001B6CB0 VVFST VAN NEI'VS Personals Rogation Sunday (May Sthl. The fifth Sunday after Easter and the three days following have been observed in the Church since the fifth century A.D. as Rogation Daps, a time of special intercession for God' blessing upon the crops and fruits of the land. Thumday, )lay 13th, being Ascen- sion Day there will be a Celebration of the Holy Communion at 10.30 a. m. and Evensong and address at 8 p. m. The Canadian Forestrp Association aro glvulg a lectlire oil Forests and Fim Protection, illustrated with mov- ing plttures on Friday evening, May 14th, in the Parish Hall. under the auspices of tbe Girl Guides and the Trail Rangers. Hr. Bradshaw gave an interesting talk last Friday night to the Trail Rangers on the Legal Profession. St. Stephen's Janior baseball team won the first victory of their career last Friday night at Woodland Park against St. Andrews United, tbe score being 14-9. The battery for the locals was B. Clement Crews and Timbrell. Wednesday night the West United Juniors beat St Stephen's Juniors 20-10. Battery for St. Stephen's B. Clement, Cullen, Cornish and Crews. Tbe monthly meeting of the Wom- ea's Auxiliary will be beld next Tues- day afternoon in the Parish HalL Hiss Edna Haxlett of Ocean Falls. is visiting Mrs. W. Kissict, 14th and Marine. bliss Haxlett will probablp remain in West Vancouver until the and of Hay. New is the dme io make you r walls fresh and at- tractive with Alabastlne. Apply it on any wall Sur- faeo over plaster, wall- )oard or soil- 3 d painted walls. We have aii ;inta in stock GARDEN TOOLS qt e carry a full line of Tools of every description. HARDhVARE Household and BuDding We can supply your every want. GROCERIES W'hen pou buy here you can rely upon getting tha best quality goods. BUV FROM SEEDS The Oldest Established )cent Vancouver Store WE DELIVFP. PHONE WEST 28 R. SEEDS Marine Drive Ambleside TBE West Van News Motte&i Day services will be held in the United Church next Sunday. The local order of the Maccabees will ~ ttand the evening service. Apnm priate music and ser i ons will be glvclx Last Friday evening the United Junior Baseball team pla}wd Pleat Church at Irwin Park and defeated them by ~ good margin. The Juvenile team played their first game against St. Patricks at Robson Park on Sat- urday and emerged winners by ~ score of $$-18. The back stops at Irwin Park has teen placed in pimition anil is a great benefit to the players. The tVoman's Association of the United Church he'.d their regular meet- ing last Tuesday afternoon. The second meeting of the British Columbia Conference of the United Church of Canada will be held in St. Andrew's Church, Vancouver, on 1Ved- nesday, hlay 1", and will continue for one week The Rev. A. M. O'Donnell was ap- pointed Joint-Convener nf Home hiis- sions for the Vancouver 'iVest Pres- bytery succeeding the Rev. Dr. Alit- chell of St. Giles. Great Increase in Fassen- gers Carried by West Van. Ferries The passengers carried on the )vest Vancouver ferries for the month of April, 192S, reached the high figure of 59,418. The corresponding month of last year amounted to 48J!51. which shows the remarkable inncrease of IOJ167 in passengers. Showing that the volume of tra..c has been steadily increasing the fi-„ gure for the last four months, com- pared with the corresponding period of 195i, are given as follovis:-- 1925 1926 January... 36,686 42,749 February...... 35+62 43+06 hlsrch........ 4o.404 55,324 April . 4BJ!51 59,418 166303 200,697 These figures showing the gratify- ing increase of 34.494 passengers for the last four months compared with the previous period of 1925. If we take, also, the figures for the previous two years, it will be seen that the increase in boat passengers has been not only steadp but is rapidly growing. Thus the total number of passengers for 1925 was 647,713 as against 576eqSO for 1924, an increase of 71f33. At the present rate this in- crease will be considerably augmented during the current year. New Ambleside Hall Mr. Percy tVillard of Marine and '21st. moved this west to the Cariboo country where he has some ranch land. The Tite and Faulkner boys caught over 30 good sixed cod during their fishing expedition o(f Horseshoe Bay Sunday last. Quite a number of sal. mon is being also caught In the waters of the Whytecli(fe district. hlr. Wharton has started repairing and repainting his property, including the old drug store. real estate office and tea room, on 14th neer the Amble- side Ferry. Dr. F. Stainsby has moved his a(- Aces in 14th Stivet to his residence on Marine and 20th Street. The premises formerly occupied by Dr. F. Stainsby on 14th Street has been rented to ihlr. Pennyway of Van- couver. hire. Faulkner and Miss D:ngwall have moved fram the Waterfront to the house formerly occupied by Dr. Lang on Marine Drive. Dr. Lang has now taken up his resi- dence in his new house adjoining his old home on Marine. hlr. Tom Lewis who is an ardent piscator. had some good luck on Sun- day in the gulf near Siwash Rock. One of his catch was a twenty pound spring salmon, caught with a No. 7 Diamond spoon. Angling friends of Mr. Casey Clark of Ambleside will be tntcrested to hear that on Sunday be had his first sa'.mon catch of the season on the Capilano river. The b ggest is guar- anteed to have been at least 8 lbs. His many friends in West Vancou- ver will be glad to hear that Mr. Allen (of Atkins 6 Allen), has now fully recovered fram his recent ill- ness. In snticipat!on of the summer sea- son, Mr. B. Wright of Marine Drive, has added a supply of strong and durable running shoes to his stock. Mr. H. Wright has now cleared the two lots on 11th near Marine which he recently purchased. He plans to build two houses on the property dur- ing the summer. Miss Evelyn Johnson of Enderby, B. C., is on a visit to her parents, Capt. and Mrs. P. H. Johnson of 1Sth and Fulton, Hollyburn. hlr. A. Wright is now clearing h!e lot on 11th near Marine and intends to build a house thereon during the summer. hlr. Wm. Witherly of Fulton and 13th, is making rapid progress in the construction of bis pew house. It i~ understood that Mr. Witherly will build on his two other adjacent lots at an early date. Finishing touches are now being done to tbe New Ambleside Hall and it is expected to be ready saon for public use. It is understood that the old Amble- side Ball is likely to be used in future as a shed for the municipal buses. D. Hill, Marine and 21st, has sold his house to Mr. Berry who will reside here permanently Mrs. Mock expects to have her new tea room in the Ambleside Building, o ened at the end of this week. Published Every Priday Circulating throughout tbe District ef West Vancomier -- Ambleside, Holly- burn, Woston, Dundarave, Cauifedd, (4'hytecldfc, Cypress Part, etc. H. HODGSON, Publisher Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Between 13th and 14th Streets Mail Addrcssi P.O. Box 101, Hoapbura, B. C. Phoae Went 19L ADVER11SING RATES: 50 cents per single column inch per week for apace two inches or over, One inch card 60 santa Flat rate. B. WRIGHT The Shoe Repair Man (New Store on Marian Drive, next to Atkia s bleat hlarllet) Instead of giving calendars we give Prince each week Aek for your ticket with every order. Vre have just received a stock of New Running Shoem The best and cheapest on thc market. Phoae West 161, and o c will call PEARCE'S DRYGOODS New Ambleeide Bloct 1(th and hisriae OUR WEEK-END SPECIAL ART SILK HOSE Eight dilferest shades 50c a pair 2 pairs 95c. St. Srophen's Church United Church iNotes giny 7th. 1926 W H ITF.'S Old Estab((shed GROCERY WE DEI.IVER I'hone Went 469 3inrine nnd 24th The Store that fiies the Union Jack. Sl'ECIAI,S FOR SATURDAY Fraser Valley Butter, 3 Ilm. Purity Oats, largo carton Eic B. C. Sugar, 10 Ibs.. 62c Tea, broken ornnge Pekoe 650 Raspberry Jam, Quaker Brnml Prunes (Dei Sionlo) 2 ibs 230 4 Ib8............................ 60c Mnikln'8 Marmalade. 4 lb. Shrimps, per can,............. ISc lia ..................... 65c NORTII SI-IORE BAKERY ( t J ttackensie 1'rop ) 9larine Drive. at 22nd Slreel I'hone: )veal 591 I Brea(l, Cakes, Pastry A Business built purely on Service nml Quality that SatisAos. %VE DELIVER I'HONE YOUR ORDERS WEST VAN ELECTRIC (J. H. Paterson) Phone West 103 All Kinds of Electric IVork House tvirlng Ranges and Fixtures Estimates Given. Eight years'oliable service has established my reputation for quick and satisfactory wort. PNONE WEST 68 for ED. BLACK'S TRANSFER Daily delivery to and from the C:ty. Established 5 t/4 Years C. J. OVERINCsTON BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have had tlu tele(hone installed PHONE hVEST 135 and make an appointircut. 14th and Marine W. CARLEY Marina Drive between 21st and 2'ind Wusi Vancouver HOUSEPAINTING KALSOMI NING SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISH liNG Estimates Given l OTS TN %TESTON (50 Feet Frontage) $250 to $300 Each On Easy Terms Cheaper than Tax Sale Property PHONE R. C. I'ROCTER, SEYMOUR 3470 Or any local Real Estate Agent. I'bones--OIIIce: Went 113; Res.: hvest 637L G. C. BYRNELL OFFICE kl(,'HT AT A5IBLESIDE WHAkF Second Store from Ferry Landing I Real Estate, Insurance Money to Loan Buy a I.ol In W rat Vancouver lodny and you are sure lo make money. I have some specially good buys in hvaterfront Property I.iut )'our properly with me Ior quick male. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. See JOHN .LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 I Have the for s nest I m 4 ri W. KISS Phue Wmt I !Amecisted uith I BI Peeder tvett, 2 IIOByburrr Barb& MARINE DRIP'E i !qxx4» th 3! Ieuhm G,i RADLARD lls 4 ever tu ii ablye te Sireiieet ~ + qeii ~ EAT SiAB Phee, tv Ph ht E)!EAT I» ( Lltht 4iieu Ub tthS csinRRm „~ I R(K eS ~~yir WAAR~& A~nb 6 hoer~i ,eld se re(siciho (ierIP,P t three 1 st lrs' leseers s In hone fisf is lrs I ie Pst r ~ uma ier jer presillg 1 Ie(e Appl De " Ienfcr' gyes ssf pie(hie ('berries'(epee „M hsihri .& shee!4" 0!estd 8 tpherr„pin At(em 6 lett I g Rcmove s sh esit!ea ~ m sf u mt the I ';„3 iheThis iisri,genS. !ix 1 I frets their s Sieesd isvs ma rotted m'"„g fertile ioS Iself rcrw" perh 1 (tithes h,se ma I messrs one 44M s liitlc hs«h e(66 Sees„carly A si isn ii Iee"ri .relet ~ The mals m ct mfi 'h Cclcrf sees next plex mont thellx" llllmste rc, sre i In msPe 1 peas Ill lnSe " . four or Si I or inch eimi p:sce in ~ Iesr ' s little mi m stere e degrem P. Th will fiee ly ches piss«4 o"" tt'here seccimrf P fer your ihrehMrp F'f soil cei pleats ssd fork is e!se if scatter m H'eu ae tccjs of Pes Sm"dsfes for s diiPls Severe ssd el Vcrbesst s if xet sown last meath I Sslvis iylesdese ssd of i tinge of these msp also si Agerstsm snd Lehc!ht i done lett mmth, he seu requires at least eight vm te sttam s goad Plsstm Prick er any which msy h Sets or sleflp Into smell I Remove the Dahlia tehei sge ssd start them ixk boxes of sed m a warm fi later pre(ece cethefs fer Bix the soil for Peer I A goad general compost parol hy mixing loam tv eod one part sed s bttli I'ess ssd Sefesiss eie loam ssd mare leaf sail, vsxcosrxx 80