Treasures of our Memorial Library OUTSTANDING ART ILLUSTRATIONS IN BOOKS When your scribe was searching for a subject to fit this column, he fortunately asked Mr. Roy Hunter, the Library's Head of Systems, if he had any suggestions. It came as no surprise to me that Mr. Hunter was able to suggest at once an appealing topic. Not only did he suggest "Fine Art in Book Illustrations" but within minutes he selected for me three fine examples. It was quickly obvious to me that the illustrations in all three books were so appealing that it was a delight to study them, even if one never read a word of the text. In all three volumes, the pictures were, as Librarians say, "tipped in". This means they were attached only along one edge, each plate applied to the centre of a blank or decorated page. The three volumes in question, like many others with striking illustrations, "hide their light under a bushel" in the Special Collection of the Reference Section. They may be seen by any patron by simply asking a librarian. These particular "goodies" include the following: "PETER PAN IN KENSINGTON GARDENS" by J.M. Barrie (1860-1937). Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. The original illustrations were dated by Rackham between 1906 A 1912. The publishers were Hodder and Stoughton. The magnificent fifty plates have become world famous. Derek Hudson wrote a monumental biography of Rackham, published in 1960 (twenty-one years after the artist's death). Hudson even understated the matter when he wrote "Despite changes of artistic taste and fashion, Arthur Rackham still enjoys a special place in the affections of two or even three generations, both in his own country (England) and in America.* The famous "RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM", by Edward Fitzgerald has deservedly appeared through many editions. The copy examined at this time was the second published by Hodder and Stoughton, dated 1918. Its gorgeous plates are surrounded by ornate golden floral borders. This book was printed by T. & A. Constable, London. "DE OUDE ANTIQUITEITENWINKEL" is a Dutch translation of Dickens' immortal "The Old Curiosity Shop". It includes twenty mouth-watering plates, from paintings by Frank Reynolds. This is an undated quarto edition, translated by P.W.J. Jorissen, and published by Blankwaardt A Schoonhoven. The coloured plates in all three of these gorgeous books have been reproduced from paintings, most or all, I believe, from watercolours. Of course, many other treasured books are illustrated from vastly different works of art -engraving or linocuts, for example. All of these can be guaranteed to bring much pleasure to any reader who expects to enjoy such books for the quality of their illustrations as well as the text. Ted Hill