001B6B31 St. Steplien's Church Sunday after Ascension Day. (biav 16th.) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.~qunday School and Young People's Rible Claws. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. At the morning service bir. W. J. M ennioth «ifi address the con- gregation on the needs of the church as set forth in the extra- pavvschial apportionment. The dramatic entertainment last Friday night in Ambleside Han given by young people from St. Anne's. Steveston, under the auspices of the choir. was very excellently given and well receiv- ed by the large audience present who enjoyed the clean clever comedy and many mirth-provok- ing situations of "Safety First." The juvenile baseball team has met defeat twice within the week bv narrow margins--St. bfark's «inning last Saturday by 9 runs to 6; and the West Van. United winning Tuesday evening by 16 to 10. First United beat the junior team on bionday evening. On Friday night the Canadian Forestry Association is giving a lecture illustrated with mov- ing pictures on Fire Prevention to which aU Girl Guides and Trail Rangers and their parents are invited. The lecture is at 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall. United Church Issotes The Conference of the United church of Canada is being held this week in St. Andrew' Church. Vancouver. Special Con- ference preachers will occupy the United Church pulpit next Sunday morning and evening. The Rev. E. Leslie Best. form- er pastor of the United Chuvch, received the degree of B.D., at the convocation of Ryerson Col- lege last Wednesday evening. The Rev. A. bf. O'Donnen will give an illustrated lecture in the Dundarave Hall next Tuesday evening at 8.15, on "The Ulster- man and His Ways," on behalf of the True Blue Orphanage for Children at New Westminster. 'Mr. James Porter, B.E., has pre- pared 0 number of beautiful slides of the Northern country and these will be shown. In ad- dition there will be a fine musical programme. The two baseball teams of the United Church covered them- selves with glory last Tuesday evening when both won their games. The Juveniles won their game at Irwin Park and the Jun- ior team travelled to Seymour School where they met the He- brew team and after a most ex- citing game with many fine plays by our local boys, emerged win- ners by 10-9. Eddie Downey made a wonderful one-handed catch and Bennie Traiford pitch- ed a fine steady game. AU the other boys played welL THE West Van 1Vetrjs Pablinhed Every Friday Circoie&iag throughout the Din&rivi of West Veacoaver -- Ambienide, HoBy- barn, Wanton, Daadnrnve, Cea)feud, Wby&eciilye, Cypreen Park, eic. Baniaeee ead Edi&ocie) Office: 1261 )Ieriae Drive Between 12th ead )n&b Streets Phone Vs'cen 10L Mml Add&eon& P.O. Bon 101, HUB)baca, )L C. ADVERT)S)NG RATESI 60 cents per single column inch pec week for space &wo iacbee or over. One inch card 60 cca&ss Flat rate. WEST VAN. NIEWS May 14th, 192(i. Scllool Notes IIollyburn School There were three young lady students of Honyburn Public School nominated as candidates to represent West Vancouver at the biay Day celebration at North Vancouver. Kathleen Clement, Pearl Robertson and blaud Lambert. The one chosen ives Miss Kathleen Clement. Honvburn baseball team (grade 7) &vere winners over Pauline Johnson scbool (grade 8) st the game held Monday night at Honvburn grounds by the score of 12-6. Good progress is being made in the elimination sports which are being beld dailv for the pur- pose of choosing the )Vest Van- competitors at tbe Norht Shore Sports to be be held early in June in North Vancouver. Bathing Beaches Thronged Oiving to the ivarm and balmy weather bathlnw and swimming hss been in full swing an along the beaches of West Vancouver. this week. The piers, and jetties and beaches of Ambleside, EIony- burn and Dundarave have been more or less crowded bv youths of both sexes who ao declare that "the water's fine." The council bv-law compelling motorists to refrain from pass- insr 0 standing municipal bus has been finally rescinded. It was decided however, to place signs in the buses warning passengers to look out for cars when disem- barking. AD VI('E T() I'EDESTRI ASS A reader of the West Van. NEWS has made a useful sug- gestion. Ile say that so long as work on the sidewalks is in pro- gress pedestrians are obliged to nalk on certain parts of biarine Drive, with always some danger of injury from passing cars. "Keep &vn the left of the drive" is his advice. "for then you are facing approaching cars which must drive on the right." It may not be an infaUible pre- caution but it app&ars to mini- mise at least. the danger of be- ing run over by a fast running car. Tenders for hard-surfacing roads autl orized by passage of the $35.000 by-law in the Janu- ary election, were referred to the municipal engineer for tabula- tinn. Classified Ads. )V A N T E D )VANTED-Janitor for the Unit- ed Church, 21st dc Esquimalt Avenue. Applications must be received on or about May 22. Apply IV. bL Thompson, 2011 Marine Dr., Honyburn, P. O. IVANTED-i)lan to do light work in garden in exchange for tent for living accommodation. Phone )Vest 42K1. WAINTED-Youn)1 lady for aft- ernoon help in Tea Room und Store. Apply Cvpress Park Store or write D. Efiiott. Canl- feild, P. O. WANTED -- Camp Stoves for cash--any number. Phone 1Vest 36. Kevin Furniture Store, Ambleside and Dundar- ave. I FOR SALE FOR SAI.E-Boy's Cadillac Bi- cycle, 22 inch. Phone West 42X1. WHlTE'S Old Esisbkshed GROCERY WE DELIVER I'hone West 469 I)larine nnd 2 lih The Stove &he& Ssen the Union Jock. Sl'ECIAI q FOR SAT()RDAY Frsser Valley Butter, 3 lbs. Ontario Honey in Bricks 23c for ., $ 1.30 Tea, broken orange Pekoe 65c B. C. Sugar, 10 Ibih ....... Ogc Fresh Dates, 2 lbs ......... 150 New Lai&l Fggs, 3 dos.... $ 1.00 sblalkin's i(arms)nile, 4 lb. Borden's Milk, 3 cans....... 36c tin .................................. 65c NORTH SIIORI', HAITI',RY (A. ). hin&Kconie, Prop.) blnrine Drive, nt 22nd Street I'hone: )Vest 59YI Brea(l, C'Ilies, Pastry A Business built purelv on Service and Quality that Satisfies WE DELIVER I'HONE YOUR ORDERS The Dundarave Pharmacy 2 doom East of Dandeceve P.o. Phoae West 606 FREE FREE Every child will receive candy Free with each ice Cream Cone purchased at this score on Set- a&day end Sunday, hiey 16th end 16&k. Store open evenings end Sundays. H'est Vuacouvrr Phidnu&JCy F IL rk)IS Wc can supply yoa with East- man Films for your camera. Leave your Alms io be devel- oped. AS &cork gaernn&eed. New Ambicnlde Building Phone )Vest 37 FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see TABLE SUPPLIES 17th Street JOHN LAWSON .- Phone West 55 I)ferine Drive Ambleside Established 5 I/) Years C. J. OVERINrnTON BARBER For the convenience of the indicn of the District 1 have hed the ieiephone installed PHONE WEST 135 and make an appointment. 14th and Marine ~. CARLEY Marine Dnve between 21st ond 22nd West Vancouver HOUSEPAINT)NG KALSOMINING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Estimates Given Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE PHONE 1VEST 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT, ETC. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF POTI'ING PLANTS HOLLYBURN THEATRE WILL BE OPENED NEXT FRIDAY THE 21sT LOTS IN WL4STON (50 Feet Frontage) $250 to $300 Each On Easy Terms Cheaper than Tax Sale Property PHONE R. C. PROCTER, SEYMOUR 3470 Or any local Real Estate Agent. Phones--Oifice: 1Vest 113; Res.i kVest 637L G. C. BYRNELL OFFICE R)GllT AT AMBLES)DE Wi)ARF Second Siore from Ferry Lending Real Estate, Insurance Money to Loan A very attractive programme will be offered. A SPECIAl. BARGAIN FOR A FE)V DAYS ONI,Y 4-ROO51 COTTAGE--Full Plumbing; Electric I,ight; Range connected: unobstructed view....$2,100, on terms. List your property with me for quick sale. Nothing is so important to the scheme of wholesome liiing as the quality of food with which we build and main- tain the structure of our physical system. Reliability in the sort of food we get; the service and promptness and convenience and the reasonableness of price are the an- important factors. You can safely buv your food from us and secure every element of satisfaction--price, prompt- ness, purity and personal attention. AVE DELIVER. Get into the habit of phoning us daily. GROCERIES West 28 HARD)YARE R. SEEDS Bolllbia Barber Mhg)Ng DR)yg nnd Op~Re i)e «& "'na)«co RhpLhgp Picpflc Sm )nd over iesnip.a« csp&ricen U Hc ke ness is able &o Riv«U&) 5&inn& sess&&a Ladies, Geutlcm asd Children DDIi JDARAVE MEAT MARKI Picm Wc&& 5 PRESS Mghy hhp P 'ii'c Ddisc& SOBS COOKING Bren)inst LI))i Lee&hen i&c Cosa Cnniwuen MRB. L MOCK Nco hag&side Bn)d DELICATESSEN '-)k' ~~g, h 1926 f jdii 0 nge. & lhiea'riv" I(s S;(Ie)Pal ~eked ve beau t aud 'itn " ikn f. 0 aiiou te dviviugaiic" I pious" Mveu timm 5 eveu . Demur an car" Thin(at in mnnilu~g pentviaua n&eu. I blarinn, laid 1 ,to wk. ikn aie ( tkc dripvin o kciug 1 ting k ia pnx" dents ike wnr ef vnu '" A couPle (cern iuji na that new en&a dv(vein tm UinknPe wlnlou uP d vinitiagi 've where v tke drive walks incus l Have the "' &ocUl ic( ~ ncn &ng g) gSSIC. p,„,wm&E ( haota 0Gs West y ""