001B6CAA %VEST VAN. NEREUS A»ril 23, I!rent Everybody knows JEFFERIES'EAT MARKET Here is a business built purely on service and quality that satisfles. AH 1)feats are specially selected for our trade. and au are GOVERiNBIENT INSPECTED nnd kept in Refrigerator. BUY FROhl JEFFRIES AND BF SATISFIEI) PERSON A LS r Continued from pane 8) Mra. Fanon is renting hcr house os Marino. Dundatnvs, and wia eo into camp for the sum&nvr hire. Beard, of Twen&ic&h. has moved into hcr ncw house on Twenty- fourth and Ps)merc)on. Mvs. Hunter and Mra. Bush of Van. eouvvr are slaying at )hc Clachan Inn for &hv ccacon. 4) Pr ttcal Iustructi I : OME sEwlNG l, (0)eI&t 8, i Y A"S' 4th nnd htarlne P ~ 'Ig I I You can depend on Normand's Grocery for IIuauty and Service PHONE WEST 65 Your order wu) be wcU cared for. I'hildrcn chen speci ~ I a&&en)ion. The Best Grade Croceries and Confectionery NORMAND'S STORE 14th and hlarine Phone hvest 65 ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP We Do Repairs for Others. ')Vhy Not You'? CRIPPLE SHOES made and repaired. Foot troubles taken care of. Rubber Heels fitted while you wait. FREDERICK TITE, Foot Specialist Neut to West Van Garage, Ambleside FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT FIRE INSURANCE ETC. '-u 'c JOHN LAWSON . Phone West 5517th Street ICE Patronize the Local Firm. City Prices and Good Regular Service. We carry stock. Phone us any time in case of Sickness, Parties, etc. RIDLEY Phone West 70L1 RENTS COLLECTED HOUSES TO RENT Houses, Lots and Acreage in every part of West 'Vancouver. Listings wan)cd. GEORGE HAY INSI&RANCE, REAL ESTATE, VALUATOR i)NOTARY PUBI.IC Seymour 1260 West Van. 21 $ )$ Cordovs Street Went ) $ &h S(rect aad Marine Drive Vancouver Wcc) Vancouver Money to lx)an -- Fire and Auto Insurance LONsDALE Now P)ayiag Matinee Ss)urdsy SJ)0 R A Y N 0 N D G R I F F I T H c, ~s'."„"" in a Riotous Comedy-Drama "HANDS UP" FABLES (:Oh)EI) Y Under the auspims L 0 D. E„cspi Oaten Chapter. H R H THE PRINCE Thurs. Tour Fri.Next OF WALES p)«u~ Sat'SUAL PRICES--MATINEE SAT. IHoayburn. few doors from Post OII!ce) ~HONE: WEST 3 lVE DELIVER hnm Noble of Kusnann. Vancouvv&. is staying st the Fortune Cup Inn, Dundsrave, for the summer. Mrs. De Pencier will occupy the house un Marine and Twenty-third, now under sons)ruction, a) an early dnro. The houvc is nearing completinn. Mrs. E)fstrom, who has bean srn) (ng in Dundacave for the past twv years for hcr hranh, has had a week' visit from her husband, hlr. Bert Fif- a)rom nf Edmonton. Mr. Brewis of Ananiont ls occupy- ing hlr. De Power's house on Twcnty- eighth and hlarine, A))amon), tcm porarily. He proposes building a new house in the district in the near future. Miss Ginion. of Twenty-flf)h and Ma)her, has left for Vancouver prep- aratory to a trip to Scotland. During her absence her house will be occupied by hlr. and Mrs. hlcKelkie of Van- couver For local connvcnience, tickets for the Elks'ig Charity Circus co be held the week commencing April 28, are being sold by hlr. Ed. Black of Dun- darave. hlr. and Mrs. J. B. Lay)and made n trip on Sunday lo Harrison Ho) Springs, where they spent a day. On their way there they paid s visit to the Experimental Farm at Agassis and speak highly of its splendid stock and general equipment. The line new hotel at Harrison Hot Springs was also much admired. P.-T. A. Dance The Parent Teachers'ssodstion is holding s dance at Dundsrave Hall, Friday, April 80. Invitations csn be procured from Mrs. J. hioncricif (con- vcnerl, phone 20R or hfrs. D. Hill, phone 9)R. West Van. L.O.L. 2990 West Vaocouvcr L. O. L. 2990 beld their regular meeting Tuesday in the hall, Dundsrsve. Two members were advanced to the Royal Blue degree. Bro. S. Hunter gave s short address on the work of the order. Rev. Bro. Donnen is going to give a lecture on iThrough the North of Ireland on a Bread Cart." The receipts from this lecture will go to the Loyal Protestant True Blue and Orange Home for Chil- dren in New Westminster, B. C. The date will be announced later. Several brothers were over from Vancouver. Refresbmcnts were served snd a very pleassn) evening wss spent. Styles Have Changed According )o the la)ca) approved «vlcc, little boys wear long pants and big boys wear short pants. We note youngsters apparently not over four years old in long trousers lust like their (others used ro wear, snd we sss large fs) men of Sp being young again in knickers. But ono is not surprised to scc anything these days. We saw a lady flshing recently. She wore blue overalls and suspenders. We could forgive the overalls, bur not the sus- penders. We think chc should have )akcn s sporting chance and left oif the suspenders. Secretaries of Clubs and Organizations can send their reports to Y. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, or tu the office at Marine Drive, between 13th and 14th Streets. Phone bvg 19 L L& I! Ii'AKING NEO LIGEFq They are so simp&»,:u &vill no) need a pattern. Th~ u&in)y niodel st the upper )cf) hrv'I be made of craps dc r'.!Iir .i other soft malar)al trln - - 'o ucc nbour an inch and n boq;I b It is held in pines at thv ~ o.'5 ivith iloublo faced satin ringe: ) harmonising tones. As shown ui the right, two lengths of material are an that is needed to make it. The coat style of negligee shown at the lower right ls also very easy to make. It is anti)ely construct- ed of straight pieces of materials as shown in the chart st the lef& Brocaded silt, silk corduroy, velvet- een and flannel are often used. In the model shown hc)u lhc collar Ia made of contrasting material to match the facing of the s)caves. Saturday All-Day Specials New 7e)ianfl Butte) 3 lbs. for,.„......31.25 Ontario Cheese I'ep lb........,..........27c Pure I.n) d 2 lE)s. for...........I.)c "Cooket" 2 lbs. for.................-I5c 'ome-MadeDri»i)ing Per lb...................10c Picnic Hams Pep lb....................21c i Plate Co) nefI Beef Pep lb...................8c Flesh Bolhng Beef Per lb...,................8c Shoulder Steak 12c I'ork I,egs (Fo) es) Pey lb................20c I'oyk Butts Per lb...................2Ic Fresh I,iven 2 lbs. for ...............15c See Our Refrigerating Cases for l PRIME STEER BEEF ROASTS LOCAL LAMB AND VEAL W. B. A. The )Vomsn's Benent Associauon, Review No. 24, will hold their regular meeting on Monday, April 20th, at 8 pun„ac the Clachan, Dundarave. AU members are requested to attend, For particulars, etc., phone Com- mander Mrs. L. Edwards, )vest 470 L Phone West„106 West Vancouver Lumber Co.. Fifteenth and Marine Phone West 115 )Vc can supply your every want in Building hlaterials. Our prices and quality will stand comparison. )Ve invite your enquiry and shall be glad to give a flgure on your requirements, whether large or small. TRY US FIRST-- ')VE ARE HERE FOR SERVICE TRY ATKINS'AUSAGE MADE FRESH DAILY Marine Drive Ambleside New Ghevrolet Prices Roadster Touring ... Coupe Coach Sedan . Landau, Sedan BALI.OO&% TIRE I s)5 $ 875 $1060 . $ 1062 . $ 1183 $ 1243 EIIUII'MENT ON AI.I 5IODELS The Only Omci ~ I An)o C)nb I's&ssc on rhe North Shorcl Free Towing )o hlcmbcrs We are Opepo-,)til 12 I'.51. Week Days anrl 11 P.M. Sundays/ Your North Shore Dealers North Shore Motors Ltd. 'ALES--C HE VROL ET--S ERVICE 135 FIRST ST. W. PHONE NORTH 1186 NORTH VANCOUVER PHONE NORTH 1350 ,Ivst Bug f WonCI While sB i monly called Grc none hss shown ver duriog the p, yo&mgcst munici )ted)n extent of It is,par ent West Vsncoi so. What will Bridge becomes As it is, bridge hus been Point of view, lr Vancouver gnd r Building ipf progress. Ppr Nation it goes I tricl for lhe fprthat month ii u n)instr? jg jh )I This ?egg Vsncouveris nea steudy growtl knowledge of ln recent weetg yet more grcull !phile lh m small rcfor jndgslri I b hoity ns arm 'g resk At leust 'mProve th instance, duri e vni wm 1740 ni ing Aprii,d Dunduruv AB aio ind er lots hnv ~port '" "'t)vidu+rtment horn Pcc)pi ies are no +!y thi, Btrnh Hg turge This is t ollybur ~cni 0 ! IV sl Vsnco) s sre Procitizens li times fend it ll surprL& ~ st s , ttfsctipns.unique s,c mnBut " 0 sdm,?stion The c mges of livingvsn uent 5 waving cioqn pf tbe Place tr) however, do not s big essentiaL The locsl every citizen. Ir everything that s) ably with those c snd up to.dste sn fact local shoppin the dissdvsntsgo fact that your lo his bit" lo build ) st Home is comp In our sd) ments of prpgra& speak for these pi our local resdcm. Buy at hc West Vsncogvcr