip, o nthe beach near his home. Musical Society The West Vancouver Musical Society competes in the hfusical Festival in the Large Choral Class at 9.30 p. m. on Friday night. June 4th, in the IVesley Church. The society would greatly appreciate the presence yf many West Vancouverites in Ihc audience on Friday Night. D. JO&xIES, Pres. West Van. ihfus. Soc. ihIrs. J. Munkley who has made her home in Victoria for a num- ber of years, has moved to West Vancouver. Mrs. Muukley was a recent visitor to West Vancou- ver and was so charmed with its surroundings that she has decid- ed to locat ehcrs permanently. Messrs. Blackweo and Osborne have taken the store next Nrs. Conant on Marine Drive They will run a real estate business. St. Stephen's ChurchCouncil will Remove Stumps. The next meeting of the West Vancouver L. O. L. 2990 will be held on Tuesday next, June 1st, at 8 p. m. Trinity Sunday (iMay 30th)-- 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--ihforning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The annual Sunday School ex- aminations as set by the G.B.R. E. for ao Canada are being held in the Parish Hall Saturday morning at 9 o'lock. To the pupil taking the highest mark a prize of one week at the Angli- can Camp will be given. The third annual Church of England Camp will open at Long Bay, Gambier Island, on June 28th, with two weeks for Senior Boys, ages from 15 up. Senior Girls. Junior Girls, Junior Boys and Mothers'amps follow with two weeks assigned to each di- vision. The cost of board and transportation at each camp of a fortnight's duration is $ 12.60. Congratulations to Charles Chapman on his impressive win- ning of the high hurdles in the High School sports at Brockton Point last Friday. hIrs. F. X. Hodgson expects to give a recital in West Van- couver next month in aid oi't. Stephen'0 Church Building Fund. The Municipal Council has a- greed to remove stumps from Boulevard property at a cost of $ 10 per stump. Several requests having been made by property owners for this service. Madame Burling of Vancouver is having 6 house built on hIath- ers between 25th and 26th St., Dundarave. Her many friends will regret to hear that hIrs. Thos. Arm- strong was conveyed last week to North Vancouver hospital ser- iously ilL Her little child passed away while in the hospitaL hfr. Riley, comptroller of South Vancouver, is now at his summer residence on 17th and Beach recuperating from a rec- ent ioness. Watch West Van Grow IVcst Vancouver has always been noted for the beauty and luxuriance of its fiowers, wild as weU as cultivated. hIr. N. G. Blanchfield of Wing's Point, Dun- darave, has now proved that its sweet peas are not easily exceo- ed. In his garden they are now over 4 feet 3 inches in height with blossoms of rare richness of beauty. Mrs. J. R. Davidson of Vancou- ver, spent the week end at Caul- feild. HARRO'8 BROS. & 'O'ILL I ABI SO'8 funeral BIrrctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Those mountain ponies of Mac- Donald & Scott, did good busi- ness on Empire Day, many vis- itors taking trips to IVhytecliF Capilano and other popular rm- sorts. Nrs. Knight Hodge and hIiss Gwen Hodge of 14th and Duchess is on a two weeks'acation to Vernon and way points. Neio'6 store on Marine Drive, Hooyburn, has now been raised to the level of the drive adding to its appearance and conveni- ence. The regular meetings of the West Van. IVomens Benefit As- sociation will take place at the Clachan, Dundarave, on hiondsy evening at 7 o'lock, prompt. A hfilitary 500 and IVhist Drive, will also be held sama evening at 8 o'lock; refreshments. Note the date, hfay 31st, at the Cla- chan. hlnv ogth. Iq"C. If it is not the best quality ive will not sell It l ou Lsn rely on the goods vou huv at this store Fresh Fruits Vegetables Groceries Hardware Paints, Etc. Phone crust 28 IVe Deliver R. SEEDS hi urine Drive Ambleslde A. OLIVER Mrs. M. Ross 2&66 i&sf&as Drive, Duudafsve Home Bakery Wa&efyfou& between isi&h aad 16th S&s Joiner and Cabinet Maker OU The News I'Ui&NITURF E&o., REPAIRED ALL CAR Fq made of &he Aues&ingredients. Rhubarb, Apple sud Raisin Tarte Large of Small Siue. iles& and Mutton Piss Saws, Lawn bio«coo, Axes, e&o., sharpened. Scotch Scones snd Panfskea akes sud Cooked bleats to order FOR BUii.DIVC, BRICK &HiiiVFYS, FIRE&'LACES aud CEh&ENT SIDEWALKS Phone West 690 J. NE ILL L&uTINGS WANTEO L. H. BEAMISH REAL ESTATE AMSLES&DE WHARF West 17 Hollybijrii Barber Shop nIARINE DRIVE aad 16th. Opposite the West Van Lumber Co. C. RADI.AND, Proprietor Has hud over &weu&y-Ave years'xperiencein the barber busi- ness. Is abls to give quick sud ef- ficient service. Ladies, Gentlemen and Children C LE'ARIJ'D I.OYS Best location in IVest Vancouver Between 21st and 22nd Styeets $250 and $300 They are mirked at a low price in order to close balance of estate. PHONE R. C. PROCTER, SEYMOUR 3470 Or any local Real Estate Agent. t? FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. SCA JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE IS NOW OPEN Matinees 20c & IOc. Sais fdsys sad Holidays Evenings 30c & 15c Two Shows I sud 0 TOMORROW-SATURDAY LILIAN and DOROTHY GISH in "ROmOla" Next Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th "T I I I» I&" I I'I I AII A&i' The Theatre will be open each hlONDAY, TUESDAY, FitIDAY and SATURDAY. CggC Ib fifo' ff& 'ff& 'bfif Coin pfsu m 0'ofi )&mt~nb&of I usJ fmtm&ff." imiu yy, V.,pf&~& ~f of &bf f nff To oo H Miog so gk ifbo oi+'J,fm&b'0 Hui ,u& by J'gfmpsfm &bfy full& Hg iibo Cptyg» &u&J& Gurney hmioyf I I &oyu Vpyoa y Loiiff, fg Coud In,u,f 0, bG.A& 0 6 Huiiub b ~ b Pufb Tug& f H'ufbff b omllf, f bCb P podJ'm oo& ~ Ho&foci 6 bff ~Huf&» b Hobo& ~ Hoeof&b gxtffo To&xi 'p fbff, & Aoelluy:, 0 iof 1 0 for 19 '. Auto&, mus,2 &of d nfillll yu b i gmff Lo & f &ou.cour&, Kofmsf 'H If)&of 6 &b'"GA b Hulls& C&mpmoa pufbff, mu "kg nup f Tilomo g ',u.court I Huimo, fuu ou Vp yoo, uot ou&Ex&no,~ To&fi---- g,eiiug: V Iofm, iof M, Huiiob, I for thc Seniors, i the greater Vnnco School Lcsguc ('&pout Vnnd lost to (&Vorth Vand last & [0 lhc Juvenile B& SL Stephens wun i ricky hy 15 Io I Senior Base I for West . Last ipodnesdny i ing wau held in Shi tioncry Store for th organizing 6 &cni team for West Vnn. est in the project wu 0 pfnctice game waz &pmorfuuj-- Sntuyd noon at Irwin puck start at 2.30 p. m. 6 cited in the game 6 to attend, The following con appointed pro tcm; Shields; treasurer,, re&sry Lane, exccui tee: C. Hay, p Whar Berry. Among thouc pr&Jack Sirutmn HIj stone, pnt 0G~ "loyd Clemcntu, U;c'v. U. Cume Uuwney, Rcx IlqL„tlemnn and lV Sttfut Another meetingin Shielru uiom „June 1st, ni 3 eyn ntinneyn at Celi ln conn&etio held at No'orth Vanco puhi' I 4 nnd yer wer pupils g the erc amon lpingeit " Guides'int Race I G d-ak" '"'mh Jn 40n ~W. 0~ CAR] Hff&oo nfif 14& uuu nu Vuancuu KAI60 AIK 8&GHI HIKING » K'PC muihuu&m G(,