001B6CB0 IVFqT VAN. NFWS MACHINE SHOPS AND LABORATORIES MAKE CHANGES IN STYLES FOR WOMEN Cbcsv Antomobilcs, Not Pariyiaa Coiffeurs, to Blame for Bobbed Hair. Safety Rsxor Eliminated tbc Whis- ker. Chemical Advance Brougbt Hair Caloriag Women'0 fashion~ n d men's too, for that matter- are created in mnchine shops and chemical laboratories. This is the contention of Jeanne P vere, beauty special- ist, who during the last few hvmrs has transferred hcr ~ctivities from Paris to Nev: York. Being Parisian, hllle. Puere apparent lv should ?now ivhat she is talking about, fur all that it hereto- fore hns been the general opinion that the modes of women, in particular, are thc result of the whim of some creator of gowns or coi)Turcs in the French capital. "Bobbed hair, for cxamplcr said Mne Ruere ycccuuy to a rvp- rcccsiaiicw of the prem, "is to my mind not ihe revolt of a new trend of thought. Philocoyhy has Iicvcr p aped sti)i great ps* III uic day-to-ilsy lire of women. New ideas msy have changed the for- tunes of naiions, but haec hai) I:ttle c)ryct upon the way women wore their do)hey. "So it cannot but appear that convenience and nccessiip have far nore to do with it. Thai is th. general reason given for the crop- ping up of cropped hair. But back of the reason--which most certainly is sound--is the fact that «criain new inventions In thc world have made convenience s mom iriial matter. Bobbed hair, for inctance, has come in at about the same rate as hss the low- yrioyd, generally available auto- mobile. Riding in automobiles, ay every one knows, is destruct)vs of any coiifurs at an elaborately or artiflcially arrangmh The wind simply uuLucs all the time that has been spent. So this happen cdi ycople Cound that they wouM rather ride in automobiles than not ride: arid so they must flnd a means of lixiag ihc hair atirse- iivcly, yct in a style which would withstand the breyxcs. 0 'That's what I mcus bi saiing that Cushions come from the ma- chine shops, the chemical labora- Ioriyc, rather than fmm the salons of tho couturiers aud coiircuya Of Psris The sama ihlom acconHng to blue, Rucye, has take".. place in men's stp)en A notable instance b the now nearly obsolete 'Vyhhckcr. Our grandfathers, said the French authority, and hers, too, for that matter wore the hirsute herbage chicfly because shaving it o)T, with an open raxor and soap that uow is conddeywd soap that now is considered too too harsh for laundering, was too much an ordeal. A man let natura snd the fsdal Bors tate their course, rather than ris'k his throat to the unguanlcd raxor. The in- vention of the safety raxor and ypm)a) soaps for softening the beard naturally removed the hax- srds to masculine pulchrituils- and with the removal of the hsx- ards came the removal of the beard. A present development of fschion, duo directly to scicntiflc research, is the rapidly grouqng number of women with grap hair who are coloring it. It is only re- cently, within the last three or four years, Mlle. Rueyw points out, that serious scicntiflc atten- tion has been brought to bear upon the rsthyr neglected subject of co)oytng human hair. "Women a fcw years ago--In- deed s very fcw years ago," shc said, "had to choose between look- ing gray or ghastly. And the col- oriugs then were so very crude s very unconvincing, that the& per- force chose grayness. "Ii Ls now of course, quite dif- ferent. The hair tint, a new pro- cess of coloring hair, yspyciahy designed for human hair, has been evolved; ii allows any ivoman Io change the hue of hcr hair back to that of hcr youth within the short space of iificyn or twenty minutes; and so cunningly is the preparation compounded thai iis c)roots ars quite indiscernible as arliflciaL CBut not only has scicuco achieved s natural coloring bui u saCO one. Back in the bustle crs, heir dyes--containing a subsysnco entitled paraphcnylcne diamine- were about as safe to bring in proximity to the scalp as the open razor was to thc throat. Chemists havo eliminated this ingredient and «4th ii Ihc chief grounds for many women's prejudice against coloring their hair!'The coming of bobbci! hair, the going of the untamed whLckcr au i the almost universal'ustom of colorin hair--all these are the product of the work of the engin- eer or the chemist. The &lrcsc- maker, the hsirilrcsser and other such folk us commonly sry yup- poccd to be the originaiors of styles are really but carrying oui ihe orders of ucccssulcs--new necessities brought about new my«hsnical snd dicmicaio invcn- tlous THE CHILDREN'S STORY THE SWANS OF WELLS By DOROTHY BIBBS gracefully by, wending their wuy around the palace. A great deal of their time, though, these swans spend near a latticed window, under which hangs the well worn cnd of a bell rope. "About half a hundred years ago," continued Grannie, "the daughter of the Bishop then living at the palace, looked down at the passing swans, from out of hcr window. "I should lite to touch them some- thing, and surprise my Father!" Chc thought. Sometime later, after having prac- ticed much pat!Once in training the birds, shs real:xcd they at last knew their lesson. All excitement, shc decided it was time to show them to hcr Father. Tying several bells together, just bsnosth the windows in the palace k)ichcny--whcrc bcCors only one small bell had hong, she waited. "I hops the swans wnl soon be hungry!" shs thought. Not long afterwards there was a clatter, like so many Brs alarms ring- ing. "ivhyi's )hat, prayT" asked Bishop Auklsnd. "Come and scs--!" cried bis little daughter happily. Across the drswbridgo shc )cd him "Te!I us s story. Grannie, of some- thing you used io syc in the Old Counirp," pleaded Bob, dravring his stool up with a jerk, and landing it almost on Grandma's toes. "Ycs-- ! we love true stories," chimed in Hetty. "You are so old, Grannie dear, you have had so many spy ricnccs! At this. the withered face was wreathed in smiles, and the kindly cpys shone with something of their bygone brighincss. "Wdl--," began Grandma, "In the olden days, there were deep masts dug around the cast)ca in England and drawbridgcs swung across them. !n timey of war ibcsc bridges wouhl be raisyd, so )hay enemies might noi ayycy those great, old, msgniflccnt I cmcn Today oioyt of the moats are run dry, and Bowyys grow in their bods- aisc amongst the general ruins of the buildings. However, I nnr& iho palace o il'c it)shop of Wc)la, ihc wsiyl'hu flows m iis old moat and iho bridges are .n good repair. In ibe pcscyCul calm of modern thncs, beautiful white swans sail quickly, aud from the bank they looked over at the swan family. One--the biggest--stretched his long neck forward, sud gave a violent tug at the bell rope. As the clatter of ringing sounded, hc floated back to his family circle, and waited--all oC them watching the latticed window above. Presently it flew open, snd the chccrlul face of the housckccpcr ap- peared. The next instant the swans were surrounded by a shower of bread scraps. "I taught them to ring it!" proud- ly asserted the child, looking up into hsr Father's face. "It is certainly a wonderful sight!" hc answered, patting her shoulder. "I thooght it was, too," added Grannie. "But what I thnili is most wondcrfu), is the fact that the flrst swans to learn must now be dead, yci ihc!'r young ones-- most probably their great grandchildren-- ! still ring ihc)r own call to lunch. "I 'spsct the swan-mothers taught their babIes, so's none of them might ever go too hungry," concluded Bob. "OC course that was It," dccldcd Betty. "They all talk same as us, sud it must be pretty plain to them, even though it sounds strange to ordinary folks." Write and Tell The Editor the Kind of Story You Like May 7th, Iq2r I CE Patronlxe the Locnl Firm. City Prices and Good Regulnr Service. We carry stock. Phone us any time in ense of Sickness, Parties. etc, RIDLEY Phone West 70L1 The Little Shop hlarine Drive Dundnrnve COTTOinj CREPES GINGHAMS SPUN SILK DRESSES CHILDREN'S SOCKS Tho i~. Beauty Shop at A Af BLESIDE Marino Drive, next ivost Vsn. Lumber Co. hlarccH)ng 75C Haircuiilugy Children gsc. Lsdiys ssc. IIRST CLASS WORK sarlsrAcvlon OUAsAnrcxn ('oracr 22nd Avenue snd 1!sr)uy Dr)vs Phono Wast 98 i I ~ The Dundaraue Pharmacy 3 doors East of Duudarave P.O. Eye Shades. Amber and Green. from 25c Use the Shades and save Eyc-stra)n Phone West 606 hiarinc Drive (bctwcyn 21st a 22nd Neill's Store HOME BAKING TOBACCO CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAht Our ivcck-cnd Special: Hot Meat Pica, 6 and 10 cents Phone your orders PHONE WEST 690 We will deliver. Snaps Made Snappy A NORTH SHORE PRODIJCTION TAKE YOUR FILBIS TO OUR WEST VANCOU- VER AGENTS Amhleside Tea Rooms (Right at the Wharf) Lynn Bros., Hollyburn P. O. Store Robinson Grocery Store (Marine Drive, near 24th) ivc Collect and Deliver Daily. Professional care taken of your Films aad Prints. J. Wardlaw 1537 Lonsdslc I'hone North 408 DAILY TRIPS TO bVhytecnife West Van- couver and Way Points West End Cartage 8 Transfer Co. ivcst 163 -- Phones -- Scy. 2023 Furniture Moving, Baggage, cic. Estimates Free Head Office: 434 Robson St., Vancouver, B. C. Christian Scieuce Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Dundaravc Sunday Scvicc at 1!.30 u.ni. Subject May 9th: "Adam and Fallen Man" Sunday Service at 11.30 s.m. Testimony Meeting, First ivcd- ncsdsy of each month, 0.!3 p.m. A New Monthly Magazine The International Forum For tfie Promotiou of Social Progress On Sa/e at all Books(ores 20 cenfs a copy. $2 a Year Office of I'ubii«ation 36 Arcade ijuilding Vancouver 3IAI&INI4 GROGI4 RY (J. Alhsou, Prop.) GROCERIES CON)'ECTION ERY ICE CREAM TOBACCO REFRESHAIENT PARLOR IN CONNECTION ivc deliver. Phone your orders. ) 555 ,. V~& Orallge L A rygylyy myri.'sg yi Ibi Ns Bmk wyy held Tyyigyp, Dyydyyyyy HalL Bigbt ) Nm™ A. g Hyrrys gave I gyuy on giy Oyyygy yyd'ylHyyu yt Nm )Vyy)n)'yy I. Biyuii BCByyd y)yo IP,nm yyblyyt At (I IS, I yyyi Iygylyy myy)'1 nial Byyibyr A H, mg I )il give ~ lyyimy with )'ui Iby Irishman yiyl H~ I )4 Dyahyyyy Ball. Tbyry will by yy msyiyyl pI I piyyyydy wig gy inOnysy Home iyyyy Children Illillyhy, Vest Van IIIIsIIIa] $ Train Io Fesll Shieid llyuh, Hyyh) ~my) the vn)P Ihm "" 'Iy trdd gyps )o Pm B, m I of )4 qysllfy I pyyi, Pyytii«n) V ysyiy ynyyyyy@ mg i)S 74 ys 5 G ".Itr wyy yg piyy)h ")bsy 4I yd)4)) ~ynyy~tyb Iy iy I ~myg 0 +yy) yb fy)4 g )VIII I.O D'bi V)III 'AOL byg T)w 6 )QC „gbtyy iyy 'Hyibyf + By) yyy Hams)I "y ,s s) IL )+ . Cyy P~'& ygdy Cyyy s"I I Isyt ty dyyyiy Py«' liiy, ssd & Dg, Cysnc p&yxdsl IIyi)b, lh')P r syllm L I wyy yp loner. Iyy ~ Tyyy) iygyvging. gers" gw ~ gOI yi )by ~) Iy "Ib ))biiy Rm )ssby«m bf )go A nlpd mpmy Dgidd 'b, Pmpy+ lm )VI)y,". wbyb wy )I g'x)yyb. qby ).O.D. Afy A)) mbf H' Pyy!I Tbiy))y Py~,'yybs 1 Vyy," y" „4 )y)y 6'hy6 il mymbyy " bo.d 4 gjy)yg ytd'u, Os)dys T'I, IO)' by 5 "wyy dyy)I m "the p «I) syr Oyidyy, yi)by PIPM rikbms7,syd Wyyym ppfcsmi)t 1 5 IIIT « ~ ssyyyyy yg Iby Iyih sg bf r I wby my) )by I y )BII.Sm 1)by Dymys L ~ss (by g byy my)vs)yd )y ~ Vymmyyr'I 5 )O" I yls'I Ihnyg uy yyylllll)r H gd )wy )yydyrfyyt Om ')mumnl Ly) Pyitisg y)yby yi Iby mrd isuii Oil Gyidy yynyi« Alar )by byyiyy) an isfi gmauy made yP [ms Ibi [yyr Pyuy!I wyy ~yd tbymygb)P ys y+ by Byiym )by Oyidy Pyyssy wi d m Ou ylyyy of )by even )burn wyn glyys fyy Iby L) uyk wub "byb)yd the Iyysi the byyiyyL