West Vancouver Memorial Library · The Inquiring Mind Tips for Successful Searching Think carefully about your keywords - imagine what words the author of an article would use to describe the topic you're looking for. If your first search doesn't work, try adding or dropping one or more keywords. If it still doesn't work, try some different keywords. If you're looking for an exact phrase, like Victorian Order of Nurses, put all of your search terms inside quotation marks, like this: "Victorian Order of Nurses". If you want a database to give you results containing all of your keywords, use the word AND to connect them, like this: Capilano AND district AND "city council". If you're not finding the information you need, look for a link that says "Help" or "Search Tips" or something similar. Information behind these links will help you to do a more successful search. And don't forget that library staff members are here to help. We welcome your questions in person, by telephone, or by e-mail. Music @ the Library Thanks to a generous bequest from the estate of Robert Leslie Welsh, the West Vancouver Memorial Library offers an array of musical experiences to its members. Live - at the Library Now in its second season, the Library's free Friday Night Concert Series features the best Vancouver has to offer, from recording artists like Alpha Yaya Diallo, to jazz diva Dee Daniels, and groups like Linda Lee Thomas's Tangissimo. We also showcase up and coming new performers, acts for children and families, and more. What better way to spend a Friday night! Watch our website for details. This Library Rocks!!! Together with other staff members, the Youth Department team hosted our first "Battle of the Bands," a youth rock concert, on Friday January 13lh. Four different, lively bands played, and people danced and cheered on with the music. More than 300 youth attended this hugely successful event. This Library was anything but quiet that night! Tools for Homework Help World Book Online Whether you're helping your kids with homework or you've got homework yourself, an encyclopedia is a great place to start! World Book Online has articles, illustrations, maps, and more. Canadian Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia of British Columbia For Social Studies classes, these two encyclopedias can't be beat! Excellent information about Canadian and BC history, including biographies, timelines, maps and more. Access Science This specialized encyclopedia includes study guides and suggested essay topics in addition to in-depth articles about people, topics, and issues in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering. Great for high school students. www.westvanlib.org