NEWSLETTER Issue 150 March 2002 West Vancouver Memorial Library MEMBERSHIP Together with our Membership Chair, Maureen Eagle, we are delighted to introduce and welcome 22 new members to the Friends. Lori Breen (Library's Administrative Assistant) Hanif Ladha Jock Oswald Richard Scales Margaret Davis Monique Differs Doreen Traub Herzl Lowenstein Lome Hanis Chris Chapman Larry Marshik Natalie Marshik Bernadette Rouse Vince Larocque Juliana Pasko E. Kanciar W. Caros Cora Grocott Jasen Kwong Bernie Lauser Karen Carlson (Library Board Representative) We extend a special warm welcome and congratulations to our newest Honorary Member - Lillian Chow. Friends membership also includes Honorary Members: Dorothy Jones, Kay Meek, Jack Mounce, Mary Pearson. Our first luncheon meeting was well attended in February. Unfortunately we are unable to have a noon meeting in March so we will see you at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 27th. TREASURER'S REPORT The Financial Statement was presented by Treasurer Ian Loudon. As of Feb. 27, 2002: Income $23,458 Expenses 584 22,874 Gaming Account 798 Total Funds $23,672 A full Financial Report and copies of the minutes are available from the Library's Administration Office - See Lori during office hours. LETTER FROM LILLIAN "January 9, 2002 My dear Friends, It was wonderful to see you at my retirement party What a party! Thank you so much for your kind wishes and your "entertaining" gift. The VCR will come in handy and I'll make sure I don't turn into a "couch potato"...! Your Honorary Membership is also gratefully acknowledged and currently hangs in my workroom. It has been a great pleasure being associated with you. Like the other Library groups, you are dedicated, committed and hard working but what makes you special is the "homey" feeling you give to the Library.... flowers in the building, home deliveries, hosting receptions, book sales for families, comfortable armchairs, etc. which is why the library is so inviting. So keep up the good work! I shall miss you all and will stay in touch as your friendship is invaluable and should be cherished. Yours sincerely, Lillian"