To this end, the Foundation has raised money through its annual mail campaign. (Rainy Day Fund Campaign), the sale of umbrellas, special events, "In Memoriam" gifts, Murchie's coffee bar and art sales. Total funds raised to date exceed $200,000. Until this year, the funds raised have provided for such special priority needs as the addition to the Children's Story House, renovation of the Elizabeth Musto Meeting Room, the Cronk Study Hall, computer equipment and software, CD-ROM's, and special book collections. The Foundation also has set up an Endowment Fund to provide for future needs. Given the current provincial government cutbacks, the proceeds from the 1997 Rainy Day Fund campaign are earmarked to pick up the shortfall in the books and other learning materials acquisition budget While Bob Wyckham still continues as a wise and driving force on the Foundation Board, he has been succeeded by current Chair, David MacDonald. David is supported by 14 other board members. The Foundation supports the Library Board in its commitment to maintaining the high standards of excellence in library services, materials and facilities that our community has come to expect". "A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessities of life" .......Beecher