West Vancouver Historical Society During National Heritage Week - February 16 to 21 -among the activities organized by the West Vancouver Museum and Archives was a display in the library of informational material. Cheryl McGregor kindly arranged an interesting collection of books covering both Vancouver's and Canada's heritage to accompany the display. The Historical Society meets monthly on the same evening as the Friends. Following our request, they have investigated the viability of changing their dates, but, due to the heavy use of the Seniors' Centre where they hold their meetings, this has not proved possible. Miscellany Our minutes are not circulated to members, but are available both at next month's meeting and from the library's administration office weekdays between 10am and 4pm Members are reminded that, in addition to considerable on-street parking on 20th Street north of Marine Drive, the car park on the west side of that street has six unlimited time spaces designated "Library Only". Treasures of our Memorial Library A recently acquired Treasure of the library is a set of seven volumes entitled "The Birds of North America" bought by the Friends in 1996. It was compiled and published by The American Ornithological Union and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The encyclopaedia consists of 280 chapters in the form of brochures, with 40 in each of seven handsome boxes. Each brochure runs to about 20 to 28 pages. On the front page of each brochure is a full-colour picture of the subject bird. On subsequent pages may usually be found one or two maps, charts or graphs, which may employ two or three colours, but most -with an occasional sketch - are in black and white. The extent of knowledge covered in any one of these brochures can be judged from the list of its authors. Volume 7, for instance, lists no fewer than seventy of these authorities. The sub-headings in each brochure are extremely numerous and searching. They are likely to bear titles including area distributions; distinguishing characteristics; measurements; habitats; food habits; nesting habits; mating and other behaviour, hatching; demography; populations status; conservation and management; and priorities for future research. This fabulous treasure is housed in a room just off the Reference Section. Reference Department Staff are more than happy to assist patrons in discovering this treasure- trove and in finding the way through the maze of information.