West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Apr 1926, p. 3

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001B6CAA ~ A" APril 23, 1926 WEST VAN. NEWS West Van. AUTO SERVICE DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Sce Us About Your View Car Agents for CHEVROLET HUDSON and ESSEX Christian Science Society Wool Vsovoovsv Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Dssdsvsvo Sunday Service at 1120 a.m. Subject: April 25th Probation After Death Sunday School at 10 a.m. Testimony Meeting, First Wed- nesday of each month, 8.16 p.m. Personals Mr. Nelson, of Twenty-second, is erecting a double garage adjacent to his home. Mise Lucy Pillsbury of Prince Rup- ert has been paying a visit to West Vancouver. Mrs. J. L. Davidson of Cauifeiid has been visited this week by Mrs. Charles Meek of Winnipeg. PHONE WEST 28 FOR RELIABLE GROCERIES GOOD GOODS AT A FAIR PRICE NO POOR GOODS AT ANY PRICE We are the oldest established store in West Vancouver, and have a reputation to mamtam. BUY FRO)1 "SEEDS" AND BE SATISFIED I 1'-g Marine and 21st (E. Granger, Prop.) Phone West 405 HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES AND PROVISIOVS CON FECTIOiVERY AND TOBACCO You will be satisfied when you deal with us. WEST VAN ELECTRIC (J. H. Paterson) Phone West 108 All kinds of Electric Work. House Wiring Ranges and Fixtures Estimates Given. The BEAUTY SHOP AMBLESIDE Hsvlov Dvlvs, soil West Vso. Lhv. Co. Marcelling, 7:ic Haricutting I Children, 25c Ladies, 35c FIRST-CLASS WORK SATISPACTION GUARANTEED Fortune Cup Inn AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th Street and Waterfront Established 5 I/I Years C.J. OVERINGTON BARBER Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have had the telephone installed. PHONE WEST 135 and make an appointment. 14th nnd Marine HOUSE 5+ 'PECIALIST I specialize in selling homes! You get action if you list your house for sale with W. KISSICK Phone West 22 R (Associated with C. Gray, 466 Pender West, Vancouver) The West Vancouver Pharmacy Drugs -- Prescriptions Kodak Films All a Drug Store usually carries. Phone West 37 DAVIES'ROGERY Mrs. MeClure and son of Port Wil- liam have rented Mr. Blair's cottage on Bellvue, Hollyburn. Mr. Alex 61cAulay has moved from Eighteenth and Marine to his new residence, Seventeenth end Esquimalt. Mrs. Pigot, of Twentieth Street, is rejoicing over the birth, on Tuesday, April 20, of a grandson, the mother being Mrs. Pigot's daughter. Miss Saunders, by special request, will give a recitation at the concert to be held tonight, Friday, April 23, at Dundarave Hall, in connection with the I. O'. D. E. The West Vancouver Pharmacy will be moving from their present prem- ises to the corner store of the Whar- ton Block, on Marine and Fourteenth on Saturday, May 1. A fifteen-pound spring salmnn was caught west of Dundarave pier on Sunday last by a resident of Twenty- fifth Street. This is said to be the first, or at least, the largess salmon caught this season in the district. Mr. J. Howard Fletcher of Van- couver paid a visit of inspection to the new Hollyburn Theatre, now under construction. It is expected to be reedy for the first performance by the second week in May Mr. and Mrs. Reginald P. Blower and family of Vancouver have taken a cottage owned by Mrs. Wailer on Duchess and wia reside there per- manently. Mr. Blower is connected with i the Swift-Canadian Company, Vancouver. The Hollyburn Public Library, on Fourteenth, will be closed to the pub- lic from Wednesday, April 28, to Mon- day, May 3, owing to removal of the West Vancouver Pharmacy to new quarters. The library will re-open in its new premises in the new Ambleside Block, when three boxes of new books will be placed on the shelves. ANNOUNCEMENT We Wish to Announce the Opening of a Nine-Hole Putting Green and Driving Ground On the Old Bowling Green Grounds (Foot of 17th Street) on May 1st A Professional will be in attendance for instruction at regular periods. Applications for Membership may be made at any time. L. A. SMALLWOOD fk K. M. LACHANE Telephone West 55 WEST VAN. GARAGE The Reliable Repair Shop GAS Phone West 130 OIL Kevill Furniture Store Annbieside and Dundarsve Phone: West 36 THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS Capital Fir Wardrobe. with large mirror........ $18.00 Brass Bed, Box Mat- tress and Felt Pad.......... $ 17.50 Extending Dining Table and 6 Chairs. in oak fin- ish,.....;„...................., .. $35.00 Walnut Writing Desk....... $30.00 "Canada Pride" Range...... $40.00 "Malleable" Steel Range.. $45.00 Camp Stoves from ......,.$8.00 up We Buy Sell or Exchange D. MORGAN, L P. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER Twenty-fifth sod Movies Drive DUNDARAVE, B. C. Wbytecljff, West Vancouver and Way Points West End Cartage & Transfer Co. West 163 -- Phones -- Sey. Pnrnftazs Srovliie; Rseeaao, Rsss Estimates Free iaoad Omcoi 434 Robson St. Vancouver, B.C. 'EST VAN SUPPLY E. H. MINIONS, Prop. 14th and Marine Phone West Van. 106 HARDWARE -- PAINTS -- BUILDERS'UPPLIES R. SEEDS v o,sr„ GROCER AND HARDWARE MARINE DRIVE, AMBLESIDEmm r 'f i . DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET 'Phono West I FRESH MEAT AND FISH we DELlvea D. D. ROBERTSON Hsvlos Dolce. Corner of Idth Stvost Coziest Mshsv sod Uohoblsvsr L PURNITURE HADE To ORDER MOVINCs STORAGE W. H. Campbell 86 Co. Brokers 420 Pender St. West have money for investment in West Vancouver property. List- ings invited of Lots, Acreage and Houses. PHONE 8385 BALMY BEACH COTTAGES FOR RENT br lhe month or season, wnh isnltov ser- vice. Fvlvaio beach. An Ideal lo- osilon. For lmvllculsvs phone Douglas 3032 L FIRE -- AUTOMOBILE -- LIFE 805 Yorkshire Bldg. West Vnn. 63 RI Phone Seymour 377tt West Van. 20R BOOTH I% LEYLAND We handle Insurance only, and specialize in all branches. As Agents for large British and Canadian Companies, we are able to give the best of service and prompt settlements. On Thursday, April 16, a truck of the Peerless Yeast Company, in mak- ing a turn on Marine opposite R. Seed's store, backed too far and smashed two large front plate glass windows. Considerable damage was done to the door, freniework and arti- cles of grocery. Mr Coney is busy improving his new property on Union Avenue, where he has one of the many beautiful scenic points of West Vancouver. He has 20 acres of splendidly located land ivhich a young.man of Mr. Coney's energy is sure to successfully dev ion. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pollard of Twenty-first are leaving for a trip to Dcvonshifn, England, at an early date. They purpose staying in the Old Coun- try for at least three months. This ivill be their first visit there in seven years. Phones--Oljlce: West 113; Res.: West 637L G. G. BYRNELL OPFICE RIGHT AT AHRLESIDE lvnARP Svoood Store fvow Fern Lssdlss REAL ESTATE MOINEY TO INSURANCE LOAN I have some specially good buys in IVaterfront property. I.isi your property with me for quick sale FLOUR AND FEED BUILDING SUPPLIES LUMBER SASH AND DOOR COAL AND WOOD Express Daily Trips to Vancouver Vernon Feed Store Phone West Van. 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT, ETC. .A. C. SEARLE ~ HOLLYBURN A ER SHOP Manna Dnve and 15th Opposite the )Vest Van. Lumber Co. G. RADLAND, Proprietor Hns hnd over twenty-five'ears'xperience in the barber business. ls nble to give quick and eillcicnt service. Ed. Black, the Dundarsve transfer man, is now occupying his attractive now offiice right next door to the oiii buihling, where he is also operating a ogaso station. oEii.o is one of the old- tinicrs of West Vancouver, having been in business here for eight years. (Continscd on page 4) Ladies, Gentlemen and Children Miss Marjorie Johnson, daughter of Captain and Mrs. P. H. Johnson, re- cently arrived in )Vest Vancouver from )lcxico City. It is understood that Miss Johnson is engaged to be married to Mr. D. A. Jay of i)lonter- rcy, Mexico, who is due to arrive bere this week. The wedding will take place early in )iey at St. Stephen's Church, West Vancouver. STRATTON'S BAKERY Afila[.ESIDE Fresh Bread Cakes Pavlriev Shortbread snd Nut Loaves Dail&. il.trit lii'R 1)El,i'VERY II.(N CALL I Phoqe )Vest 27