West Vancouver Memorial Library Bernhard Lauser, Chair West Vancouver Memorial Library Board Every year in January, the membership of the Board changes depending on how many members' terms are up and how many request and receive re-appointment. Under the Library Act of British Columbia, Board members are appointed by Council and serve for a two year term. They can be reappointed for 4 terms. One Board member is always a member of council who serves for a one year term and is a full voting member of the Board. The West Vancouver Memorial Library has 11 Board members. This varies from library to library. For 2006 we have only one new member. Jean Ferguson is replacing Pam Goldsmith-Jones as our Council member. Pam served on the Library Board for three years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for the energy and commitment she brought to that task. Pam served on the Strategic Plan Committee and the Ad Hoc Foundation/ Library Board Committee. Her enthusiasm for the Library was evident in her participation in meetings and she was also present at many special events. We wish her well in her new role as Mayor. We welcome Jean Ferguson and look forward to working with her in the coming year. Bernie Lauser Chair West Vancouver Memorial Library Board Desert Island Databases For this issue of The Inquiring Mind, we asked staff in the Reference Department to name one database they couldn't live without, if they were stranded on a desert island reference desk. The staff of the Reference Department lives to answer your questions! From fast facts to in-depth research assistance, we're here to help. We use books, websites, databases, directories, contacts, and our awesome intellects to connect you to the information you need. "I couldn't live without EBSCO's MasterFILE Premier. It's the "go to" database I use when I have to find out something about anything. I could learn how to desalinate water from Scientific American, get tips on how to prevent skin cancer from Prevention, keep up with Canadian news and