001B6CAA v 2 %VEST VAiV. ViEWS are oftea fosood to pa& the rxcensivo ordinary fare because they happen to be short of funds. lt is contended by many, and appar- ently with good reason, that th! fer ries cail be successfully operated osl a straighl inc single fare for raauai traveaers, with strips nC four tickcb for a quarter. or even for 30th fair those who use the Carries regularly. It is argued that such a change nt iloncy lsrluld result in s iargi'ncrenae in ferry trsmc. that, in fact, mdn& sqsitors wonM take ~ strip of tictrtc rather than pay the ordinary single fare and would thereby be enrnuragcvl to come again. The argument somda reasonable, We need population. Let ua xo aner it and the ferries will tate care of themselves. Volume of travel ln what counts. Yours truly. WEST VAN. BOOSTEh. Cori espondence ii esi Vancon'ims; April 20th. 1926 The Editor West Van. Nemo. Pear Siri Let me congratulate the publisher. cso nn their ventum and wish them ihe cuccess which they deserve, 1Ve need a paper of our nwn and need it badly, and it is to be hoped that you miB re- ceive the suppart nf every eltisen nf the Munxipahty. The subject on «.hich 1 desire to write is that of terry Cares. It is genersRy conceded that these am ~much too high and that the growth of The. community is being greatly re- tarded as a consequence. I was glad to read in your last issue that there La a possibility o( s cheaper fare being arrarlged. The fera(es should not be considesvd oo much a money-mating business as an aid to the growth and prosperit& of our population. I ara not suggect- ing that they should be run at a Inst., bnt 1 say that their purpose should he to serve the public at a minimum rote and the making of proiits shnuld be a seconder& consideration. The tourist and the casual traveller per- haps do not merry about the high fare mhich is charged, but the commuter and the resldennt mho only risits tne cits oecaasionally certainly do not m ceive much encouragement to remain West Vancouverites, nor is the pros- pective resident likely to be nvcr- enthusiastic about coming when be considers the high ccwt of transpor- tatloll The present method of selling 25 farce for $2.50 and dd for $3.7o is objectionable, especially since there ie a limited time mithin which the& mu. t be used up. hlany residents do nnt travel often enough to u» up a ticket mithin the time limit aml many more Natural History Society to Visit Caulfeild CaulCeild will be the des«nation of the lirst season's excursion of the Vancouver Natural History Society, which will take place tnmorrow, Sat- urday, April 2e. As is well tnnoivn. the Caulfeild dis- trict is famous for the variety and beauty of its lors. The party will leave Vancouver for Caulfeild by the 1.30 p.m. ferry, and return by the 6 p.m. or r.dn p.m. boat. Protection of Flora ln order to protect the ilnra ot West Vancousmr, the council have given in- structions to Chief Constable H. O. Squires to prosecute visitors dsrnag- ing trees and shrubs in the muninci- palit&. Last week a boy was lined $5.00 for damaging dogwood trees while gnth- ering the blossoms. THE CHILDREN'S CORNER These contributions from two of our young Altamont readers will be read mith interest by those who follow the Children's Corner. Dreamland At night when all is dark and still, Fairies fly to my wdndow-suj; Softly they call mc by my name-- Together we go down Sleepy Lane. Through the woods of deepest green We go to tdsit the King and Queen, In their palace of every huc There they sjt, the royal two. A scarlet poppy's the regal cloak, His shoes and socks are leaves of oak, The golden crown is a buttercup yellow, It makes him look a noble fellow, Of spiders'ilk is the queen's govrn made, With wreaths of flowers that never fade; Her shining crown is a buttercup, too, Her hair is a lovely golden hue. Then au the night we skip and play hvith little elves and fairies gay; Then I creep softly back to bcd--I'e been there au the time, Nurse said. C. B. R. (Altamont) The Meadow-Lark Last night I heard a meadow-lork Singing in a tree, And as 1 paused his notes to mark I caught his melody. Hc has a lovely streaked coat, Bne mostIy all is brown, With yellow on hjs throbbing throat And black upon hjs crown. Hjs nest is made of gras sand reeds And like an arch is bent; 610stjy on insects wcc he feeds Until he's quite content. ST. STEPHEN'9 ('H l'R( H Easter Three snd St, Mary'a Pay (April 26th). 9 a.m„Holy Commun- ion; 10 a.m., Sunday Schnnl and Young People's Bible Clans: it:16 a.ma Morning Prayer: 7:16 p.m., Fvenaong. On Sunday evening the monthly hymn services will be resumed, when the hymns of Bishnp Reginald Heber will be sung and the Rector will deal i«ith this man's lifo and works in tha i sormnn. it is hoped that the wnrk of fencing the church property may be begun nn Saturdav. Assistance crlB bo mel eomed. The Girl (.uides turned out In good nombers for their church parade lant Suniiay mnrning and the Rector spoke io them from Proverbs d-2'l. "Keep thy heart with all diligence, Cor out of it am the issues of lite." The Sunday School baseball season opened Thursday night with St. Steph- en's Juniors playing St. Andrew's of North Vancouver at Irwin Park. The battery for the local bo&vi was Cullen. Clenient and Crews. The schedule gives both juniors and juveniles nne game s meek up to the middle of June. As a result nf the Lenten htission- ary oiferings ot the children, the Sun- day School is nsdoptlnga a child at one ot the Church's Indian Schools and at a teachers'eeting Thursday night the Secretary was instructed to make lnsl arrnngements in the matter with the hi.S.C.C. Increase m Pubhc School Attendance The school attendance of &vest Van- couver is a good indication ot the growing population of the district. Thus the school attendance during the last decade increased from 80 to 630 in the thme public schools of the municipality, and front three teachers to seventeen at the present time. This does not include the &Vest Vancouver High School, to which reference was made last week. Hollyburn Dance Hall to Be Moved It has been decided to move the Hollyburn Dance Hall from its pres- ent location on. Seventeenth to a site closer to the waterfront. Moving operations will commence at an early date. Additions to the hall are also planned. These will increase the tes room and refreshment capacity of the building. The Child' Spending Money It will be interesting to watch if the principles of thrift, as imparted by the elder Rockefeller to his son, snd by son to his children, among them hio daughter, Abbey, now Mrs. Milton, will extend to the third generation. If it does, the former Miss Rockefeller will not find the raising of a family any great finsncisl burdenn. John .D. Rockefeller Jr. recently gave as his recipe Cor the inculcation of saving: "When my children reached the sge o( seven I gave them an allowance of 30 cents a week. They were to spend 10 cents out of this, they were to save 10 cents, and they were to give 10 cents to the church. I audited these accounts every week. These accounts never were more than a dollar or two each week until the age of fifteen. lvsslth hurts children when they get too much of it. Just because a msn csn alford to hire people to wait on his children M nn reason why he shoul(L I don'.n It cannot be said Mr. Rockefeller's attitude towards his children has been that of a grasping man, because he snd his father have given away in the neighborhood of $600,000,000. In these days of flappers and ilnale hop- pers the average boy and girl would think themselves much abused if they were compelled to get along with 30 cents a week. It might not be a bsd ides for many of our parents of mod- est means to try the experiment. April N, tj)2&6 WHITE'S GROCERY Phone wesi Vam 669 Alarinc and 2llh Full linc of Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Vegetables Scc our Window I)inplny for 1(elurdny Specie}n City Prices nnd I'rompt, Cheerful Service WE 1)EI.IVFeR NORTH SHORE BAKERY (A. J. &lscKensie, I'rop.) Alarjne 1)rive ' ')untiitrnve I'hone( Vi'cot Vsn. &9v1 BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY WE DEI.IVER I'hone liour Orders Ot)R NEW we manx, move To NEXT THURSDAY STORE cue ee« scone April 2(}(h Buy a I.OT for a Home. A HOAIE menns a 1.01. TROUGHTON 1% BARROW Real Estate nnd Insurance Dundarave Phone West Van. R3 Improved hvaterfront Lot. $3600. Easy terms. Fully modern House, on Marine Dr., Dundarave, $3600 cash. Lots on Marine Drive, in Dandaravc, from 2660. Marine Drive (between Twenty-frat and Twenty-second Sts.) NEILL'S STORE HOME BAKIiN(l CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM Our tyeek-end Special: Hot Meat Piss, 5 and 10 cents. Phone Your Orders, West 690--We Will Deliver Eight years'eliable service has established my reputation for quick and satisfactory work. PHONE WEST 68 for ED. BLACK'S 'RANSFER Daily delivery to and Crom the City. W. CARLEY Marine Drive Between 21st snd 22nd West Vancouver HO(iSEPAINTIN('ALSOMINiNG SIGNS, ETC. PIANO POLISHING Es lima les Given The Dundarave Pharmacy S Drain Sa i ai ilandara ~ r.n. Prescriptions -- Drugs Stationery Films -- Toilet Articles Phone West 606 Tricahaneai Seri Sroa W ri SSL H. E. M. BRthDSHAW aarrirlrt and Saucuar Sl i'a«are sids. Sais and Arsis~ mu iia iinda Sl. W. Sl crl cancan rr 'r i Vancaarrr The Little Shop Dundarave COTTON CREPES GINGHAMS SI'UN SII,K 1)RESSES ~ nn REAl. ESTATE INSL'RAN('E LOANS Geo. Gourlay Esl. IAII. Phone Wesi 2 Pearce'-s Dry-Goods t 14th and Marine Beg to announce they will be in their new location in the NEW AMBLESIDE BLOCK on the 1st Day of May ' f ~ ~ OS Egal AV& AAAAYA nlnnw«t Hi Phour loss ~std I's tor grl nnd Esl „ ij)60N 'pVl d 2161 Marine inpn'"" CPiWI V,u vi» EST Vi EI,ECTR: p«ineil Phone We s(1 i Eisa»i All hir« A uaa Wiseg naag«sad P Esiieaiss Pw' Fortune Cut APTRRN00N RRPRESH)(R nisi i is Ambleside Ten Psrrt Whorl WRBT VANCOI rdep md Picnic a Tobaccos, «i HOUSE ' 'd'SPECIALI I specialist is s«liat Vou gst action if Coo house for sale i W. KISSI1 Phoae Writ 21 (Associated viih 0 166 Prudsr Wast, Va DUNDARA MEAT MAR stern veil i PRESA MEAT Aq vo osuvgu 'r 6 Ccnrhci hors 12& p odhive " "ip tor isv t satoovor prop sst Va ah ~od Horses. PHOAp g&S BO We hanna I+ Aesata fsr larg, Hss the FIRE 'orksh Phone s ire B] 'Tnonr And that small bird so beautiful Has made the world to me A dwelling place more wonderful And lovelier still 10 scc. E. C. P. (Altamont). B. WRIGHT The Shoe Repair Man (New Stere on Marin Drise, asst lo Atkias'eat .'Ilsrhet) Sj&( years repairing shoes in West Van. has established my reputation for good work. You can rely upon shoe repairs when Wright does them. Bring )our shoes here and be salk;fied New Stage Coaches hiessrs. O'Hara snd Soadey, who ciperste the North Vancouver-Cypress Park stage, are arranging to start operation of their new stage coaches an May 1. These criaches, which src built on the same luxurious linc ~ as the Rapid Transit cars in Vancouver, will seat 20 passengers snd wAl run on s regular time schedule. (t io ex- pected that a third will be added in the near future. We congratulate hfessrs. O'Mars and Sosdey on their enterprise and their evident desire to give us the service our growing needs demand. We wish them sucocss. MARINE GROCERY (J. Allison. Prnp.) Corner 22nd Avenue and Alarine Drive Phone West Van. 96 i'RiiCERIKS C(sNF&("CIONERY (CF. CREAM 'I'OBA('('ii REFRESHMENT PARLOR IN CONNECTIOih( ~ . )ve deliver. Phone your orders Gus nnd Oil Station / / ~ ~ el'g( Pl