001B6B31 IVFST VAN. NEWS Hollyburn Pavilion Being Enlar(yed An addition to the Hollyburn Pavilion on 17th Street, is now under construction. This will comprise an extension of 40 feet by 60 feet, making the entire length 120 feet by 50 feet wide. It will be two storeys and the upper part will be occupied by the Proprietress. They have also bnught the lot adjoining which will eventually be laid out as an open air tea garden. The com- plete nevv building is expected to be ready within the next month. hfr. Nyland of West Vancou- ver. is the contractor. West Van. Scottish Society The regular monthlv meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society will be held on Friday next, h!ay 21, at the Clachan, Dundarave. at 8.15 p. m. There will be visitors frnm North Vancouver who iviH pro- vide a programme and an enjoy- able time is assured. It is hoped there will be a full attendance of members on the date mentioned. Scottish Radio Whist Drive A very successful and for West Vancouver, unique Radio IVhist Drive, was held at the Clachan. Dundarave, on Satur- &lay evening. S!ay 8th. There was a good attendance, a result of which is the donation by the Societv of two gold med- als to the Dundarave Regatta this summer as was done last year. At the whist drive the win- ners were as follows: Ladies 1st prize, hirs. Blythe; 2nd prize, hfrs. Gamage. Gentleman's 1st prize, G. Saunders; goad prize, h!r. F. Fid- dos. Other prizes were aivarded to hfr. G. Elgar and hIrs. O'ara. Dainty refreshments were served. A short musical pro- gramme was also much enjoyed, AIrs. J. Bruce gi ing two songs which were greatly appreciated. Start to be Made Akb elv BaIlk Huildin&v Tenders have been invited by the Realty Dept .of R. P. Clark Ib Co.. Vancnuver, fnr the erec- tion of a building at West Van- couver, that is designed for a branch bank with offices above. Bids on this structure ivhich is estimated to cost between 36000 and $7000 close at noon Satur- d&iv. The building is to be erected at the corner of 17th and h!ar- ine Drive, Hollyburn, and ivill be a tivo storey structure with a frontage of 24 feet and a depth of 64 feet. The ground fioor ivill be occupied by the Royal Bank of Canada, which already has a branch here, but finds it too small for the growth of business. On the upper tlnnr will be of- fices which have already been leased by Dr. Stainsby and Dr. Rowan. THE tIUN CLUB SHOOT Reeve hlorgan and council, on Saturday last turned out to the Trap shooting contest, held on the grounds of the North Shore Gun Club, Pemberton Avenue, and put up a keen fight for the handsome silver trophy, but ivere defeated by 11 points. Councillor J. T. IVatt was the high gun in the team. Next year they hope to have a diiferent story to tell and rumour has it that they are going into training right aivay with the intention of annexing the silvenvare. IVe all wish them luck. The ladies of the Gun Club provided refreshments at the Club house and a very enthusi- astic and pleasant afternoon was spent. The members extend a hearty invitation to our shoot and will be pleased to coaclr+e ginners in the sport alluring. The next shoot will be heM hIay 22nd at 2.30 p.m. With the growing membership and enthus- iasm shown by the new mem- bers we are glad to say the Gun Club is in a b tter financial con- dition than ever. WEST VAN PARKS Wnrk is now proceeding at Ambleside Park and an effort &vill be made tn clean up from 13th Street to 10th Street, and sufficient grading work done, to at least provide the neucleus nf a spnrts and picnic ground. A small committee are quietly v&orking, gathering in subscrip- tinns and also suggestions, with marked succe&m, over a hundred dollars has already been collect- ed. This money will be used to augment that prnvided by the municipal council, from the I'arks Fund, and also for the purchase of sports equipment, for the various clubs nf boys ancl girls. Entertainments will be organized from time to time. The first of the series will take place in the hIasonic Hall on IVednes- day, hiay 19th, at 8 p. m. prompt. Some pew and snappy features will be introduced. The enter- tainment is not only for the old timers who are ahvays in at- tendance. We extend a hearty welcome to visitors and new resi- dents and hope they will avail themselves of this opportunity to get acquainted. Superior refreshments are be- ing provided by an experienced group of ladies, who have glad- ly come forward to assist. Tickets are on sale 60c. Come and bring a friend. Illustrated Lecture. An Illustrated Irish Lecture, "The Irishman and His IVays," by the Rev. Bro. A. hf. O'Donnell, in the Dundarave Hall, Tuesday, hIay 18, at 8.16 p.m., in ai&l of the Loyal Protestant True Blue and Orange Home for Children in iVew IVestminster, B. C. Tic- kets 25c each. Tickets can be had from any member of the West Van. Lodge. BED Bed is a bundle of paradoxes. We go to it with reluctance, yet we quit it with regret; and we make up our minds every night to leave it early, but we make up our bodies every morning to keep it late. THE JACK AND JILL While Jack and Jill were wait- ing at the garden gate for Nurse to take them for a walk, who should come by but Robin. "Come along!" Robin called out. "I'm going to the farm to see the new chickens--they'e little speckly ones." "Oh!" cried the Tw!ns. "We' love to. Do wait for us. IVe'll ask Nurse if we may go that way for our walk." Robin laughed. "Can't you go without your nurse?" he said. wWhat babies you are!""We'e not!" cried Jill, indig- nantly. But Jack couldn't bear to be called a baby, so he pulled open the gate and ran through. And Jill ran after him. "I always go out alone," said Robin. as the others caught him up. He vvas a year older than the Twins and much stronger and bigger. He was quite a hero to little Jack. It was very jolly that morning as they ran along in the warm sun, trundling their hoops and laughing. "Let's have a race with our hoops," said Robin, "and see vrho gets to the farm first," and he . Rave his hoop a big hard knock and raced after it. When the Twins got up to him he was standing in front of a low fence which ran right round tile farmer's garden. "'IVhat's the matter?" cried the Twins."I'e lost my hoop," said Robin "It vvent through the gate." "Well& why don't you go in and fetch it?" asked JilL And then she stopped and said "Oh!" She had caught sight of a big buH-dog which stood in the mid- dle of the path which led to the house. The hoop was lying be- side him; it had rolled in a long way and turned over. Jack went up to the gate and loo!&ed over it. It was a big, ugly-looking dog. He did wish he was big and brave enough, like Robin, not to be afraid. So he just looked at Robin and smiled. But Robin wasn't smiling. He looked quite strange. Jill was looking at him too. wkVhy don't you go and fetch it?" she asked again. "No fear," said Robin; "not while that great brute is there. He's big enough to tear you to pieces." And all at once Jack knew that Robin was afraid. It vvas a tenible thought for Jack--Robin, brave Robin, afraid of a dog! He could hardly be- lieve it. But Jill could. "If Robin's afraid," she said scornfully, "I'l go and fetch his hoop," and she pushed open the gate and ran in. oNo, I'l go!" cried Jack, run- ning after her. Robin stood still an&i watched them. It was a fierce-looking dog. The Twins stopped when they had gone a little way up the path and took hold of hands. Then tbev went on together, boldly, right up to the bulldog, and, without taking their eyes off him they bent down and picked up the hoop. "Hi!" caled a voice. "What are you young rascals doing in my garden?" It was a loud voice but a very kind one; and it belonged to a big man who came strolling up to the Twins an&I put a hand on a shoulder of each of them. "We--we only came to pick up --our hoop," they said. The big man smiled. obVeil, that was very brave of you," he sai&l, "with that big dog about. But he wouldn't hurt you; he's as gentle as a Iamb. Pat him and see." The Twins felt braver than ever; and when they had made friends with the very nice old bulldog, the big man said: "Now come and I'l show you my new chickens." But he didn't take any notice of Robin; he just shut the gate with a loud click and carried the Twins oif to the hen-run. CHH,DREN'S STORY hlay 14th. 1926. IGE Patrnnlae the Local Firm. City Prices and Good Regular Service. We carry stock. Phone us any time in case of Sickness, Parties. etc. RIDLEY Phone West 70L1 The Little Shop hlarlne Drive Dundarave coTroN cREpEs GINGHASIS SPUN SILK DRESSES CHILDREN'S SOCKS Tha Beauty Shop ~ t A I'llBLEBIDE Marine Drive, next West Van. Lumber Co. hie&calling 75c Halrcuitlagi Children 25c. I.adieu 35c. FIIIST CI.ASS WORK sATlsrACTIGN GUAuANTrzo Snaps Made Snappy A NORTH SFIORE I'ROD I ICTION TAKE YOUR FILMS TO OUR WEST VANCOU- VER AGENTS Ambleside Tea Rooms (Right at the Wharf) Lynn Bros., Hollyburn P. O. Store Robinson Grocery Store (Marine Drive, near 24th) Ive Collect aad Deliver Daily. Professional care taken of your Films aad Pnuts. J. Wardlaw 1537 Lousdsie I'hose North 406 nfarluc Drive (between 21st m 22ad Neill's Store HOPI E BAKING TOBACCO CONFECTIONERY ICE CREA51 Ouc iveek-eud Special& POTATO SALAD snd FRUIT PIES Phone your orders PHONE iVEST 690 We will deliver DAILY TRIPS To AVhytecliife West Van couver and )Vay Points West Esid Cartage & TrasisEer Co. West IS3 -- Phones -- Sey. 2923 Furniture Moving, Baggage, ctc. Estimates Free Hend Office: 434 Robsoa SL, Vancouver, B. C. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Geo. Gourlay Est. 1911. Phone West 2 FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront You Gan Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Co&acr 22ad Avenue aud atariae Drive Phoae West 95 3r~zelXE GleOGERY (J. Allison, Prop.) GRO(ERIES CONFECTIONERY ICE CREA51 TOB&CCO REFRESHMENT PARLOR IN CONNECTION We deliver. Phone your orders. 5 !4!b West Van Win j $ tij4ejils i)lsl()j) l" „g}I 5! Ikc iles ck 5&oct » and T b[aboi Idaf 5 . !b +~ in&a Ibis t& tudcnta the I V ncouvc tcfacho Ta any In &Td m g tbemacl ?kef Mn cfa on tuitt &» gbo g inta and au Ike «' dgectll envoi I ucio c IVcat I 5 Pa&2 "I I IIua and biuaiclpa b aiblctcn cbafge be good 5~,f I 4 big»f " 'road jump into&., 3rd point; Ada A!bin broad j 3rd place, I point; Mar MiUan, skipping, 50 yda., place, I point; Isabel throwing basketball, IM It. 5 in.), 3 points; bI us&45 75 yda. inter., 3n I Point,'iargarct Job& Pds j&., 2nd place, 3 poi n, hitting taH Pk& 3 Points; blofiy E bh&ic Smelt, blarjoria urigbt, Isabel Hammom +",I team IAI mfie, hd Pom" I b«iiy Edwards 'ckmmn, girls three.lcg Pkc, 5 points 'da AIbjion HcbiiUan, girls three pbge, I point; laaINI Poin« i 5 . Tdng baseball 2 4 '" "«I 35. Isabel WU With week v blocks Ridl,) C I „"'deli& IPT bav thai ob 0uv Tcucl )ou ' "m obi», BDYS ging ara "'bcIGUog'ngUI bc no sl fcs 5 section ult It g . Bl m the» 0 of the I NP+"" uiatnlbyt points accumu Ecndfick, 100 I Rp Ida I„ lat Pla B«ir Edgar'm I'c (!4 fi. SRL) I 9 4cS n1!6 b 954 3rd place (15!t Sin), ] Edmund Hevific, slow b place, I point, Dudley I 440 yda., 3rd place, I p Gniut, 220 yda. inter,, 21 3 points; B. Edwards, D. E. ÃeviUe, E, Grout, IA ktv I&am, 2nd place, 4 p& Bola total 17. Blair Edl GIRLS ccU»M W, bigb ji pkgc, I pomt; lmbe high jump,ar, 2nd plam »gb jump P co, 5 Points; Ruth