2005 SUMMER READING CLUB The medal presentation ceremony held on Friday, September 10th was a thoroughly enjoyable evening as the young readers received their just rewards for reading 15 minutes a day for 50 days or more during the summer. It was indeed a "Kodak Moment" for proud parents, as the children displayed their medals. The Friends serving cookies had a busy evening pouring juice and filling the unusual request for water. Standing up to the challenge were Friends Edda Davis. Barbara Drummond, Noelene Harland, June Harris, Arden McLaughlin and Sophia Weremchuk. FILM FESTIVAL During September on Thursday evenings, our Library presented three films from their DVD collection that showcased the people of the Middle East, their lives, ideas and opinions. The films were well attended and were followed by a short discussion period. Lori Breen was the electronic engineer, while Irene Esson and Sophia Weremchuk served up the popcorn which was washed down with water. November will be the next presentation. A MAGICAL NIGHT It was everything young and old could wish for, magic, music, prizes, ladies in elegant gowns and gentlemen in handsome tuxes, and ever so yummy refreshments provided by Murchies, and beautiful flowers everywhere designed by Grace Kravac. On Friday, September 30th the gracious Friends of the Library, attired in their finery, hosted this magical evening. The punch was such a great hit they ran out of ice after the fifth bowl. Thanks to everyone for hosting this lovely event; Kay Alsop, Edda Davis, Maureen Eagle, Irene Esson, Marie Evans, Claire Giber son, June Harris, Arden McLaughlin, Debora Taschuk, Kim Vogt, and Sopia Weremchuk. MEMBERSHIP A warm welcome to the following new members: David Collins Robert Dominato Ruth Kelly Wolf Klein Luke Krienke Joan Lashinsky Deborah Louie June Perry Devi Plasad Peter Rozee Danielle Stephen Stacey Taylor Joanne Wallis We look forward to meeting you soon and hope that you can attend our meetings which are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month.