PRESIDENT'S REPORT President, Sophia Weremchuk reported that 2002 ended with enough successes and accomplishments to make us proud. The February and October book sales and the book cart sales brought in a total of $12,581 for 2002 -- which is just over $1000 more than in 2001. The book cart sales alone were $7,351! We spent $13,656 for items on the Library's "wish list". We provided funds for the Community Day Parade; the Summer Reading Program; Volunteer Christmas Party and the Remembrance Day Open House to a total of $2,250. We also coverd the cost of postage and contributed $250 for paper, envelopes and toner for our Newsletters. In addition we also spent about $500 for flowers for the Library. Grace Kravac has taken on the responsibility for the flowers since the death of Marion Nodwell. Because of our healthy bank balance, our application for Access to Gaming Revenue was turned down for the second year. Friends continue to host the monthly Artist Receptions and we now host the Author Night as well. While this year's luncheon meetings during the winter didn't see an increase in attendance, we did see some new faces. Thanks to all who participate in the Friends' activities and those who attend meetings. Special thanks to Lori Breen who capably assists us and to our Library Board Representative, Karen Carlson for keeping us informed at the meetings. As Friends of the Library, we play a very special support role. It is one that should make us all proud. CHIEF LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Ann Goodhart told us that they have been working with the District IT department. All the Library PC's were upgraded and are now using Windows 2000. The Adult Department programs have been well received. The largest Author night had 81 people in attendance and over 500 people took the Internet training course. The Library hopes to become a Philosopher's Cafe site in conjunction with SFU. The DVD collection is growing and very popular. Staff are involved in the development of the InterLINK taped books program since the Province cut that service. In the Youth Department, the Summer Reading program was a huge success. The education program for grade 8 students has started and they were able to continue the Book Buddies again thanks to the help of the Ambleside Youth Centre who pay two teens to work at the Library. There was also a successful teen bookmark contest, and the Library's Teen Advisory Group received a community service award during Youth Week. Capital budget improvements funded by Council in 2002 included new heating and air conditioning for the Main Hall and Mezzanine and renovation of the lights in the Main Hall. The Library's image has changed and publications, stationary, library cards and staff identification tags all feature the new look using the stained glass window logo. The Computer Centre is open additional hours and the Library was able to open between Christmas and New Year's for the first time since 1996. On Dec. 27th staff checked out over 600 items each hour as well as 900 items checked in. In four hours over 1600 people visited the Library.