MEMBERSHIP Maureen Eagle reported that no new people had joined this month but was pleased to note that renewals were coming in steadily from our existing members. The committee has done a great job of updating the Application and Renewal forms which are now being printed. You can find these on our bulletin board by the elevators. A reminder to everyone -copies of the Minutes and a full Financial Statement are available from the Library's /Administration Off ice. See Lori during office hours. TREASURER'S REPORT Ian Loudon reports our healthy bank balance at $10,498. Hopefully we can fill the Library's Wish List for 2004 - Ann Goodhart will be presenting us with the full Wish List at the June meeting. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES REPORT The North Shore Writers' Festival was again well received and thanks are conveyed to the Friends for their sponsorship and for hosting the events. The limerick contest was very successful with 191 limericks entered. There are now 971 DVDs in the Adult collection and 242 in the Youth collection. Plans for the "Anything can Happen when you Read" book club are well under way. A few libraries are now following West Vancouver's lead, and are designing a teen component. A request has been received for a school visit from the Library to promote the club. The computer programs are still very popular and always full with a stand-by list. Julia Hedley is working on bringing in one of the facilitators she saw at the PLA Conference for an InterLINK workshop in the fall. The workshop would present the PLA initiative, 'Every child ready to read @ your library'. Workshop attendees would learn how to implement workshops for parents and caregivers based on recent research in emergent literacy. They would also learn how to incorporate the presentation of specific literacy skills in their preschool story times. BOOK CART REPORT Welcome aboard to our two new team members - Elsa O'Connor and June Harris. The sale proceeds this year to date total $3,630, which compares favorably with last year. Another little basket has been added for the "Kid's Selections".