Friends of the Library Newsletter, 1 Jun 1997, p. 4

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Book Sale The Friends were pleased to learn, at our May meeting, that arrangements for this year's book sale are going well. Many, many Friends are participating in the sorting process, and a record is being kept of the "people hours" dedicated to this labour intensive but essential task. Brendan Rowell has met with representatives of our West Vancouver "blue buses", who will be displaying book sale signs during the week before the sale. The banner has been updated and will be displayed on the bridge over Marine Drive. Posters have been distributed to local businesses, shops and banks which are being prominently displayed. An initial press release, with background material, was mailed to the media on June 4, and an updated bulletin was faxed to Vancouver newspapers, journals, radio stations, Rogers Cable and the CBC on June 11. Pat Scrivener is recruiting and scheduling volunteers to work at the sale itself, and is confident of enthusiastic support. Ron Lucas has all the financial arrangements well in hand. An article about the sale has been included in this month's Library News drawing attention to the fact that our Friends' membership card admits us to the sale preview. This has proved to be an effective recruiting tool for us in past years. So, thank you everyone for all the hard work that this important event involves - especially to Wanda Osborne who has cheerfully taken on the enormous responsibility of overall organization. This year's Sale deserves to be the best one yet -"good luck" to all the Friends who so willingly give their time and expertise to this vital fundraising, high profile, event. Memorial Library Art Gallery Elsa O'Connor represents The Friends at the monthly Opening Receptions for the artist whose work is currently on display in our Art Galleries. Elsa graciously hosts these events. The reception guests are invited by the exhibiting artist. Elsa reported to our May meeting that there are not now so many guests at the receptions due to the fact that the exhibitors are now being drawn from outside the immediate West Vancouver community. Elsa told us that the artists are most appreciative of the receptions and the Friends' presence, and shared with us the lovely "thank you" cards, featuring elements of her exhibit, sent by Sharon Christian, our artist for April, to both herself and fellow host Melba Weber As Elsa told us "this makes it all worthwhile" CD-ROM Collection This collection of some 68 educational programmes is currently being catalogued. An appropriate means of recognizing our donation, in partnership with CIBC, who between us have covered the entire cost of these materials, is to be arranged. Casino Nights An updated information memorandum has been received from the B.C. Gaming Commission concerning new arrangements for Casino Volunteer Orientation. Details will be sent shortly to Friends who have kindly volunteered to assist at our possible Casino. However, since it unlikely that we will be granted a Casino licence before the end of the year, no action is required until after our summer recess. Miscellany The attractive Friends' recognition Book Plates have now been inserted in the 34 volume Dictionary of Art and the Birds of North America collection. 25 elegant blue enamel name badges have now been produced for use on official occasions. The next meeting of the Friends will be on Wednesday June 25 at 7 pm Betty Neilson Joanna Knight Ted Hill