Bulletin Board The bulletin board, funded by the Friends and to be shared by us, the Foundation, the Board and the Volunteers, has now been purchased and will be in place as soon as appropriate signage has been made. Youth Services - Picture Books Chief librarian Ann Goodhart presented to our September meeting the proposal for the expansion and decorations on the picture book area in the Youth Services Department This is a project which she and Julia Hedley - Head ofYouth Services - have been working on for quite some months now. The purpose of the project is to make our excellent picture book collection more appealing and more visible to patrons; to stimulate circulation of materials in this area; to expand the space and to provide additional seating in the area. Those of you who are familiar with the Youth Section will probably agree that this facility- away in the far comer - is difficult for the tittle ones find. Ann tabled a detailed breakdown of costs, with supporting material, to our September meeting. The total amount is $7,260 - and we will be taking a decision on this funding at our October 28 meeting. Receptions The Friends traditionally provide hospitality at Libraiy events, the main ones being, of course, the reception following the Remembrance Day Ceremony and Parade and the receptions hosted by the artists at die beginning of each month's Art Exhibit. Elsa O'Connor does a sterling job of organizing the monthly Art Gallery receptions. This Fall, the Library and the West Vancouver Museum and Archives are jointly sponsoring a Lecture Series whose theme is The Gold Rush This commences with a talk on October 23 by Pierre Berton entitled "The Klondike Quest" to be held at the West Vancouver Secondary School Theatre at 7.30 pm. Friends Joanna Scott, Elsa O'Connor, Noelene Harland and Joanna Knight will be assisting members of the Libraiy Foundation at this event Tickets are for sale at both the Libraiy and the Museum, and will be available at the door. The next two lectures will be held at the Libraiy on November 5 and November 19, both commencing at 7 pm. That on the 5th will be given by Neil MacLeod and is entitled "The Cremation of Sam McGee", and that on November 19 by James Delgado entited "Gold Rushes of the 19th Century". Admission to these two lectures is free. For Information call 925-7400 or 925-7295 Arrangements are in hand for our important Remembrance Day reception, and Volunteer Coordinator Betty O'Sullivan will be contacting members of the Friends soon to schedule times and duties. Book Sales The first meeting of the Working Group convened to study the feasibility and logistics of running an on-going sale of discarded books is due to meet on October 22. This group includes members of the Friends, Library Volunteers and Library Staff. A report on this meeting will be given at the Friends' next meeting on October 28.