001B6B31 ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP I love to dance but Ohl My Feet. IValch your Shoes and get foot eace. Fred Tite can make them comfortable. FRED TITE Foot Specialist Next to West Van. Garage. Ambleside HOME SEEKERS You have been looking forward to one day having a real home with agreeable surroundings on spacious grounds away from the dust and din of congested districts and overlooking English Bay, in IVest Vancouver, and protected by reasonable restrictions. DON'T WAIT. We have made it possible NOhV in our new Inglewood subdivision of large homesites 82 x 230 feet on a paved road. The plans are out and lots will be for sale in a few days at from $600.00 up. One quarter cash, balance over three years. Come along and pick out your lot. GEO. EIAY 315 Cordova St„bV„ Vancouver or 14th St. 3& Marine West Vancouver D. D. ROBERTSON Marina Drive, corner af 16&h Si. Cabinet Maker aad Upholsterer Facaiiarc blade to Order vlOVIyf G STORAGE Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, cic. NOW, YOU CAN BUY A CHEVROLET at a LOWER PRICE THAN Ever Before Almost simultaneous with the announcement by Cher- rolet Motor Company of Canada, Limited, of an Im- proved Chevrolet--a greater Chevrolet than ever be- fore--we are able to announce THE LOWEST PRICES LV CHEVROLET HISTORY. These new prices, combined with the many new im- provements, establish more firmly than ever before Chevrolet leadership in value among low priced cars. The Improved Chevrolet of fere everything you could desire, smart appearance, comfort, smoothness, power and the utmost dependability. The present prices and low time payments bring one of the six Chevrolet models within easy reach of your pocketbook. PrEconmnical fhfmsportatioyg Ij jll Roadster .... $878.00 Touring .. 878.00 Coach 1065.00 Coupe............$1065.00 Sedan ......... 1183.00 Landau Sedan . 1243.00 Your North Shore Dealers NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE ONLY OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SHORE Free Towing to 51embera We are open until 12 P M. week days and 11 P nf„Sundays. M AT PRICES AF,E NEVER LOVVE~ I IF QUALITY IS SACRIFICED In other words, our prices are never high, when you consider the superior quality of our most. It pays you to buy meat that gives satisfaction. Cheap meat in whatever guise is neither a wise nor economical invest- ment. You save nothing, and lose enormously cohen you feed your family with shoddy meat purchased at any price. Our meat is qualitv meet backed by an absolute guarantee of satisfaction. And in addition we oKer telephone and deliv- ery sen ice without extra charge. Jefferies'eat Market (Hollyburn, few doors from Post Office) Phone: bvesg 3 Vve Deliver WFqT VAN. NEWS~s &1 'aaIa Iloao PIA IT was w sim vtl par once pave a war 5I&a oco Inv II's oII ccc IIeaaf More School SuildInlks Needed Requesting scbool principals to be prepared to report next month on the number of pupils expected next September, the school board, meeting on Thurs- day night, decided that some ac- tion is necessary to meet the threatened school congestion here, according to Secretary H. B. Garland. The board believes it may be necessary to erect at least one temporary building for next term pending a building pro- gramme by the municipality. Erection of Signs Prohibited. The council has decided to pro- hibit the erection of signs on public property in the municipal- ity. unless these signs have the approval of the council, pending preparation of a by-law govern- ing the erection of au signs, both as to size and location. To Build a Fine Home at West Van. A. Mitchell Gets Contract for $10,000 Residence for E. A. Riddell Designed by J. B. Whitburn Plans have been prepared by Architect James B. Whitburn, 615 Columbia Street, New West- minster, and work is to start next week on the erection of a new residence at Cypress Park, West Vancouver, for Mr. E. A. Ridden of the Westminster Trust Com- pany. A contract for the work has been awarded to hIr. Andrew Mitchell, 1308 10th avenue west, on the cost plus basis. The new home is estimated to cost be- tween $8,000 and $ 10,000. Plans call for a two-storey res- idence along modified colonial lines measuring 54 by 34 feet in size. It is to be of frame con- struction with stucco exterior on metal lath and have a full con- crete basement. There will be a large drawing room 22 x 16 feet, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and two large bed rooms on the ground floor, while upstairs pro- vision is to be made for two smaller bedrooms. A detached garage with accom- modation for two cars is also in- cluded in the contract. North Van. Council is sup- porting West Vancouver in an application to the Provincial Gov- ernment for funds to aid in hard- surfacing the Caulfeild-Whyte- cline extension of Marine drive. NEW ROADS A special meeting of the coun- cil was held last hfonday when the question of awarding con- tracts for the new roads was dis- cussed. The following day, Tuesday, Councillor Ray with Engineers Duncan and Dufresne examined the roads in Surrey Municipality and District with a view to bringing in recommenda- tions as to the best roads to be adopted for West Vancouver . PERSONALS Mrs. Rennle of 1 ancouier, Is occupying Mrs Foster's home on 26th and Nether for the sum- mer. hir. Thos. Stevenson, brother oi Miss Stevenson of the Clach- an, Dundarave, with Mrs. T. Stevenson, has returned to Van- couver where he has opened busi- ness as chiropodist and ortho- pedic specialist. Mrs. Cochrane, formerly of Dundarave, and now residing In Wrangel, Alaska, is expected in West Vancouver on a visit next week. ihirs. iki. Ross has opened a shop in hlarine Drive, near 25th, Dundarave, for the sale of home cookery. Mr. J. Pineo has taken Mr. Byrneu's cottage on Marine Dr . whilst his new horn eon Keith I&oeu near Marine Drive is being bd!.it. Dr. and Mrs. Stainsby and Mrs. IV. Thompson left for a trip to Bellingham, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes of South Vs&icouver, have taken the hopqe "Ci.o-ee" on Marine Drive, owned by Mr. Fergie, for the sumnIor. Mr. Nyland has started the construction of a new house on 21st north of Marine Drive. 51r. Ferguson who was confin- ed to his home through sickness last week, has now returned to his business in Dundarave. Mrs. Blame who has been away in Vancouver since the fall, has now returned to the Prince of IVales Tea Rooms, of which she is the proprietor. Mrs. Percy H. Fraser, has rented Mr. C. R. Shield's bunga- low for the summer months. Mrs. Fraser hopes West Van. air will recuperate her health. Magazines, British, Canadian and American, can now be ob- t ineu at the IVest Vancouver Pharmacy, Marine and I:1th. This is a new department for IVIr. Gemmill's store. May 14th, 1926 Robert' Setter Neats 14th and 51arine I'HONII WEST 106 We IIave It-- The first shipment of Al- berta Grass Butter. 1 lb...................... 45c 3 lbs................... $ 1.25 NEIV ZEALAND BUTTER I lb. ...................... 12c 3 lbs.................. $ 1.20 AUSTRAI.IAN BUTTER I lb. ........................ 39c 3 lbs..................... $ 1.13 No. I STEER BEEF Pot Roast ............10-12c Oven Roast ............14-15c Boiling Beef .............. 7c Shoulder Steak 2 for 25c I OCAL LA51B Legs .......i.............. 40c Shoulder .................... 28c Beef Dripping .......... 10c SALMON TROUT, each 50c Combination Special 1 lb. Bacon .......... 60c 1 lb. Pure Lard.... 25c 1 lb. Cheese .......... 30c $1.05 For .................... 90c WE DELIVER ivc are just as near to you aa your telephone Phone West 66 FOR GROCERIES West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine Phone West 115 iVc can supply your every want in Building bio&or&ala. Ouc prices aad quality will a&and comparison. 'ivc inviia your enquiry and shall be glad io give ~ Agora on your ce- quircmcaia, whether large or smalL SERVICE NEXT WEEK'S PICTURES AT LONSDALE Non,-Tues.-Wed. "EAST LYNNE" An Star Cast Thur.-rri.-Sat.....,.."Sea fforses" lack Rol& EMPIRE DAY "TRAMP. TRAMP, TRAMP" Honest Weight -- Prompt Service -- Highest Quality We sell only the Best Grade of Goods Norman@'s Grocery 14th and Marine We Deliver ( '$, (l', 1 1 6 I ~&l& I $toII 'pglNI TO I That constluct' pg,elflike ,n Tburadny Thn de public on t e ~aired by May+ have had the Pfoi Thc bridge Pfol from Pfoop&xt The opon 'I," I Iong with 6 heighi nmpje space for the hod l pn the W npp&ooch, Muyol fnylor, York PcoPle who pr bndg inmt&m tcd It is definitely required ilom the While the plans ofe wcB advanced, 5 ncccoonfy ngrccmen work will commons tbc early fall. Tho ploPMod i tion, but no diicult Federal nnthority, I In regard to tl Corporation, rcccntl Taylor informed lh& whether that comp interested in the bli But oo anon as Mayor Taylor, will b& months. AII Almou I have plcnnuro CaPtain F, F Love Pubgmfion of THE"+'c myico, b m nnd in well kvhia duties have caus Ho un fo Icw month er C ang wno cuing,nndfoI Canadian IHb . Ion&Co n Higbb,n itin con coming " H&ttnlion Highknd otpleoei h 'mofCnnn& 4lmuch, ontohi odd! II fvcquent senesce throe " contvibut m ~gavinowb, unco Iona!»'" &ch h& 9& Hoked b~'l tho Vn, ev the litl he Hyevno& nxqtlon ""Humil Thc Wt, will Io nn P& gvove@h w!Ih T" Io thc foI, mined!ov 4" 4 Hnrbcl a"'m&Ver I vega&4k, attcvne