001B6CAA !1 1rIk. A Weekly Newspaper Circfrlatirrg irr the District of West Vancor~frer--Ambleside, Hollybrrrn, Westorr, Drrndarafre Caulferld, Whyteclrff, Cypress Park, Etc. Vol. I WEST VANCOUVER, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926 New Wharf i No. 3 . A New Capacious Hall Proposed Minimum House Nombering It is no unusual thing for a resident of ivest Vancouver, during the course of a Sunday stroll, to be accosted several times by perplexed visitors who have been wandering all over the place trying, without success, to hnd the residences of friends. This is a state of affairs which should not exist, in view of the fact that the Municipal Council has a supply of metal numerals on hand, obtained for this very purpose. We would urge upon house-owners the necessity of hav- ing numbers placed on their houses without delay. West Van- couver has passed the village stage of its development; it is time to adopt city methods. Removing a Menace It is to be regretted that the grandeur of the view obtainable from any vantage point in West Vancouver is often obscured by the tall trees which still adorn our slopes. That these stalwarts of the forest should be considered in any way objet:tionable may seem absurd, but close consid- eration of the subject leads THE NEWS to conclude that it would be to the advantage of the district to have them removed from the residential portions of the Municipality. West Vancouver'6 chief asset--its one big, unrivalled attraction--is the fact that the nature of the contour of its surface gives it a range of view unattainable in any other portion of Greater Vancouver. But if this view is cut off by forests, no matter how noble the trees that form them, they should be cut down. This, however, is only one phase of the problem; the great objection to the forests which surround our dwellings is the"menace of bush fire . During the recent dry spell, to many citizens and some visitors as well, the question of what would happen to West Vancouver if a bush fire on Hollyburn Mountain got-beyond control-~cutved, and.thetanswer -wes- anything but geassuring. It would be too bad to despoil our slopes s)f~Mei~gnificent trees, but the safety of the -Comes of the community would seem to demand that they be at least reduced to a state which would preclude the possi- bility of the spyead of a forest fire. $30,000 Municipal Tax Sale Property to Be OIFered New Building Regulations The council, in session as a town planning commission, on Tuesday, decided to make the following recom- mendations regarding the zoning and plans of the present occupied areas of the municipality: The commercial area of stores, etc., is both sides of Marine Drive between Thirteenth Street, western boundary, and Twenty-fifth Street, western boundary. On both sides of Fourteenth, Seven- teenth and Twenty-fifth Streets, ex- tending from the waterfront to the northerly boundary of Marine Drive. A small portion at West Bay, on Marine Drive, in district lot 557. At Caulfeild only such further busi- nesses as are authorized by Mr. Caul- feild's agents. At Whyteclige, both sides of Bay Street, including blocks 29 and 30; also easterly two lots in blocks 46, 48 and 49, and the unsubdivided portion of D. L. 430 adjacent to the P. G. E. Also the westerly part of block A, consisting of approximately 26 acres. Present businesses already estab- hshed will not, of course, be interfered with. A careful revision of all tax sale property was made at a council meet- ing on Tuesday evening. It was decided to place a block of municipally-oivned lend at a set price totalling $30,000. The assessed value of this land is. $43,000, and the par- cels comprise district lots from D. L. 430 at tvhytec)iife to the eastern boundary at Capilano and all south of Mathers Avenue. The lists of lots snd prices are now available at the Municipal Hall, and may be had also from all real estate agents having oifices in West Van- couver. West Vancouver Musical Society Good progress is being made with the test pieces for the Festival. Regu- lar attendance at practice and a sus- tained enthusiasm, as displayed last kionday afternoon will without doubt be rewarded with a desired and dc- 'rved success. A festival committee will be selected to manage all details, and every precaution taken to deserve well the moral snd material support of the citizens. Practice every hlon. day, 8 p.m. prompt, at Hollyburn School, Duchess and Fourteenth. Ad- dress all enquiries to Miss D. M. Jones, Thirteenth and Marine. g I& Mr. J. Harte's House Being Repaired Mr. J. Ilsrte's residence on Six- teenth Street and Esquimalt, which wss budly damaged by fire last week, is being rapidly repaired under in- structions of the Royal Scottish In- surance Co. At present klr. and Mrs. Marte are staying with kir. and hire. Blandford, their next door neighbors. They ex- pect to return to the'old home within the next two weeks or so. Both Mr. snd Mrs, Harte are recov- ering nicely from their injuries. "The Madcap" The Grand Kinderspiei, "Tlm Mad- caps," a children's operetta, will be repeated in aid of the School Sport Fund tonight, April M, Ambleside Hall. tvhst has become generally known as the Wharton Block is rapidly near- ing completion, and the four front stores will be duly opened to the pub- lic on May 1. On the second floor are some oilices to let besides a capacious hall of about 3,000 square feet floor space, ivhich can be used for meetings, concerts, balls or other entertainments. It is possible that, if conditions war- rant, the upper floor msy be ulti- mately converted into apartment suites. The proprietor states that he would prefer the block to be known as the New Ambeside Building. at WhyteclifFe Bulldiiig RegulatiOnS It has been decided that no tents, camps or shacks are to be erected in the areas mentioned below, when such are used for domestic residential pur- poses. The minimum requirements of any dwelling to be 450 square feet fioor, exclusive of verandah, basement and attic. The outside to be covered with properly fmished lumber or shmglesmthe same to be pamted or stained, with a brick chimney from the ground up. The areas for such regulations are to be as follows: I Within 160 feet north and south uf iviarine Drive and lying between the easterly boundary of the munici- pality and the easterly boundary of Tenth Street. 2. The territory now comprising the lighting area and lying between Tenth Street, inclasive, and the westerly boundary of D. I. 811. 3. Within 160 feet on either side of that section of 5iarine Drive lying be- tween the northerly boundary of D. L. 811 and the southerly boundary of D. L. 1493 and D. L. 430. 4. That portion of the district of, Whyteditfe bounded on the south side by Marine Drive, on the east by the P. G. E., on the north by the water- ) front, and on the west by Nelson Street. That sn amount suilicient to cover the construction of a new wharf at Ivhytecliife has been included in this year's estimates was stated m a letter from Hon. Dr. King, federal minister of public works, read at a special meeting of the municipal council Mon- day evening. A letter was also read as received from the North and West Stages Co., stating that the company intended making a minimum of six trips daily from North Vancouver to Whytecliffe. This was in answer to a communica- tion from the council to the a)feet that the company must first state what kind of a service was proposed before the necessary permit was given. Those Mountain Ponies The saddle horses and ponies intro- duced by C. C. MacDonsld and Fred Scott to West Vancouver, have at- tracted great interest throughout the municipality. There are ten horses and ponies with real western equipment /with English saddles if preferred) and have been bred ou the plains of West- er« Alberta. These ponies are admirably adapted for trail work and the owners'dea is to provide a novel and attractive feature for residents and visitors in reaching outlying districts and the summit of Hollyburn ridge. The trails have been made available for the ponies to reach the summit of the ridge with ease and comfort. Mr. MacDonald has been a guide in the Canadian Rockies in connection with the C. P. R. hotels for a number «I- years;- He formed oae-of the es- corts of the Prince of Wales during his first visit to the Canadian Rockies. Mr. Scott is a weu known rancher of Western Alberta and is a thoroughly experienced horseman. Both Mr. MacDonald and klr. Scott expect to make West Vancouver their perman- ent home. Local Census The postmaster of Hollyburn re- quests that patrons of the ofhce who have not already done so, will kindly hend in their names and occupations for the local census now being pre- pared. $20,000 OfFered for Clachan Inn We hear on good authority that the proprietors of the Clschan Inn, Dun- darane, refused this week an offer of $20,000 for their property. It is under- stood that the Misses Stephens do not contemplate selling or letting their property for the present. * i- . Apartment Houses For the present the location of apartment houses will be contined to the commercial area and cannot )te over three stories in height. Other regulations aifecting a p s r t m e n t houses will be more fully. yered the new building bylaw. Area of Land Necessary Tbe ares of land necessary for any- one building may not be less than 7,600 square feet when located west of Twenty-fifth Street, and 6,000 square feet east of Twenty-fifth Street. In the matter of further sub- divisions, none will be approved west of Twenty-fifth Street unless each lot has a minimum frontage of 60 feet and a minimum area of 7,500 square feet. East of Twenty-fifth Street, each new subdivided lot must have a minimum frontage of 60 feet and con- tain a minimum of 6,000 square feet. In all residential areas the building line to be established 20 feet from that property line parallel to the street on which the dwelling faces, with a distance from each side line equal to 10 per cent. of the width of the property so lying. No fence or wall on the division of property to be higher than five feet. The building bylaw is nearly ready for publication and the public are in- debted to the following gentlemen ivho have voluntarily given their time to its drafting; Mr. H. A. Hodgson, the architect, and &Messrs. Edington. Yates, McTavish, Cripps and Sinclair. W.B.A. Birthday Dance I4 Mrs. W. Urquhart entertained mem- bers of the W. B. A. dance committee on Monday evening. Plans were com- pleted snd favors made for the dance to be held on Wednesday, April 28, in Hollyburn Pavilion to celebrate the first aniiiversary of the organization of the Women's Benefit Association Review No. 24 in West Vancouver. Mrs. Chas. Hay will be convenor and Mrs. Strong is looking after refresh- ments with other goad capable com- mittees so a good time is assured. P. G. E. Shops Being Moved Falling in line with plans of the West Vancouver Council to make the municipality a residential district, the Pacific Great Eastern Railway has commenced removal of its machine shops, situated on the corner of Ma- rine Drive and Twenty-ninth Street, Altamont, to property immediately west of the foot of Pemberton Avenue in North Vancouver municipality. Some years ago the P. G. E. leased several lots in Altamont, the present site of the shops, from hfr. J. F. Ma- hon at s nominal annual rental. The property has smce been sold to klr. K. A. Ray. St.'nthony , Church Concert A concert will be held on Thursday evening, April 29 at Ambleside Hall, in aid of St. Anthony's Church, Am- bleside. Both local and Vancouver talent will be on the programme. R. hicVean, of West Vancouver, was the successful tenderer for painting the Municipal Hall, the price being $265. Council Sells Bonds Golf OWNERSHIP OF THIS PAPER Pemberton R Son Psy 6100.82 for 30- Year Debentures The bid of Pemberton A Son of 100.82 for two issues of municipal 30- yenr 5th per cent. debentures for $36,- 000 an&i $65,000 was accepted by the Municipal Council )Vednesdsy evening. The $65,000 issue covers a by-law calling for the construction of a ce- ment sidewalk on Marine Drive and the $36,000 for hanl-surfacing uf roads in the municipality. It was decided to call for tenders imniediately for the hurd-surfacing uf the roads. The golf enthusiasts of the district will be interested in knowing that the old Bowling Green grounds at the foot of Seventeenth Street, is to be opened an May 1st as a nine-hole putting green and driving ground. A profes- sional will be in attendance for giving instruction. tre understand that two silver cups will be put up for conipe- tition--one for ladies and the other for gentlemen. Applications are now being received for niembership. Messrs. LaChance and Smallwood are responsible for this welcome in- novation. See their advertisement in the &lisplsy columns. A few dnys ago I wss asked, rairly pointedly, to make a statement as to the interest cer- tnin people hsd in the ownership or management of THE WEST VAN NEWS. As this same query or rumor had been men- tioned at other times, I wish to state, most emphatically, that THE )VEST VAN. NEWS is owned snd controlled exclusively by myself. No other person has sny ownership or interest, real or implied, financiauy or other- wise. THE NEIVS is not a polit- ical, factional or party publica- tion. It is issued purely as a community paper, with a real desire to help develop the dis- trict. By-Law withdrawn New Industrial IslandThe Municipal Council hss decided not to proreml with the Bus By-law, eaning for motorists to refrain from passing s halted municipal bus while it wss either discharging or taking on passengers. The Council is requesting motorists, hoivever, to exercise ex- trenie care in passing the buses, It has been derided to set aside dis- trict lot 790, heing an island on the Cspiiann River snd intersected by Marine Drive, for industrial purposes. The area thus set aside an&aunts ta approximately 10 acres. H. HODGSON, l)ditor snd Publisher. i