-3- LIBRARY VOLUNTEERS Six years ago, Alice Bacon co-ordinated the launching of what soon became a most popular Volunteer Program. After five years, when Alice retired, Heather Tremain took over. In August of this year, the volunteers sadly said farewell to her when Heather left for London, England to continue her education at the Prince of Wales School of Architecture. The volunteers have now welcomed a new Manager, Anne Graves. Anne, who grew up on the North Shore, is very excited to now be working at the West Vancouver Memorial Library. The volunteers range in agefromHigh School students to retirees. They now number over sixty, and work on a roster system in groups of six to eight. They are responsible for a number of tasks within the Library that support the smooth rurining and high quality of the services that the West Vancouver Memorial Library offers. This fall, the Volunteer Program is recruiting for additional volunteers to fill up the current nine volunteer shifts. Recruitment will replace a number of positions held by students who have returned to school. The program is also expanding the group of on-call volunteers to ensure that additional volunteers are available for peak periods and to cover volunteers who are on holiday. For anyone interested in becoming a volunteer in the Library, please telephone Anne Graves at 925-7407, or fill out an application at the Library's Registration Desk. On Saturday, October 5th, North Shore Community Services hosted the annual North Shore Volunteer Fair at Park Royal's South Mall. Volunteers staffed West Vancouver Memorial Library's display and promoted the Volunteer Program, Friends of the Library and the Memorial Library Foundation. They also handed out information and book marks and sold umbrellas for the "Rainy Day Fund." It was a successful event and provided another new and interesting volunteer experience while promoting the Library. THE DICTIONARY OF ART Funds raised by the group of Friends, chieflyfromthe annual June Book Sale, are donated to the Library in response to various special needs. The latest example of this is thefinancingby the Friends of the purchase of the magnificent Dictionary of Art. This will be a unique addition to the West Vancouver Memorial Library's collection. The Dictionary is described as "An International Triumph": Written by 6,700 art scholars from 120 countries, The Dictionary of Art is the most comprehensive art reference tool ever to be published. Prepared to the mostrigorousstandards, this landmark work provides exhaustive and authoritative reference to the visual arts of all the world's cultures, in all eras from prehistory to the present time. .../4