001B6CB0 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatiugiyf the District of. West t'ayycouver--Ambleskfe, Hollyburyf, Weston, Dundarave - Cau/feild, Whytecliff, Cypress Park, Etc. No. 5 Protests Provincial Cover'n- Good Work Done ment Crant. by Fire Dept. Vol. 1 SIX PAGES PARKS 'Buy at Home The question of Parks development,suitable for the acrommodation of the various sports for our younger people, at the meeting of the Ratepayerz'v- sociation, waa introduced by Ex-Coun- cillor Fiddes, to a very appreciative audience. He dealt mainly with the During the month of April the West Vancouver Fire Station had two calls, one being the fire at Mr. John Harte'a house. The estimated damage to the house amounted to $2,500 and to furn- iture from $500 to 31,000. The house was covered by insurance to the extent of $3,000. The other call waa to Captain D. Lunn'a chicken house, on April 17th, when it wae destroyed, with 92 chick- ens. So far this pear there have only been six Area in the district, including the two already mentioned. They were all, with the exception of Mr. Harte'e house, of little consequence and were all quickly subdued and prevented from spreading by the Fire Brigade. A new siren, which will be erected on the New Ambleaide Black, has been ordered. In case of fire call West 400. The Municipal Council hae decided to oppose the proposed grant by the Pro- vincial Government of foreshore rights in West Vancouver. Tbe Council wae informed Wednes- day evening of two applications for foreshore now in the hands of the Pro- vincial Government. The government hae written the municipality that it can not aee how approval of the ap- plication would be detrimental to pub- lic interest. Members of the Council, however, were emphatic in protest, wh.'ch will be wired to Victoria immediately. Several telegrams have already been despatched regarding this. West Vancouver possesses a community spirit Our citizens are proud of their district and ready to boost or de- fend it at all times and under all circumstances. This fact is not at all surprising. After all there is much to.bind us together. That we came here is evidence of a common re- gard for those things which make West Van. the Mecca of all admirers of the beautiful in nature. We are "birds of a feather" drawn together by the appeal of the Townsite's unique attractions. But "Community Spirit" means more than mutual admiration. The exchanging of commonplaces about the ad- vantages of living in West Vancouver is all very well, and waxing eloquent or sentimental in describing the beauties of the place to outsiders is to be commended. These things, however, do not alone build a City; mutual support is the big essential. The local Merchants deserve the loyal support of every citizen. In their stores may be found .practically everything that anyone may require; prices compare favour- ably with those charged in the City; merchandise is fresh and up-to-date and "service" is all that can be desired. In fact local shopping affords all the advantages with none of the disadvantages of City shopping. Add to all this the I fact that your local Merchant is a fellow-taxpayer, "doing his bit" to build up the community and the case for Trading at Home is complete. In our advertising columns will be found advertise- ments of progressive Merchants and Tradesmen. We be- speak for these people in particular the liberal support of all our local readers. Buy at home and help build a bigger and a better IVest Vancouver. opening up of the Amblezide Park which comprises some 11 acres be- tween the Marine Drive and the P.G.E. and about 13 acres south of the P.G.F.. east of 13th Street and extending to the Indian Reserve. The audience of ratepayera were fully in acrord with the speaker's advocacy of immediately deve'.oping the section as alreadv cleared, comprising an area suitable for a sports field 250 x 450 feet. The suggest'.on waz made of put- ting a bylaw before the people ao -that the whole 20 acres could be put in shape immediately zo that this entrance to the kfunicipality would be attractive, pleasing to the eye and a benefit to the community. Allotment of Cemetery Plots. This ides waz enthusiastically en- dorsed; it being pointed out that the Offer. to BuySpace was allocated in the new Cap- ilano View Cemetery to the G.W.V.A., R. C. Church, Orange order, Masonic order. Deputationa from each body appearing before the Cemetery Board. About 3 acres haz now been cleared and graded in the cemetery and a very desirable plan haa been executed. I'i & -"- ic 9 '" at the Municipal Hell from the Secretary and reservations may now be made. Owing to the very beautiful location of the cemetery site it is expected that early reservations will be made. Some applications have already been made from North Vancouver. The mausoleum at the Indian ceme- tery hae been having the attention of the Indian Agent and those who have not seen this sacred spot will be sur- prised at the very handsome structure dedicated to Chief Capilano Joe's mem- ory charges to meet the bylaw annuaiiy would be about the same as the rum It is understood that an offer haz been made this week for the purchase of the Fortune Cup Inn, Dundarave. It is known that Mr. Wiztere, the pro- prietor, recently returned to West Vancouver from the States, with the intention of selling the property. Az is g&nerally known, the Fortune Cup Inn occupies the South West cor- ner of 25th and Waterfront, opposite the Clachan Inn for which an offer to buy was recently made. The offer for the Fortune Cup Inn had not been finally accepted at time of wntmg. given in the estimates each year for Park purposes. Meanwhile Reeve Morgan requested a delegation consisting of Ex-Couniii- lor Fiddez and R. T. Mazterman to meet on the ground and discuss details foc providing a play-ground on the cleared spare in fbe rmmediafe future. 'onderful GroIotA 0 eS an. While all the cities and municipalities of what is com- monly callid Greater Vancouver are going full steam ahead, none has shown such remarkable progress as West Vancou- ver during the past year or so. That is, considering it is the youngest municipality incorporated as well as the most lim- ited in extent of area. It is, par excellence, a residential district. The pres- ent West Vancouver Council, at any rate, intends to keep it so. What will happen when the proposed First Narrows Bridge becomes an accomplished fact is another story. As it is, the construction of the Second Narrows bridge has been almost as beneficial, from the real estate point of view, to West Vancouver municipality as to North Vancouver and district. Building permits are generally accepted as indications of progress. For the first time in its young history of incorp- oration it goes ahead of both North Vancouver city Snd dis- trict for the four months of this year ending April. For that month it is only $18,000 behind the City of New West- minster in its issue of building permits. This remarkable increase in building throughout West Vancouver is neither temporary nor spasmodic. It has been a steady growth during the past few years. And from my knowledge of extensive purchases of various lots made with- in recent weeks, it is'certain that building operations will yet more greatly increase during the present year. While the. West Vancouver Council have laid aside a certain small restricted area on an island on Capilano River for industrial buildings, its policy is to maintain the munici- pality as a residential district. At least one effect of its town planning bylaws is to improve the value and construction of its residences. As for instance, during the year 1925 the average buikling permit was $740 it had increased to $1,668 for the four months end- ing April of this year. All along Marine Drive from the Ambleside FetTy to Dundarave new stores and dwellings are now in active con- struction. During the past few weeks several important corner lots have been purchased by syndicates and private individuals with the purpose of erecting new stores and apartment houses. On the streets running north of Marine Drive, especially towards Hollyburn Ridge, many fine resi- &lences are now under construction. Only this week a syndicate of Vancouver people pur- chased a large tract of land extending from Esquimalt Street, Hollyburn, north of Marine Drive to the IVaterfront. This is to be sub-divi&Ied into 19 lots for building purposes. Other sub-divisions extending beyond IVhiteclff are also now under way. West Van. Finances Coed The Municipal Clerk reported to council Wednesday evening, that fi- nance of the Municipality were in ex- ceptionally good condit:on. Collec- tionz, he declared, were more than double those for a corresponding per- iod last year, while arrears of taxes were being rapidly paid. Sprinkling Hours Sprinkling hours for this District during the summer have been zet by the 5Iun'cipal Council from 6 to 9 a. m. and 7 to 10 p. m.New Subdivision We are pleased to note that a local syndicate organized by Messrs. R. P. Clark a Co. have purchased the prop- erty on 15th Street previously leased to Chinese market gardeners. This change is undoubtedly to the benefit . of the Municipality in many ways, es- pecially as the- plan provides for the widening of 15th Street to 66 feet and the development of a location that will connect up the Hoffyburn and Amble- side districts. We wish the promoters of this enterprise every success. Proposed Amalgamation of N. S. Nunicipalities The seventeen members of the three North Shore Municipal Councils attended a joint meeting in North Van- couver last night when amalgamation of the North Shore Districts was the chief topic discussed. Reeve Morgan presided. The following resolution was adopted:-- "That a permanent committee of six membatw (two from each council) investigate and bring in recommenda- tions for combining the police, fire, water, engineering and such departments, with a view to preparing a basis for a final amalgaation of public utilities on the North Shore." Those voting against the motion were Alderman Townsley of iVorth Vancouver city, Councillor Dennis of North Vancouker District, and Councillors Leyland and Miss Davis of IVest Vancouver. Most of the discussion centered on a resolution pro- posed by Alderman Loutet to the efFect that the councils consider submitting by referendum the following question, "Do you favor the principle of amalgamation if a suitable basis for it can be worked out and submitted to the rate- payers?" The proposed amalgamation will be the cause of much discussion before the matter is finally settled. It is not one that should be allowed to be rushed. In IVest Vancouver at any rate, there seems to be a decided feeling against the proposal. It is recognised that there is much to be said in its favor, but the pro and the con will have to be thoroughly investigated before any action is taken. The work and reports of the committs;0 appointed to investigate will be watched with much interest, and ive should get the exact views of our ovvn council; but when the matter comes up for decision lct us think for ourselves and not be sivayed or influenced too greatly by the desires of others. Narine Drive Extension The Municipal Council Wednesday evening was informed by Engineer W. G. Swan that the Caulfeild-Whytecliff extension of Marine Drive would be completed late in June, despite the fact that some of the wort had been he'd up by inclement weather. The resident engineer at Horseshoe Bay haa recommended that the pro- posed government wharf be construct- ed at the foot of Royal Avenue, in- stead of Nelson Street, as fret plan- "ned. The Council haa decided to act on the engineer'z recommendation. To Remain in Present Mande. Mre, White who waa reported to have cold her business, haa decided to continue. The business will be con- ducted on exactly the same linea and the same ownership as hitherto. Mre. White haa been in business in West Van. for seven years. She ia very well known to her clientele, who ave pleased to learn that ehe has de- cided to continue her business here. &&VEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 7th, 1926